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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2015 in all areas

  1. And while people think they can say anything they want under the guise of "freedom of speech" I will say they cannot. The protections afforded someone under the First Amendment is only there to protect the individual from the government, it does not protect them from another private party. Because I am not a government agency I can limit people's right to free speech on my property. If I don't like what you are saying I do not have to listen to it and can tell someone to either quit or leave my property. No one has the right to say whatever they want whenever they want, especially on private property.   And one must realize that even though they may be allowed to say what they want under the guise of "free speech" there are consequences for what they say, both good and bad, and there should be. One must weigh the consequences to determine if the personal reward of saying what they want outweighs the risks. For most people the risks are far too great to speak their mind most of the time. Everyone weighs those decisions every day and just because someone may have a right to say something does not mean they will not suffer the consequences for what they chose to say. Just because someone has the right to say something does not mean they are exempt from the consequences and if those consequences break the law then they will have to deal with their own set of consequences for their actions. I can guarantee there is not a single person on this board who speaks their mind 100% of the time without weighing the consequences.
    4 points
  2. I'm a Marine vet, and support free speech. Free speech is great. Call me whatever you want, insult vets, cops , and everyone else etc. But everytime you step on that flag all I can see is you stepping on the one who draped my best friends coffin, and that was handed to a 22 yr old widow in front of their two children. So yeah, I'm probably gonna get a little emotional and bust somebodies skull if they stomp that flag. Like I said I would die for that flag. Going to jail for it ain't shit. Oh. And I support gay married couples right to protect their pot plants with full auto, suppressed 10" AR-15's and drink 64 Oz big gulp sodas.
    4 points
  3. Ryan Johnson of RMJ tacical hit this one out of the Park, they will be showing this model at Blade, no price yet but I will definitely get one
    2 points
  4. Speaking of music, I heard a song in a commercial tonight. It's not new but I'm only just now paying attention to it I guess. It goes: "You're so cute I wanna wear you like a suit I bet you'd look really good on me." Who the F wrote that? Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs?!!!!???!!!
    2 points
  5. Why not just get a HCP? It's hard enough to secure  a handgun in a car or truck, no way I would leave it on a bike. The most secure place for the gun when you are away from the bike is on your body :2cents:
    2 points
  6. I've been in contact with their support team, but the guy assigned to the support issue right now is in Spain so we're having to work around a time differential also.  More to come.
    2 points
  7. Might be something that would make it legal in ban states. Call me crazy but I kind of like how it looks.
    2 points
  8. Stepping on or burning a flag?  To what end?      I get free speech.   Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.
    2 points
  9. I'm sticking with an AR style AR.
    2 points
  10. They will always blame legal gun owners no matter the circumstances.
    2 points
  11. She's home! I went to pick my Dad up to go fishing and they called and said it was ready if I could be there in 30 min. Actually cleaner than when stolen. LOL! Also has my good mag still. Lesson learned!
    2 points
  12. For every liberal hippie whining about rights to equality, the same liberal is trying to take away rights of someone else.
    2 points
  13. For the 80s kid in me, if it's good enough for Ricardo Tubbs then it's good enough for me. And for the adult I am today if it's good enough for Walter White aka Heisenberg then it's good enough for me.
    1 point
  14. So, I recently went on a golf trip with a bunch of buddies to Orlando, FL. While we were there, I insisted on taking a trip to Randall Made Knives to visit the shop and museum. Wow!! Totally impressed. Of course, I have always been a fan of these knives but it was really nice to visit the place. The museum was awesome. Thousands of knives on display...including Bill Scagel knives. For those who know the story, it was a Scagel knife that started Bo Randall on the trek to build the best possible knife. There are letters from Ronald Reagan during WWII thanking Bo for the knife sent to him. I was in awe. While there, they were pulling out some knives for sale to the general public. Evidently, they have situations where the original orderer of the knife is no longer available to receive delivery (eg., died, moved, etc.) Considering it takes Randall Made nearly 5 years to deliver a knife, this isn't surprising. Needless to say, I bought a couple. Randall Made Sign: Randall Made (I think this was Bo's home): The Museum: Trailblazer with copper bolster: Hunter Model:
    1 point
  15. Same ole tune, it's hot and my shirt rides up....questions get asked, I piss someone off.   Lady says why on earth are you carrying a gun?  I tell her:  See that peace symbol on the back or your Subaru?  [in and amongst the 75 other stickers!]  Well, I like peace too!  I love peace.  Only problem is, no lasting peace is made among men, out of love.  ONLY respect.  Only when evil respects you strength of will and arm, will it consider peaceful resolutions.  Only in the face of their own death, do the hearts of evil men consider peace.  Turning the other cheek, passive resistance & arms wide open will accomplish precisely squat.     That's HORRIBLE!  I don't believe that and won't raise my family like that.   Failure to accept the truth doesn't make it any less true.  When evil hits you in the face and you "refuse to stoop to that level" in response....it will be much obliged for making it so easy.  You can contemplate this as you bleed out on the ground while they take everything you've worked hard for.           Now, I'm not sure why, but she didn't have anything to say after that.  The look on her face when I told her to have a wonderful rest of the day, was priceless.   :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl: From a business standpoint, I should probably stop telling people stuff like this, but I won't.  It's too much fun and damn if I ain't gettin' pretty good at it.  I can make it through the hole thing without laughing at them now!  
