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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2015 in all areas

  1. Well, July 3rd purchase, but in the spirit of the 4th. I have been eyeing a Sig 320 for a while, but hadn't come accross the right deal. Just happened to go by Smokey Mountain Knife Works on the morning of the 3rd, and there she was! P320 9mm Compact in FDE, with tritium night sights for $499+TICS and Tax. I hadn't been seeing the SigLight night-sights versions for a price like this, so jumped on it. They have them normally around $560 I think, but are running a sale on them while supply lasts. I have only put about 20 rounds of junk Wolf ammo through it, but really like the trigger. It came with a FOBUS style holster and two 15rd mags. I had bought a 250C for my wife a few years ago, and in spite of the long trigger pull she shot it pretty well. I think she will really like shooting this one with the much shorter striker trigger.
    5 points
  2. Most Americans are spoiled and have ZERO clue how well they have it here. To many a crisis is when their internet goes down for a few hours or they have sold out of their favorite Frap at Starbucks. People think it is an emergency, and call 911, when the food they ordered is wrong. They have no clue what it is like to wonder where the next meal is going to come from. The United States is the ONLY country in the world where our "poor" are fat, have cell phones and cars to drive.   But with that being said it is no wonder people want to leave. We have not seen such a great divide among our citizens since the civil war close to 150 years ago. And those divides are by race, by income as well as by religion. We have certain groups openly calling for the death of other groups, even children, and the authorities do NOTHING as long as you are a certain color. And what is truly sickening is that OUR government that is charged with protecting its citizens supports, and even encourages, it. Some are taken away to be punished for what they say while others are not and it appears as though the only difference between the two are the color of the skin. The Black Panthers have recently called for the killing of white babies in hospitals, which is not only racists but also criminal, and NOTHING was done yet there is a national outrage over a flag the supposedly represents white racism in America. What is truly ironic is that we, as a country, are too politically correct to be able to say we are too politically correct.   I would love to live in a country where people can be free to do what they want without fear. The United States used to be that country but not anymore. The federal government is using its power to control, and even harm, those that are critical of it. We cannot do ANYTHING anymore without the government's permission and if we try we are punished. People in the United States are afraid, afraid of the government whose primary responsibility is to protect them. We are being ruled by an elite oligarchy that controls every aspect of ALL of our lives and our only role in it all is to be good citizens to our masters. If we question their authority they will make us criminals as adults, medicate us as children or label us as terrorists. What is the definition of tyranny again?   The land of the free and home of the brave I fought for is no more. What we have now is probably the most corrupt government on the face of earth.
    4 points
  3. I don't like having un-vetted armed people in my house or being in another house as a guest and encounter the same circumstances. Many years spent in police work taught me that suspicion was prudent to personal safety. If I invite you into my house I've already found out a bit about you and either been told you have a HCP or asked you if you do. I will recropricate in such informational exchanges and ensure you know I routinely carry a concealed handgun. If alcohol is being served or consumed in your home either I won't attend the get together or will simply leave my handgun in my homes gun safe. I expect you to either do the same or request I secure it in my gun safe for you to retrieve the next day. I've seen first hand incidents of what happens at parties where drinking and guns are brought together and massive group think (or lack thereof) stupidity take place. Yes I'm hard nosed and can be rude as heck about this stuff.
    3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. I took a few from the office tonight, sad after going through them that I didn't drag my big tripod into work b/c my small one was not capable of supporting my larger lenses. My favorite so far. . . _MG_3048 by Erik, on Flickr
    2 points
  6. Probably has something to do with how easy it is to combine this with a pressure cooker create havoc. They have regulated ammonium nitrate for no other reason they to prevent its use as an explosive as well so why not fireworks? Doesn't matter what they take away those that are set on doing harm will do so with a new tool they will also try to regulate or outlaw.
    2 points
  7. Went to Walmart. Received poor service.  :-\   In other news, the sun came up this morning and the sky is blue.  :rofl:
    2 points
  8. Sent from my iPhone 6 using Tapatalk Pro
    2 points
  9. Glad to see this thread, this is my second hobby. Here are a few photos I've taken.
    2 points
  10. This is made from 1/4" thick 1095 carbon steel professionally heat treated to a RC 59-60. It has amboyna burl and black canvas micarta scales with white G10 liners. They are mechanically fastened and epoxied to the blade. And of course it has a lanyard hole and has a satin finish. The blade is just over 10" long with an OAL of 16 1/2". It's a beast. It still needs a sheath....if I can even make one. If you're interested you know how to talk to me. ;)
    1 point
  11. [URL=http://s29.photobucket.com/user/luke9511/media/tanksb.jpeg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  12. The problem with telling every homeowner that you are carrying is that some people would be taking a gun on and off all the time.  If you are a realtor showing houses, you'd be leaving a gun in the car a lot where it doesn't do you any good.  I understand where folks are coming from, but in a lot of cases it is in my opinion better to keep quiet and keep concealed than for others to know that you carry, especially people who carry when they work.  A gun is much more secure when concealed on someone's person than left in a car where it can be stolen. 
