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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/2015 in all areas
Same ole tune, it's hot and my shirt rides up....questions get asked, I piss someone off. Lady says why on earth are you carrying a gun? I tell her: See that peace symbol on the back or your Subaru? [in and amongst the 75 other stickers!] Well, I like peace too! I love peace. Only problem is, no lasting peace is made among men, out of love. ONLY respect. Only when evil respects you strength of will and arm, will it consider peaceful resolutions. Only in the face of their own death, do the hearts of evil men consider peace. Turning the other cheek, passive resistance & arms wide open will accomplish precisely squat. That's HORRIBLE! I don't believe that and won't raise my family like that. Failure to accept the truth doesn't make it any less true. When evil hits you in the face and you "refuse to stoop to that level" in response....it will be much obliged for making it so easy. You can contemplate this as you bleed out on the ground while they take everything you've worked hard for. Now, I'm not sure why, but she didn't have anything to say after that. The look on her face when I told her to have a wonderful rest of the day, was priceless. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: From a business standpoint, I should probably stop telling people stuff like this, but I won't. It's too much fun and damn if I ain't gettin' pretty good at it. I can make it through the hole thing without laughing at them now!7 points
i can picture a thread on a hippie message board exactly the opposite of this one but still full of "we are better than them"5 points
I wish hippies would stop driving Subarus, they are fine automobiles.5 points
That's funny, I feel the same way about useless jacked up diesels trucks...4 points
Well Yee-Haw, somebody finally came up with a bolt carrier group scraping tool that is well made, works like a champ, and is affordable. It's called the Real Avid AR15 Scraper. I bought a scraping tool four years ago for $45 and choked on the price. But this one only sells for $13 at Primary Arms. All I can say is it's about time!! This is the manufacturers link that shows how the scraper works and lists the price at $19.95. http://www.realavid.com/ar-15-scraper-tool.html This is the link to Primary Arms, where the scraper sells for only $12.95. https://www.primaryarms.com/Real_Avid_AR15_Scraper_p/avar15s.htm I tried this tool last night on the tail of the bolt and the bolt tunnel in the bolt carrier and it really did a good job. FYI EssOne3 points
Pew Pew Pew Pew!!!! Sorry Remington, that thing is butt ugly!!!3 points
Yep! I don't open discussions, religious, political, etc. [except for here on TGO of course] with anyone. Now, open the door and I'll come right on in. The worst thing people can do is try to coax my opinion because I will give it.3 points
Tree huggers never see the engineering or accounting. Their job is to carry a sign and say stupid shit.3 points
My other hobby is whitewater kayaking, and it is a sport 99% populated by tree hugging liberals. Kayaking is a single person sport, but you need other people to go along with you for safety reasons, and to help with shuttle. I generally have to bite my tongue all the time just not to alienate myself from the group. I'd venture to say most of them have never even fired a gun, and would be repulsed at the very idea. I think most of them would pee themselves if they ever found the Ruger I carry in my backpack. One weekend several of us were camping out in the woods near a river we were paddling. Many beers were consumed and the conversation turned to "what would we do if some crazy redneck hunter came out here and tried to make us squeal like pigs". Most talked about where in the woods they would run away to. I finally spoke up and mentioned I'd just get the 9 mil from the truck. Everyone sat there looking at me like I had said I would have thrown a dead baby seal at them. The conversation was over and we never spoke of it again. They definitely don't like when I point out the hypocrisy of burning a couple of tankfulls of gas and emitting all that carbon every weekend to go on a river trip. It's OK to be a tree hugger environmentalist as long as it doesn't interfere with their fun time.3 points
Good lord that guy in the truck is lucky he didn't do that to some of the guys I used to ride with.3 points
Let me see if I get this...these motorcyclists speed through the area where the guy in the truck lives and he believes this endangers his kids, so he thinks it's okay to try and kill them with his truck? If that's what happened, a more deserving headbutt has never been inflicted.3 points
3 points
ditto on Oh Shoot's: its Stingers, not Mini Mags. As far as I know no decent shooting .22LR aftermarket barrel will accept Stingers. You can get barrels specifically reamed to shoot Stingers, but then standard length .22lr accuracy will suffer. Most mass market .22lrs are chambered to accept Stingers. There are all kinds of theories on how to chamber a .22LR and there are quite a few different .22LR chamber reamers. In the end you need a longer chamber for Stingers, then standard .22lr have to "jump the gap." How much does accuracy suffer? Not so much that the squirrels or rabbits will be able to tell. Having been around and owned quite a few 10/22 .22lr barrels I won't argue against a Kidd barrel. Currently the only light weight threaded barrel that I know of that might come close to the Kidd might be the PWS carbon fiber barrel: http://primaryweapons.com/firearms/t3/tensionbarrels/#.VWjjNjY4nTY Of course if you want the ultimate quiet "10/22" then you really need a PWS receiver. http://primaryweapons.com/firearms/t3/#.VWjksjY4nTY If you want to shoot shorts or colibras in a 10/22 either manually cycling a semi or have the PWS then you should get this magazine: http://www.urbanriflesupply.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=75:22-short-magazine&catid=81:accessories&Itemid=468 I've had firsthand good luck with Kidd, PWS and Urban Rifle Supply (URS). The URS .22short mags are awesome.2 points
