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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/2015 in all areas

  1. ...for being lights in the darkness, examples of women and men who believe in "do unto others", for tolerance when we disagree, for offering help and assistance to strangers, producers instead of looters, righteous in the face of evil, willing to give a hand up not a hand out, taking personal responsibility and accountability for your actions and expecting others to do the same, for having a moral compass in a country without God where everything is permissible. You all are a great bunch of people, keep up the good fight, I'm glad I found TGO.
    3 points
  2. That would depend on how good you are and who you're shooting against.  If you were shooting against me.....you'd be at no disadvantage whatsoever. 
    3 points
  3.     You might think about reversing that.  Lots of studies say more strength training and less cardio, especially as we get older (I'll be 40 in a few weeks).  I do my own incarnation of interval training... strength training at a light cardio pace.  I use light weights and various body-weight exercises.  I do two sets of 6-10 different strength exercises with no more than 30 seconds rest between exercises.  Meaning I do one set of all 10, then another set of all 10.  That gets my heart rate up around 120, keeps it there for the duration, and I get a whole body workout.    After that, depending on time/mood/motivation, I'll either do a 3rd set or 10-15 mins on a cardio machine (bike, elliptical, etc.) or nothing  :ugh:  .  I like it because it's fairly quick (no more of this 2 hrs at the gym nonsense) and both my strength and cardio fitness have improved considerably.  My rest heart rate is 55, down from about 80 when I started. 
    3 points
  4.         Maybe nothing, seemed like this poster was working the thread into the gay territory with "fluffy chaps" and such ...       Stop interjecting facts into a perfectly good TGO gay thread ...
    2 points
  5.   Just trial runs of Chinese disruptor satellites.
    2 points
  6. That's like choosing the person who will kill you for sure instead of the person who might kill you... just so you can be assured of the outcome.
    2 points
  7. I don't want what I'm about to post to misunderstood.  I DO NOT want to see any more insane mass killings.  NO!   ...but, the fact is, it's inevitable.  ...and again, don't misunderstand but I would really like to see the next nut that goes crazy, use a sword or hammer or something else.  It would be horrible and I would genuinely feel bad if it happens after me saying it but it might be what it takes to make people understand, its not the tool used to do the job....it's the whacko using to tool.   If some fool went crazy with a ball bat full of nails and couldn't be stopped until the cops arrive, will the want to ban ball bats?    Mental illness needs the real discussion.  
    2 points
  8. Y'all are missing his point. I will, and have, said the same thing. If you want to totally, for sure, eliminate mass shootings, then you gotta eliminate ALL the guns. Doesn't mean he was recommending that. Just stating a fact.   You can't eliminate all the guns (impossible), so stop with the half-ass petty gun control bull#### every time some nutball shoots the place up. I think THAT'S the point he was trying to make.   Eliminating 2A can't and WON'T happen in our lifetimes, and Rove knows that better than most.
    2 points
  9. And as he left that interview he likely had a squad of armed men with guns. He is just like every other elitist in that the common man cannot have what they have. Just like our politicians that believe they are some how justified in believing they are better than anyone else.
    2 points
  10. You can get one from China cheaper.......
    2 points
  11. I liked BTQ's idea. Have an old graveyard of these threads that are locked but can be viewed.
    2 points
  12. my big little brother came down to visit, wanting to try some shooting, I think he like shooting the Mutant the best over my other AR,s because of the muzzle flash it made late in day over the 5.56. anyway I have a small range set up in back with some MGM steel plates that I still have because there were knock over' I did not use them because I could not pick them up. I finally got the idea to get some heavy duty door hinges and have them welded to the target stand's and to the targets so they would just flip over. the 4" are on the stands and the 5" are made into a mini plate rack. in the one picture is the bottom of the top of the target stand and on the other half is the bent rod . cut into 2 pieces by brother with 1 shot. now have gone bought some angle iron so if there is a next time may be bullet will be deflected some.
