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  1. Some folks are just whining bitches.  
    5 points
  2. Can we get off of the God gave me rights crap.  No he didn't, you were born in America where your rights are what the constitution and the laws say they are.  Just who's God is dealing out these rights?  If you had been born in France, your rights would be completely different, not because someone there may have a different God, but because they have different rights as defined by the country.   I love how when people don't like things they immediately go to, I have a God given right.  BS, you live in America.  Your rights are solely defined by what the country says they are.  We can debate all we want about what the constitution says is allowed and what our government process (i.e courts) interprets as your rights.  I am not saying you have to even live by them, but you may have to defend your actions that confict with those interpreted rights in court and lose even more.  Yours or any other God isn't protecting you from that no matter how much you say it.  In that case, it isn't a right, it's a fairy tale.
    3 points
  3. God is what gives us the right to self defense and the Constitution, that was created by mortals, is what gives us the right to keep and bear arms. Without the Constitution, and specifically the 2nd amendment, we would be like the vast majority of the countries in the world and be without firearms but still have the right to self defense. The ONLY document that guarantees our right to keep and bear arms is the Constitution and that was written by mortals, not God.   If God is present in England, why do they not have firearms for self defense? Australia? Japan? The reason why is because none of those countries have a document that guarantees the right to keep and bear arms like our Constitution does. The Constitution is what guarantees our right to keep and bear arms, not God.   What about those that do not believe in God? Are they not allowed the benefit of a firearm for self defense? Of course not because the Constitution is what gives them the right to keep and bear arms, regardless if they believe in God or not. If the right to keep and bear arms was believed to be a God given right then why did the founding fathers feel the need to specifically guarantee it in the Constitution? They did not create an amendment with the right to self defense because they know that self defense is a God given right and does not need to be protected like the second amendment. Look at all the other amendments and tell me which other ones are God given rights because if one is then they all are. Is the right to vote a God given right? What about the right to unreasonable searches and seizures? Or the right to trial by jury? Those are NOT God given rights but rights given to us in the Constitution. So the right to keep and bear arms is the same as the other amendment.   You have no right, God given or otherwise, to carry a weapon on someone else's property for your own self defense unless they specifically give you that right. You still have the right to self defense, because that IS a God given right, but the property owner can dictate what weapon you use on their property. They can dictate ANY conditions, except self defense or those against the law, while on their property including the wearing of a pink tutu with purple dots. So I guess that means the property owner must trump God and the right to keep and bear arms you say he gave you because they can remove your right to use a firearm on their property.   I endorse and will stand by anyone's right to carry a firearm any way they choose but when their actions threaten my ability to carry a firearm then they are no a friend of the gun community. And if they are no friend to the gun community then they are the enemy to the gun community. Embody is a prime example of this, nothing he has done thus far is illegal but his actions will eventually impact others and their ability to have a firearm. And that is why we condemn him, not because what he is doing is illegal but because what he is doing is irresponsible and may impact fellow gun owners.   The right to keep and bear arms is not a God given right. Self defense is a God given right, the right to keep and bear arms is not.
    3 points
  4. You clean your Glock!?! Seriously though, I've used Hoppes #9 so long I'm immune to the smell. Unfortunately, my wife isn't. However, it's a good solvent, but I'll use whatever is handy if it's a reputable product. And Rem Oil is. But I usually, at least while I still have some, use it as a final clean on parts, then a bit of lithium grease where needed. But my Glocks, unless they are just so darn dirty you think a car wash is necessary; cleaning solvent as needed, lite (very lite grease on the rails, and wipe everything I can with a silicone cleaning cloth. Done this since I cleaned my first G22, and no problems.
