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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/2015 in all areas

  1. This is our son, and his lovely wife, winning not one but two awards during his recent Air Force leadership academy. We are so proud of our son. Only 2% win the Academic Excellence but on top of that he also won the Distinguished Graduate award. His Academic Excellence award was for having the highest academic scores of two training flights, 30 students. The Distiguished Graduate award is given to the Airman who displayed outstanding leadership during the course as voted by his peers. He is, and always will be, my hero.
    12 points
  2. I'll be happy to put away the Confederate flag as soon as we as a country stop referring to black folks as African Americans. They're just Americans, dang-it. If they really want to eliminate that part of our history, then stop reminding everyone where they came from. Besides, most black folks I know don't relate one little bit to Africa or it's culture and heritage.
    7 points
  3. The moment you strap on a weapon, you have to adopt the mindset of being the one to deescalate a situation - up to and even past the point of personal affront.     It's just not worth it.  
    5 points
  4. Guys I am not going to mess around here, so listen up:   -- There exists NO retail operation that hasn't let someone down, pissed someone off, or otherwise dissatisfied at least one customer.   -- The Internet makes it entirely possible for one unhappy person to malign a business to financially damaging degrees, just because they have an axe to grind.   -- The retail public these days (you and ME) can be some of the most ungrateful, demanding, whiney-assed babies any of us have ever seen.  What seems like no big deal to 9/10 people may be the end of the damn world for that 10th guy and then he starts grinding that axe (See point 2 above).       When it comes to complaining about not being recognized with a smile, or thinking a gun was priced too high, or ammo was too scarce, or someone didn't stroke your fur the right way, really that is all SUBJECTIVE to the person doing the griping.  But for some reason, misery loves company on the Internet and people are all too happy to jump into the dog-pile and ruin the reputation of a business and hurt the finances of the PEOPLE working at, reliant upon, and owning those businesses.   I'm really just sick of it.   And more importantly, when it comes to a paying vendor who SPONSORS this site, I just am not going to allow it.   If you have a legitimate beef with a sponsor of TGO, take it up with them privately.  If you think a sponsor poses a significant risk to the physical or financial well-being of the TGO members at large, present your case to ME PRIVATELY and I will consider it and take action if it is warranted.   But if you're just sour that someone had an item you wanted, at a price you weren't willing to pay... put on your big boy pants and realize that life isn't fair and a business can charge whatever they want.  It's capitalism, baby!  It's what makes America awesome.         Jeez frickin Louise!!!   Can't even have a nice thread congratulating two of our local shops on becoming an even bigger operation to serve the local shooters.  We've gotta sit around and figure out how we can eat our own.   :rant:
    5 points
  5. Wife didnt think I'd wear it.......... was in Cracker Barrel and it made for some intresting remarks. The sheep didnt like it!
    5 points
  6. 4 points
  7. if I have to wonder what might happen to me if I am found with a gun I pretty much don't go.   I don't mind a beer or two and some .22 plinking here at the estate.  Crucify me if you must.
    4 points
  8. Too many titty babies in shooting sports lately...
    3 points
  9. A  Marine enters the Catholic Church confessional booth in > Jacksonville. > > He  tells the priest, "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.  Last night, I > beat the hell out of an  Obama supporter." > >          The  priest says, "My son, I am here to forgive your sins, not to > discuss your community service." > >                                                                       *Semper Fi!*
    3 points
  10.   You completely waste the opportunity to find every little thing that may have been dropped anywhere in your garage since you have lived there. 
    3 points
  11. Sooo.... ditto all of the above, really. I also fall back to Kershaw when not carrying a Protech. I have probably 15 Kershaws between $25-$50, but by far my favorite is this:http://kershawguy.com/products-page/kershaw-blems/1670tstbw-black-washed-tanto-blur-blem/ I happened to toss that one in my pocket this morning... wanted something different today as I've had the TGO Runts in my pocket nonstop for a couple weeks. That Kershaw Blur is just the perfect size for me. Nicely weighted, great blade, and very comfy to hold. I love the little grippy inserts in the scales. I've had it for maybe two years and it shows wear, but it's still in perfect condition for use. I got mine as a blem as well but from a different vendor. The only reason I can see for it being a blem is just that they marked it as such! Just take yourself a couple or 3 $20 bills, head to Academy and buy whatever looks cool to you. You'll start to use it and find things you like and don't like... then you'll get another one. And another. Soon you'll be jumping in on every TGO Protech Willis posts up!
