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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2015 in all areas

  1. Are you saying certain symbols might repel certain unwanted Yankees, hmmm.........
    10 points
  2. My ancestors had no dog in this hunt as far as War Between The States as they never landed on American shores until 1878. I was born and raised above the Mason Dixon line until I went in the service in 1966. After I completed military service in 92 we moved to Tennessee and have been happy to call the south our home. Regardless what anyone says I see this unfortunate war caused by many reasons...not just one as so many claim. I've never felt the need to fly the Stars and Bars but on the other hand I've never been offended by it. I fly the Stars and Stripes from the front of my house and Gadsden Flag off the side of my workshop out back. With all the total nonsense lately about the Stars and Bars I now find it necessary to add it to the side of my workshop. I hope you born and bred southerners don't take offense by that. If you do then tough toenails. I'll be adding a small flag to my sig line here if I can find one I feel is appropriate in size. God Bless the United States of America and God Bless Dixie.
    7 points
  3. Not to high jack this thread, I have no problems with Yankees (shhh! I married one), but I do have problems with Yankees that try to change the way we live here, like making fun of our accents, not liking they way we run our schools, not liking our churches, not liking the way we run our politics, buying up all of the farm land which increases other land values, making fun of our rednecks, etc.  There is a reason this state is a state, and we should not be just an extension of say Ohio, Michigan, NY, IL, IN, etc.  You want to live in Tennessee, you are welcome here, be legal, and just blend in without changing the taste of Tennessee.   I think that is the problem of the U.S. in general, you want to live here, you are welcome to live here and to call it home, just do it legally, blend in without changing it!  :2cents:
    5 points
  4. Just as a point of clarification, the nickname "stars and bars" refers to the Confederate first national flag not the battle flag. The battle flag was never a flag of the Confederate government, but was mainly a flag used by individual companies on the field of battle. A rectangular version of the battle flag was also used as a naval jack.
    4 points
  5. Q - Where'd you catch all them fish? A - Out in the lake.
    3 points
  6. I'm happy for you but advertising it ain't doing you no favors.  Broadcast an edible carcass and ALL the buzzards will show up.  The range may even see the value in it and put a stop to it all together.  Charlie Haffner got smart and if you didn't shoot it, you can't pick it up.  He sells it and makes a good little chunk of change from it.  I don't blame him at all.  I would do the same.   In a few words, ALWAYS keep a good thing under your hat.  Just my opinion which ain't worth much.
    3 points
  7. A couple of years ago, I was shooting at another range in another state.  The club "brass rat" was there perched like a vulture waiting for the next piece of brass to hit the ground.  Rather that get cross with him as most members did, I said "Charlie, you should go out to Cavalier and scrounge brass.  They had a glock shoot there yesterday and the brass is ankle deep on every position".  I could see the pain in his eyes when he remembered that his membership at that club had been cancelled and he could not get in without a passcard and if he could, he would be arrested for trespass..     Every time I saw him thereafter, i would invent some story about mountains of brass laying on the ground in areas he could not access.   Sadistic, maybe, but it felt good.
    2 points
  8. Sample knife is built. Dave will send me pictures tomorrow, I will post them this knife is going to be Bad-ass!
    2 points
  9. Despite what every tv show, basspro & guy at the gas station tells you, you don't need 70# shooting 300+ fps to kill a deer. I have killed my fair share, as have many of my friends, with recurve in the 40# range. The trick is to up your arrow weight. None of this 5gn per pound crap, whack a 500gn arrow from a 40# bow, with a sold FIXED BLADE broadhead & there isn't a deer made will stand up to it. Keep your shots to 20yds & under & don't worry one jot about her arrow speed. My 43# selfbow shoots a 530gn arrow at around 130fps. So far I've killed 2 deer & four decent hogs with it, all between 10 & 16yds. All but one hog were complete passthrough s
    2 points
  10. El Conquistador,  That's pretty good.  About as good as Il Duce naming his the Titanic so when he plugs it up it says "The Titanic is Syncing"   
    2 points
  11. The part I hate the most is they did away with the "Shuffle All" at the top of your song list. That is how I generally listen to music. Now I have to tell Siri to do it. And if I don't have an Internet connection, I guess it's, "Screw you, El Conquistador." (My phone calls me El Conquistador.)