    2 points
  5. If you are wanting a real M16A1 receiver, here is one on ARFCOM.   http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_7_159/1442133_RETRO_M16A1_COLT_Upper_Receiver____FOR_SALE__.html
    2 points
  6. Shoot them with something expensive? Will this work? :)
    2 points
  7. If you want non adjustable, the YHM clamp on gas block is the best I have used for money spent. https://www.primaryarms.com/Yankee_Hill_Machine_Low_Profile_Gas_Block_Sl_p/yhm-9384.htm If you want adjustable, I'd use no less than this one from Syrac http://www.syracordnance.com/products/copy-of-gen-ii-750-adjustable-low-pro-stainless-steel-clamp-on-gas-block Either way, I never use plain set screw blocks. Clamp on is definitely the way to go. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  8. Perhaps it rattles when they exercise?  It distracts them from Lady Gaga blaring through their ear buds. 
    2 points
  9. Once again, the Brady Bill saves the public from a mass killin'. Assholes.
    2 points
  10. Ok guys, i finally got home and i think figured out how to post pictures. As i stated earlier today, all groups consist of 3 shots each. Ignore the shot count in the photos. I couldn't count at the time. Some of the two hole groups look too good to be true. But it is either three shots in two holes or one shot was off by over a foot. That seems unlikely too. Right now i'm claiming three shots in two holes until i can shoot some more and see if i can duplicate these results. All of this was done with a Burris 3x9 Fullfield scope and a Bushmaster lower. The upper has a 16" barrel. I did have several FTF's and a few FTE's. I'm new to .300 blk and from what little i've read so far, this could be a magazine problem. As time permits, i will try other magazines. So far, i'm happy with its performance. What else do i need to know about 300 blk? Thanks
    2 points
  11. Thanks for the tip on the doggy pee pads...good idea!
    2 points
  12. Sounds like the buyer is happy with his purchase, and the seller made a respectable offer to resolve any potential issues. All is in harmony here at TGO....   Now let's see some picks and range review. 
    2 points
  13. To Adam and everyone else who responded to my post...   I sincerely didn't mean to create a problem with my post.  I apologize for doing so.  As i stated, i made an impulse buy, then started my research. (Usually i research then buy.)  As i also stated, i only want to know what i really have.  I have no reason to doubt Adam other than knowing none of the parts have a mfg stamp on them and also knowing there are people out there that will be dishonest.  I'm not interested in having name brand stuff.  I just want to know what i have and i want good performance.   With that said, i finally had a chance to test the upper late last week.  I am very satisfied with its performance.  I shot 7 - three shot groups.  I used Remington 120 gr ammo, Nosler Match 125 gr and Nosler Match 220 gr.  Distances were 50 and 100 yds.  Of the 7 groups, 4 of them had three shots in two holes.  This shooting session was just the first. You all know how it goes, As your familiarity with a gun increases, you can generally expect better performance.  This is at least true for me.   I am on the road today, but when i get home and figure out how to post pictures, i will post pictures of the groups i described above.      Adam, thank you for your offer to trade my upper for another.  However, it is not necessary.  I'm very pleased with what i have.  I'm not interested in name brand stuff, just knowing what i have and good performance.  I have no reason not to believe you when you tell me what parts i have and I have good performance.   To everyone else, please do not let my posts tarnish Bugout Tactical's reputation.  My upper actually performs better than i expected regardless of what brand it is.   Since I raised this question, i think it is only fair that I respond with my findings.  I'm happy with the performance of my upper and have no complaints with Adam or Bugout Tactical.  I will be keeping the upper i have and continue to see what i can do with it.    I don't post on this board much, but i do read a lot.  Thanks to all for sharing your knowledge.  I consider this board a great resource.