    1 point
  16. Leave it to a NY lib to come up with this:   http://thehill.com/regulation/243425-house-bill-would-require-gun-owners-to-carry-insurance   Can I get full coverage like I do with my car?  I'd like full replacement value in case something happens to my gun. :squint:
    1 point
  17. as for "made us better" he set the bar at going to the moon, it happened. I am not so sure without his challenge it would have happened.  The country had national pride then.  Real pride that could be acted upon.  Now national pride is lip service.  As for Camelot, when is the last time women of this country emulated the First Lady?   As for "better president" he made the Russian's blink. Actually not only blink but back the fuck off.   Yeah Reagen gets this credit for tearing down the wall.  I am pretty sure it was German citizens who tore it down. That wall was coming down no matter what Reagan said.   As for being a great actor,  his Hollywood credits have nothing to do with that comment.  Though his role as George Gipp is arguably unsurpassed.
    1 point
  18. George Bush Sr. was also another anti gun Republican like Reagan. We can thank Bush Sr. for the ban on importing "assault weapons" from foreign countries. It was his actions that caused the ATF to create 922r. And not to be outdone George Bush Jr. did some other stuff. I can't remember exactly what he did but it affects every gun owner today by further inhibiting our rights as gun owners. Jr. also recommended the Assault Weapons Ban be extended but he could not get it done.   We have not had a president that supports gun rights in at least 40 years and probably close to 50 years. Every president in the last 30 years wanted gun control extended and did everything they could to limit our rights.
    1 point
  19. I talked to that guy with the hex mags for a while too. Grabbed one of his cards, he has a local warehouse, mainly a website ran company he said. I almost grabbed some of that grip tape too but said those famous words "I'll swing by on the way out" and as usual forgot what and where I meant to go! :lol:
    1 point
  20. I got there at 12:30, left at 5. Around 4 it was nice and cool in there and 1/5th of the crowd as when I got there. Picked up some AR parts I've been needing and chatted with some friends, all in all a good show. Going back tomorrow around noon. Farthest booth back in left corner (not on wall) is a couple out of Joplin MO, Sullivan Gun Works. Great folks, Class 3 dealer, very knowledgeable and has some nice products.
    1 point
  21. Seems like all the good deals are in the east end of the state. lol
    1 point
  22. Your Hawk looks about as experienced as my first RMJ. I've known Ryan since he was a teenager. He has the skills, knowledge, and ethics to make only the best tools that he can. Looks like a KA-BAR cleaned and leaned up.
    1 point
  23. Gotta run to Maryville tomorrow I'm going to see if I can snag one out there, thanks for the heads up.
    1 point
  24. I have 40 miles one way with 2 small rivers to cross. KISS. Does everyone here know what that means. The Obion river you can walk across, chest deep in most places, but trying to swim the Forked Deer River with a 40 lb pack ain't going to happen. Keep it light and easy to carry. I don't even keep extra mags in mine. 36 rounds on me and if that ain't enough I am in trouble anyway. JTM Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. Absolutely beautiful blades.....the sheaths aren't nothing to sneeze at either. Congratulations on your purchases. :up:
    1 point
  26. I snagged one in Morristown the other day. They had camp and black. If I recall correctly, I think I paid $39 at Walmart last year for the same case.