    3 points
  12. As I've said in other threads, I have far more expensive and nicer knives than what I carry, but I always come back to Kershaw.  Never had any problems with them and they take an edge well.  Past that they aren't that expensive and some of them are US made.
    3 points
  13. Drink all you want......at home. Drinking while in public is a gamble. Drinking in public with a weapon is just stupid.
    3 points
  14. BTW, this thread is worthless without pics. :D
    3 points
  15. Saw this posted on Facebook earlier this evening: Everything Weapons has entered into a deal to buy The Outpost Armory and merge retail operations. That's huge! Please join me in wishing them both the best of success. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  16. Most of the "scenes" I've witnessed are due to one of two things. They either think they are better than others (ego problem) or its to attempt to make up for shooting poorly. Either way it's a lose-lose situation and all that comes from it is damage to the sport and fellow competitors. Nothing makes a person new to competitive shooting want to come back and play again like witnessing someone acting stupid because they think they are entitled to... Let your shooting speak for you, and if you have a bad day (which we all tank stages/matches at some point) take it as a learning and training opportunity to get better.
    2 points
  17. Well went up and picked up my repaired boat yesterday and am happy to say I had a very UN-eventful trip. left house about 10:30 and back home at 1PM........................ :up: :up:
    2 points
  18. My best knife was a Spyderco Tenacious prior to Willis starting the TGO knife buys. Know I carry my TR4 Punisher and one of my TGO Runts together daily. My son is home from college so I let him handle my TGO knives. When he finished, he walked off smiling. I asked him why he was smiling, and he says because he is going to inherit a very nice knife collection one day. That smile makes every purchase money well spent.
    2 points
  19. As hard as it is to do I'd recommend that you refrain from using #### off or any other inflammatory language in response so you cannot be accused of escalating the situation. At least when you are armed.
    2 points
  20. Hard to say if you did anything wrong to initiate the situation.  I would assume that #### started with the letter "F" which you should not have said in front of a small child, but it sounds like he was looking for a fight.  At the point someone threatens that they will pull me out of the car I have to assume that is their next move and I would be going for my gun at that point.    I just really hate the thought that there was a small child that got to witness this, and thankful that she didn't have to see her father or whoever she was with get shot.
    2 points
  21. I have over 18 different Protechs, and with all honestly my TR4 never leaves my pocket, I use this knife for everything and have dulled my blade a couple of times,I have a spyderco sharpmaker and the blade profile of this knife makes it the easiest to sharpen, the 154CPM, is simple to get razor sharp and retains its edge I guess that Is one of the reasons it does not leave my pocket, the fact that it has a safety and a glass breaker built in make this an exceptional carry knife 
    2 points
  22. Turns out my friend, who is my doctor, knows Sam and Mack. So between us we will do all we can to get him shooting.
    2 points
  23.       Funny, I've been saying the same thing about .22's since the crap started.  Few seem to agree.  
    2 points
  24. My TR4 Punisher has caused several other knives to reside in the safe since I've had it.  The TGO Punisher probably will not see much use untill it's carried by a grandson.   The safety switch allows me feel better knowing there is a 4 inch blade ready to jump into action while it's in my pocket.   Several of my knives and guns get to relax in a comfortable safe.  The others have to earn their keep.
    2 points
  25. I've carried a pocket knife as long as I can remember. Cheaper is ok but if you can skip it. I use mine a lot and the cheaper ones like SOG wear out quickly. If you want heavy duty the ZT knives are great. If your new to sharpening I would avoid the recurve type blades, I find them harder to sharpen with a regular stone. A Protech will be my next purchase. Have heard only great things about their products and company. Everyone else is giving great advice too. Just pick one and buy it. It will not be your last. :)
    2 points
  26. in My 2011 I Supercrew I averaged 12MPH no matter how I drove it, for me I did not buy the truck for fuel economy, but the 2017 Eco Boost will have more torque and horsepower than the last Raptors and get better fuel economy I am definitely getting one I just hope the Supercrew comes out along side with the cab model and not a year later Having said that if I still owned a current gen Raptor I would keep it, and not trade it in they are awesome trucks and I miss mine but I do love what I traded it in for this is all the V8 I need believe me
    2 points
  27. I sure have a hard time deciding what I like best. Lot of really great ones out there.
    2 points
  28. For less expensive I also like Kershaw. I have a couple and they work well. Just like everything else knives are a personal choice.