    1 point
  13. http://news.yahoo.com/gov-walker-end-decades-old-waiting-period-handguns-164242285--politics.html Good for WI. Now they're no longer in the minority. ;)
    1 point
  14. I just want to make sure I didn't miss anything important. They did throw me out of training camp and all...:lol:
    1 point
  15.   It's a fundamental law of TGO threads, the more lengthy the thread, the more likely it evolves into a discussion on gays ...
    1 point
  16. I looked last night but no luck, but there is an lot of light here. I have seen them in Canada. truley an amazing sigh5
    1 point
  17. I use a Mobile Hot Spot I purchased through AT&T, Verizon and others offer the same or similar set ups. Mine uses the same cell towers as my cell phone so if your in range its all good. IIRC I started out with 8 G and later went with 10 G for only a little more money.
    1 point
  18. http://www.shopstraighttalk.com/bpdirect/straighttalk/Start.do?action=view&zip=46168&locale=en&siteType=&market=HSVZW&gotoPhonelist=true&utm_source=IMM&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=MID&utm_content=25706-185701-42569-335&utm_keyword={keyword}
    1 point
  19. Won't your phone do it?
    1 point
  20. I'll post pictures next time I take it to the range to test it's grouping, hoping for improvements
    1 point
  21. Carb cleaner.  Spray the crap out of it, scrub it out with whatever is handy but not abrasive.  Don't much worry about corrosion as case lube will be in there in short order.  I don't want any spray lubes in there that might make hydraulic dents in the shoulder.  
    1 point
  22. I don't know if it was this storm or not but we had a bunch of unexplained crazy electrical issues all across our various automation networks the last few days. We've been through storms before and not had any issues so it is most likely coincidence.   We had a ton of controllers that were down for no reason yesterday. We came in early this morning to start sending reboot commands out and about 95% of the problems vanished over night.   strange...
    1 point
  23. So my entire life starting from 9th grade on, I've never been out of the gym as a regular routine until the past two years of no lifting at all. Maybe a month break and back hard at it but never this extended amount of time. I just got back from a trip to Panama City Beach with my wife and daughter and what a "Get mad at myself" moment that has been! The last time I was there was 16 or 17 years ago and I had a six pack (of beer and abs) and routinely did sets of bench with 225 lbs and was one of the guys that people noticed when I walked in somewhere. Well, lemme just tell you, I am nowhere any of that now and it really ticked me off. Now at 42 years old, I have no dreams of being that big again or showing off. But dang I feel miserable and the diet started today and already called different gyms to figure out which will work better for me now. I used to work out at both Gold's in Nashville and remember all the idiots who go to socialize, not work out. I am not up for dealing with that now and hated it then as well. I always want to concentrate on the workout and talk later. Maybe I'll be able to workout there anyway since I'm on an off schedule from the normal social crowds and all will be good. Also looking at Planet Fitness. Either way, I'm ready to hit the weights and diet equally hard.   On a side note from being mad at myself (it's my own fault, nobody did it but me) I do have some great news and no I didn't save a bunch of money by switching to Geico. I had my 5 year cancer scan last Monday and yesterday when I got back from PCB I went to see my Doc and got FABULOUS news! Everything looks great, as it has since my treatment ended in Oct of 2010. I now have no more CT scans, only bloodwork labs every year!!! Couldn't have knocked me down with one of Spot's hammers! Well, it would've knocked me down but I'd be happy when I woke up :rofl:
    1 point
  24. I agree with peejman and rugerla1, although "cardio" is a really broad area. If you aren't fit, just a weight circuit and Crossfit stuff is going to get your heart into the cardio zone.    Consider alternating weights/Crossfit type stuff on one day and elliptical, spin, stairmaster or running on the other days.   At least two or maybe three workouts a week should include something intense. High intensity, short duration exercises... weights, running, cycling... have been shown to boost testosterone levels. That's key to slowing the aging process and speeding up your metabolism to burn more calories. "High intensity" means 8 reps of 20 seconds sprinting uphill, 8 sets of 30 seconds sprinting on a spin bike, 8 reps of sprinting, or the Crossfit Tabata workout, which might be 8 sets of 20 seconds of squats with 10 second recovery between sets.  Oh... and don't do Crossfit classes. It's fun, but an injury waiting to happen, at least it was for me.
