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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2015 in all areas

  1.    The worst losers of all were the nine people whose murders were immediately forgotten in the headlong rush to get rid of the flag.
    5 points
  2. I got a transfer/promotion to move back to Knoxville with my company. We could not be happier. It's been a long 4 years. We've had some fun down here but I'm ready to be back at home.
    5 points
  3. Lt. Colonel Allen West posted these comments on his timeline on Facebook 9 hours ago.   "Yippee, the Confederate battle flag has now been removed from the grounds of the South Carolina State Capitol. And, just like that, it solves the problem of black-on-black crime and killings. Now we’ll see the out-of-wedlock   birthrate in the black community drop from 75%. There will be better educational opportunities and schools in South Carolina’s black communities and all across America. The black unemployment rate will drop —especially the   almost 40% black teenage unemployment rate. We’ll now see an economic entrepreneurial boon in the inner cities because the Confederate battle flag’s been lowered. And there’ll be no more gangs of blacks beating on   whites — as we saw in Ohio recently. Yep, the liberal progressive media shouted "squirrel" and an entire nation went a running. All the yelling and shouting by the crowds was evidence of those who lack grace, respect and   dignity. Former South Carolina Gamecocks football coach Lou Holtz remarked that when you get to the end zone, you should act like you’ve been there before. So what does the lowering of the Confederate battle flag have to   do with the killing of little seven-year-old Amari Brown in Chicago — anyone know when his funeral is?"   For those who aren't familiar with Colonel West, he is a black retired Army officer and former member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
    4 points
  4. My take on it was that he was saying that while removing the flag might have made some folks feel better, it really accomplished nothing substantive for black Americans. - that at the end of the day, all of the problems they had when the flag was up they still had when the flag was down.     Agree about corporate pressure bringing the flag down. I think State government saw big corporate bucks going out the window if the flag stayed up.  
    4 points
  5. Yep, it was quite a find. I hope the tank and other weapons don't end up scrapped.   But in today's climate...that's a pretty good chance of happening.   Can't have those pesky historical reminders hanging around.
    4 points
  6. For all you fellow syfy geeks. Gort lives!   One of the best of all SyFy movies was running tonight on TCM. I didn't know until scanning for something to watch.   My wife didn't appreciate my watching it. lol    
    3 points
  7.   Link, I'm just curious, is there anyone you actually do like? Over the years I've watched you bitch about every political figure that is mentioned on this forum. You've complained about liberals, conservatives and everyone in between.   I just reread West's post and I don't see any mention of blaming blacks for the flag coming down. He actually said the liberal media got the ball rolling.    I think his post has a lot of valid points personally. 
    3 points
  8. Then don't even look at a centerfire. Life's short, then you're dead. The span between is too precious to waste on "settling" especially for something as small as this. I would look at a CZ 455. You won't disappointed. CZ build nice rifles.
    3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. A true geek knows it is spelled "Klaatu barada nikto" :)   Don't feel bad though, even Ash blew it in Army of Darkness. ;)   - OS    
    3 points
  11. So I'm going through the moving checklist that was given to us by our mortgage lender and one of the items says to drain all outdoor equipment including propane tank from BBQ grill.   Obviously I understand it's flammable but is this really necessary? It will be going in the back of the rental truck and I'll secure it so that it won't roll around.     We're thrilled to be moving back to TN in just 8 days!
    2 points
  12. Yep. But there again, if he really loves her, like i love mine, like everyone should love theirs, how COULD he do ANY less? I couldn't live without mine and I damn sure wouldn't wanna live knowing I might still have her had I done what a man should.
    2 points
  13. After they initially denied the claim we submitted documentation as well as our own video proof and viola they are going to repair it.   I think the fact the Walmart had one video showing the employee did not damage it then the video from the day of the damage was not able to be found may have helped. They submitted two videos showing the vehicle but the one that actually showed the employee damaging the vehicle was no able to be located, imagine that. I think a lack of evidence by the store, the lies they told and our evidence swayed the investigator our way.   I would really like to see the video because the repair people have said for the type of damage that occurred he must have been hanging from it.   And what would be more important for me would be an apology by the Walmart mechanic and the Walmart supervisor who lied to protect themselves.
