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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/2015 in all areas

  1. For those not familiar Lynne Russell not only was a long time anchor for CNN but at the same time worked as a private investigator, had a carry permit, and worked as a reserve deputy all while working at CNN. Not exactly the typical CNN anchor personality..... Her husband Chuck De Caro is a former SF soldier member 20th SF Group. These were the WRONG people to try to rob.....  For the rest of us, read the story of what happened....   How often do we consider getting in a gunfight right as we get out of the shower? With our wife in the room as potential backstop? Your gunfight might not be what you previously envisioned.....   And we see AGAIN, hits to the abdomen do NOT always stop people....De Caro took 1 to the leg, 2 to the abdomen and still killed the other guy and survived . Peripheral hits MIGHT stop someone but often do not. Plan accordingly. If your idea of marksmanship with a pistol is "minute of man" then you might want to rethink that .....
    6 points
  2. On a side note. Ben Jones "Cooter" says he won't fold.   So when you are in Gatlinburg stop at Cooters and buy something.   Good for him.
    5 points
  3. This is our son, and his lovely wife, winning not one but two awards during his recent Air Force leadership academy. We are so proud of our son. Only 2% win the Academic Excellence but on top of that he also won the Distinguished Graduate award. His Academic Excellence award was for having the highest academic scores of two training flights, 30 students. The Distiguished Graduate award is given to the Airman who displayed outstanding leadership during the course as voted by his peers. He is, and always will be, my hero.
    3 points
  4. I'd travel to the point where it stops being worthwhile to me to make the deal.   Not hard to decide really.
    3 points
  5. I need to find a Confederate flag decal to stick in that spot next to the "01."
    3 points
  6. Good for you. That should be a concern of most people; but it isn't.
    3 points
  7. I would leave it home because I would probably have some beers. Even if I wasn't drinking I would probably leave it in the car. If when I got to the party I felt like I should have it on me I might just leave.
    3 points
  8. Would you ask them first if carrying a pocket knife into their house was OK?   Would you ask first if carrying a handkerchief into their house was OK?   Would you ask first if carrying a multi tool into their house was OK?   Would you ask first  if carrying your cell phone into their house was OK?   Would you ask first if carrying your wallet into their house was OK?   Would you ask first if carrying a Tourniquet into their house was OK?   The gun is no different than any of the other EDC items I carry around in everyday life. The gun would only ever even be an issue if you pulled it out, or if you told them about it........You are not there to commit crime so the fact that you have it has no effect on other people...unless you need to use it to defend yourself (and them) from a home invasion that happens while you are there.....in that case they'll probably be glad you had it.....   Having said that.....If you plan to be drinking then leaving it in the car would be the best course of action. 
    3 points
  9. So when you ride and drive half running junk you learn your fair share of tricks. Let me preface this by saying I've been to automotive school, I'm ASE certified and I spent 5 years in the Marine Corps as a helicopter mechanic. So I know the right way to do it. But sometimes you need the cheap and fast way to do it lol. Last night on the way to work my master cylinder got hit by a gravel from a truck and it put a hole in the already rotted sight window. So this morning I pried out the rotted sight window, and then the retaining ring. Drop in a dime against the oring, tap the retainer back in, then seal with super glue, which for some reason is brake fluid resistant. Anyways, thought I would share as this might help someone in the future. And don't fret, I have an eBay special master cylinder on the way so this one isn't permanent, but it'll hold for a while. Sent from the backwoods
    3 points
  10. A salute to all the Shade Tree Mechanics out there  :up:   If we did everything by the factory service manuals it would take at least three times as long and cost three times as much.   Back in 1999 I wanted to put headers on my Camaro but did not have access to a lift. With only floor jacks and jack stands I was not able to get the car the needed 30" safely off the ground. Since I could not go up I went down. I dug a 3' hole in my yard and pushed the car over the hole. The real feat of the whole effort was getting my wife to lay in the hole and hold the header in place while I bolted it on  :)
    3 points
  11. Not cleansing, eradication of all the cultures the liberals find offensive. We are slowly loosing this battle and by the time we realize what they have done it will be too late.