    2 points
  29. I am a lefty too in a world of righty knives.  As I am sure you have already done adapting is what works best.   My EDC is the Pro Tech Runt 4 TGO special edition.  I am used to holding it and opening it lefty.  It is made for rightys. But the steel is 154cm and that stuff is tough as nails. It gets sharp and stays sharp.  I use it all the time, really I abuse it all the time and it is my best blade. The blade makes the knife.   I am a Kershaw fan too.  My backup is a Kershaw Speedsafe.  The flipper is really fast and the metal, while not 154cm is still good. It takes an edge and holds it for a reasonable amount of use.
    2 points
  30. Thats interesting- my experience has always been the exact opposite.
    2 points
  31. I have heard that different instructors teach different things, so to clear it up, you DO NOT have a duty to inform a police officer that you are carrying when they make contact with you. I do, but only because I hope it will buy me goodwill that might get me out of a speeding ticket. Success rate is around 80% so far, so I'm gonna keep doing it.   If you didn't come from another state where you had a carry permit, you will probably find yourself touching your gun a lot to make sure it's still there/in place. This will pass as you carry more.   Carry enough that get used to doing so, but never complacent. You don't want to find yourself staring down a rookie cop's AR/M16 because you carried somewhere you shouldn't. It happens.   Fly with your guns. Once you've done it a couple of times, it's no big deal. Different airports will handle it slightly differently, but within the same legal context. For example, some airports will have the TSA agent come to the ticket counter to do their thing, and others will have you escort the bag and agent to a room where they do their thing. Just budget a little extra time for it and you'll be fine.   In Tennessee, but not all states, "No guns" signs carry the weight of law, meaning don't enter while carrying. Most of the time if you do and are discovered, you'll simply be asked to leave and that will be the end of it. If the cops are called, they do have the right to cite you for something. I've never been in the situation so I don't know for what.   Practice your draw deliberately leaving your booger hook off the bang switch. Make this as natural as moving your foot from the gas to the brake pedal in your car. Don't ever, ever let yourself get into the habit of drawing with your finger on the trigger or you'll end up like ole Tex Grebner. (Search for him on YouTube if you don't know who he is.)   Above all, stay safe and keep your head on a swivel. Don't go looking for trouble, but be prepared should it come looking for you. There are surely more tips, but I don't want to hurt my puny little brain trying to think of them all.
    2 points
  32. Just because a man is proud of where he comes from doesn't mean he hates ANYONE. They don't go hand in hand. For all their touted openmindedness, the left are about stupidest most CLOSEDMINDED people on earth.
    2 points
  33. That is outstanding! Im sure it would've gotten a more priceless reaction at Chipotle or a Starbucks. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  34. I find it mildly ironic that the hiring event for a firearms manufacturer is being held in a venue wherein one could not possibly legally carry a firearm made by that manufacturer.  Or any other.  It's a curse I have for noticing things like this I guess.   Still, I'm glad to see Beretta coming to Tennessee and wish them and the job seekers who attend the best.  And safety.  :)
    2 points
  35. If you're not sure about the Emerson wave - try it out for cheap.
    1 point
  36. It's very hard to keep a cool head and not say anything in a situation like that but it's usually best. You just have/need to take it up to the point that you don't. 
    1 point
  37. Safety glasses. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  38. Good looking rifle, but what's that rubber thing on the end of the stock? You can't bruise your shoulder with that contraption....
    1 point
  39. I had a Vista Blue 2008 GT500 and a Race Red 2013 BOSS 302. I miss the BOSS the most. :(
    1 point
  40. I've had several good knives over the years but Protech is the only brand I've carried for the last year. As willis68 said above the TR4 is usually in my pocket.
    1 point
  41. My normal carry is a ZT0561. 
    1 point
  42.   That's the part about this whole Confederate Flag issue that drives me nuts. It has no racial connotation whatsoever to the vast majority of people and has zero pro-slavery to practically anyone on one side. Yet, on the other side we have people whose interpretation is being allowed to dictate what is appropriate/allowed based solely on how it makes them feel.
