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  1. We just came back from the range. YES... I said "WE".... my wife and I headed over to the range. I shoot regularly, she shoots sporadically. There always seems to be "something" else that has to be done... you know? So.... yesterday I stopped at my local LGS and picked up a brand new Dan Wesson Guardian in 9mm. Brought it home, told my wife about it while her girlfriend was visiting (so I wouldn't catch hell)... her girlfriend said that she wants to learn to shoot and my wife says "Mike and I will teach you".... After the friend leaves... I said "uhhhh... hun.... sweetheart.... dear... you haven't shot in a good six months. Do you think we should go tomorrow so that you can refamiliarize yourself with the guns?" AND SHE SAID YES. Sooo.... we went to the range.... she shot the Charter Arms 22, the Browning Buckmark... then I handed her her old trusty 38 Smith and Wesson snub nose. You know... the one that kicks like a mule? uh huh.... THEN I handed her my brand new Guardian. Big mistake! She fired 3 mags.... looked at me and said "I like this. I want this. Thank you for buying it for me." Then on the way home... I heard her say "Now I understand why you like the DW 1911 so much. I never knew..." Yup, she now owns a (MY) brand new DW Guardian, and I'm allowed to use it occasionally. I did tell her.... "NO pink grips. Period." So that's my story about how I got a brand new Guardian and lost it in one day. Here is Grace's target at 21 feet. Balls 1,9,4 and 10 were with the Guardian. Ball #2 was with my 45 cal CCO. All her shooting! And the gun: Before someone mentions this... YES, it is on a "doggy wee wee pad". Originally intended for dogs... it is the BEST work surface for cleaning pistols and revolvers. Solvent gets absorbed in the material, and the outside is plastic so that nothing leaks through to the table underneath. Clean up is rolling up the pad and throwing in the garbage. Easy. Hope you enjoyed the story. Dafadda
    9 points
  2. Found this, had to share... Whilst strolling round the harbor this morning about 11 am., I noticed this character shouting; "Allah be praised" and "Death to all infidels" and suddenly he tripped and fell into the water. He was struggling to stay afloat because of all the explosives he was carrying. If he didn't get help he would surely drown. Being a responsible Canadian citizen, and abiding by the law of the land that requires you to help those in distress, I informed the Police, the Coastguard, the Immigration Office and even the Fire Dept. It is now 4 p.m., the terrorist has drowned, and none of the authorities have yet to respond. I'm starting to think I wasted four stamps.
    7 points
  3. definitely a "win win"... how many times have I seen guys at the range... without their wives?  Countless.  Most of my friend's wives don't have any interest in shooting with their husband/boyfriend.  It just doesn't get better than a day at the range with someone you actually like!  I don't think she'll conceal carry with it, but it will be the gun that "pulls" her to the range.  DaFadda
    5 points
  4. They used the ITAR regulations to go after the 3d printed guns.   Stuff like this will only get worse the closer we get to his term ending. What scares the bejesus out of me is that ~3 months between the election and him leaving office. We are going to see an all out assault on all guns and ammunition, specifically imports, because he KNOWS he can do it using executive orders and by the time all the outrage will hit Washington he will be long gone. Then Hillary will finish the fight or at least refuse to reverse everything Obama will have done.   We ARE getting to a point where contacting representatives is a senseless waste of time. I contact my representatives all the time regarding issues and they do not care about me or what I have to say. They only care when they are not getting their fair share of the corrupt profits. This is no different than what started the Revolutionary war. We are getting taxed to a point it is a serious burden and our representatives do not represent us or even listen to us.   Our representatives, state and federal, are so corrupt that they do not want to risk being caught themselves by trying to hold others accountable. There have never been any more clear cut cases for impeachment as well as a well deserved cleaning in Washington but not a single representative will start the process. Yes there is a lot of posturing and talk but nothing is, or ever will be, done.   We ARE about to loose a substantial amount of our gun rights. Not because of this but because Obama knows the system and knows he can use executive orders to significantly impact the rights of gun owners. Imagine if he put in place and executive order banning the import of guns, ammunition as well as ANY gun related item? And he has the authority to do it using executive orders and just like the Kalashnikov Concern import ban anything else banned by executive order will be there forever. How fun will it be to shoot your AK when ammunition will be $1 a round? He has already put a HUGE burden on those importing gun powder for reloading.   And along with our second amendment will be an attack on all the others. We are already seeing serious attacks on ALL of the first 10 amendments with the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th being their main focus right now.   Think we are not in the midst of a fledgling tyranny? Ask yourself if you are afraid of the government and the answers to both are the same. If the populace is afraid of their government then that government is generally a tyrannical government.
