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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2015 in all areas

  1. Having your vehicles serviced at Walmart is roughly akin to expecting to get a gourmet meal through the McDonald's drive-through window ...
    18 points
  2. Unashamedly borrowed from another site.....     Jigs McDonald, NHL Hall of Fame broadcaster speaking in Ontario, says: "I am truly perplexed that so many of my friends are against another mosque being built in Toronto. I think it should be the goal of every Canadian to be tolerant regardless of their religious beliefs. Thus the mosque should be allowed, in an effort to promote tolerance." “That is why I also propose that two nightclubs be opened next door to the mosque, thereby promoting tolerance from within the mosque. We could call one of the clubs, which would be gay, 'The Turban Cowboy' and the other, a topless bar, would be called 'You Mecca Me Hot'." “Next door should be a butcher shop that specializes in pork, and adjacent to that an open-pit barbecue pork restaurant, called 'Iraq of Ribs'." “Across the street there could be a lingerie store called 'Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret' with sexy mannequins in the window modeling the goods and on the other side a liquor store called 'Morehammered'." "All of this would encourage Muslims to demonstrate the tolerance they demand of us. :usa:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :usa:
    12 points
  3. Well, I have to say I read about Dolo's issues with Walmart and I sincerely hope that they do what is right by him for sure. I had a great experience with Walmart and I seldom spend much time at Walmart for many years now. Last month when they were getting ready to release American Sniper I went up there a couple days early to talk with the people back in electronics about how many companies of the movie they will be getting. One employee said they will be getting about 100 Blue Ray copies, 150 Combo packs and 125 Plain copies for standard Disc players. She also volunteered that if I wanted to make sure I got a copy I might want to be there pretty early. I asked why and she said we have one lady that is a straw buyer for about 15 Rental Video stores and they will send her in to buy about 200 of the new releases and she shows up every time any new hot releases come out and will fill a cart up by 8AM. If I miss it I will have to wait about 2 weeks till they get another shipment in. I asked if anyone has ever reported that to the manager and she said she didn't know.   I decided to take my complaint to the Corporate level and ask them if they knew about straw buyers doing that at their stores. I didn't figure my complaint would get any attention. To my surprise evidently Corporate was very concerned and wrote me back in two days.   They wanted to know which store I shopped at. I wote them back and told them and they wrote back and thanked me. The following day my Walmart store called me on the phone to discuss any issues I was having. I told the assistant manager about my concern about being able to purchase American Sniper and about the straw buyer they had using their store to supply several rental stores with their stock.    She informed me that she was not aware of it but she would look into it. She did exactly that and she was in electronics when the lady showed up and began emptying the shelves. She walked up to her and ask her what  she was buying so many videos for and found out she was in fact working for several rental stores that had a limit on how many they could order of popular releases. The manager told her that she was going to limit her on the number of Videos she could get and the woman got very up set and told the manager she could not restrict how many she could purchase and the manager cut the number even more.    I showed up about 10 o'clock AM and pleased to see a lot of copies of the movie on the shelves. I bought a combo pack and gave my son in law the Blue ray because he has a Blue Ray player and I don't.  I saw the lady that told me about the straw buyer and she laughed. She said yep, she showed up and the manager really made her mad and I bet she will not be back but will go to another store. I was very impressed that that Corporate did react really quick and so did their store managers. I know there is not a lot of good things posted about Walmart so I thought I would post something positive for a change...........jmho
    6 points
  4. Personally I would call one of the strip clubs the "Gaza Strip Club".
    6 points
  5. If you had something simple like a corneal scratch, then I would assume any urgent care place should be able to do a fluorescein dye test.  It is relatively simple to do and interpret in animals, so I would think one of those urgent care docs should be able to muddle through it.     (Human doctors are just like veterinarians who specialize in only one species. :rofl: )
    5 points
  6. Yeah.. we are done there.. no more of that..:)   We are luckily getting a Food city here in our town.. until its finished we are going to go either Target or anywhere else..
    4 points
  7. http://www.aimsurplus.com/product.aspx?item=F1ANSLNTG
    4 points
  8. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department is one of the most professional uniformed police agencies in the United States, and adheres to rigorous training standards. I've worked with them many times over the years.  My guess is that there is some kind of a glitch going on with the transition from the DA/SA Beretta M92 and the striker fired Smith and Wesson gun. It could involve the need for different handling procedures or enforcement tactics, or the use of different holsters, etc. etc. The number of AD's with the new gun says to me that the problem is in the transition training process or equipment somewhere, but blaming the gun is nonsense - the guns aren't firing themselves. If I had to bet on a possible cause, it would be that deputies are applying Beretta 92 habits to the new pistol and that doesn't work. LAPD is converting from the Glock to the Smith and Wesson guns and is having no such problems.