    2 points
  14. Okay, so when watching or reading reviews about various knives that have kydex sheaths - especially neck knives - one frequent complaint about  a knife and sheath that the reviewer otherwise really likes is that the knife rattles in the sheath.  The thing is, at least on the video reviews, it seems like they usually have to shake the sheath pretty hard to get the knife to produce the rattle they are trying to demonstrate.  My reaction is generally, "So, what?"  I mean, if it rattled all the time under normal conditions then that would be one thing.  If it rattled just from walking, sitting, standing up and that sort of thing then, yeah, it would at least be an annoyance.  From what I have seen, however, it would take something more like doing jumping jacks to get any noticeable rattle - and in such a case I think that a person doing jumping jacks would draw a lot more attention than a knife rattling in its sheath a little bit.   Further, I could understand the concern if the person wearing the knife were in a situation where they were trying to launch a stealth attack or quietly begin a tactical entry.  I could understand the concern if the person were going to be wearing the knife while stalking game.  But for an EDC knife that probably won't rattle under normal, walking, sitting, standing I just don't get it.  I mean, even if it did rattle, sometimes, under normal conditions (which seems unlikely) most people (other than the wearer) are unlikely to even notice.  It isn't like the average person is going to stop what they are doing and say, "Hark, methinks I hear the distinctive rattle of a neck knife in a kydex sheath!  Man the ballistas!"   So, while I can understand that it would be very annoying to the wearer if a knife constantly rattled in the sheath under normal, daily conditions - and I wouldn't want to carry such a knife/sheath combination - I just don't get why it is that big a deal if a knife produces some rattle in the sheath when you shake the snot out of it.  Being that many reviewers make such a big deal out of it, however, I wonder if I am missing something.  Maybe you guys can help me gain a better understanding.
    1 point
  15. We just came back from the range. YES... I said "WE".... my wife and I headed over to the range. I shoot regularly, she shoots sporadically. There always seems to be "something" else that has to be done... you know? So.... yesterday I stopped at my local LGS and picked up a brand new Dan Wesson Guardian in 9mm. Brought it home, told my wife about it while her girlfriend was visiting (so I wouldn't catch hell)... her girlfriend said that she wants to learn to shoot and my wife says "Mike and I will teach you".... After the friend leaves... I said "uhhhh... hun.... sweetheart.... dear... you haven't shot in a good six months. Do you think we should go tomorrow so that you can refamiliarize yourself with the guns?" AND SHE SAID YES. Sooo.... we went to the range.... she shot the Charter Arms 22, the Browning Buckmark... then I handed her her old trusty 38 Smith and Wesson snub nose. You know... the one that kicks like a mule? uh huh.... THEN I handed her my brand new Guardian. Big mistake! She fired 3 mags.... looked at me and said "I like this. I want this. Thank you for buying it for me." Then on the way home... I heard her say "Now I understand why you like the DW 1911 so much. I never knew..." Yup, she now owns a (MY) brand new DW Guardian, and I'm allowed to use it occasionally. I did tell her.... "NO pink grips. Period." So that's my story about how I got a brand new Guardian and lost it in one day. Here is Grace's target at 21 feet. Balls 1,9,4 and 10 were with the Guardian. Ball #2 was with my 45 cal CCO. All her shooting! And the gun: Before someone mentions this... YES, it is on a "doggy wee wee pad". Originally intended for dogs... it is the BEST work surface for cleaning pistols and revolvers. Solvent gets absorbed in the material, and the outside is plastic so that nothing leaks through to the table underneath. Clean up is rolling up the pad and throwing in the garbage. Easy. Hope you enjoyed the story. Dafadda
    1 point
  16. good news my friend at work offered to sell me one of his AR's for a decent price when i get the cash together and its built on what looks like an A2 clone upper i think, i will post a pic tomorrow
    1 point
  17. I find "most" kydex sheaths will rattle a bit.....some much more than others. There is a fine line on kydex where they may rattle a bit or be so tight it's a bit difficult to get the blade out. I have a couple sheaths from professional makers that will rattle if you work at it enough.
    1 point
  18.   Buy a Motorola SurfBoard 6141.
    1 point
  19. So far the little .223's paying off.... Will update soon....
    1 point
  20. I use clamp on because I've had 2 set screw types come loose on me. Never once in the over 20 something AR's I've built have I had a clamp on loosen up on me. I shoot the AR's I own...a lot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  21. Well if I have to shoot I might use my cheapest ammunition which is my cast, and powder coated, bullets for my 300 Blackout. They cost me 4.4 cents a shot.
