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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2015 in all areas
I would happily buy any one of them a one way ticket today to any foreign country of their choosing. The only stipulation I would require is that they leave for two years, and at the end of that time should they want to repatriate, they repay me 150% of the original ticket price.8 points
We're in the best place in the world right now - the southern US. I don't expect that to change any time soon. Certainly not within my lifetime.7 points
Went to Walmart. Received poor service. :-\ In other news, the sun came up this morning and the sky is blue. :rofl:6 points
I don't wish to leave the country, but the thought of hitting the reset button on our government sounds more appealing by the day.4 points
if I feel the need to have a gun to go somewhere I don't go. Go live life, it is not always about the damn gun.4 points
We welcomed our 7th grand child into our little family this morning. Liam was born at 7:32am and weighed in at 6.12 pounds (I've actually caught bass bigger than him). I done went and bought him his first .22. I will save it for him! Paw Paw a happy man!!!! Dave3 points
The only other country I'd consider moving to is the Republic of Texas. And that's because their state bird is the middle finger. :cool:3 points
I'd travel to the point where it stops being worthwhile to me to make the deal. Not hard to decide really.3 points
The moment you strap on a weapon, you have to adopt the mindset of being the one to deescalate a situation - up to and even past the point of personal affront. It's just not worth it.3 points
This is our son, and his lovely wife, winning not one but two awards during his recent Air Force leadership academy. We are so proud of our son. Only 2% win the Academic Excellence but on top of that he also won the Distinguished Graduate award. His Academic Excellence award was for having the highest academic scores of two training flights, 30 students. The Distiguished Graduate award is given to the Airman who displayed outstanding leadership during the course as voted by his peers. He is, and always will be, my hero.2 points
Finished Alas Babylon by Pat Frank, last night. It's an excellent read! Second time through for me. Might go on to Lucifer's Hammer next.2 points
Water. Duck. Back. Never argue with a fool. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk2 points
Believe it or not, from a mathematical perspective having a sample size of 2000 and a population of 300,000,000 your margin of error is only 2.75% when claiming your RANDOM sample acts like the overall population with a 99% confidence level. The real problem with most of these polls is that they don't truly get a random sample. Conduct the poll in a rural area of TN or TX and that number will drop like a rock, I'd bet my best pistol on it.2 points
I drive all over the state every day of the week. I need to start a delivery service on the side here for yall that don't wanna get out and travel far.2 points
Me personally , if they make it known my gun isn't welcome then I figure neither am I. I value my life more than their feelings. I realize that stance isn't for everyone though so yah got three options, go without, go with or ask them if they're cool with it ahead of time. As for the folks pooping their pants about people coming over armed without announcing they are... if you don't trust them to not be a criminal and potentially attack you, why the hell are you letting them in your house to begin with???2 points
I need to find a Confederate flag decal to stick in that spot next to the "01."2 points
2 points
Good deal on a great optic .... Just buy a mount and you are set http://www.midwayusa.com/product/859393/aimpoint-compm4s-official-us-army-red-dot-sight-30mm-tube-1x-2-moa-dot-matte1 point
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I find this poll very interesting in one way. They do a poll wanting to know how many Americans would want to leave the United States for another country and get get a 35% number which proves nothing. If any one did a poll on how many people would like to move to the United States from where they now live the poll numbers would probably explode the calculator trying to find a number that high. People risk their lives every day to get into this country, Wonder why that is if this country is so damn bad????????...........JMHO!1 point
Don't have one but really want one. I've heard nothing but good about them.1 point
Solid guns, great finish, well fit. Top of the heap until you get to Baer money. I love Springfields, but my Valor with melonite is a much better fit gun than the higher end Springfields I've owned(MC operator and current TRP operator). For the $400 difference, you get what you pay for. A specialist is on my short list, eventually.1 point
Dang that's a good deal. If only I didn't have a loader and I had some spare paper.1 point
Excellent idea! However be careful of the blocks. Sometimes that add extra nutrients to the blocks that you don't need.1 point
Man, thanks for posting this. I just got an SD-E for $212 with the swag pack and free shipping. Great deal!!!1 point
[quote name="BigK" post="1283410" I'd bet my best pistol on it.[/quote] I'm stealing that line!1 point
When the Good Lord calls my number he will find me in Tennessee and I will be buried in Tennessee. nuff said............ :up:1 point
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For me carrying is a part risk management, and the risk is from people I don't know or have any information on that have access to come and go the same places I do. In that analysis, being out in public is far different than at someones home in terms of the risk. Carrying a concealed gun into a home for a 4th of July Party implies you're ready for a threat. Do you think one exists in that environment? The only time I've ever brought a carry gun into someone's home in recent memory is when I was staying the night, and felt it was more secure inside the home with me than in the car. I was sure to ask the owner if it was okay out of courtesy. Her reply was "do you think I care," but I wasn't about to assume that. Since we were all getting fairly lubricated that night, I took the gun, unloaded it and left it in the bedroom before having drinks.1 point
