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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2015 in all areas

  1. This thread has been dormant for a year. If you have a problem with it, that's your fault. Don't expect TGO or the board software company to make things right. You should have brought it up sooner.
    5 points
  2. The kids filed into class Monday morning. They were all very excited.  Their weekend assignment was to sell something, then give a talk on salesmanship .     Little Sally led off.  "I  sold Girl Scout cookies and I made $30" she said proudly.  "My  sales approach was to appeal to the customer's civil spirit and I credit that approach for my obvious success."     "Very good", said the teacher.     Little Debbie was next.  "I sold magazines" she said.  "I  made $45 and I explained to everyone that magazines would keep them up on current events."     "Very good, Debbie", said the teacher.     Eventually, it was Little Johnny 's turn.  The teacher held her breath. Little Johnny walked to the front of the classroom and dumped a box full of cash on the teacher's desk.  "$2,467", he said.     "$2,467!" cried the teacher, "What in the world were you selling?"     "Toothbrushes", said Little   Johnny .     "Toothbrushes", echoed the teacher.  "How could you possibly sell enough tooth brushes to make that much money?"     "I found the busiest corner in town", said Little Johnny .  "I set up a Dip Chip stand and I gave everybody who walked by a free sample."  They all said the same thing; "Hey, this tastes like dog poop !"  I would say, "It is dog poop . Wanna buy a toothbrush?"  I used the President Obama method of giving you some crap, dressing it up so it looks good, telling you it's free and then making you pay to get the bad taste out of your mouth."     Little Johnny got five stars for his assignment.     Bless his little heart.  
    4 points
  3. About 8 years ago I found an injured Hummingbird near one of my many feeders and I picked it up and was surprised to see it was still alive in the hot weather. I brought it inside and made a small paper bed in a small box for it. Then I thought it might be hungry so I put some nectar in a bottle cap and that little bird was starved. I think she drank about a 1/3 of a cap full only taking brief breaks. I called TWRA and asked them where they took their wild creatures that were injured for help and they said Waldrens Puddle and gave me directions. I took the bird to them and gave them $50.00 donation. They sent me pictures on line of the bird during it's recovery and sent me a short video of it in their trough net cage and finally that Fall they sent me a video of the birds release all healthy and ready for migration south. I have tried to send them something every month since then................. :up:
    3 points
  4. If you were born here, you're American.  Period.  Goodbye, The End!     I despise racial/ethnic monikers added as a Pre-fix to American.  No got'dangit, you're American or you ain't.  Stick that other crap where the sun don't shine.     Not that I'm against being proud of where you come from, BUT, this country is a melting pot.  By adding these prefixes you identify yourself as something OTHER than american and as such, are refusing to melt.  You cannot make a strong alloy if one of the components won't melt and mix thoroughly.  Again, i'm not opposed to identifying lineage but it comes SECOND to being an American.  NOT first.  
    3 points
  5. I did this time after failing to do so last time and got my butt chewed. They listened to the voice mail recording and filed a report and told me to be careful for a while. They did also request my phone number and phone carrier and said they would see if it could be back traced to the to the sender of the voice mail. I have it saved on my phone.
    2 points
  6. Seriously, people take crap to seriously. I was in Walmart parking lot headed to the gas pumps, had no stop sigh or white stripe on the road. I pull out and this guy slams on his brake, snarls at me and flips me off. He got realky mad when I just smiled and waved. I don't get why everyone is so mad going through life.
    2 points
  7. Sam Hoster - he's a 1911 wizard. He also does refinishing and general gunsmithing. http://www.customdefensellc.com/index.html
    2 points
  8. lol some idiot left you a *recording* of his voice, with threats, from a phone number that is probably still traceable from the phone company and cops even if he blocked caller ID .... call the police.
    2 points
  9. ...and for the record (pun intended) I wouldn't buy an album from KMart or Walmart for a long time because they sold Edited versions. Having an album with the label on it was a badge of honor when I was in school.