    2 points
  14. Good schools, lots of churches, lots of shopping, and rural lifestyle?  Williamson County just outside of metro Nashville is likely where you want to consider.   http://www.williamsoncounty-tn.gov/   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Williamson_County,_Tennessee#Demographics
    2 points
  15.   From what I have read here, I don't think anyone is saying to carry a gun in spite of a homeowner's wishes.  Rather that carrying is a non-issue that they don't feel the need to ask a homeowner anymore than they need to ask a business owner who hasn't posted a sign.  In other words, lack of specific prohibition notice equates to the "king" is ok with you carrying.   Let's take the "man's home is castle" analogy a little further.  Did each and every knight remove his sword before entering the castle?  Or did the king (at least then non-paranoid ones) understand that an armed man can enter his domain without automatically being a danger?  Did the king not even expect his guest to potentially defend the castle if needed?   I'll share a quote from a poster on GeorgiaPacking.Org that I find relevant to this situation:      I completely understand that you can make rules for your own property, but I don't think you should get upset if someone breaks a rule they don't know about.
    2 points
  16. I am a firm believer that a person's home is their castle and they have every right to choose who they let into it or not for whatever reason(s). Same way I believe every business has every right to do the same. The simple solution to this whole issue is to make it known before it happens instead of freaking out when does. If you don't want to do it verbally with every house guest put a gun-busters sign/sticker up on your door, or come up with some other method to make it loud and clear. I don't notify every single business I walked into that I armed and make sure it is kosher with them, nor do I do that when visiting friends and family's homes. I don't see this as a respect or disrespect issue because to me my carry guns are not a taboo thing. They are simply tools, just another part of my edc attire. Every time you go out in public, whether knowingly or unknowingly, you are around other people who are armed. I guess I just don't see the difference just because you have invited them into your home. If you do, well that is your prerogative but I still say you need to make it known ahead of time or not freak out when ya find out someone is carrying. 
    2 points
  17. R/V's generally carry their propane tanks on the trailers tongue or an under carriage storage locker and those I've studied were grounded. Point A to Point B short transports for purposes of cylinder exchange are limited duration risks. Moving a propane tank in the back of a rental moving truck is a bad ideal and I recommend against it. Turn it in, get your tank refund back and pick up another tank when you get moved in. Think along these lines: If the tank lights off and no ones injured or killed you'll still lose everything in the truck. You might also be held liable for damages by having the propane tank in the moving truck to begin with.     
    1 point
  18.   http://www.lynxguide.com/bm/Products/InputDevices/index.shtml   uses key combinations on a keyboard to send the signal, these things are fantastic, especially for large organizations - can automatically notify security/police down to the room number and which side of the room they are on when entering.   Don't come cheap though.
    1 point
  19.   Yeah, all they had to do to determine he was ineligible was to verify that he was still under a felony charge. For some reason due to "database error", the FBI could not. So they must have found "something" but couldn't pin it down or whatever.   Still don't see why they keep mentioning the "statement" he made at the scene of the arrest had anything to do with it. There's nothing on 4473 about one's having "said" anything in the past as a disqualifying condition.   Just same old story I guess, ie, the federal government doesn't do much of anything very well.   - OS
    1 point
  20. Consider Mount Juliet. East side of Nashville. 15 minutes from the airport, 25 minutes from Grand ol Opry.... good schools, low crime... 
    1 point
  21. Hmm, makes me wonder if I can sell em a new state logo....... oh wait......
    1 point
  22. Wow! Looks like I am going to have to make a mag pouch to carry at least 7 mags.
    1 point
  23. He's about to get another chance at it. http://m.imdb.com/title/tt4189022/
    1 point
  24. Yeah I would like to see the no guns signs criminal offense gone too.  I think that would be the easiest thing to change and would legalize a lot of places for people with permits just like this new park law.