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Sure looks like it. I really do hope they make a version in .308 and non-proprietary mags.1 point
Congrats Dave, nothing like them. A good looking young man. A guy told me after my first grand child was born, now you know the definition of grand!!1 point
For those not familiar Lynne Russell not only was a long time anchor for CNN but at the same time worked as a private investigator, had a carry permit, and worked as a reserve deputy all while working at CNN. Not exactly the typical CNN anchor personality..... Her husband Chuck De Caro is a former SF soldier member 20th SF Group. These were the WRONG people to try to rob..... For the rest of us, read the story of what happened.... How often do we consider getting in a gunfight right as we get out of the shower? With our wife in the room as potential backstop? Your gunfight might not be what you previously envisioned..... And we see AGAIN, hits to the abdomen do NOT always stop people....De Caro took 1 to the leg, 2 to the abdomen and still killed the other guy and survived . Peripheral hits MIGHT stop someone but often do not. Plan accordingly. If your idea of marksmanship with a pistol is "minute of man" then you might want to rethink that .....1 point
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She's really taken a fall in her fortunes if she's staying at Motel 6.1 point
Would you ask them first if carrying a pocket knife into their house was OK? Would you ask first if carrying a handkerchief into their house was OK? Would you ask first if carrying a multi tool into their house was OK? Would you ask first if carrying your cell phone into their house was OK? Would you ask first if carrying your wallet into their house was OK? Would you ask first if carrying a Tourniquet into their house was OK? The gun is no different than any of the other EDC items I carry around in everyday life. The gun would only ever even be an issue if you pulled it out, or if you told them about it........You are not there to commit crime so the fact that you have it has no effect on other people...unless you need to use it to defend yourself (and them) from a home invasion that happens while you are there.....in that case they'll probably be glad you had it..... Having said that.....If you plan to be drinking then leaving it in the car would be the best course of action.1 point
I think you have already answered your question. Only I would leave it at home if you plan on drinking. Just my :2cents:1 point
1 point
Pretty lame test... I scored a 20. Lots of items didn't make sense. What good is a ham radio if you don't have AC? What good are 2-way radios after the batteries run down?1 point
I've been planning to make a double-layered, round rack on a lazy Susan bearing. Stack the stuff you don't use as much in the back, put the ones you pull out more often on the spinning rack. If I ever get time to get it done, I'll post some pitchers.1 point
Yes it seems to be a common issue. I have been "inwork" on a fix for way too long. LOL I am making a rifle rack that will fold up against the wall when not in use. If I ever complete that project I will post a picture. (Don't hold your breath, as the wife has her own ideas of priorities)1 point
I had a RAR with a 1.75lb trigger, great rifle and shot as well as any of the 4 or 5 CZ's I used to have. Heck, shot as well as any bolt .22 I had. Traded it to a young guy who can't shoot worth a spit and now with the RAR he is stoked that he can shoot something akin to a group. After all the plinkers I have had over the years I would put the RAR at near the top of the list in terms or reliability and accuracy. I wouldn't bother spending more than what an RAR costs until you want to jump up to an Anschutz.1 point
Looks like the dukes boys just got themselves into a heapa trouble.... This is surprising, they were never meanin' no harm after all.1 point
1 point
I am going to try to get Dave to make one of each, if he does I will post pictures of them on here at the opening of this thread,1 point
I see a lot of this sort of stuff in my line of work. My advice to you would be, always keep your cool. Don't think you have to prove your manhood, no need to escalate things. Sure, he struck your car with his hand and that probably made you mad. Let it go. When you strap on that pistol, you've got to learn to be humble and very forgiving. I probably missed something , but I never got the impression you were in fear of your life in your situation. As Jonnin pointed out, if your car is close enough that he can touch it, the other guy might have had a real concern about the proximity. Personally, I like to make eye contact with a driver before I'll walk behind a car like that, especially if I have a kid or wife in tow. While it sounds like you did the right thing, just remember there are always two sides to every story. I'll play devils advocate here. Let's say he gets on TGO when he gets home and posts this: "Just about had to pull on a guy. I'm still shaking. I have Parkinsons and it's hard to walk straight sometimes. I was in the parking lot at Rural King walking my grandson to the store when this jackass almost backed over us. I slapped the rear of his car to make him stop and he started swearing at me. Words were exchanged and he threatened to get out of the car and whip my ass. I'm pretty sure he had something in the car with him. He seemed all pissed off for no reason. When it was over he squealed off and almost hit two other cars. Started to call the cops but my grandson was already pretty upset. This guy is lucky he didn't try to get out of that car is all I can say. I'd hate to shoot someone over something this stupid especially in front of my grandson." See how easy it is to make you the bad guy here? It's not worth losing everything financially or otherwise over words in a parking lot. If two guys try to car jack you or rob you in the parking lot, that's a whole other game, but something like you experienced was just simply not worth going to jail or spending every penny you have to defend yourself in court. Glad it turned out okay for you.1 point
And as he left that interview he likely had a squad of armed men with guns. He is just like every other elitist in that the common man cannot have what they have. Just like our politicians that believe they are some how justified in believing they are better than anyone else.1 point
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