    1 point
  22. Regarding typical .223 penetration...   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/88119-alabama-elk/#entry1276075
    1 point
  23. No issues whatsoever with the Troy Low Profile 173ABN helped me put on.  Put about 60 rounds downrange with it two weeks ago. https://www.primaryarms.com/Troy_Low_Profile_Gas_Block_Pro_Grade_SS_p/sgas-a4l-00bt-00.htm
    1 point
  24. Not the best photo, but you can see that the core had fully mushroomed & shed the jacket. Jacket shedding isn't considered to be a desirable trait, but Sierras are known to be prone to it & they're still super popular hunting bullets. I found both fragments within a couple of inches of each other, so it looks like the round penetrated ¼" of hide, 6" of muscle, the spine & then a further 9-15" of muscle (I found the bullet along the offside scapula) in an internal ricochet before coming apart.
    1 point
  25. I'm in as usual. #17, two tone blade, and I might possibly add a second by deadline. Thx Willis
    1 point
  26. Exactly, If you have to shoot someone at least give them their money's worth!!! And I really don't want to get shot by a pink gun lol 
    1 point
  27.   The Dem when they controlled all 3 branches didn't touch gun control and even when emotions were high and they though they could get away with something it failed at the federal level.  I expect a slow crawl towards freedom in free america with those living behind enemy lines doing everything they can with the SCOTUS pulling them back every once in a while for going too far.
    1 point
  28. You're just too cheap to shoot someone with a 'respectable' bullet...... :rofl:
    1 point
  29.   I feel like an arrow would cause excess odor.  Probably a good piece of advice.   As for a bow though, I am 41, and hadn't shot since I was a kid, and not a ton then.  I have had surgery on both of my shoulders, so wanted to get something that would be fun and help me "rehab".   I got a 40lb Martin recurve from Sportsman's guide for less than a $100 and have shot the hell out of it.  40lbs was DEFINITELY enough to get me a good work out.  I may jump up to a 55 or 60lb next year if this one ever gets too easy for me, but I have been enjoying shooting it, and have been getting routine bullseyes at 35 yards. 
    1 point
  30. I run 62 grain in a 12 twist gun with a 20" barrel.
    1 point
  31. My choice in home defense round if I have to use my AR is 62 gr LAP (green tip), because it all paints the walls the same color. I don't run lighter than 62 gr in general, but that's preference.
    1 point
  32.   At 3 yards, I'm betting CRAP (Wolf) fragments as well at TAP :). 
    1 point
  33.   I'd give any 2 of my guns to my wife, if it'd get her to the range with me.
    1 point
  34. Hmmm. Maybe that's where the AR missing from the safe went.....WIFE, FRONT AND CENTER WITH PURSE!!!! :angel:
    1 point
  35. It's all been said, buddy. I feel for your loss. But glad you have a shooting partner.
    1 point
  36.   You are not correct my friend. In the United States WE have the right to "bear arms" as stated in the Bill of Rights.   Yes, it may be illegal to carry a loaded AR in public, but you are confusing "laws" with "rights." We still maintain the right, but our government chooses to overstep it's boundaries by conveniently ignoring or re-interpreting the Constitution.   In the strict sense these laws are unconstitutional. Man cannot remove a God given right.   "We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." Abraham Lincoln   Rob
    1 point
  37. To quote the immortal Lewis Grizzard, "I probably could've headed this whole thing off, but I was intrigued so I just waited..."