    2 points
  12. Don't know what the law is there but would have been misuse of 911 here.
    2 points
  13. I think it's important to look at Allen West in light of where he exists. The comparison with Sharpton, though harsh - is not as far off as it may sound. West is no longer a "public servant" - though he remains in the public sphere. This alone is probably illustrative of his intent and ambitions. Upon losing the election in 18th district of Florida, he accepted a handsome salary to be a pundit at Fox News. As such - his job as it exists today - isn't to serve a constituency, it's not to move the dialog on a given issue forward. Rather, it's to sell the message that his bosses - in this case Murdoch's 21st Century Fox want him to deliver to the public. Sure, he has a say in that dialog, but he makes a handsome salary delivering it. He is in essence a foil to the likes of Sharpton, but he's a salesman all the same. This is the light within which I primarily view him as a politician. Beyond that, I've a great deal of respect for anyone who willingly signs a contract to put on the uniform of the United States military and defend our country. I can even understand the circumstances and the logic that led to his decisions in Taji. Those decisions however, probably ought to disqualify him for any higher office. I know there's a great clammer in certain circles to get him to throw his hat in the ring for president. I just can't see a Commander in Chief who's held a mock execution for a prisoner that was under his control.
    2 points
  14. Why don't you add some nascar slander and make fun of cheap beer while you're at it and make yourself a little southern troll trifecta.
    2 points
  15.   While everybody fusses about this and that, comparing episodes and whole seasons, whatever .. I'll just say I've enjoyed the whole thing plenty enough to keep watching. And that's quite a bit actually, as I'm not all that keen on ongoing serial type productions in the first place.   - OS
    2 points
  16.    The worst losers of all were the nine people whose murders were immediately forgotten in the headlong rush to get rid of the flag.
    2 points
  17.   Link, I'm just curious, is there anyone you actually do like? Over the years I've watched you bitch about every political figure that is mentioned on this forum. You've complained about liberals, conservatives and everyone in between.   I just reread West's post and I don't see any mention of blaming blacks for the flag coming down. He actually said the liberal media got the ball rolling.    I think his post has a lot of valid points personally. 
    2 points
  18. Armor Black and Satin aluminum cerakote. Just needs a nice set of VZ grips. [URL=http://s1371.photobucket.com/user/amendment2customcoating/media/Browning%20Hi%20Power/WP_20150712_16_41_34_Pro_zps2ljpfeg4.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s1371.photobucket.com/user/amendment2customcoating/media/Browning%20Hi%20Power/WP_20150712_16_41_18_Pro_zpsojrgwqix.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s1371.photobucket.com/user/amendment2customcoating/media/Browning%20Hi%20Power/WP_20150711_12_24_38_Pro_zpsfeull2mj.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s1371.photobucket.com/user/amendment2customcoating/media/Browning%20Hi%20Power/WP_20150711_12_24_21_Pro_zpsl1etaggv.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  19. Possible a couple of ya here that like an ole lever action. This a made in '74 Marlin that looks like it just arrived via time machine. And not a bad little shooter either.http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a203/sidinslinger/Mobile%20Uploads/20150710_093008_zpsutwgrlle.jpg~original
    1 point
  20. Lol I know that all too well. It makes the grunts wildly uncomfortable. ...especially when you get creative and tell their battalion commander he is not getting secure SAT because the gravitational pull of the full moon is moving the INMARSAT off track...called it Lunar Polarity Abduction Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  21. What couch?  I ain't married!
    1 point
  22.   Speaking of which, it seems there were insufficient funds to steal and pay my cable bill this month due to purchases at www myadultmantoys com.  What in the world were they selling that caused you to blow 3 months' pay in one day???
    1 point
  23.   Well maybe not every little syllable....
    1 point
  24. The best .22Hornet? Why that would be a Winchester Model 70 pre-'64 Featherweight. Doesn't really need an explanation why.
    1 point
  25. I have the 358315 too. Never cared for it, too much unsupported nose. It's not really a bore rider so the nose can and will wander under the stress of heavier loads. ....but then again, I don't much care for bore riders either. Hit me up this winter and I might cast you a few 35-200's when start casting again. Until daytime temps top out around 50 degrees, I ain't casting nothing! Lol!
    1 point
  26. 200g lead pill? Well that won't cut it. What mold? If you ain't using an RCBS 35-200 your cheating yourself. It may be the finest 35 caliber bullet ever designed for the 35 remington. I kept mine just in case I ever get back into 35 remington. I ended getting into 358 Winchester so I still use it on occasion but prefer a 230g Thor. The 230g probably wouldn't feed in the Marlin though. Too long I'm betting. A 35 Remington with a 200g cast bullet is a bang flop cartridge. Put it in the engine room and deer just die, right there.
    1 point
  27. Robert It was a fun short match perfect for a hot day.
    1 point
  28. i love the frame mounted safety on these verses the slide mounted one . Good job on getting it :up:
    1 point
  29. And I was so looking forward to gangster rifle shooting.  :eek:
    1 point
  30. Why own  a .30-30 when you can own a .35?   :)
    1 point
  31. +1   "Regrettably once an individual becomes a public figure their greatest works and accomplishments are often overshadowed or marred by past behavior."   Unless you're a Democrat.
