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Wife didnt think I'd wear it.......... was in Cracker Barrel and it made for some intresting remarks. The sheep didnt like it!4 points
Just because a man is proud of where he comes from doesn't mean he hates ANYONE. They don't go hand in hand. For all their touted openmindedness, the left are about stupidest most CLOSEDMINDED people on earth.4 points
3 points
I have heard that different instructors teach different things, so to clear it up, you DO NOT have a duty to inform a police officer that you are carrying when they make contact with you. I do, but only because I hope it will buy me goodwill that might get me out of a speeding ticket. Success rate is around 80% so far, so I'm gonna keep doing it. If you didn't come from another state where you had a carry permit, you will probably find yourself touching your gun a lot to make sure it's still there/in place. This will pass as you carry more. Carry enough that get used to doing so, but never complacent. You don't want to find yourself staring down a rookie cop's AR/M16 because you carried somewhere you shouldn't. It happens. Fly with your guns. Once you've done it a couple of times, it's no big deal. Different airports will handle it slightly differently, but within the same legal context. For example, some airports will have the TSA agent come to the ticket counter to do their thing, and others will have you escort the bag and agent to a room where they do their thing. Just budget a little extra time for it and you'll be fine. In Tennessee, but not all states, "No guns" signs carry the weight of law, meaning don't enter while carrying. Most of the time if you do and are discovered, you'll simply be asked to leave and that will be the end of it. If the cops are called, they do have the right to cite you for something. I've never been in the situation so I don't know for what. Practice your draw deliberately leaving your booger hook off the bang switch. Make this as natural as moving your foot from the gas to the brake pedal in your car. Don't ever, ever let yourself get into the habit of drawing with your finger on the trigger or you'll end up like ole Tex Grebner. (Search for him on YouTube if you don't know who he is.) Above all, stay safe and keep your head on a swivel. Don't go looking for trouble, but be prepared should it come looking for you. There are surely more tips, but I don't want to hurt my puny little brain trying to think of them all.3 points
With all this Confederate Flag B.S. I think this should be shared again lol https://vimeo.com/1220707602 points
2 points
Set up a victim initiated detonator attached to your own field expedient electrical detonation system made of fireworks so when they go to load your mailbox... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk2 points
I've got a TR4 in my pocket now but I'm waiting to get the TGO model.2 points
Thats interesting- my experience has always been the exact opposite.2 points
My family came to America in the early 1900's, through Ellis Island. Slavery and the Confederacy were historical topics for me. I have no issue with the flag. I do have an issue with it's removal because of its' historical significance. We can't continue to remove where we came from in the interest of pop culture and political correctness.2 points
2 points
Drink all you want......at home. Drinking while in public is a gamble. Drinking in public with a weapon is just stupid.2 points
Well, I'm going to gather that you're talking about me. You don't know me at all, or you would know I'm certainly not "stuck up." (Man, that's a dated phrase. Do people still say that?) Why shave the finger grooves off? Just get a Gen 2, and that's already done. I have been a professional musician for 41 years. I have seen many guys get an instrument, and then start changing all kinds of things. Pickups, keys, pegs, etc. I always wondered why in hell did they buy it in the first place if they didn't like it? That's like dating a tall, skinny brunette and wishing she'd put on a few pounds, buy flat shoes and dye her hair blond. I never bought an instrument in my life that didn't sound and feel exactly like I wanted it to in the first place. I never wanted them to "get a new one out of the back." I wanted the ONE I liked. "I've done and had done the exact modifications he is asking for. They enhance the capability of the weapon system." Have you considered submitting a resume to Glock? I'm not being an ass; I'm serious. If you can make a company's product better, why not try to go to work for them, and introduce your ideas?2 points