    1 point
  25.   Seems to me just a matter of time before a few homegrown jihadis that don't much care whether they survive it or not (or real ones that just mosey across the border) set a new record body count shooting up a big church or synagogue here.   Among the softest of targets, especially in essentially gun free zone states, captive audience, perfect venue for the Islamic kill-em-all radical ideology, etc.   - OS
    1 point
  26. Long ago and far away I had just retired from my career and had taken up a new career as a training contractor providing basic defensive pistol training to County Probation Departments around the state. I was teaching a 40 hour course that required three range days and 1,218 rounds of ammunition per trainee, and I was of necessity using local ranges. One of the first hard lessons I learned in my new job was never to trust that the host range would have as many target stands as I had trainees. In fact, on my very first job I made a scouting trip of a couple of hundred miles to check out the host range and discovered that it was lacking six target positions for my upcoming classes. Returning home and stopping at the local lumber yard, I bought enough lumber to produce six of the best portable target stands I have ever used in this life. I honestly don't know where I got the design, but had been using it for my own needs for some years at that time, and had found it to be easy to make, inexpensive, and extremely durable. In fact, in the next few weeks each of my new target stands had a total of 3,652 rounds of pistol ammunition fired through them, and although they had taken some hits, each and every one of them was serviceable and safe to use. They stubbornly resisted every effort my trainees made to blow them apart. But first, here is the target stand I am referring to. The stand consists of a base and a target frame. The target frame is simply inserted into a slightly undersized slot built into the base and is held there by friction alone. On the ones I have built, I have generally made the span of the vertical 2x2's a half inch wider than the slot in the base. To put them together, you get one leg started into the slot, then push in on the other leg with your foot until it goes in. Then you push down on the entire frame and it stays put. It looks like this when finished and assembled. All you need is two 2x4x8's and three 2x2x8's. Pick through the 2x4's and do your best to find the driest and therefore the lightest ones in the pile. Light weight is very important because you have to carry this stand downrange to the distance you want to shoot. Try to find straight 2x2's, straight ones being as rare as hens' teeth, but give it your best shot. Here are all the parts of both the base and the stand laid out so you can see how they go together. This is a basic project that requires few carpentry skills, any kind of a good saw, a power drill with a few bits, especially a screwdriver bit, and 32 screws of any kind you happen to have laying around, including rusty, reclaimed ones. They can be wood screws, sheet metal screws, drywall screws, or deck screws. As long as they have a good screwdriver slot, you're in business. As for a saw, I have built these stands with table saws, radial arm saws, chop saws, circular saws, and even small hand saws used with a cheapo three dollar miter box. I built this particular stand with my power miter saw, but you certainly don't need anything that sophisticated for this project. The joints are all butted together and no routing or dado heads are needed at all. (Note: You can make these stands with nails but I don't recommend it as the stand will loosen up pretty quickly. Use screws if you can. ) The dimensions of this stand are entirely optional. Usually you will find yourself limited by the size of the storage area you have for it, and by the room available in your vehicle. I've pretty well standardized on these dimensions: BASE – 2x4 feet, 3'. 