    4 points
  5.   I've been on the list. Piss on Obama, and all his friends.
    4 points
  6. Hey ya'll! I'm happy to meet my new TGO brothers. I'm not exactly new to TGO, but my wife, two cats, and I, made the journey from Los Angeles to Knoxville a couple of weeks ago. I'm loving it so far. Even in the worse time of the day, the traffic still isn't anywhere near as bad as in LA. Everything I need and want is within 15 minutes and our cost of living just cut in half, to include auto insurance.   There's nothing firearms related I'm not interested in. I'm all about long range precision, tactical pistol shooting, and want to get into hunting a deer this season. We've got two AR-15s, a Mossberg 535 12-gauge with 2 chokes, Glock 17, Beretta 92F, Savage .308, and fully custom Ruger 10-22. I might also have a Winchester Mod 94 lever-action in 30-30 on the way, so maybe I'll do some cowboy shooting. I also reload 3 calibers and will be building a bench soon. We'll both be getting CCW licenses once employment is locked on.   Glad to meet ya'll. In closing, I'll leave you with a quote from a Kings of Leon song I heard recently, "If you give up New York, I'll give you Tennessee...The only place to be."
    3 points
  7. The Blades will look like the TGO Runts, two tone like these, if you prefer stonewashed like in the picture of the Punisher knife below pic below specify The Punisher logo will be on the knife like this The push button will be Black Lip Mother of pearl
    3 points
  8. Of course a lot of it depends on how this stuff plays out. Some people will wake up one day and try to figure out when Lala land disappeared. And it hinges on several other things also, as a large scale event such as economic collapse will change the entire landscape. Sent from the backwoods
    3 points
  9. Good story. I had near the same thing happen a couple of times to me but with different guns of course and laughed it off as to a good cause. I'm certain you feel the same way about it and are more pleased that your wife displayed enough of an active interest and competency to claim ownership of a pistol she felt comfortable with. All in all I call that a win. 
    3 points
  10. I will start: The M4 is a gas operated, magazine fed, air cooled weapon shooting the 5.56x45 round. It is capable of semi automatic, as well as fully automatic, firing. Fully automatic rates of fire are 750 rounds per minute. It has a muzzle velocity in excess of 3,000 fps and is capable of piercing a steel helmet at 500 meters. Hopefully that is not too technical and I hope some Congalese tribesman doesn't use this information.
    3 points
  11. And before anyone gets confused. I respect their right to carry a rifle so long as it doesn't jeopardize my right to carry a firearm. When their actions jeopardize my right that is when I will condemn them every chance I get.
    2 points
  12. Well after a rough patch that involved selling most of my firearms, including my rifles, I now have been steadily working at Aisin automotive casting since November. That means I can finally start shooting again, and I can build an AR again. Thanks to an amazing deal from a great friend here kn the forum, JCJ. I bought an unused, still in the box PSA upper from him yesterday for $100. Midwest Industries 12" rail, 1:7 chrome lined barrel, PSA flip up sights, upper, bcg and charging handle. I'll be doing a basic build on an aero or similar aluminum lower with a goal of keeping the coat under $300 total. I already added a weapon light, it is a Greg Mcgee Engineering 1200 lumen setup that I won on another forum giveaway last year. I'll update as I get the build rolling. Thanks guys Sent from the backwoods
    2 points
  13. That is a cool target. I have a packet of 'battleship' targets where you, basically, play battleship with guns. Fun targets. I have never seen the 'pool' targets, though - and they look like a lot of fun, too. I have to admit, though, that there is something about a lady practicing by target shooting at balls that makes me feel a wee bit uncomfortable :surrender: . Thanks for the tip on the pee pads. I got some for my dog when she was a puppy but she never really used them. She might be the easiest dog to house break I have ever seen. Consequently, I have a whole, big pack of those things in the bottom of my bathroom closet that I ended up not needing. Hmmm...if she really likes pink grips then he could have a set of the otherwise verboten pink grips put on her new gun. Maybe that would be enough to push it over the top and convince her that he only got it because he wanted to give her a special present?
    2 points
  14. http://youtu.be/jsmcDLDw9iw http://youtu.be/geHLdg_VNww
    2 points
  15. I'd hate to get hit by any of it.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. I'm at 88th day on my form 1 E-file and the wait is killing me. The times have really lengthened back out. It took 76 days for my form 3 to clear. Hopefully my form 4 will go faster but I'm kinda doubting it.