Gateway Tire [Cool Springs] Can turn them while they're on the vehicle.2 points
After seeing that video I would have arrested the truck driver for felony aggravated assault and child endangerment and given the other bike rider a warning for misdemeanor battery (although I believe it would be upheld in court as justified). I would have turned around and followed that truck also after he tried to kill me and there is nothing in the law that says that is escalating the situation.2 points
Happens to me a lot.....someone keeps on and on wanting to know what I think. They won't stop, so finally I give in and tell them what I think. Then they leave all pizzed off. All because they couldn't mind their own business. .....and my wife wonders why I'm, not a "people person". :shake:2 points
If someone thinks it is their 'place' to go out of their way to mind my business and ask me stupid questions that are none of their affair then it is certainly my 'place' to reward their behavior with a lecture. If she had minded her own business in the first place then I'd bet Caster would never have said a word to her beyond, possibly, "How are you?" or some, similar nicety.2 points
You're obviously 100% right about the law. But sometimes a fella just needs an ass whoopin', and this is a perfect example of that. I'd gladly give it to him knowing full well the consequences that come with my actions and I wouldn't for a second ask forgiveness for dishing out what was so desperately needed. In fact, I'd request the key to the city.2 points
They also make Tacomas and Tundras. No truck in my driveway will ever say anything but, "Toyota. Oh what a feeling." My current ride is an '08 Tundra Limited.2 points
2 points
I LOVE subarus - I'm currently driving my 5th - and it sees more hard track time than most people's vette's, mustangs, camaros, porsches, etc - and can also fit a 60" TV in the back (it's a wagon) - which makes for a great camping/shooting transport gun - I can fit my entire arsenal of weapons for weekends out shooting at the cabin! So please! Don't harsh on all of us subaru people - if it's a turbo, they probably like having fun - mine has been modified almost more than my glocks and 1911's - see photos of it in my flickr page here:2 points
It's so cool to watch these threads morph into something entirely new. Next, it will be "9mm vs 45 acp", then wander off into gays ...2 points
It really does look like a toy. Does it shoot little disks?2 points
2 points
They're some of the safest cars on the road. It's what one of the heads of the IIHS drives.2 points
Dude, that made me chuckle heartily. Not all Subaru owners are like that. I'm not a Subaru owner (yet) but my wife wants one when we move out west. Well, at least an all wheel drive of some sort to deal with the snow.2 points
An Airweight is more pleasant to shoot with a larger more hand filling set of grips on it. If it's purpose in being a belt gun this is a great approach. If it's intended to be a coat pocket gun then the improvement in shoot ability is a win to.1 point
"Why can't you see, that free love ain't free..." I don't agree with most of the hippy mindset, around my house we call them 'damn dirty tree hugging hippies,' and my daughter has learned that it is about the deepest insult that her father will bestow upon those he disagrees with.1 point
1 point
1 point
You mean all the annoying whining and pseudo-enlightenment bs without the 'free love' that might somewhat redeem them.1 point
And I'll have my new Sig 551-2 SBR (not a 551a1 but an actual 551-2 SBR) . I'll also be bringing a Scattergun Technologies 14" 870 , 14" Saiga, and maybe even my 12" AOW 870.... When I put on a private shotgun class I get pretty thorough..... :cool: By the way...we still have 2 openings available if anyone else is interested.....1 point
I have to say, Caster, you were downright cordial compared to the way I would likely have responded... "Why am I carrying a gun? The real question is, 'Why are you minding my business instead of minding your own business?' But to answer your question, do you watch the news? Any news? Ever? Or are you too busy petting the imaginary unicorns that you must believe surround you and yours with a rainbow forcefield of goodness and light? If you don't want to carry a gun and aren't concerned with protecting yourself from those who would do you harm, fine. I really don't care as your and yours are, frankly, of no consequence to me. I, however, choose to carry and that is my concern, not yours. Oh, and don't worry - when those with ill intent do decide to do you harm I will respect your views and refrain from stepping in to help you with the gun that I carry. " Maybe the biggest reason I don't generally open carry - I don't need other people asking me questions that are really none of their damned business. Others are, of course, free to open carry if they wish. Also, I know in this case you weren't and that your gun simply became exposed because of a wardrobe malfunction and I don't necessarily always go for deep concealment. I just can't understand why some people don't get the concept that some things really are none of their damned business and that they have no, real justification for sticking their noses into other people's business.1 point