    3 points
  9. Why are they running around with their fingers on the trigger?
    3 points
  10.  I read all that and I caught myself thinking there's movie rental places still?
    3 points
  11. Well, my patients can't talk, but I did have a scratch on my cornea once.  It felt like sand or a hair was in my eye constantly (like I wanted to rub and flush my eyes, but it had no effect).   When animals have corneal ulcers they will have similar symptoms--spasms of eye, excessive tearing, redness, and sometimes a constricted pupil.   I would go to an ophthalmologist.  An optometrist is more focused on correcting visual deficits with lenses.  An ophthalmologist is a medical doctor who then specialized in diseases of the eye.  Their education overlaps, but the ophthalmologist will have more training and experiences with eye diseases.
    3 points
  12. I am a tolerant person, or try to be, as well as try to give people a chance or the benefit of the doubt. I also tend to take people's word at face value. But this will be the straw that will make me never step foot in that place again. And even though I will never step foot in there again I will continue to spread the word about Nick, Stacy, Linda and the others who have no business interacting with any other living thing.   I will say that the manager that handled the car issue was great. I apologized as soon as I seen her for being short with her on the phone and after that things were great. I would gladly have her as a manager over Stacy. Matter of fact when I talk to the district manager tomorrow I will make that fact known.
    3 points
  13. I am not sure how bad experiences at a WalMart and a Burger King reflect on the Knoxville area as a whole.
    2 points
  14. You should mAke them eat at that burger king of yours as additional punishment
    2 points
  15.   My apologies.  I have amended my previous post to meet these requirements.  Gladly.  :D   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/88586-walmart-strikes-again-this-time-more-serious/#entry1277279
    2 points
  16. I must admit I was all prepared to be greatly offended by this from the title. But it turned out to be phenomenally good.
    2 points
  17.   Not creepy in the least.  ;)
    2 points
  18.   I think he was saying that in context with the fact that the guy was offensive to him in every other fashion.   It'd be like you finding out that the pacifist weirdo behind the counter was a Airman stationed in Afghanistan, and subsequently saying he must have been one of those Taliban-pacifying goat-screwing types.   I didn't read it that he thinks every Vietnam Vet has a pinup poster of [someone pissing on] Jane Fonda on the front of their gun safe.   :)
    2 points
  19. In the 13 years we have lived here.. never had a problem with the lube center. That`s why I go there..Does not matter where you go.. you suspect the workers have more of a brain than a hamster ..but alas.. I was wrong..:(   No more of that ..:(
    2 points
  20. Mag dumps cheaper than a therapist
    2 points
  21. And Friday I spoke to the district manager about the sporting goods manager. A friend caught him stashing ammunition, again, under the display cases then sell them to obvious friends. I have personally caught him stashing it as well as saying he will never order or sell hollow points because they are "designed to maim children". He also said military calibers are designed to kill children and the only guns a person should have is a bolt action. He is a Vietnam Veteran so he probably in love with Jane Fonda and what she has said. I have filed complaints against him and what he has said to me several times. The store manager, Stacy, refuses to do anything to fix his store. I have been called an idiot, implied I am a thief and threatened by associates yet the manager continues to allow it to happen. The manager is nice but acts as spineless as they come. i guess his employees have something in him or he just doesn't care, either way he should not be in charge of cleaning the fish tanks.