    1 point
  32.     LOL. That does happen sometimes. It bites...but happens.   We've got tomatoes coming out our ears! Our cukes struggled...but we managed to put up 28 quarts of kosher dill pickles. We have our second planting of bush beans coming along nicely. And I saw the first blooms on our okra this morning.   Our banana peppers have been producing nicely for about 3-4 weeks now. I've had one good picking from our jumbo jalapeno pepper plants (have 2 of 'em)...but enough to enjoy some cheese stuffed bacon wrapped jalapenos. :pleased:   Our bell pepper plant is just starting to produce...I thought it was an jalapeno as well...since that is what it was labeled...   We grow in raised beds fwiw and the recent rains have really helped the plants along. They grow much better with rain water versus me watering them with the hose during that long hot, dry spell we had.
    1 point
  33. In Tennessee, it is illegal, for some reason, to hunt small game with a center fire cartridge; excepting shotguns of course. A 22 Hornet works great, as does a 38 Special wadcutter; but they aren't a legal means of doing so.   It would be quite the turkey popper as well, but again, no dice in Tennessee.
    1 point
  34.     The holsters are still not easy to find, I ordered one from Israel, I should have this one late next week,   http://www.zahal.org/products/imi-z1300-polymer-holster-for-jericho-941-fl
    1 point
  35. I had a '72 model that I used for several years. I loved that rifle but for some reason traded it off. I recently ran across an '81 model that looks like a new one. It cost me but I brought it home. It is hard to beat the 35Rem, especially in a Marlin, for close range deer hunting. I usually carry my 308 or 6.8SPCII but I look forward to getting the 35 back out this fall.
    1 point
  36. I've had one like it for 25 years or so and it's still my favorite.  The .35 Rem. in a Marlin is hard to beat for me.  
    1 point
  37. back in 72/73 i got one for $75.00 new with several boxes of ammo.  i guy i knew got it and had rent coming up.  his wife pitch a fit when she found out he got a new deer gun and could not pay the rent.  he did not even get a chance to shoot it.  i paid the rent, took the gun and ammo home.  still got it, one hell of a gun for just about anything you can get into around here.  i get my ammo from wal mart and sometimes reload it.  the 35 rem and 30-30 lever guns are the best all around rifle in my book. 
    1 point
  38. The mag catch will hold up, i have a custom side mount 100 rdnutsacks and 180rd uptight saw box...
    1 point
  39. Those look really good. I may just have to join you in ordering one.   Now the hard part...picking just one.
    1 point
  40.   Load the mags? LOL need gorilla hands to do it when the mags are fresh.
    1 point
  41. Here's a couple more pics. and one of a target from a day ago. The target is at 50 yds. using a 200gr. lead pill and 24.0 grs of IMR4198, in the first six shots. and the last 2 at top were 24.5 grs. Then 2 at the bottom were the first after getting it on paper then the 4 in the middle were after another slight adjustment of the rear sight.http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a203/sidinslinger/Mobile%20Uploads/20150710_094624_zpscrjt60gz.jpg~originalhttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a203/sidinslinger/Mobile%20Uploads/20150711_134216_zps7ok0kesh.jpg~originalhttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a203/sidinslinger/Mobile%20Uploads/20150710_092035_zpsrhcymco2.jpg~original      
    1 point
  42. I agree. Never let a good crisis go to waste.
    1 point
  43. I wouldn't call it bitching simply because you don't agree with my opinions. For the record, I really dislike politicians and cable news personalities because they pit hard working Americans against one another. I've read your post for years, and you are no dummy. I'm certain that you can see that if these clowns couldn't play conservative against liberal and black against white, there would be no need for them. The people must always be angry or afraid for cable news and nuts like a West and Sharpton to remain relevant. Who or what says that I must like a certain politician or cable celebrity? If you've followed my post as you claim that you have, you will see mentioned somewhere that over the last couple of election cycles I mentioned that I've favored Ron and Rand Paul. I can even recall a former member complaining that I was wasting my vote by not voting for Romney.
    1 point
  44.     No decocker, just a safety, for the money it impresses me seems to be a great gun. I plan on carrying it cocked and locked one of the reasons I pulled the trigger and bought one
    1 point
  45. A true geek knows it is spelled "Klaatu barada nikto" :)   Don't feel bad though, even Ash blew it in Army of Darkness. ;)   - OS    
    1 point
  46. So now we get ready for the 9mmJHP shortage?
    1 point
  47. Cool rig. I worked on this guy's gun one time a few years ago.   http://www.trevorbaucom.com/
    1 point
  48. Too funny.  I knew from the title of the post that this would be about a Glock!!!!  It took me several years to drink that koolaid, too.  But eventually, I succumbed.......I love my Gen 4 Glock 19.  Enjoy with reckless abandon!!!
    1 point
  49. It will be used to water my garden, wash the vehicles, etc...I plan on putting one of them high dollar ceramic filters inline when i can afford it lol :)   I just shut it off a few minutes ago, it took about an hour to pump 250 gallons up the hill into the tote..Good enough for me :D
    1 point
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