    1 point
  18. Ok guys, i finally got home and i think figured out how to post pictures. As i stated earlier today, all groups consist of 3 shots each. Ignore the shot count in the photos. I couldn't count at the time. Some of the two hole groups look too good to be true. But it is either three shots in two holes or one shot was off by over a foot. That seems unlikely too. Right now i'm claiming three shots in two holes until i can shoot some more and see if i can duplicate these results. All of this was done with a Burris 3x9 Fullfield scope and a Bushmaster lower. The upper has a 16" barrel. I did have several FTF's and a few FTE's. I'm new to .300 blk and from what little i've read so far, this could be a magazine problem. As time permits, i will try other magazines. So far, i'm happy with its performance. What else do i need to know about 300 blk? Thanks
    1 point
  19.   If it stays in one piece
    1 point
  20. Define over penetration? A rifle bullet moving 3000ft/s is gonna penetrate a lot before anything inside a normal house will stop it.
    1 point
  21. You clearly have retro taste. Hope you find what you're looking for.
    1 point
  22. You can't openly carry a loaded rifle in this state, except under certain circumstances.  You could put your loaded rifle in a gun rack in your truck and be in compliance.   I don't believe people carrying rifles on foot in the Dallas area helped the 2nd amendment cause a couple of years ago.    You only get so many chances as far as trying to improve carry laws because the legislature does not want to spend a lot of time on gun issues.  I'd rather use my political capital on a few solid bills related to cutting restrictions on handgun carry permits than being able to carry a rifle around in public.  The legislature here seems to like the handgun carry permit system and the money it brings in.  I carry when I work but can't openly carry (don't want others knowing), so cutting the restrictions helps me a lot.   I kind of assume that the attention seekers openly carrying rifles in public places rarely, if ever, carry a handgun for protection.  They would rather be able to strap on the rifle twice a year and take pictures at Wal Mart than to be able to legally conceal say in a school with a permit.
    1 point
  23. Joe, it never ceases to amaze me as to how nice you are. It was fun shooting with you Saturday. What is your OAL on the 147? I'm running 3.1 tg with 1.16 OAL (PF 127.4) and it feeds flawlessly. The only issue I have is it going to slide lock when I run it empty. (G17 w/ factory mags)
    1 point
  24. I think we are fairly close to each other, and you are welcome to my chrono anytime you want to use it. Just let me know Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. I bed he's looking for the guy who shot his Paw.
    1 point
  26. Ok, the right to self defense is a God given right. The right to keep and bear arms is NOT a God given right unless the founding fathers were gods. The right to keep and bear arms is not a right that is guaranteed forever and is not absolute like the right to self defense is. And just like you cannot say whatever you want wherever you want you cannot carry whatever you want wherever you want. Now anywhere you find yourself you still have the God given right to protect yourself but you sure as hell can be told what tools you are allowed to use when defending yourself.   I am speaking in how things are and not how we want them to be.   I am very pro second amendment but I also recognize the fact that my rights should not interfere with others rights, especially outside of my own property. My right to carry, either rifle or pistol, does not trump someone else's rights on their own property.   You have no clue how many emails I have wrote and phone calls I have made trying to get rifle carry passed here in Tennessee. Anyone who has been on the board for any amount of time knows I have a real need to have as much firepower as I can have. But after seeing what all is happening in other states that have open rifle carry I had a change of heart. I would love nothing more than to tote a rifle around wherever I go but in the end I would rather be able to carry a pistol on my side, and have my rifle in my vehicle, than take a chance on loosing both by carrying a rifle openly. I will gladly leave a rifle in my vehicle in order to have a handgun on my side. Having a bunch of immature idiots walk around with rifles slung in order to scare people will do nothing but cause the majority of people demand a change and those changes in firearms laws might prevent me from carrying ANY firearms, including rifles. Ideally I wish everyone tolerated everything all the time but we, as humans, are intolerant of things we do not like. And no matter how often one might do it those that do not like it will continue to not like it. And when we force people to do something they do not like they will take action and in the case of carrying rifles the action taken might affect more than those who are the ones carrying rifles.   We, in Tennessee, are allowed to carry openly or concealed and the vast majority of people are OK with that. But carrying a rifle, which hasn't been in favor since the invention of a pistol, is not something people will ever get accustomed to. And while I embrace their enthusiasm it would be better served talking to people about it than scaring the same people that will eventually take that right away from them.   I have probably watched hundreds of hours of these rifle chuckleheads and in the vast majority you can see they enjoy making people uncomfortable or enjoy the conflicts they create. Then afterwards they often revel in the joy it brought them when they think they have won but they do not realize what risks they are putting other gun owners in. I have yet to hear of a single positive thing come out of those that open carry, a lot of negatives but no positives. Imagine, for a second, that open carry of rifles were outlawed in places they are allowed. Do you honestly think those that open carry rifles would not find another way to grief others? I know they will because those bent on causing grief to others will find any means possible to grief others.   And as other have said, just because you have a right to do something does not mean you should.   And what do you think is going to happen because of this guys antics? Think people are going to embrace it or even tolerate it? No, the average person is going to see what he has done, get scared and demand the laws be changed. Then what will be left is yet another place people cannot protect themselves from criminals.