    2 points
  10. bersaguy, your question is best answered by what's on your birth certificate for reporting purposes. I'm not certain of the percentage factor but if your Mother has/had the proper paperwork you might be eligible for free fishing licenses. Additionally there are excellent scholarships opportunities.
    2 points
  11. Then build a basement with cement floors and humidity control.  
    2 points
  12. If your floorboards aren't sagging, keep buying.
    2 points
  13.     If you're asking, you ain't bought enough yet.  
    2 points
  14. I've had one forever, it seems. Got one of the 9mm/41AE kits when they came out, and I really don't remember when. Even still have about 1000 rounds of the Israeli Sampson ammo. in 41.   Good pistol, just heavy for my taste. Haven't shot it in quite a while. Maybe time to try it again.
    2 points
  15. I'm sorry but if you fire a weapon you are 100 percent responsible for where that bullet goes. It is negligent to fire into the air, period.
    2 points
  16. I'm surprised this thread is still going.  Just for the record, GF informed me that she had already informed the host that I carry and he was completely fine with it. So the gun stayed on me. Good food, good folks and a good time was had by all.  However, despite all the worry and warnings, I didn't have to shoot anybody.  :shrug:
    2 points
  17. :bat: :yuck: [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JMH42/media/Stinky2_zpsfbc4rxmu.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  18. [URL=http://s29.photobucket.com/user/luke9511/media/tanksb.jpeg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  19. Apparently I missed the actual event and the viral re death...still like the Christmas Guest...
    1 point
  20. List them on gunbroker... may can get $20-$30 for them... not a high wear piece... now Kris may shoot his enough to wear one out but not a high demand. We're close, got one completed and running. Working on his now. https://vimeo.com/132889870
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Well don't pull out in front of me any more! :D
    1 point
  23. Lol if he truly wanted to try to pound your head into mush he would have tried it when he had the opportunity instead of calling with threats. I'm sorry this happened to you.
    1 point
  24. Funny that you posted this, I just order over the weekend 1,000 rounds of Federal from the same source.  Didn't need it, but I was really thinking now is the time to buy as well.  I am still flushed with other ammo, and I have large quantities of reloading supplies too.  I think I am shifting more away from hard assets to expendable assets.  Reading survival books in a what if SHTF event is starting to shift my thinking.
    1 point
  25. We can thank that stuck up skanky bitch Tipper for her efforts with the PMRC for that waste of ink. I mean, a God forbid a parent take an interest in what their kids are listening to and make a judgement on that by themselves.
    1 point
  26. Now that I am no longer a contractor and am a full time Vandy employee I can start building a better ammo stash Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  27. I don't know about you, but i'm sticking with "honky"! :no1:
    1 point
  28. Good quality pistols and good value for the dollar and if your all about all metal pistols are hard to beat.
    1 point
  29. Forget the doughnuts....   I just got back from the GGC range.  With all of the rain and sunshine we've been having - - -  :dropjaw:   Bring your Weed Eaters! 
    1 point
  30. Cool! Great guns. They're nice and hefty making 9mm a breeze to shoot.... not that 9 is a challenging caliber to start with. :-) I look forward to the range report!
    1 point
  31. I've known black people who consider the term "African American" offensive as they have never been to Africa. IMO there is nothing wrong with simply using the word "black" to describe someone of a dark race. I certainly don't take offense when someone refers to me as white, though I don't think I would be comfortable with German/native Tennessean.
    1 point
  32. I've got an XT. I'd suggest soft bags. They're lighter, don't act as big sails empty or full, and they typically don't crack or break when you fall over. A simple tail or tank bag is plenty of space for anything other than several days travel. Hard bags tend to get put on and left there, then fill up with crap you don't need.
    1 point
  33.   I have heard about the original history, about military marksmanship. I was just criticizing the site that was used. If a left leaning site is used, I personally don't trust ANY of their content whatever it is. They do have a history of stretching the truth, AKA lying.