    1 point
  38. They used the ITAR regulations to go after the 3d printed guns.   Stuff like this will only get worse the closer we get to his term ending. What scares the bejesus out of me is that ~3 months between the election and him leaving office. We are going to see an all out assault on all guns and ammunition, specifically imports, because he KNOWS he can do it using executive orders and by the time all the outrage will hit Washington he will be long gone. Then Hillary will finish the fight or at least refuse to reverse everything Obama will have done.   We ARE getting to a point where contacting representatives is a senseless waste of time. I contact my representatives all the time regarding issues and they do not care about me or what I have to say. They only care when they are not getting their fair share of the corrupt profits. This is no different than what started the Revolutionary war. We are getting taxed to a point it is a serious burden and our representatives do not represent us or even listen to us.   Our representatives, state and federal, are so corrupt that they do not want to risk being caught themselves by trying to hold others accountable. There have never been any more clear cut cases for impeachment as well as a well deserved cleaning in Washington but not a single representative will start the process. Yes there is a lot of posturing and talk but nothing is, or ever will be, done.   We ARE about to loose a substantial amount of our gun rights. Not because of this but because Obama knows the system and knows he can use executive orders to significantly impact the rights of gun owners. Imagine if he put in place and executive order banning the import of guns, ammunition as well as ANY gun related item? And he has the authority to do it using executive orders and just like the Kalashnikov Concern import ban anything else banned by executive order will be there forever. How fun will it be to shoot your AK when ammunition will be $1 a round? He has already put a HUGE burden on those importing gun powder for reloading.   And along with our second amendment will be an attack on all the others. We are already seeing serious attacks on ALL of the first 10 amendments with the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th being their main focus right now.   Think we are not in the midst of a fledgling tyranny? Ask yourself if you are afraid of the government and the answers to both are the same. If the populace is afraid of their government then that government is generally a tyrannical government.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Looks like we have a 3 way rivalry here, west, east, middle. Anyway, we are all on team Tennessee, even though we have Bozo the Clown for a Governor.
    1 point
  41. Thanks for all the input here!
    1 point
  42. I had this same problem with my shield. Also had failure to eject problems right out of the gate. Different ammo, mags, shooters to make sure it wasn't anything other than the pistol. Sent it back to S&W and they fixed the problem. I believe it was the extractor and barrel. Customer service was great and had it back in about 7 to 10 days. Shoots great now.
    1 point
  43. The old man placed an order for one hamburger, French fries and a drink.                   He unwrapped the plain hamburger and carefully cut it in half, placing one half in front of his wife.                   He then carefully counted out the French fries, dividing them into two piles and neatly placed one pile in front of his wife.         He took a sip of the drink, his wife took a sip and then set the cup down between them. As he began to eat his few bites of hamburger, the people around them were looking over and whispering.         Obviously they were thinking, 'That poor old couple - all they can afford is one meal for the two of them.'         As the man began to eat his fries a young man came to the table and politely offered to buy another meal for the old couple. The old man said, they were just fine - they were used to sharing everything.         People closer to the table noticed the little old lady hadn't eaten a bite. She         sat there watching her husband eat and occasionally taking turns sipping the drink..         Again, the young man came over and begged them to let him buy another meal for them. This time the old woman said 'No, thank you, we are used to sharing everything.'         Finally, as the old man finished and was wiping his face neatly with the napkin, the young man again came over to the little old lady who had yet to eat a single bite of food and asked 'What is it you are waiting for?'                   She answered               (Continue below - This is great)    'THE TEETH.'
    1 point
  44. If he were related to me, I would give him several sharp slaps to the head for "terminal" stupidity!
    1 point
  45. The comments section hurt my head.  I'm really offended that all these people don't like guns.  It hurts my feelings and makes me want to cry.  Why can't I just have my way?  Can everybody just like guns so that I don't have to go hide in my closet and cry anymore? 
    1 point
  46.   While I would aggressively defend myself from a cager who tried to use his car as a weapon against me, I go to great lengths to not piss them off in the first place. I also don't shoot at Apaches with my 9mm for the exact same reason. It's just not smart to piss off people who have you so outgunned.
    1 point
  47. I have been shopping for a generator in the $500 to $600 range. Looking for 3500 to 4000 watt range. I see that there are gas powered and propane powered. While some use can use both fuels. Does anyone have experience with the dual fuel units? Are they worth it?
    1 point
  48. Sounds like Bud's at Christmas.  I wanted one of those $99 CZ knock-offs!!!
    1 point
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