    1 point
  13. The point of the post about the South Carolina statute was to interject into the conversation evidence that, contrary to what a lot of people posting in this thread seem to think,  a substantial number of people in this country think carrying into a residence unnanounced is offensive, some even to a point of criminality.  I'm well aware that Tennessee has no such statute.   I really find it incongruous that the same guys who will go to hell and back to defend the rule that "a man's home is his castle" will toss that rule aside so readily when it comes to carrying their guns into that castle without permission.
    1 point
  14. If you like cutting up then thats the squad for ya but if your kinda serious shooter you might ought to think on it some.
    1 point
  15. I would like to clarify that while I do act like an ass from time to time, this wasn't me either
    1 point
  16. Concur. The only negatives are scarcity and cost. It falls into that category of pistol that you own and show with pride, shoot with at the range but recognize will be difficult to replace. IOW if you use it for your carry gun you need to know its going to get beat to hell and if used in a lethal force incident be seized and pick up additional wear and tear in an evidence room.
    1 point
  17. I didn't go to WalMart, and I've had a great weekend. :up:
    1 point
  18. There have a few members who have owned them. Did not see anything bad about them.
    1 point
  19. 6-inch blade, 10 inches overall, 5/32 of an inch thick 01 steel hardened to 61. Ctek scales with stainless tubes! It is available!
    1 point
  20. Depends for how long.  A year or two? Maybe.  10 years? No. I had an opportunity to work in Iraq for a lot more money than I make now.  I passed.  I like being alive. 
    1 point
  21. This :up: . Rule #1...... It's my house, it's not Burger King, you do it my way, or not at all. If this rule was good enough for my kids when they lived here, it should be good enough for any guests. EssOne is right in my book. It is his choice who comes into his house armed and who doesn't. Just as it's my choice at my house.  I also agree with btq96r, Its a matter of courtesy. We are not talking about public places we're talking about private homes.   Hope the OP lets us know what he did.
    1 point
  22. Sorry about your tree Greg. I just saw a big wood boat with some grey haired guy and all his kinfolk go by. Had lots of animals in it too. Don't feel real good about this omen!
    1 point
  23. That may be, but we can change that. How many people that would call themselves Patriots or say they love their country; did not vote in the elections? The vote is more powerful than any gun you own. But once Obama or Hillary gives the vote to those that are now illegals; that option is done. I believe Obama will try that before he leaves office; he is trying everything he can to destroy this country.
    1 point
  24. I only shoot JHP (yes, it's more expensive, but it is what it is.... I prefer to practice with what I carry) my cost for Montana Gold JHP 115 grain is .09 cents. Free brass. .03 for primer. powder is 23.00 per pound. Total cost per box of 50 is $6.80.     You might compare that price to Perfecta on sale, or blazer, Federal or Tulaammo.... at say 10-12 per box of 50 (when not on sale). But it is not a real comparison. If you compare apples to apples, you would have to compare my JHP rounds to Winchester or Remington bulk JHP, ranging from 140- 180 for a box of 300.  That works out to about $23 dollars a box of 50.   So.... for $6.80/50 I get handcrafted JHP, tailored for my pistol, using a premium 115 grain bullet, or I get bulk for $23/50.   All this said, I can tell you that my ammo and my guns will all outshoot me on my best day, but since I only load JHP, I am assured that my guns will always run JHP flawlessly.  Peace of mind. OH... and since I'm shooting jacketed rounds... I don't need another barrel for a Glock.   Just my 2 cents... DaFadda   p.s. in a previous post, a response was that the ballistics on MG bullets isn't up to the current standard for "carry ammo".  I can't agree or disagree, because I simply don't know about the ballistics....but I don't carry my handloads. I practice with them. I carry commercial ammo. 
    1 point
  25. Good news! He didn't shoot his eye out!
    1 point
  26. So, had been looking forward for the past few weeks to photographing fireworks. I had never tried that before. It really isn't that hard, but I wasn't really satisfied with the results. I wasn't able to get a good scenic location, was too close (because ultimately did not know exactly where to expect them). Though, there are a few towards the end that I consider keepers. Here are all 37 I took. Really would like another "chance", perhaps in Chattanooga or someplace similar, in which the fireworks are shot out over water or something like that. Was rushed the entire time, didn't quite get to setup as I had hoped. I learned very quickly that with too long of exposures the firework would "blur". The "crisp" ones were much shorter at a slightly larger aperture. Used: Canon 6D and 50mm STM
    1 point
  27. What Are We Celebrating? In 1776, few imagined or looked to a future of central banks, massive national standing armies, or a federal legal system that regulated the daily lives of Americans down to the most minute details. In fact, had the typical Revolutionary War soldier been told that such a future awaited his country, he would have likely gone home immediately, as such a future would likely appear even worse to him than staying subject to the British Crown’s benign neglect. https://mises.org/library/five-laws-repeal-independence-day
    1 point
  28. Well you can almost see where this is heading......   A Named & Standing arbitration team required for all Tier 2 and above matches.    When they included an Appeals section in the IDPA rulebook, the first thing that came to my mind was, "Sounds like HQ is getting ready for all of the Range Lawyers with their Butt-Hurt Bitching just like the way it happens at Camp Perry during the National Matches." 