    1 point
  34. Hey BJB my family has their camper set up at Caney Creek as well. Havent done any fishing there yet but soon as I do I will report back. BTW you will like it there. Real nice place.
    1 point
  35.   That's incorrect. Metro Nashville-Davidson County is divided into two areas, Urban Services and General Services. It's 100% banned all the time outside of shooting ranges in the Urban Services district. In the urban services district, notice that airguns and paintball guns are included. The General Services district is OK during the daytime. While the ordinance allows lawful hunting in the urban services district, I don't know of anywhere in the urban services district where you can be far enough away from an occupied dwelling to not violate TWRA rules, so it's sort of a moot point. As a general guide, if the main streets have street lights and your trash gets picked up by Metro, you're probably in the urban services. There are maps available on the Metro Planning Commission's site if anyone cares that much.   Here's the Nashville municple code:  
    1 point
  36. I have found that the heavier the bullet for a given twist the more accurate it will be. That is a generalization as some barrels are different on an individual basis. The best weight for my 9 twists has been 68 or 69 grains. I have also found that 7 twist is less accurate than 9 twist with 55 or 62 grain bullets. But as far as a self defense gun the practical accuracy will be about the same. A 2" group and a 3" group at 100 yards is still going to result in a hit to at least 300 yards.   My 12 twist gun shoots M855 pretty close to MOA and is stable to at least 100 yards. You can see some slight feathering of one edge of the bullet hole indicating the bullet is slightly off kilter but that is exactly what I want. With it like that it will tumble immediately upon entry into an organic, moving target causing as much damage as possible as it hopefully fragments. With faster the twist the deeper the bullet will go before it tumbles and begins fragmenting. Where a 12 twist bullet might go 2" before tumbling a 9 twist might go 6" and 7 twist might go 12". Those numbers are generalizations but that is the idea. But if you increase the bullet weight, or length, for a given twist it will reduce the distance before tumbling. Like if the 9 twist goes 6" with a 62 grain bullet it might only go 2" with a 77 grain or 7" with a 55 grain bullet. So first you need to figure out the range of bullet weights you are likely to be shooting then pick a twist to match it rather than pick a twist and try to make it work.   For 55 or 62 grain bullets, which are the most common, I would pick either a 9 or 12 twist barrel. And with a 9 twist you can easily shoot up to 73 grain bullets and most 9 twist barrels will shoot 77 grain bullets that are stable to at least 100 yards. The only reason I would pick an 8 twist or 7 twist over 9 twist is if you are shooting HEAVY bullets. An 8 twist will easily stabilize anything that will feed from an AR magazine so there is no need for a 7 twist unless you are shooting bullets so heavy they have to be loaded single shot. Something else about 7 twist is you can sling the jackets off of bullets from centrifugal force. But if you MUST have, or already have, a 7 twist barrel I would load it with the heaviest bullets I could find for self defense because the heavier, and longer, the bullet for a given twist the faster it begins the tumbling and fragmentation cannot happen unless the bullet tumbles.   With FMJ bullets there are several methods of wounding. One is just going through the target, another is the bullet tumbling and finally the bullet fragmenting. A bullet that is too stable can, and will, pass through the target before it begins to tumble. We are seeing this in Afghanistan with the thin bodies, faster twists and light (for 7 twist) bullets. For a  bullet to fragment it must have be two things, unstable enough to tumble first and fast enough to cause the bullet's integrity to fail causing it to fragment. If the bullet is too stable it will pass through before tumbling creating a 22lr like wound but if the bullet is unstable it will tumble and if the velocity is fast enough the bullet will fragment. And twist rates along with bullet weight/length determine where the bullet tumbles. As I said above a faster twist, or lighter bullet, increases the distance between entrance and tumbling.   Intended usage also plays a role in bullet selection. If you are going to punch paper the bullet weight, and type, might be different than one used for self defense. Or if you are just blasting steel targets you do not need to worry about twist rates or bullet type.   BTW, the original incarnation of the M16/AR15 used a 20" long 12 twist barrel with a 55 grain bullet. This was the ideal combination for what the AR was originally designed for which was a short, <300 yard, range weapon. It was never designed to be a long range caliber and the military has ruined the caliber trying to turn what is a short range caliber into a long range caliber. The original design was devastating because the bullets would fragment very quickly. The Vietnamese people are very similar to a typical Afghan but because we now use a 7 twist barrel rather than 12 twist 55 or 62 grain bullets are passing through Afghans before tumbling. In Vietnam a 55 grain bullet, with a slower twist, would tumble and fragment before exiting resulting in a totally different wound channel.   If I had to pick a single twist for anything and everything I might encounter it would be a 9 twist. It will shoot almost everything well and the only thing it cannot do well is shoot 77+ grain bullets. But realistically a 55 or 62 grain bullet is the most likely weight you are to encounter and the 9 twist shoots those just fine. A 7 twist may, depending on bullet construction, might cause the bullets to fragment in air from centrifugal force.