    1 point
  27.     Compared to Obozo Reagan was a God. :rofl:
    1 point
  28. Anything can be fixed, if not it can be replaced. You can submit a service request on-line. I would go straight to the source: CUSTOMER SUPPORT 2100 Roosevelt Avenue Springfield, MA 01104 Tel: 1-800-331-0852, ext. 4125 • 413-781-8300 Mon-Fri 8:00AM-5:00PM Eastern Time E-mail: qa@smith-wesson.com
    1 point
  29.     We always buy new rotors now, because we found a way to get them almost as cheap as having them turned.   Advance auto is almost always running $40 off $100 purchases if you buy them online; we order two on one order and then 2 on a separate order (same account) and viola, brand new rotors for $120.  If the rotors aren't $50, I'll throw something els eon there for later on like some oil or filters to bump it up over the $100 mark.
    1 point
  30.   I didn't know about the Leatherman stance but now that I do and you've shown me an equal if not better tool.... I simply say thank you!
    1 point
  31. ^^^^ ...and mister sensible knife man comes in for the win. I had one of those in my hands a year or so ago and passed. It was dang nice. Solid.
    1 point
  32. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6c6eUeoa9Q You won't find anything this good on the radio!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  33. I hope they'll have Uninsured Shooter coverage available. :rofl:
    1 point
  34. If only, they taste good and make good belts.
    1 point
  35. I agree and find these the very best for an all around j frame:
    1 point
  36.   I've had one for a few years. I forget where we got them
    1 point
  37. The Second Amendment Foundation has been all over DC's ass in court on this one.  I think they are hoping that with a precedent coming from a case involving DC, it establishes case law for future federal cases.
    1 point
  38.   We will have to see what was recovered so far, they were arrested one day after the break in so they may not have had a chance to move them all. These parasites will get more than 6 mounths for sure with all the other charges.
    1 point
  39. I highly recommend you walk the route you intend to take so as to better familiarize yourself with the task and then develop a required equipment list. I would keep your get home bag as simple as possible in order to minimize weight and there by minimize the time impact of the trip. Essentials to me are as follows: Bag with good shoulder straps and a hip belt. Waterproof mechanism such as a trash bag if the bag itself is not waterproof. Footgear based on season, terrain covered, and weight carried. These do not have to be boots. One extra pair of socks to rotate out when the other pair has dried. Hat. Platypus for water. Water purification tablets. GORP of your own recipe equal to 4000 calories +\- based on your own needs. Headlamp if travelling off road. One set spare batteries for headlamp. Minimal first aid products in order to control blisters, monkey butt, joint inflammation, and chaffing. Small roll bathroom tissue. One pair Frogg Toggs. The expressed purpose should be to walk without delay to your residence and then recover as needed for follow on actions. Your feet may very well be in a very bad way at the end of this in addition to very serious joint stiffness/pain/swelling. I would stock your home to allow for expedient recovery.
    1 point
  40. They caught these punks Saturday, one day after the break in, Wednsday they shot and stabbed some dude, these punks are real scumbags and i'm sure they will spend quite some time in jail, both Nashville and Cheatham. Apparently my brother did provide a serial number, I believe the .40 S&W and that's what they identified. One of the punks lived on Sams Creek Rd. not but a few miles from my brother.   http://www.scrippsmedia.com/newschannel5/news/2-Fugitives-Captured-In-Shooting-Stabbing-On-Colt-Drive-304861121.html    
    1 point
  41. There's nothing wrong with a Prius....long as there's a TGO sticker on the back.
    1 point
  42. Why would anyone give this massive flop another chance? It doesn't offer anything over the competition and I agree that it's ugly as sin.
    1 point
  43. I wish hippies would stop driving Subarus, they are fine automobiles.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Did this just happen? Did the guy think he'd wait 5 months and no one would notice?
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. I told her that already. Now I think I'm going to make it sound like the Navy Seals sniper trials. :)
    1 point
  48. It was made in the Izhevsk plant (triangle with arrow) in 1946. Looks to be in pretty good shape.   The tool that looks like a mini saw/key ring is a gauge for checking the firing pin for proper positioning. there are Youtube videos on how to check that. Look for some YouTube videos for taking down the bolt. It's the same bolt as the 91/30 so a video on that one will be the same steps. Most videos of the bolt assembly will show how to check the firing pin.
    1 point
  49. You're gonna like it.....the guys standing/shooting next to you WON'T.   :devil:  :devil:  :devil:
    1 point
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