2x4 cross boards, 2'. TARGET FRAME – Height, 6'. Outside width of upright 2x2's, 24 ½". Vertical distance at the outside of the horizontal 2x2's, 4'. Here are a couple of photos showing things to consider when deciding on the dimensions you want to use. I keep my stand stored between a fridge and freezer in the garage, and don't care to exceed 24 inches in width lest it become a snag. Also, this kind of lumber is fragile and won't tolerate being stored outdoors for very long at all. So keep it indoors if at all possible. This is how it breaks down and fits into a Dodge Ram short-bed half ton pickup. I use my frame mainly for pistol work out to 25 yards and rifle work out to 50 yards, although I have used it much farther out than that. That being said, here's an idea you might consider. If you are going to place your stand out at extended ranges, I suggest you spike it down as shown in this photograph. Although it's rare, I have seen these stands blow over when a strong gust of wind hits them, and that's a real bummer when you've just gotten back to the firing line after walking the stand out to the 200 yard line. The ten inch spikes shown in the photograph cost 55 cents each at Lowe's. The twelve inchers are only 65 cents. And now here are some photos of the basic joinery involved , along with a few explanatory comments and hints for building the stand. I use two 2 ½" screws in each butt joint in the target frame and always pre-drill the holes. I advise against trying to countersink the head by running the screw in at a high speed – 2x2's will split every time when you do this. It's OK to run the screw in fast, just slow it down before the head meets wood. If you find your screws are a bit short, it doesn't hurt a thing to countersink the head as much as ¾" in order to get the needed thread depth into the horizontal 2x2. All of the corner braces in both the base and the target frame are 6" in length on the long side, cut to 45 degrees, and are held in place with two drywall screws. In this case I had some 1 5/8 inchers that worked great. In the base I used two 3 ½" deck screws to make the joints, then reinforced them with corner braces like the ones shown in this photo. Note the precision with which I located the deck screws, heh. One need not necessarily use 2x2's for the corner braces. I used them as a matter of convenience since I had plenty of lumber. But you can use triangles cut from old flooring like the middle piece in the photograph, or from a scrap piece of 1x4 board like the top piece and then screw them down flat on the back of the frame and the top of the base. The screws shown are typical of the ones I used in this project. You might be wondering if the corner braces are really needed. Well, yes and no. I have made these stands without corner braces and they did fine for a while. Then they started getting wobbly and had to have all the screws driven in farther, which is a pain. Also, I've found that the corner braces really help hold the unit together when one of the longer pieces of 2x2 takes a bullet hit. I've never seen one of these stands get shot up so badly the shooter couldn't finish his day, and the corner braces help make that a reality. This photo illustrates just how the target frame and base go together. When you make the base, it's best to install one crossboard completely, then establish the correct size of the slot by placing a loose piece of 2x2 between the fixed board and the second one you are about to install. I even C clamp these together to make sure I get the snudge fit I'm looking for. This gives a different view of how the entire unit goes together when it's finished. So gents, if you are growing tired of swiping your neighbors' "For Sale By Owner" signs, or even the little front yard political ad signs to use for target stands, this offers a real chance to have a sturdy, cheap, easy to build and repair, inexpensive alternative you might want to consider. It offers some real room for alterations to fit ones situation as well. And again, these are entirely suitable for conducting firing classes on the range. Best wishes and thanks for listening. EssOne
    1 point
  27. Ha! I mean like yours not jacks. Mines too heavy. It's all 2x4 and 2x6. I like the way yours is able to be stored. I'm going to come back to this thread when I build more.
    1 point
  28. I am SERIOUSLY considering yellow. I think I would like to coat the whole thing in bedliner. Let that cure then pain the whole thing Tonka Yellow, then paint the roof white. Why you ask? Well, matching the tow vehicle would look pretty cool.....
    1 point
  29. Congratulations on the good news. Now get back at it!
    1 point
  30. I never liked this guy much even during the Bush Administration... and he's been worthless the last several years. Hey, Carl, go retire somewhere and shut up.
    1 point
  31. It's highly unlikely we will see anything more than a hint of color in the sky, that's about all you can expect at these latitudes ...