    3 points
  12. We welcomed our 7th grand child into our little family this morning. Liam was born at 7:32am and weighed in at 6.12 pounds (I've actually caught bass bigger than him). I done went and bought him his first .22. I will save it for him! Paw Paw a happy man!!!! Dave
    2 points
  13. Even invited? That's harsh. I expect if I'm invited into a home it's come as you are, and I are armed. :D
    2 points
  14. Maybe I am just an inconsiderate jerk but I completely fail to see how carrying a handgun that the home owner will never know about (unless you have to use it in which case there are more pressing matters than hurt feelings to deal with) is being discourteous.  Sure, if you were carrying your 'barbecue gun' in a very visible manner and flaunting the fact that your were carrying to anyone who would listen even though the home owners may not like it then that is being discourteous.    I tend to view the issue along the same lines as Cruel Hand Luke.  Further, to use a current issue, I would think of it this way:   If I had a Confederate Battle Flag picture as the background/wallpaper on my cellphone I wouldn't ask if the homeowners were offended by the flag before I carried my cellphone in their home nor would I change the background out of fear of being 'discourteous' because there would be no reason for anyone there to know about it.  I wouldn't be drinking because of current health issues.  Even without those issues, however, I probably wouldn't drink because I have never felt comfortable drinking at get togethers comprised mostly of people I don't know - and that was true long before I started carrying.
    2 points
  15. She's really taken a fall in her fortunes if she's staying at Motel 6.
    2 points
  16. Just for the record, I gave up alcohol more than 35 years ago. So I won't be drinking.  My question is more aimed at the fact that this is their home. They make the rules here. Its not so much about what is legal, but rather what simple good manners should be.
    2 points
  17. If you don't want to deal with getting under the car go get 2 fast food type food trays. Lift the rear if it's RWD or front if it's FWD and put a tray under each wheel then let it back down. It will slide easier. Plastic on grass is a lot slicker. I may or may not have done this in high school with a Plymouth Lazer front wheel drive. I may or may not have put trays under the rear wheels and locked the hand break and had a ball driving in the field.
    2 points
  18. I would be drinking, so I would be leaving the gun at home. That is just me. If you don't drink, I would say carry if you want to carry. If they ask you not to ( if they were to happen to see it), take it to the car.
    2 points
  19. I probably took 50 pictures with 2 cameras and a cellphone to finally get this one -
    2 points
  20. Hey.. why not wear that and top it off with a Concealed Carry Badge :) 
    2 points
  21. Looks like the dukes boys just got themselves into a heapa trouble....   This is surprising, they were never meanin' no harm after all.
    2 points
  22. If it wasn't for TGO, online shopping and youtube videos on how to do things I can't figure out, I wouldn't care if the web burst into flames.  
    2 points
  23. I am going to try to get Dave to make one of each, if he does I will post pictures of them on here at the opening of this thread, 
    2 points
  24. This what I made for a portable/temporary gun rack. Cost about $5 to make. Cheap plastic sawhorse from Harbor Freight and some dog throw tennis balls. Base is a piece of plastic I had from some old packing material but could be a piece of wood.
    1 point
  25. The shallow well would be for live stock. We have rain barrels now for filling up the ducks pool which works well.
    1 point
  26. Fiebing's USMC black. Top coated with Fiebing's Resolene.  You have to top coat a black dye or it will rub off on hands, clothes, the atmosphere , etc.
    1 point
  27. Hell yeah. Make them strings cry and the hippies cry all at once. Win!win!
    1 point
  28. Invited or not, harsh or not.
    1 point
  29. I'm a retired 30 year cop. Don't try to come in my house armed if I don't know you. Period. If you're with a trusted friend of mine, we'll discuss it. Just don't let me discover you in my house armed without my knowing about it beforehand.
    1 point
  30. If you aren't drinking, then I'd definitely carry.  You are following the law and have your handgun carry permit when you carry at their house.  No one will know except you unless you tell people.  The handgun will be securely concealed on you and not in a bag where someone can get it.  I believe that unless someone is a real close friend or close family, it is not worth others knowing if you carry or when you carry.  Think about it this way, would you ask every property/business/church that you visit for permission to carry and let the property owner know that you are carrying?  I sure don't.