    2 points
  22. So we recently had a tire on our new to us SUV start leaking. I told my wife to take it to Walmart and have them fix it, that was last week sometime. The worker said the rim had a crack. My wife became worried it might fail so I told her we would get it fixed. This past Wednesday my wife went to Walmart and had them remove the leaky tire/wheel from the vehicle and put the spare on. Then the worker removed the tire from the "cracked" wheel and placed it in the back of the SUV.   The wheel was inspected that same day and it was NOT cracked at all. So the tire and wheel was placed back into the SUV to go back to Walmart.   My wife went back to Walmart on Thursday and had a worker put the tire and wheel back together and secure the spare back under the vehicle. She thought everything was good to go and went home.   The rear door of our SUV is automatic. You have to hit a button, either on the key fob or  the door itself or from the driver's seat, to open and close the rear door. You cannot pull down on the door to close it, at least not without doing a certain way that is way more complicated than pushing a button.   Well it turns out everything was not fine. This morning my wife went to open the back it made an awful racket, raised 1/2 way then closed. And in the process scraping the paint because the door itself, or the frame, is bent bad enough to scrape the panel next to the door.   The best we can figure is the idiot opened the rear door then forgot it was automatic. Then after he was done working on the tires he tried to close the rear door without pushing the button. He had to of swung from it like a jungle gym with his full weight on it because it did bend the door, or frame, as well as probably shearing the teeth off the cogs that raise and lower the door. We contacted Walmart and they are "investigating".   The worker that did it already lied about it by saying it easily closed but the manager said the worker said he didn;t know the door was automatic. So if he didn't hit the button to automatically close it he had to have forced it and based on the damage he had to have hung off of it.   Hoping they do the right thing. Monday we are getting a estimate for repair and if Walmart doesn't pay then I will file and insurance claim against the worker himself as well as Walmart.   Now if he had screwed up and come clean I would not have been so upset. But the fact he did it then let it go out the door really upset me, especially when my wife talked to him about it before she left. Then when confronted again he lied again to try to cover himself.   I am thinking he did $3K-$5K worth of damage. Hopefully it is not but I cannot see a partial paint job, replacing the gear drives and replacing the rear door being cheap.
    1 point
  23. I finally got my new bumper sticker on my SUV, courtesy of MrsMonkeyMan2500!
    1 point
  24. I hate commercials period but plain stupid ones make me just sick. After the original Colonel Sanders passed away and has been dead for many years all of a sudden he is back. I don't know who is writing his scripts but evidently he was the same one that wrote for the first old Guy!!!!  I just saw a commercial about that 4 dollar box of chicken. The Colonel says you can fill your gas tank with 5 dollars or you can fill your stomach with his 5 dollar box. Can anyone remember the last time you filled your gas tank for 5 dollars????????? Maybe he is talking about your lawn mower or chain saw tank.............. :shrug: :shrug:
    1 point
  25. It's sad. I feel sorry for anyone attacked, but also for the animals. I have mixed feelings about zoos. I know sometimes they are necessary for animal preservation but I don't know if caging up something that roams miles a day is any better.
    1 point
  26.   Yes, but they may be considered spoilers.   I saw a tall guy with lots of red hair and a bushy red beard at the Chattanooga Market today; I had to resist the urge to approach him an comment, "I hope everything works out well for your people tonight."  If he was a GOT fan, he would probably laugh.  If he wasn't, he would have thought I was making a ginger joke.  
    1 point
  27. Depends on if you have insurance. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  28. I'm in.   Stonewashed blade; my usual #39
    1 point
  29. Another mentally ill shooter. But watch the lefties make various gun control demands
    1 point
  30.   I agree, you wouldn't do it on a carry pistol unless you had very serious medical issues.   I mean you can turn a 9mm midsize into (effectively) a light recoil 380 with this method, and if that is all you can handle...   but it would be a very uncommon thing to do.  I could see myself doing it when I get to be 80 or so.
    1 point
  31. Honestly Dolo, I don't see how you can stand to walk in the door of that place. Sounds like they've screwed you over way more times than anyone would be able to tolerate. Either you have the patience of a saint and a far more forgiving nature than me or you're a borderline masochist (just teasing about this latter). Kick them bastards to the curb and take your hard-earned money elsewhere. I bet you'll sleep better.
    1 point
  32. Having been going and participating in gun shows since I was in short pants the '60s. There has not been a good gun show in middle Tennessee since the '80s. The commercial shows are just flea markets with gun gear and professional purveyors, jewelry, Jerky, Chinese knives and anything else the promoter can get to fill tables. Here and there you might see  a true gun collector. If you are looking for parts or deals the way to go is the NET. An unfortunate reality. It's like going into most gun stores now... Black rifle...Black rifle... Plastic pistol...Plastic pistol. Newest internet plastic fantastic crap.   That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :2cents:
    1 point
  33. Hell of a story....reminds me of stories my mom and dad used to tell us. The good old days weren't always so good.
    1 point
  34. If anyone is in the market for a few young chicks, our tribe of free range inbreds (Aracauna, Buff Orp, Silkie mixes) have had a bumper broody year. So far we've successfully hatched an extra 40+ & we need to thin the herd a little (we only had 12 in January!) There are a few that we've become attached to (Hen Solo, Magpie & Li'l Goldie....yes, we name them. All.) but the rest need good homes. $3 a piece if anyone wants a few.
