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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/2015 in all areas

  1. Absolutely horrible.  This is why I carry at church.  Always have, always will.
    12 points
  2. Me? I'd unload it, turn it in to the cops and let the person explain why they left their gun. I got plenty and don't want something that belongs to someone else.
    12 points
  3. Prayers to all the families and prayers for the world in this day and time in which we live.   I'll never understand why the name and life history of any shooter is made famous by the media. They should all die in obscurity with with the public not ever knowing who they were. 
    9 points
  4.   For a while, I worked with a contemporary Christian band that played in any church that would have them. After many years in and around various southern churches, I feel comfortable saying nobody does church like black ladies in the south. Even in my 'home' church at the time, I didn't feel as at home as I did in some of the black churches we played. In my experience, those ladies were almost always just genuinely happy to have you in church and wanted you to feel at home.    I'd recommend everyone, even if you have a great 'home' church you're happy with go visit an African American church once or twice. It's a pretty awesome experience, and if nothing else an opportunity to fellowship with some brothers and sisters in Christ in a way that you might not otherwise get to experience. 
    5 points
  5. Just got this finished up for jct1911! It's gonna be a NASTY little cutter when I put the final edge on it! 5/32" thick o1 steel hardened to 61. I will have two more of these available. Jim
    5 points
  6. The problem is if people don't blame the guns then they have to face the reality that evil exists in this world. Thats a very difficult thing for some people to handle
    4 points
  7.   Leave it to the Libtards to try to make mass murder more illegal than it already is.
    4 points
  8. Prayers for the family members of the victims. Another terrible act by a worthless piece of crap.
    4 points
  9. He's lucky I'm not his boss.
    3 points
  10. Once upon a time a guy wanted to get into the fast food business, but he wanted to do something different. So, after a lot of study, he decided to open a Rabbitburger fast food restaurant. It was a real success. His rabbitburgers were so good folks flocked from far and near to eat them, and he made a fortune.   One day an old friend stopped by and was very impressed with how well the business was doing. "Tell me," he said to the owner, "do you have any trouble obtaining rabbit meat in such large quantities?"   The owner looked around suspiciously and said in a very low tone of voice "Well, yes, to be perfectly honest about it. Sometimes we have to augment the rabbit meat with other meat."   "What other meat?" the friend asked.   Putting his hand over his mouth and speaking very softly the owner said: "horse meat."   "Horse meat!" exclaimed the friend, "in what ratio?!"   Now almost whispering, the owner answered "one to one."   "Y'mean one pound of horse meat to one pound of rabbit meat?"   "No, one horse to one rabbit!"   Now, as Paul Harvey said, you have the WHOLE story. :pleased:
    3 points
  11. While I don't like "hate crime" laws as they criminalize thought, I have to admit that this is lining up to be a textbook definition of one.
    3 points
  12. Thank you all for the input and sorry for the long delay. The WD 40 did the trick Dolomite.    
    3 points
  13. There's nothing like a gun free zone to protect innocent citizens.
    3 points
  14. Of course the media is going with the hate crime angle but aren't all these mass killings about hate? Some worthless sociopath hates their life, hates humanity and blames society or a group of people, wants to become famous so they target a group of defenseless innocent people in revenge for their own miserable existence. I hope when they find him he will draw on police and they remove him from existence so we wont have to hear his name and see his face all over the news for years like that parasite theater killer.
    3 points
  15. If I found it in a rest room or anywhere for that matter I would call the local police and ask if they want to come and pick it up or would they want me to bring it to the station. Keeping it or selling it IMO is not a valid option.
    3 points
  16. Journalism still has worth. There just is no journalism.
    2 points
  17. The only time msnbc isn't in last place is when cnn is done covering a riot or something. Journalism has no worth these days.
    2 points
  18. A knife?  That's what our cooks carried.  We carried a tank with us.
    2 points
  19. To be fair, violence with guns, while it does happen in other countries with very strict gun laws, it does not happen as often as it does here. You can't compare the US to Isreal or Iraq and their historical and religious regional conflicts. Compare it to say Germany. Yes hate crimes happen everywhere, but we can't just blatantly ignore the reality here that guns are involved more frequently. I don't like the reality, but I am willing to accept the reality as I don't believe it is a gun issue, but a social issue. I just think it comes across as illogical when someone says this happens everywhere where gun laws are stricter. It doesn't.