    1 point
  37. WOW!  So much info...thanks guys...Looks like I'll be getting a Stag upper with a 9:1....mostly shooting the 55gr as it seems plentiful around here.....so generally speaking, the higher the twist rate the lighter the bullet for best performance....  Now to get my other parts and accessories. This sure is different than building an AK.
    1 point
  38. On the rifle stages, Rifle and one 30 rounder will get you through each stage.  I plan on having one steel reactive target on each stage needing 2 shots. The steel will be within 40 yards, one of the MGM rifle mini-poppers. We will reset stages one and four for the rifle match. If I get a big group, I can add another one, so bring some extra ammo. Pistol stage 2 is your typical card game gone wrong, I wonder how it would be with rifle? :panic:   Daniel will have to use gangster compliant magazines.
    1 point
  39. I ordered the cop rig and it did well for the shotgun class. Not exactly low profile but there will be not a whole lot of places to hide in the front yard if you get up and running with this rig on. Unfortunately I don't think there is an ETA on future orders. It's a versatile rig for sure. http://www.originalsoegear.com/collections/chest-rigs/products/cop-rig
    1 point
  40. I have all my 3 gun gear as well. Just limited room in the Infiniti lol. dont wanna bring more than I need too
    1 point
  41.   I'm not real sure I want to be around people who form their opinion about something from solely from what they read on the internet............people like that is how Obama got elected!
    1 point
  42. So with all the speculation going on, here's just a few things I witnessed first hand at the Mississippi Show Down. Witch is what the first part of the email is about. 1st Stage 6 had a van that you stared on facing the gas door, T1 down range of start. T2 was across the hood, they placed a tape line on the front finder to show the shooter that you must be past this indicator to safety engage T2. There was a possible ricocheting bullets off the hood or windshield in to the other bay where 5 other stages were set up. Now the shooter in question made this very clear to the squad he was shooting in and all the other squads around that it was a fault line, no fault lines in IDPA!!! Was the rant, but it was only after he shot the stage poorly is when he had the problem. So he's now running in and out of the bay's continuing his rant all the while totally disrupting the other shooters at the match. 2nd The MD and AC are in the golf cart on the last bay of the day over looking things. I had some time to kill so I went over and started up a conversation with the two of them, about 30 seconds in to it the shooter in question walks up and buts in and says " FYI just want to let you'll know a shooter changed out a gun with out MD approval", and then turned and walked away. MD said who, shooter turned and smiled and kept walking. So no harm no foul just wanted to throw it in the match director face? Not sure what that's all about. 3rd The awards ceremony was just rapping up when "he" walks over to me and the people I'm setting with, only this time he's been drinking and by this time he's had a few to many. He congratulated one of the shooters for a job well done and then turns at me says, you know you're her bitch now right! So I said well if that's true then that's makes you mine and then he mumbled something under his breath and then said well next time I'll just pull my !!!! out and !!!! slap you in the face. So I said then pull it out and let's see what your working with there big boy, and he then backed away and disappeared in to the crowd. Not bring myself to his level I just let it go because he's not worth my time, and looking back I would have been in the same boat he's in now. Now that's what I seen and witnessed, I heard other stories of the same problem child but can't comment on them. The action this individual displayed were disappointing, the man knows better and should be held accountable. After all he also is a MD and if this was the way someone acted at one of his, I'm sure he would want the same punishment for them.