I heard that. That's one thing I try to watch closely... don't like making folks angry. A few weeks ago I was just playing close attention to where my 10MM was landing, and surveying the area after every couple mags as the stuff was often landing 3-4 lanes away. One dude got mad saying I was taking his 45. I grinned and showed him my handful of hot 10. He picked one up, looked at it and sheepishly said "Oh, sorry!... Here." He went through the little pile he was collecting and handed my a few of MY 10s he had snagged! Haha! We were cool after that and I pushed his brass towards him, and he watched closely for any more of my 10. :-)2 points
2 points
Which would make us ripe for takeover by which ever moderately powerful country felt like it.2 points
Smart move by Barrett. The gun store was really just a notion at first, taking space in a convenience store they owned, and repurposing it for gun sales. At first they still had both operations running plus the restaurant! It grew quickly and they ditched the gas and c-store and restaurant quickly to create more room the gun shop. It was a brilliant example of the power of capitalism - taking an asset and raising it to a higher value. Now they recognize that it can be more but is taking their time away from their core business, so its sold - and both parties will benefit And no one from the government was needed to create this wealth God Bless America2 points
2 points
Here's wishing them success! A bigger operation ought to yield more buying power and offer more options to middle Tennessee shooters. Good luck, y'all!2 points
it's an issue because the professionals always seem to need to blame some thing and not some one.2 points
Leg traps are cruel and sadistic. I despise them. I'll even step on a few toes here by saying, I have no respect for people who use them. Get mad if ya'll want but killing an animal is one thing, torturing it is something altogether different. I'm all for dispatching the animals if they are posing a threat but have the common courtesy and respect for the animal to not torture it and put it down swiftly and humanely. Cage traps may frighten the animal a bit but they don't cause pain. The animal can be easily put down with a .22 to the head without opening the trap. Remember, they are JUST animals. They're doing what animals do. How would YOU like to have your ankle broken and sit there bleeding and in pain until someone came along to put you down? People seem to demonize these animals like they have malicious intent against you. They may be vicious and go after their next meal with tenacity. They may kill your beloved pet and that would break my heart and certainly motivate me to kill the animals responsible but they don't have the cognitive abilities of a human. They aren't motivated by evil like a human, only hunger and dominance. Why people personify them as anything more than a simple animal doing what animals do is beyond me. If they are a problem, kill them. Wipe them out if that's what it takes to make your pets, livestock and children safe but for the love of God have don't torture the things.2 points
Just arrived. I was going to buy a SCAR but I just can't part with THAT much cash. Can't do it. Still spent more than I wanted, but this is pretty sweet. Fits me like a glove after some stock adjustments. Came with (6) stick shims, (3) butt pads and the cheek piece is adjustable for comb as well as cast on/off. Mounted a Nikon P308 scope. Probably deserves a little better glass but......... Gotta level the scope and bore sight it tomorrow as well as tear it down and clean out the factory goop. Not looking forward to that. This rifle is fairly complicated after fooling with AR's for so long. Thank God for youtube. Anyway, here she is. Yep...it sure is blue.1 point
Smyrna Tn. this afternoon. Just a few hundred yards from the Police Station on Enon Springs. [/URL] [url=http://s280.photobucket.com/user/insanecreepy/media/Flag%201_zpsa3f6z3zu.png.html][/URL] You ain't just a whistling Dixie!1 point
1 point
I am a lefty too in a world of righty knives. As I am sure you have already done adapting is what works best. My EDC is the Pro Tech Runt 4 TGO special edition. I am used to holding it and opening it lefty. It is made for rightys. But the steel is 154cm and that stuff is tough as nails. It gets sharp and stays sharp. I use it all the time, really I abuse it all the time and it is my best blade. The blade makes the knife. I am a Kershaw fan too. My backup is a Kershaw Speedsafe. The flipper is really fast and the metal, while not 154cm is still good. It takes an edge and holds it for a reasonable amount of use.1 point
As I've said in other threads, I have far more expensive and nicer knives than what I carry, but I always come back to Kershaw. Never had any problems with them and they take an edge well. Past that they aren't that expensive and some of them are US made.1 point