    2 points
  20. Kill de wabbit, kill de wabbit .,..   I think they're okay. Like squirrels, I'd claim them to be a lot better if they were as big as chickens.   - OS
    2 points
  21. Correct. Very open and accepting congregation with a very open minded pastor as well. IOW a cohesive group of Christians who would welcome a stranger in to worship or observe. I just wish someone their besides their murderer had been armed and put paid to this violent criminal.     BTW if none here have ever done so please make and effort to visit one of your communities African-American Churches. The little old ladies in white dresses are a true treasure and the sermons are spirited to say the least. Good times...
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. I have an old Kingfisher Topo map of the complete lower end of Ky Lake. It actually begins just above New Johnsonville and goes. south to Savannah which is about 5 miles from Pickwick Dam. If this is the lake map your looking for I would be more than glad to give it to you. I used it one time back in 1998. PM me your name and address in Dickson and I will put it in the mail to you.............. :up:   Bersaguy
    2 points
  24.       This was my point above. You can't leave the gun somewhere by accident if you don't take it out in the first place. Having to remove the gun when you chop some butt wood makes forgetting it somewhere possible in the first place that wouldn't be if it stayed in its holster. I don't think folks give enough thought about what to do with their gun when they squeeze out a Lincoln when choosing their method of carry. The time to ask yourself what you will do with your gun when making a grunt sculpture is before you pick out your holster. I know I would find it difficult to pump a clump of dump out of my rump if I was worried about my gun while I was helping the groundhog find his shadow.     :poop:
    2 points
  25.   Maybe his dad is a white supremacist too.   - OS
    2 points
  26. I guess ALL white people will be responsible for this crap too.     If by some chance there's some nutcase douche out there reading this post, I have a question?  Why shoot up places like schools and churches?  If you want to use violence and murder to make the country a better place, start offing drug dealers and gang bangers.  I bet the cops won't look quite as hard for you.       The whole world is just eat up with the dumb ass.  
    2 points
  27. I certainly don't need another Surefire light, but it looks like I'll be spending more money on one.
    2 points
  28. No I'm not self righteous I just can't excuse or see how anyone can leave a gun in a public place like that. Just like I can't see how anyone can forget a child or pet in a hot car. And as for cops leaving the gun belts they should face the same punishments as us civilians that leave guns in public places.
    2 points
  29. +1 for navionics. I use it on the boat as well as the app on my smartphone
    2 points
  30. http://webapp.navionics.com/#@8&key=kqz|ExwjwO
    2 points
  31. I suspect he will not be taken alive. Cowards like this generally take their own lives at the first sign they are going to be caught.   As far as the weapon it would have to fit in his fanny pack so likely a pistol of some sort.   Yet another spark that has a chance to ignite the hostilities and the race baiters will no doubt use this as a means to further divide when we should be coming together.
    2 points
  32. Cut it in half with a blow torch and put it on display with the owners name in bold lettering..... If you can't keep track of your gun then you should not carry one.....
    2 points
  33. It seems pretty simple to me, or maybe I just am. I might hang around with it for a few min, just to see if person shows up and can tell me zactly what it is, but if not:   - call cops, they'll almost certainly pick it up - tell whoever's in charge of store that's where it went so can tell owner if he comes back and looks for it - unload and keep ammo as finder's fee :)   - OS
    2 points
  34. What if you found it in a drawer in someone's home? Perhaps they'd stepped out for a bit.   What's the difference? It ain't yours!
    2 points
  35. Uhh, that's great till someone reports it stolen and you sell it. Possession is 9 tenths of the law.
    2 points
  36.   If there's one thing this society really needs, it's a lot of folks catching up on their desperately deserved ass whippings. Won't ever happen though. We live in the land of girlie men and participation trophies.