    1 point
  35. H3, and all the other buffers, were created to correct the symptoms of an over gassed AR which is an issue in most modern ARs. And believe me when I say that most ARs are over gassed, even with an H3 buffer, because being over gassed has nothing to do with the weight of the buffer and everything to do with the port size. Adding all the weight in the world will not fix a port that is too large because it is the port size that determines when a gun unlocks, not the buffer.   The BEST setup is the lightest buffer you can use with a weapon that is NOT over gassed. Because most manufacturers use larger gas ports thinking it helps reliability an adjustable gas block is often needed correct the root issue of being over gassed. An overweight buffer is only used to mask the issue, not correct it. An over gassed gun, even with a heavy buffer, will have a lot of symptoms. Some of the symptoms are they run dirtier, they run hotter, they wear quicker, they break more often, they have more felt recoil and they throw more crud into the shooter's face (especially with a silencer).   It is often a vicious cycle, especially with 300 Blackout. Someone installs a barrel with the correct port and the gun runs great and is reliable. Then someone else comes along and tells them to install an H3 buffer to make the already reliable gun more reliable. The owner installs the H3 buffer and the gun no longer is reliable so the person who recommended the H3 buffer tells them to drill the port to a larger size to make the gun reliable again. Then the gun that was reliable before now begins to suffer from new problems from being over gassed like the excessive crud in the receiver, excessive parts wear, excessive heat and more felt recoil. I have seen that exact scenario play out dozens and dozens of times on another board I moderate on. If a gun needs an H3 buffer it also needs an adjustable gas block because the barrel port is WAY too big.   I know some that run buffers that do not weigh 1.5 ounces with an adjustable gas block and those guns are 100% reliable with less felt recoil than most ARs.   My guns run cleaner than any other AR I have ever seen. The reason is they are gassed correctly. An AR should not need to be cleaned every couple of hundred rounds to be reliable.
    1 point
  36. The grandkids all named them when they were chicks, but I don't think anybody knows who is who now, except for maybe one or two chickens that look different than the rest. I usually address them by the affectionate term "Stupid Chicken" when I go out to tend to them.   We do love them though, and they are spoiled rotten. Not only do they bring us eggs, but they are a great source of entertainment. They stay in a fenced area that is about as big as the dogs' lot, which is quite big. They have a room in the barn that serves as the inside coop, and that room is about as big as my bedroom growing up.    I always say they have to make me more than they cost me, and I've asked my wife what she will do when they stop laying eggs. She just wants to keep feeding them and let them enjoy their old age. I joke and say they will go in the pot. She'll probably win this one  :).  I've heard that old chickens are tough and don't taste very good.
    1 point
  37. payment sent   - 2 tone blade
    1 point
  38.   Have you priced eating at Arby's lately? That's actually a good wage these days. lol
    1 point
  39. Ask all you want, that is the main reason I am here and enjoy helping out others.
    1 point
  40. I think some people need to go to a class so they know where to post threads like this. Why post this under handguns? :shrug:  :stir:
    1 point
  41.     Mine wasn't.  We did it in the instructors home and his wife made fresh cookies and lemonade.  It was awesome!
    1 point
  42. What is your view of the "shall not be infringed" part of the Second Amendment? :ugh:
    1 point
  43. I was there.  Fondled some protech strider collabs.  They made my short list.  Mostly just hung out with my friends at the WestTennesseeKnifeMakersAssociationofWestTennessee booth.  Great show. 
    1 point
  44. I'm in #44 & #45 / Both stonewashed blades.
    1 point
  45. I carry a snubnose revolver because..... They are a great ankle carry BUG to my Colt Commander. :up: S&W Airweight Model 37
    1 point
  46.   Best two comments in the thread here, especially the 2nd part.  If you want to use a shotgun for home defense, you need to train as often- probably more- than you do with pistol and rifle.  I'm man enough to admit that I'm nowhere good enough on a shotgun to use it in a home invasion scenario.  So if I'm woken up in the middle of the night, I'm reaching for a pistol then and there, and my SBR if I exit the bedroom.   I'll just add that if you're of mind to confront the danger rather than wait it out, you need to practice your clearing techniques and movement plan just like you practice the trigger pulling.  If the first time you go through the motions of clearing your own home is during a home invasion, that's dumb on you.
    1 point
  47. Keep in mind anyone can still bring a suit. Paragraph b notes restitution if the plaintiff loses. Remember you still will have to defend yourself and the scumbag you shot or his family, probably are not rich. My point is that you can't get blood from a turnip.
    1 point
  48. We all respect the right to do it, we just think it is not always wise.
    1 point
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