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I think it would hold 8 in 357. I would buy one in a heart beat, especially if it came with the ability to shoot 9mm.1 point
1 point
I take a slightly different position. Legalities aside, if you having a few drinks makes you unsafe around a firearm, you were already unsafe around one independent of the other. It is best to find out which and eliminate it from your life.1 point
And then avoid that thought process entirely... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Welcome! Read and study the thought process of Gecko45: http://lonelymachines.org/mall-ninjas/ Hahahaha. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Soapy, I appreciate the history behind the Civil War and the CSA series of flags. I'm not ashamed of my ancestors or of my country but am exacerbated by the extremist hate groups and targeting of innocents. I'm certain that's a universal opinion with all of us here. With that it's a sad thing to recognize being in proximity to a demonstration protesting a businesses decision to stop selling the Stars and Bars is unsafe in your own city.1 point
I'm a Nikon whore. I have a prostaff on my .358 Winchester single shot, it's for .223 but the BDC reticle is working perfectly for me so far. I have a P223 on my CZ527 and its a tack driver. I love Nikons target turrets. They repeat well. I have an M223 with side focus on my AR and I have a P308 on my FNAR. You cannot go wrong with Nikon. It's my personal opinion that Nikon makes the best scope on the market for the money. Hands down. leupolds in the same price bracket suck. Friction adjustments on most of them. Not very good quality. Don't get me wrong, Leupolds makes some of the best scopes money can buy and I'll not attempt to take that away but you have to sell a kidney and three pints of plasma to pay for them. I have not had the need for the particular model you're asking about but I love all my other Nikons and cannot imagine the one you're looking at won't serve you well. They have a great ballistic program available on line to calculate drop rates in relation to the reticle for your particular load and scope model.1 point
1 point
I've got the P-223 and love it. Great product for the price, nice and clear glass, and like cannoncocker said the SpotOn app is pretty cool too. Takes some guessing out of the holdover1 point
1 point
Quite a few differences in the details betwixt the pair. The Match has a full 5" pipe, I think the other is 4.5" or 4.75". Sights, trigger, hammer, etc are all different. This new (older) gun is a real steel frame I believe. The match is aluminum. Though the match is the longer gun, the steel frame makes the shorter gun heavier overall. I bet it may shoot even more softly. It also has 3 dot sights, which I prefer to the all-black sights on the match. Unfortunately I have a busy weeks ahead. It'll probably be mid-July before I get to shoot them side by side. :/1 point
Which might in fact be part of the plan of the current administration. . . .1 point
A lot of things have changed. The South is now heavily industrialized and Northern industry is "rust belted" in a lot of cases. Southern Confederate Flag against the Rainbow Gay Pride flag? Not much of a contest, unless it's restricted to bitch slapping.1 point
Yes, by all means, the Greenbriar Guns & Leather is a must see location. If you have the time for a bit of travel. Without doing a mapquest search, I'm going to say that from The Lipscomb area, this shop is very close to 30 miles and about that in time from you. both locations are really good, but the rebuilt Greenbriar store is great! Good selection and layout. Very friendly and helpful people. (Not that Hendersonville G&L is any less fun to visit, just a smaller inventory there.)1 point
1 point
If you don't like the way it feels or fits, why not just buy a gun you DO like the fit and feel of? There are lots of choices. I don't understand all this melting/whittling/grinding/etc. crap. Just buy a gun that fits YOU, instead of bastardizing one. :screwy:1 point
I've seen several pickups in the last few days driving around with great big confederate flags flying from their beds. They'll fare well here in Lafayette, but let them go into the the wrong neighborhood in another town, and the race war Obama wants is on. I don't wish to see it, but it's gonna happen shortly.1 point
1 point
Definitely not a snake. The only snake with a 2" fang is the Gaboon Viper & if you've got one of those rascals....you're in Africa. I honestly couldn't tell you what it might be, but it certainly isn't anything to do with a snake.1 point
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