    2 points
  37. There have been a few threads lately about the “Good Ole Days”. One thing I see all the time that is significantly different from the good ole days is what people will say when they think they are protected. When I was running around as a young man (circa 70’s, 80’s) we had all the things they have today. Road rage; we had it. But if you participated in it, it would usually end with someone taking an azz beating and the cops weren’t called. Arguments, bar fights, etc.; same thing, you either shut up, left, or threw down. As a cop in the late 70’s and early 80’s I responded to many of those types of calls. We had what we called “Mutual Combat”. If you got in a fight in a bar or with your neighbor because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut, and then wanted the Police to arrest them; it generally wasn’t happening if you were a willing participant. I told them it was mutual combat and if they were adamant that they wanted to file a complaint I told them I would arrest them both and let the States Attorney make the call. (They wouldn’t prosecute two willing participants running their mouths that led to a fight anyway.) I’ve seen many people say things and show disrespect that I’m sure they wouldn’t do in front of a person. You have responsibility for the things you say and do. You have anonymity on the internet (to some degree) but not so much out in public. If you argue with someone to the point of name calling; you shouldn’t get to file a complaint if you get your azz beat. The cops should tell you “Don’t be stupid next time.” and leave. Of course with our liberal bleeding hearts making a big deal of it the cops can’t handle it that way anymore. Today those bleeding heart liberals think they can say whatever they want and if someone punches them out; they will shoot them. That was murder in the good ole days. Is my thinking messed up on this?
    2 points
  38. Having your vehicles serviced at Walmart is roughly akin to expecting to get a gourmet meal through the McDonald's drive-through window ...
    2 points
  39.   You dummy. That's not agenda. That's vagina. :D
    2 points
  40. 1 point
  41. Don't touch it. Call the cops. End of story. Simple.
    1 point
  42. While I wouldn't necessarily want to use this on one of my weapon lights, it's a brilliant idea.   Adding a microprocessor and a sensor to adapt the light to the setting is a great way to conserve battery and make a light better suited to a wide range of applications.  I wouldn't hesitate to pick one of these up for walking around the neighborhood.
    1 point
  43. Who says it up to you, (or xjsnake, or anyone else for that matter), to excuse anything someone else does that you are not involved in? Self-righteous much?   I forgot my gun in the bathroom once when I was new to carrying. I was traveling up to Indiana when I experienced an emergency call of nature outside of Louisville so I stopped in the nearest gas station. I carry a Taurus slim 9 in my back pocket, and I took it out so as to not drop it in the toilet as I dropped my drawers, but when it's in place I don't even feel it there most times. The only place to put it was on a black plastic box that was away from the toilet. Black plastic gun on a black plastic box is not a good combination. When I got up I didn't have the visual or tactile reminders to retrieve the gun, so I left without it. As soon as I got on the entrance ramp next to the gas station, (<1 minute I'd guess since I was in a hurry), I realized that I didn't have my gun, but, unfortunately, there was nowhere to turn around for over 6 miles. By the time I traveled the 13 miles back to the store someone had found it and turned it in to the clerk who called the police. I felt like crap, but I waited for the police to arrive, explained what happened, apologized profusely, and showed them my HCP. The officer gave me my gun and I was on my way. I was lucky a kid didn't shoot their self with it, but I was also lucky someone didn't use the circumstance to justify stealing the gun from me.   As a former LEO I know of many times where other officers have walked out of the bathroom without their entire gun belt.
    1 point
  44. I replayed it several years ago, and the graphics in no way ruined the memory for me. Still the best game ever. I still have the original copy. :) I will be coming out of console gaming retirement to play this. TAKE MY MONEY!
    1 point
  45. GT Distributor's is in Rossville, GA - just across the state line. TN residents pay $25.00 (includes background check) to an FFL 2 miles down the road.
    1 point
  46. Maybe S&W will buy the rights to the Python and Anaconda?
    1 point
  47. Break it up? Hell I'd be giving odds and taking bets lol. I avoid Walmart as much as possible just due to the sheer stupidity of the general public there. But if two grown ups wanna fight, let them fight. To bad the kid was involved Sent from the backwoods
    1 point
  48. What is your view of the "shall not be infringed" part of the Second Amendment? :ugh:
    1 point
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