    1 point
  32. Hey, become a vendor and sell them. I get credit for getting a new vendor and you can give me a few for grins and giggles. :up: :wave: :cool: :rofl: Nice work, thanks for sharing.
    1 point
  33. You can't wear those unless you have matching assless chaps.
    1 point
  34. My welding ain't so good. I have very light sensitive eyes and cannot watch my puddle like I need to. SO, I weld everything twice with the second weld penetrating the first. Decided to go with a pintle and lunette instead of a ball to give me more articulation. Used 2x2x 1/8" angle to make the body skeleton. Then used the aluminum roof from a M151A2 military jeep as a roof. I also got me some mud grip 265-70-17's and some aluminum toyota wheels. They aren't an exact match to my FJ but they're close. If you notice the door on the tongue, there's going to be a control panel in there to handle electrical. I'll likely have this thing lit up like a christmas tree. Redneck and all, I do love me some lights.
    1 point
  35. I'm not interested in ever doing repairs on this thing SO, I used 1/8" tread plate to make scab plates over critical joints. I welded everything together first, ground it smooth and welded plates over the joints.
    1 point
  36. It's wicked simple.  What reduction are you looking to get done?
    1 point
  37. My argument has been reduced to, "Come and get 'em. Wear your rubbers". I'm totally sick of libtards.
    1 point
  38. I don't recommend taking the thread down, you've fished for information insight and learned a bit, sit back and watch to learn more. I took your initial post more as asking for information and potential points of contact, not a direct request for a member to invite you over to shoot. For now just go to ranges and take some instructional courses. If you want to shoot on farmland or such you need to pay it forward and meet farmers or property owners. A few weekends spent brush bucking or on property maintenance goes a long way towards developing trust. If you want to meet people with rural property ask around your church and develop community relationships.
    1 point
  39. Golden Grain is cheaper than Everclear and still 190 proof.  I keep it for the ultimate SHTF liquid.  Second only to water.  I've even run a 5hp Honda engine on it.  It ran just fine.  
    1 point
  40. Cause it ain't necessary, and he don't want one! :D
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Well this just tells me if I take an Uber I'll be the only one with a gun
    1 point
  43.     Right here, this is where I knew the thread was going to get good. Not because of the flag burning, but because we can see we're dealing with real, live, big and bad 18 wheeler man! Or someone who's just trying to be a big bad 18 wheeler man with smoke stacks on his pickup truck. Either way, knowing now that his vehicle is obviously such a big part of his life that he had to work it into the post, it kind of makes me wonder if that's the case because there's nothing else to his life. Seems like the typical attitude of someone...eh, I'd guess 16-25 years old who just hasn't yet realized that life is a whole lot more enjoyable without 'rolling coal' and trying to stuff things in peoples' faces.    But what the hell do I know? I'm still on the lookout for another fluffy cow, could use another pair of wooly chaps...:)
    1 point
  44. Great post! Very informative and useful.
    1 point
  45. Very nice......awesome job :up:
    1 point
  46. Awesome! Thanks for posting this, I've been needing to build some stands.
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48.   If there's one thing this society really needs, it's a lot of folks catching up on their desperately deserved ass whippings. Won't ever happen though. We live in the land of girlie men and participation trophies.
    1 point
  49. FWIW, JB Weld is an epoxy...Hozzie is correct, any quality epoxy will be pretty chemically resistant. From experience in a past life, I could bore you to interesting tears carrying on about how cool epoxies are... Surface prep is key for proper bond. As clean as you can get it and clean it once more. Apply epoxy. Once cured rough it up with and abrasives pad. This creates micro abrasions and increases the surface area for the topcoat to adhere to. Clean again and again. Apply topcoat - Again see Hozzie's post - the paint may be way less chemically and abrasion resistant that the epoxy weld. Follow mfg specs for mixing and working time. Worst case it works and has an obvious scar or it works and the cosmetic surgery went well.
    1 point
  50. My "primitive hunting" setup:
    1 point
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