    1 point
  29.     You can't.   This stuff they pass off as fireworks is a joke.  My grandfart had a stash of old stuff when I was a kid.  Ashcans, Silver Salutes and the like.  They would jar the friggin ground when they went off.  He had some mortars he bought when my father was a young'un and they were in a word....re-dam-diculous.  You can't buy stuff like that anymore.  
    1 point
  30. Surprised that we haven't had to give up fireworks because they offend members of ISIS or something like that yet.
    1 point
  31. The ammo is reported by cnn. The second link, although it's a fox affiliate, it is taken from a cnn writeup (credit at the bottom) I've read some local reports that questions the ammo report. The pic of him sitting on the ground against the wall shows him wearing civvies. My guess is he was just going for a picture to look cool and someone got scared of the scary black rifle.
    1 point
  32. This is our son, and his lovely wife, winning not one but two awards during his recent Air Force leadership academy. We are so proud of our son. Only 2% win the Academic Excellence but on top of that he also won the Distinguished Graduate award. His Academic Excellence award was for having the highest academic scores of two training flights, 30 students. The Distiguished Graduate award is given to the Airman who displayed outstanding leadership during the course as voted by his peers. He is, and always will be, my hero.
    1 point
  33. The only other country I'd consider moving to is the Republic of Texas.  And that's because their state bird is the middle finger.  :cool:
    1 point
  34. I don't wish to leave the country, but the thought of hitting the reset button on our government sounds more appealing by the day.
    1 point
  35. No different than the way I feel about people I don't know who appear to be unarmed honestly. It is not a matter of fear, paranoia or being "on guard" all the time as much as it is just paying attention to what is happening around you. Of the people whom I would invite to my house, I obviously trust them and therefore I trust their judgement well enough not to bring any shady characters around. That said, if someone were to give me an uneasy feeling, whether armed or not, I will politely ask my friend and their guest to leave. I will not compromise my family's or my own safety for the sake of sparing someone else's feelings.    For all the folks who are bent out of shape about having an armed house guest who has done nothing except for being armed I have to ask....., have you never been to a public shooting range where you are surrounded by armed people that you don't know??? People who are actually handling and shooting their guns near you??? This whole conversation is mind boggling to me. 
    1 point
  36. We're in the best place in the world right now - the southern US. I don't expect that to change any time soon. Certainly not within my lifetime.
    1 point
  37. I would happily buy any one of them a one way ticket today to any foreign country of their choosing.  The only stipulation I would require is that they leave for two years, and at the end of that time should they want to repatriate, they repay me 150% of the original ticket price.
    1 point
  38. Bourbon. I have enough ammo to take anything else I might need.
    1 point
  39. Yep. I've heard this story several times. All with Starline brass, and usually with Dillon dies.          http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/88524-reloading-new-brass/   Read through this thread, as well as the link I gave in there to learn more.
    1 point
  40. Thanks for the explanations.          Yep.  That's what happens when a game becomes a sport.        Walk throughs are one thing I've never really understood about IDPA.  If the whole idea is to improve your defensive pistol skills, doesn't a walk through largely defeat the purpose?  If you don't see and consequently don't neutralize a target, aren't you dead?  I understand there are guns involved and you can't just let people run around all willy nilly, but it seems like giving the shooters the number of targets and rounds they're expected to fire is way too much information. 
    1 point
  41. Your firearm is a tool of last resort, check your ego, leave the area, avoid giving the finger, meaning the only reason to use your gun is keep from having a WORSE day; if you use it....it will be a bad day.  NO ALOCHOL....zilch, nadda, zero.  If you must have a drink unload and store your gun.  Firearm laws are very 'fluid'.  It is your responsibility to keep up with them.  TGO is a great place to do so.  Also be active with your State and US officials.  Let them know what legislation you are for or against.
    1 point
  42. Drink all you want......at home. Drinking while in public is a gamble. Drinking in public with a weapon is just stupid.
    1 point
  43. Like these: http://www.omnimap.com/catalog/cats/fish/fish-tn.htm?136,151 or these: http://www.kentuckyhydrografx.com/   The last ones are pretty good maps, shows all the bottom structures but I don't know if they show the specific areas you are looking for.  I use google earth to plan then the fishfinder to indicate when I am over a structure I want to fish.
    1 point
  44. Waze, is the best traffic routing app I've found. Allows users to report cops, traffic, wrecks, ect.
    1 point
  45. Here are a couple more hummers.
    1 point
  46. Took the kids on a little hike in the GSMNP yesterday. Forgot the real camera so I took a few shots with my phone. Fiddled around with the camera app editing software to give them a "vintage" look while grilling hot dogs after we got back home. Thought they turned out fairly well....
    1 point
  47. What an awesome shot! Glad he's ok. With the gear he's got on it looks like he walked out of the Thriller video lol.
    1 point
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