Congrads and glad your didn't eat yourself up before you even took the class. Glad you did well. Welcome to the life of a safer person............. :up:1 point
I disagree, and I'd bet so would the law. The law doesn't act on emotion. They turned around to specifically confront the truck driver so they escalated it, (as did the truck driver for backing up to confront them). The second motorcyclist, (who the video doesn't show being part of the initial assault by the truck), came up and immediately struck the truck driver while not under threat, so not self-defense.1 point
Life cycle cost and environmental impact for hybrids is off the scale. The time and energy expended developing the technology far, far surpasses the modest efficiency improvements. The processes used to manufacture and recycle the batteries are far from what anyone would consider "green". And most hybrid owners probably use a 2-stroke leaf blower instead of a rake and a broom. A couple hours with that leaf blower puts more NOx, SOx, and CO2 in the air than driving a Prius for an entire year.1 point
Actually, seems like mine had all the valuable items categories lumped into a $2500 total, but can't say for sure and have tossed the policy so can't check the wording. Reason I fell in with SAFECO, was that State Farm messed up my separate valuable items policy; I gave them revised gun list for it, and the underwriters added them all again instead of just replacing whole list, so suddenly premium went way up. And my local agents simply couldn't (or wouldn't) get it fixed. Agents said don't pay the premium that was due until fixed, home office kept sending me cancellation notices, and then they did cancel it. Then local agents didn't really want to write another one, etc, just a total SNAFUBAR at that point. I finally just nuked everything I had with them, and had actually had State Farm car insurance since I started driving at 16, too! Anyway, TIS, a big independent agency here, got me fixed up with two cars and renter's for less than I was paying with SF, and with better coverage too, not even counting the extra I was paying for the valuable items policy, which was no longer necessary. Whole thing took about an hour. Gal who did the policies already knew SAFECO was "gun friendly", so she compared them right off the bat for my needs. Anyway, I do supply them with a list of them all, update via email now and then, no probs at all. So I say again, anyone with a significant gun collection should look into SAFECO. - OS1 point
When there was still ice on the road on my daily 140 mile round trip daily commutes, I can't count how many of those I passed on ice; since they were driving like grannies in the cleared lanes. I can't count how many passed me those weeks either; mainly because they didn't. Subaru's AWD is insane.1 point
I got passed today by a Toyota Mini Van, I was talking smack under my breath, but when he went past me I suddenly felt ok. His bumper sticker said "the best form of gun control is to use both hands". I instantly liked him.1 point
Can you jack it up this weekend, just to make my inflammatory statement valid? What if I said please?1 point
I think a Hipster is what you get when you cross a Hippie with a Yuppie. :2cents:1 point
I would like to keep a few flyers advertizing U Haul and Hertz, or a moving company and when some hippy is trying to be sanctimonious asking why I carry, i'll just say, because it's the law in Tennessee, I can and I want to so either get over it or move. Then hand them a flyer. There's no need to argue your point no matter how much sense it makes, it is impossible for them to process logic.1 point
There was a big display for the R51 at the NRA show. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but that was one ugly gun.1 point
1 point
Just an update on this ordeal - I just got a call from the police that someone tried to pawn my gun this morning. They don't think he's the one that stole it but he is telling who he bought it from. The detective in charge is related by marriage and said I could call him tomorrow and pick it up. I hope it's not trashed and the expensive mag is still in it.1 point
1 point
That's funny as hell! I don't care how bad that guy took a hit, if you're stupid enough to stand there....... Natural Selection, Gods finest law.1 point
I really do work at trying to teach the grandkids stuff. My son bitched at me a couple of years ago for not showing him more. Little did he recall when he was a teen I was the dumbest MF on the planet. LOL1 point
Well I am happy to report that I have passed. You were all right! A big huff over nothing. 100 on my written test and 96 on my shooting. I had pretty excellent grouping at 3 and 7 yard, after that I got squirrelly. All in all an EXCELLENT class with a perfect instructor. I learned a lot and he even gave pointers at the range which helped a lot. Thanks again for all the help and feed back!1 point
1 point
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