    1 point
  43. Steelharp, I just checked out The Session Players link in your signature, that is some great music.  I'm very impressed to say the least.     It is fantastic that you have been so fortunate to find just the right instrument so many times.  I wish finding that perfect handgun were equally easy, but often times you can modify one to make it perfect for you.   I was wondering if you could find me a circa 2012 factory produced Gen 3 Glock 17 with all the following features: palm swells molded from my right and left hands deleted finger grooves stippling on all contact surfaces will accept Glock 19 length magazines will mount a RMR factory threaded barrel to accept a 1/2x28 suppressor piston   Suppressor height sights Cerakote coated slide   I think you might have some difficulty doing so and that is why people customize guns.  Or cars or houses or even instruments I suppose.           With regard to buying a Gen 2 to avoid the finger grooves I think that is actually a very good idea.  Maybe the OP could look into handling a Gen 2 and see if that frame style offers better ergonomics.  However, if you do that you would loose the light rail and then you have to dremel that into the frame as well as missing out on some fun aftermarket support depending on when that Gen 2 was made.     Again, I wouldn't recommend modifying any collector grade gun, but a vanilla Glock 17 can really be transformed into something custom with some simple hand tools.     I doubt Glock would be interested in hiring me, but that would be cool.  
    1 point
  44. My family came to America in the early 1900's, through Ellis Island. Slavery and the Confederacy were historical topics for me. I have no issue with the flag. I do have an issue with it's removal because of its' historical significance. We can't continue to remove where we came from in the interest of pop culture and political correctness.
    1 point
  45. Definitely echo what Lager had mentioned, I think the most important (they're all very important points however) point is to practice your draw.   To go with that make sure that you have your outfits and the right holster already in mind, my first holster was a cheap Blackhawk softy, that wouldn't cinch down and try to draw from it I was liable to pull my pants all the way up to my face. Find a comfortable holster that wears well, then get used to drawing it in differnet outfits, don't want a beaver-tail or a safety getting stuck in your cargo shorts or jeans belt loops. Same thinking applies to not wearing your sister's shirts when you're out in public, yesterday at iHop this dude was carrying behind his waist band and his wife-beater was riding up on him so he looked silly with his M&P sticking out of his butt crack.   And as always, keep your damn finger off the trigger, this is especially important if you carry with a hot tube (most of us do, I'd like to think) and have a weapon like a HK VP9 without an external safety device.   Along with that, I prefer to carry CONCEALED, yes you can open carry but in all honesty it makes you a target, and depending on your style (I am not making presumptions) you will look a like a tool. I can't tell you how many times I've seen dudes walking around and turning their hip towards people, or finger-banging it in their holster, or checking if they have a round in it. This unnerves people, and makes you look like a major douchecanoe/threat to others.   Keep an eye out for posted places, especially local establishments where they don't have a major corporate HQ calling all the shots.   Don't try to be a vigilante, and KNOW the law. I keep a current copy in PDF on my phone.   Practice makes perfect as always, drawing from the holster and doing other drills are great, but you need to also be proficient with your weapon system!
    1 point
  46. Admins, can we pin this thread?
    1 point
  47. New blade I just finished up. 5/32" 01 steel, acid etch, 61 hardness, Yellow G-10 with Blue liners and Copper tubes! I think I'll keep this one for myself! What do ye think?
    1 point
  48. So far I have around 14 non TGO members wanting one of these Knives, I want to keep this exclusive to TGO forum members so for now I am refusing them all
    1 point
  49. I had the subcompact and it was simply way, way too wide for me to enjoy carrying it.   Its possibly the fattest handgun I have ever owned.   It was reliable and shot well etc, zero problems it just didn't fit physically to my needs.    Also a little on the heavy side for modern CC, I *liked* that as it tames recoil, but its no lightweight.  
    1 point
  50. Having been going and participating in gun shows since I was in short pants the '60s. There has not been a good gun show in middle Tennessee since the '80s. The commercial shows are just flea markets with gun gear and professional purveyors, jewelry, Jerky, Chinese knives and anything else the promoter can get to fill tables. Here and there you might see  a true gun collector. If you are looking for parts or deals the way to go is the NET. An unfortunate reality. It's like going into most gun stores now... Black rifle...Black rifle... Plastic pistol...Plastic pistol. Newest internet plastic fantastic crap.   That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :2cents:
    1 point
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