    1 point
  27. I'm not whooping up on you maroonandwhite...but the absolute safest and definitely the best way to develop a safe load is by use of a chronograph. I'm certain some others may differ with my opinion, but a chrono is a very worthwhile investment.   I've worked up 9mm loads with about 5 powders, that I had never used before, over the past year (9mm). The chronograph information was essential to this. And making the 9mm minor for a bud was one of the reasons for the experimentation...along with the incredible powder/component shortage of the past 2 years.   I use a Competition Electronics Pro Chrono and I'm very pleased with it...just $100.00 from Midway. http://www.midwayusa.com/product/852429/competition-electronics-prochrono-digital-chronograph?cm_vc=ProductFinding   And especially using a surplus type powder, the chrono would be invaluable. I'm certain Mr. David would be of great help. just trying to be safe here good Sir.   Bullseye wasn't one of the powders I was using, so I can't offer any suggestions there. I wish you were closer as I'd gladly chrono your rounds for you.   Best of luck in your load development.   :pleased:
    1 point
  28.   Wait for a holiday like the 4th of July.  For Memorial day, I remember PSA had that blem lower w/ MOE furniture for about $30 or $40 less.
    1 point
  29. To be clear, the finish is like the top pic, but the blade shape is like the bottom. Also, the buttons will be black lip mother of pearl.
    1 point
  30.   Yes, that's an often espoused sentiment, full of all the noble thoughts and words. However, I'm a realist -- if you can't exercise a "right" without punishment, you don't have it.     But you just said, we still have them, whether we can freely exercise them or not, given by this God feller you speak of.   - OS
    1 point
  31. That's great, except he asked for 55gr suggestions Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  32.   I wouldn't rule out CC any gun by a women have you seen the size of some of the purses some women carry.  I bet you could get an AR15 in some women's purses and no one would notice :).
    1 point
  33. To quote the immortal Lewis Grizzard, "I probably could've headed this whole thing off, but I was intrigued so I just waited..."
    1 point
  34. I should have clarified, mine was that way when I received it. The rear takedown hole was just drilled too large. Do yourself a favor and get a $39.95 Anderson lower from fatboytactical, you'll thank me later. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  35. Put me down for one of these, I'll PM you when I get home from work tonight for payment address.
    1 point
  36. After rereading it twice.  I think you overall layout is fine although I generally prefer to use wired connections for anything that isn't portable so I would recommend you running additional ports.       If he is planing to run a lot of HD streams though his network then wired ports are the best way to support the video needs.   Thanks Robert
    1 point
  37. I just swapped out the old mossberg 500 for my recently built PSA 5.56 pistol w/ Sig brace for home defense and had the same question. Ended up using the Winchester PDX1 split core 223 ammo.
    1 point
  38.   They're actually just VMax bullets with green plastic. I have a bunch, but haven't loaded any. At home defense distances, damn near anything is gonna frag when you shoot somebody. So, I don't worry about it. If you kick my door down, you are as likely to get shot with Wolf as anything else. More likely than not, all the rifles will be locked up, and it will be a good ole 45. There's always one or two of them close.
    1 point
  39. If you're worried about over penetration, you'll be better served with factory jacketed hollow points out of a center fire pistol, no smaller than 9mm, or a 20 or 12-gauge loaded with bird shot and an open cylinder/no choke (immediate spreading). Any 55 grain .223 ammo should go right through a human being without armor on, unless it's designed to hit the brakes in tissue by fragmenting on impact. Bad guys seldom wear armor. If all you have for home defense is an AR-15, I'd reload it and develop a light load. If reloading isn't an option for you, then go with a bullet that is designed to expand at least a little (polymer tipped bullet like Z-max or A-max, Nosler Varmageddon will expand some. But more than ever, knowing your target and considering it's background applies to you.   Jm2c