    1 point
  43. Most Americans are spoiled and have ZERO clue how well they have it here. To many a crisis is when their internet goes down for a few hours or they have sold out of their favorite Frap at Starbucks. People think it is an emergency, and call 911, when the food they ordered is wrong. They have no clue what it is like to wonder where the next meal is going to come from. The United States is the ONLY country in the world where our "poor" are fat, have cell phones and cars to drive.   But with that being said it is no wonder people want to leave. We have not seen such a great divide among our citizens since the civil war close to 150 years ago. And those divides are by race, by income as well as by religion. We have certain groups openly calling for the death of other groups, even children, and the authorities do NOTHING as long as you are a certain color. And what is truly sickening is that OUR government that is charged with protecting its citizens supports, and even encourages, it. Some are taken away to be punished for what they say while others are not and it appears as though the only difference between the two are the color of the skin. The Black Panthers have recently called for the killing of white babies in hospitals, which is not only racists but also criminal, and NOTHING was done yet there is a national outrage over a flag the supposedly represents white racism in America. What is truly ironic is that we, as a country, are too politically correct to be able to say we are too politically correct.   I would love to live in a country where people can be free to do what they want without fear. The United States used to be that country but not anymore. The federal government is using its power to control, and even harm, those that are critical of it. We cannot do ANYTHING anymore without the government's permission and if we try we are punished. People in the United States are afraid, afraid of the government whose primary responsibility is to protect them. We are being ruled by an elite oligarchy that controls every aspect of ALL of our lives and our only role in it all is to be good citizens to our masters. If we question their authority they will make us criminals as adults, medicate us as children or label us as terrorists. What is the definition of tyranny again?   The land of the free and home of the brave I fought for is no more. What we have now is probably the most corrupt government on the face of earth.
    1 point
  44. Yeah they were 12 dollars cheaper but we're out of stock on the trigger o wanted.
    1 point
  45. So i am limited to 100yds for my range at the house and have run out of things to challenge myself at that distance with my rifles. So i figured i would try to shoot out the flame of a candle. I must have walked up 800yds. and was about to call it a day. when every thing just worked out."first time trying to load a video clip " http://s1344.photobucket.com/user/bigtruuck/media/candle%20in%20the%20wind_zpstzabeowb.mp4.html
    1 point
  46. forgot to put up the important stuff. rifle was a rem 700 chambered in 300 blk. shooting my load of a 110gr. barnes tac-tx pushed by 19.1 grs. of win 296 sitting in re-sized lake city .5.56 ignited by fed 205. primers. Thanks nguys. if the box caught fire it woudlve been no big deal. heres one from last weekend.  http://s1344.photobucket.com/user/bigtruuck/media/fire%20in%20the%20hole_zpseid6cw6x.mp4.html
    1 point
  47. MObile 1 synthetic.  I bought two quarts of some oddball weight (0w-15) at Walmart a few years ago because they were red tagged half price.  For about $10 I have a half gallon of REALLY good lube and I use it on guns and my presses.  Unless I pull a full on Caster and spill it, it will last for whats left of my life.  
    1 point
  48.    You're not married are you?  :rofl: I ask this for 2 reasons, 1 is that once married, things don't always go exactly as you would wish nor do they happen within the choice timeline that you would choose if your own wants and desires were the only ones to take into consideration.2 is that, and I know everyone has heard this before, weeks go by incredibly fast once you've hit that milestone. I'm sure others will agree but months go by like weeks, it literally seems like Christmas was just 4-5 weeks back.
    1 point
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