    1 point
  25. Ok, I have been pondering this for quite some time and I am finally ready to get some thoughts on the issue. My father and his family was of German descent. My Mothers side of the family was mostly Cherokee Indian descent. with this being known what does that make me? German/Cherokee American  I was born in America so in my mind I am just a Red Blooded American and not a German/Cherokee. My point being if a black man/woman is born and raised in America is he or she not just a plain American just like myself. What is wrong with just being a plain American that the people of the Black race need that African American Label when in all reality they are just an American? Yea I am proud of my heritage but not to the point I want to wear it on my shirt sleeves for everyone to know. Would just like opinions.
    1 point
  26. I would like to have that caliber in an encore rifle. Handguns like that spook me.
    1 point
  27. Bersa... You have put your finger on a great problem plaguing the good ole USA... The liberal intelligentsia has been feedin baloney to most everybody that would listen for the last 50 years or so about "...da man dun put you down because you are a_____________(...fill in the blank...)..."...   It is tribalism pure and simple... Pit one group against another and lead them around like children... Its a technique to divide, not unite... The goal is to have liberal oligarchs (...and some republican ones too..) who order you around, while tellin you they are helpin your particular "tribe"; when nothin could be further from the truth...   It's akin to peein down somebody's leg while tellin them your are helpin them...    leroy
    1 point
  28. I like it...! Where do we get one...?!   leroy
    1 point
  29. Trigger in Sig 716. Pictures suck, but too lazy to pull out the Nikon DSLR, so cell pics will have to do. Not sure if these cell pics are good enough to see much, but here they are anyway. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  30. Some of the junk came in yesterday... Already installed the S3G in the Sig 716 with a once fired brass case in the chamber to give the FP something to hit. Man, all I got to say is with the 3.25lb spring, it's sweet! I can't WAIT to hit the range with this thing! I'm pretty sure I'll put the SD3G in my Mega pistol build.... Now I'm kicking myself for not buying a couple more of these things while they were cheap! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  31. Are you moving for a job? What sort of work do you do? It takes about 8 hours to drive from one end of the state to the other, and it represents a pretty broad swath of people, cities and communities. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  32. I dont know why they don't program distress codes into the security systems. One code to open normally, another code opens but triggers a silent alarm simultaneously.
    1 point
  33. Yep, it was meant for gershootenfighten, not gersmackenfighten.
    1 point
  34. With AR parts kits?   While the knowledge might be readily available, most people can't put in a trigger spring the right way the first time.  They're not going to make the leap to drilling the extra holes in receivers, milling out material, sourcing the needed parts and pulling that all off successfully.   The folks who are going to break the law and risk it on something like that are few and far between - at least in legitimate gun ownership circles.    I'd say for 100 parts kits sold, at least 99 end up being used for their intended purpose - whether a cheap build or full race dragon,
    1 point
  35. Count me in the number that keeps his semi.  With rounds being so scarce and expensive, why would I want to make an auto?  Besides, even when I didn't have to pay for it, I can count on my fingers the amount of times I went full auto (in an AR) in 21 years and never in combat.
    1 point
  36. Welcome to the group and to the state. I recommend Fraklin, or certain parts of Murfreesboro mostly east of Interstate 24 like Blackman or Triune. Good luck with the move
    1 point
  37. I have a white friend born in south africa. He is a US citizen now. He calls himself an african American much to the dismay of others.
    1 point
  38. No different than the way I feel about people I don't know who appear to be unarmed honestly. It is not a matter of fear, paranoia or being "on guard" all the time as much as it is just paying attention to what is happening around you. Of the people whom I would invite to my house, I obviously trust them and therefore I trust their judgement well enough not to bring any shady characters around. That said, if someone were to give me an uneasy feeling, whether armed or not, I will politely ask my friend and their guest to leave. I will not compromise my family's or my own safety for the sake of sparing someone else's feelings.    For all the folks who are bent out of shape about having an armed house guest who has done nothing except for being armed I have to ask....., have you never been to a public shooting range where you are surrounded by armed people that you don't know??? People who are actually handling and shooting their guns near you??? This whole conversation is mind boggling to me. 