    1 point
  31. I'd say post the link.  Let whomever feels inclined to help, help.  Anyone who doesn't want to doesn't have to.
    1 point
  32. Reactionary response exasperated by an adrenalin dump and from reading the article transitioning from a less lethal to lethal force response is my guess.   
    1 point
  33. Wish I hadn't read that...
    1 point
  34. I watched a friend go through this with her mother and it was heartbreaking. Her mother stayed at home pretty much until the end. It is the one disease I will not suffer very long with.   You are local to me so if you, or your family, need help with anything please feel free to ask.
    1 point
  35.       I actually talked with a Hellcat owner in Franklin, together we cannot find any videos on a track where both cars are stock, He is a die hard Mopar fan but will not entertain the idea of going to a closed track with me, He honestly thinks I would beat him and I do as well, He has the lime green car and I think it is awesome This is a great time to be a fan of the muscle car, America is kicking everyone's ass! 
    1 point
  36. I must live under a rock, I never do get any updates. But I only used a Desktop PC too and windows 7. Maybe things get updated when I am away.   Kinda of reminds me something that Dad taught me about camping, when going camping as a kid, I use to prepare for everything and bring everything, he said son the more you take, the more you have to bring back, and more you have to lose and more you have to contend with.  Well in a weird way I kinda make a comparison, I don't do apps, I don't do much of anything, other that was said earlier Youtube, TGO, and I surf the news.  Nothing more really.  Though I have a smartphone, I just don't use much more than phone calls, texts, and occasional look at the weather.
    1 point
  37. So is the media considered the mountain?  Some day the mountain might get em, but the law never will?
    1 point
  38. You see this? https://tacconusa.com/products/ak-47-triggers/ Not sure I want to put a $350 trigger in a $480 gun, but the Tac-Con 3MR works so well on my Colt LE6920 that I want one for the AK, too. Example: First time with the Tac-Con + Slide-Fire. https://vimeo.com/130641032 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  39. Yup. And they're so dumb, they've added felony evading arrest, felony reckless endangerment, etc., to that petty shop lifting charge.
    1 point
  40. Just part of the cultural cleansing. Get use to it :squint:
    1 point
  41. You're in Wilson county. You damn sure won't dig it by hand.
    1 point
  42. something sounds fishy when brass, which is very, very soft, is scratching steel, which in the case of dies is usually hardened steel. I have nothing to add, but that don't sound right.   Squeaky clean might get it stuck but I cant see that being a source of a scratch either.   Somewhere, somehow, there is a little piece of something that is hard enough to scratch.  Where it came from, I cannot say...  could be a piece off their manufacturing process got stuck in a case, or once in a while they produce bronze or something hard instead of brass.... ???  
    1 point
  43. As an infrequent viewer, they can consider me as a nonviewer.
    1 point
  44. If you want a TGO knife, get the TR4, this will be the best overall knife I have offered on this board as of yet, and there have been some very nice ones
    1 point
  45. reshoots should be very limited ... to things like stage failure... you know, the wind blows all the targets over for you sort of things.    Unsporting behavior should earn you a trip home.  The occasional impolite word should be treated same as daytime radio ... a few get through and its no big deal, when it goes past that, the director should take matters in hand and restore a positive atmosphere, and constant repeat offending should earn a go-home.   I was also a bit shocked at the wording....   its kind of discouraging toward female shooters.      the sports have drifted from their roots into a hard core competitive environment.   It was inevitable I suppose, but the fun factor goes away when people start getting all bent out over scores and rules. 
    1 point
  46. The moment you strap on a weapon, you have to adopt the mindset of being the one to deescalate a situation - up to and even past the point of personal affront.     It's just not worth it.  
    1 point
  47. Since you will be staying in Brentwood, it might be worth a drive to a new shop that just opened out in Bellevue called Regal Range. It used to be a movie theather until the flood of 2010. Not many folks know about it yet. They are still working on the ranges but the shop is fully stocked. Quite the selection IMO. The range will be 60 yards indoors when finished and at least some sections will be rated up to 50 cal, or so I'm told, if you need to do some test firing. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  48. Woohoo! Take that regulations! When demand is high enough, you can bet entrepreneurs will create a market to satisfy that demand.
    1 point
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