    1 point
  40. Contact Midtennchip on here, if there is truly an issue of your record and firearms, he's who you want to talk to
    1 point
  41.   The whole post was spot on, but this part in particular was especially profound.
    1 point
  42. I just saw that I left out that I was absolutely cuffed & stuffed, obviously, Sir. But was told I was "going for a ride" while other officers on the scene continued to investigate. While being held, everything (information) was withheld from me. It even peeved one of the CO's to the point that he allowed me to use his cell phone while in my cell because he knew it would be about 3am before I would be given my "one phone call". I was arrested at approximately 5pm. It truly was around 2am before I was taken to be processed, but still zero charges, only the possibility of them hung over my head while my girlfriend was beating down the City's front door, & my Dad raced six hours - on her call - with $10,000 in cash in case I needed to be bailed out. They just ended up in a hotel room a few blocks away & had limited communication with a detective who said they were working on getting me out, but has to wait for all the reporting officers' reports. Twenty-seven hours later, around 9:30pm the next night - a Friday - I was released without incident. Period. I know I am a complete, brand new stranger (on) here, & parts of this likely sounds far-fetched, I can only ask that you folks please take my word for it. I stand here with nothing more to offer.
    1 point
  43. I worked in a machine shop for 12 years or so. Mills, lathes, and on the tail end there, a little programming for Fadal machining center. I learned a thing or two. The Machinists Second Ammendment Creed I will give up my ability to construct a steel tube, enclosed on one end, capable of launching projectiles at high velocities when they pry the knowledge from my cold dead brain. I can NOT make a Browning A bolt. I can NOT build a S&W revolver. ....but, I CAN build a gun from scraps. It ain't even difficult.
    1 point
  44.   Post #11. Hows that for service? :)
    1 point
  45. I debated on whether to post this or not, but here goes. This is not to imply that folks on here act irresponsibly but rather offer up an option to counteract those that do. The video may not make sense until the end so be sure to watch all of it. [media]https://youtu.be/JMs7dkdO4YY[media] Saving one dog will not change the world, but for that one dog the world will be forever changed. My wife and I help foster rescued dogs and it has been a joy to help dogs find a new home. Along the way three have found a permanent home with us. :) Don't think you can only get "older" dogs through a rescue group. Right now we are fostering a rescued female that was pregnant until her 3 pups get adopted. The last 8 weeks have been an amazing journey from seeing their birth until now. We are guessing they will be ready to adopt in about another week since they were so small at birth. (Mom only weighs about 8 lbs.) Here's a photo of them several weeks ago. So in closing, please consider adopting a rescued dog that needs a second chance at life. :) Here's the rescue group we volunteer with. http://proverbs1210rescue.org
    1 point
  46.     Tell me I'm not the only one who read this to themselves with a poor russian accent....
    1 point
  47. Never in the history of man has it been acceptable by the general public for a man to be carrying a rifle on his person walking about in general public in civilization in America without a legitimate reason for it. Even in the old west and whatnot, you left your rifle in the scabbard on your horse. Yes, you carried your holstered handgun, but not the rifle in town. Only time a rifle or shotgun was carried in town was if you were law enforcement or protection for a company ( guarding a stage coach or courier) or about to murder someone. Whether you want to believe it or not the AR-15 is scary and offensive to the general public. That will never change. It is an offensive rifle. If you actually used it, a jury would see you as the definition of carrying a gun looking for trouble. Carrying a rifle is not as convenient as a handgun and is not acceptable and never will be as it never has in the 150 years or so that we have had cartridge fired weapons.
    1 point
  48. Are these nut cases so ignorant they think they are helping? We don’t need that kind of help.
    1 point
  49. Charlie is from a different time, a different world. They just don't make fellas like him anymore.  He is one of THE nicest gentlemen the state of TN has to offer.  
    1 point
  50. To anyone who abuses, neglects or mistreats an animal; I hope you die in a slow burning house fire. Anyone who would just abandon an animal like that is lower than human. I would have more respect for [not much] a person who just put a bullet in the dog's head as opposed to abandoning it to the elements and predators. My current companion was a rescue. He's now 13, eat up with cancer and living on borrowed time. He also has hip dysplasia and has difficulty getting around. He was beaten and starved when I got him. He's been with me 12 years now, and I've had dogs before him, but he's REALLY taught me the definition of what a friend is. I think more of him than most humans I meet. Now he spends most of his days in bed. I bought him a baby crib mattress and I keep it in the shop with me so we can hang out all day, everyday. He usually just watches me trim brass in between customers. LOL. He's on a two different pain meds now and I don't expect him to last much longer. He's the best friend I've ever had. Sorry for the thread drift.
    1 point
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