    1 point
  39. You can see in the first video the female officer puller her taser out first. Then, when she realized it was a bit more serious she drew her lethal firearm and that is why there is a delay. She pulls the taser at 0:51 in the first video then by 0:54 she has transitioned to her sidearm.   I would not convict her or even question her actions.
    1 point
  40. For those not familiar Lynne Russell not only was a long time anchor for CNN but at the same time worked as a private investigator, had a carry permit, and worked as a reserve deputy all while working at CNN. Not exactly the typical CNN anchor personality..... Her husband Chuck De Caro is a former SF soldier member 20th SF Group. These were the WRONG people to try to rob.....  For the rest of us, read the story of what happened....   How often do we consider getting in a gunfight right as we get out of the shower? With our wife in the room as potential backstop? Your gunfight might not be what you previously envisioned.....   And we see AGAIN, hits to the abdomen do NOT always stop people....De Caro took 1 to the leg, 2 to the abdomen and still killed the other guy and survived . Peripheral hits MIGHT stop someone but often do not. Plan accordingly. If your idea of marksmanship with a pistol is "minute of man" then you might want to rethink that .....
    1 point
  41.   A significant part of good manners is tactful discreetness. :)   - OS
    1 point
  42. Well how stupid can you be pull any thing that looks like a gun on two LOE. At least he is white don't have to worry about Al Sharpton showing up to try and start a civil war
    1 point
  43. The issue with the signs involves a couple of considerations.    First, it is generally illegaly to have a firearm in public, including in the parks, unless you have a permit.  So, the argument goes in the Alice in Wonderland halls of the legislature that its still a crime but permit holders, like perhaps law enforcement, are just an exception.  They don't usually print the exceptions, just the general rule.   Second, this game about printing signs that accurate state the law is necessary to avoid "fiscal notes."  Fiscal notes are budget estimates in the legislature.  They are used, or misused more accurately, in the House to route legislation to certain "black hole committees" like House Finance (chaired by Charles Sargent) and House Finance Subcommittee (chaired by Mike Harrison) so that such bills can be killed by as few as 5 or 6 "no" votes.  Thus, as has happened with the "permitless open carry" legislation in 2014 and 2015 by Rep. VanHuss and Sen. Beavers, these bills receive misleading if not fraudulent fiscal estimates from the Haslam administration (e.g., cost to print "concealed" on the permits if the law passes) and these estimates then automatically send these bills to these black hole committees where members who are blindly loyal to leadership will dispense with them.  So, in an attempt to avoid these fiscal notes, legislators are being forced to put language into bills to prohibit any state money being spent if the law passes such as prohibiting changing signs unless in the ordinary course of maintenance or otherwise posting new signs. It is a game we should not have to play but because we have group of individuals in legislative leadership who are willing to abuse the committee system so as to disenfranchise most voters, we have to play it until the rules are rewritten to be "fair" as opposed to what is politely called "efficient".
    1 point
  44.   Sadly buddy, that concept has almost totally disappeared from our lives.   The concepts of personal responsibility one was taught in 2 places.   At home, by working caring parents. And at schools that did more than take attendance and hold them for 6-8 hours per day and fill their heads with nonsense.
    1 point
  45. Having been going and participating in gun shows since I was in short pants the '60s. There has not been a good gun show in middle Tennessee since the '80s. The commercial shows are just flea markets with gun gear and professional purveyors, jewelry, Jerky, Chinese knives and anything else the promoter can get to fill tables. Here and there you might see  a true gun collector. If you are looking for parts or deals the way to go is the NET. An unfortunate reality. It's like going into most gun stores now... Black rifle...Black rifle... Plastic pistol...Plastic pistol. Newest internet plastic fantastic crap.   That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :2cents:
    1 point
  46. Having your vehicles serviced at Walmart is roughly akin to expecting to get a gourmet meal through the McDonald's drive-through window ...
    1 point
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