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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2015 in all areas

  1. Same ole tune, it's hot and my shirt rides up....questions get asked, I piss someone off.   Lady says why on earth are you carrying a gun?  I tell her:  See that peace symbol on the back or your Subaru?  [in and amongst the 75 other stickers!]  Well, I like peace too!  I love peace.  Only problem is, no lasting peace is made among men, out of love.  ONLY respect.  Only when evil respects you strength of will and arm, will it consider peaceful resolutions.  Only in the face of their own death, do the hearts of evil men consider peace.  Turning the other cheek, passive resistance & arms wide open will accomplish precisely squat.     That's HORRIBLE!  I don't believe that and won't raise my family like that.   Failure to accept the truth doesn't make it any less true.  When evil hits you in the face and you "refuse to stoop to that level" in response....it will be much obliged for making it so easy.  You can contemplate this as you bleed out on the ground while they take everything you've worked hard for.           Now, I'm not sure why, but she didn't have anything to say after that.  The look on her face when I told her to have a wonderful rest of the day, was priceless.   :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl: From a business standpoint, I should probably stop telling people stuff like this, but I won't.  It's too much fun and damn if I ain't gettin' pretty good at it.  I can make it through the hole thing without laughing at them now!  
    13 points
  2. That's funny, I feel the same way about useless jacked up diesels trucks...
    7 points
  3. The wife and I signed papers for 18+ acres near Bristol. In 1314 days you guys are gonna have a new neighbor. Now I just have to get through the days till I retire. I can't wait to leave this hell hole.
    6 points
  4. Just in case any of you guys were wondering where my avatar came from............................... December 7th is always a thoughtful day for me. Not because of the Pearl Harbor attack, but because December 7,1961 was the day the U. S Army decided that an 18 year old Private named me needed to take a boat trip to Europe. So, on that day 53 1/2 years ago, I hoisted my duffel bag onto my shoulder and walked up the gangway to one of the most memorable experiences of my life – crossing the North Atlantic in a howling December storm on the lowliest of lowly tubs, a troop ship…..the United States Naval Ship General Maurice Rose. “The Rose,” as we called her, was 608 feet long, 75 feet abeam, displaced 9,600 tons empty, and carried 5200 troops in all the luxury of a camping trip to the Kansas City stock yards. First commissioned in 1945, the old ship could reach 19 knots in calm water, but was lucky to do better than 12 knots on our trip because of the ill tempered seas. She was owned by the Navy, operated by the Army Transportation Corps, commanded by Navy officers, had a merchant marine crew, and carried Army troops. What could possibly go wrong with a system like that? "The Rose" was two football fields long. At about 0900 hours that morning we started to move away from the dock and, as we reached the end of a huge warehouse at the end of the dock, our morale suffered its first real blow of the trip – painted on the end of the warehouse in 25 foot high letters was the greeting “WELCOME HOME .” The misplaced sign appeared without warning and had a stunning effect on a ship load of G.I.'s who were already aware that they wouldn't see home again for a long, long time. It got awfully quiet on deck until the sign disappeared from view, and it would be the last time any of us would be on the open deck until we were completely across the Atlantic Ocean. Note the size of the men working at the water line. Not long after the sign disappeared, the fun started in earnest. As soon as we cleared New York harbor we ran afoul of a nasty, boiling Atlantic winter storm that would royally knock us about for the next nine days. For the entirety of the trip to Southampton, England, and then to Bremerhaven, Germany, “the Rose” rocked, rolled, dove, climbed, and vibrated its heart out. We were in seas so heavy that the screws often came out of the water and flailed about in the air until the ship righted herself again. The violent shaking and vibrations of those huge screws churning the air made even the most stout hearted among us wonder where the devil we’d left our life preserver! Naturally the weather decks were off limits to us for the entire trip, and on the one occasion when a crewman opened a door looking out to the deck, we were looking UP at the Atlantic Ocean. I didn’t look again until we reached the English Channel – once was enough for me. Trying to eat while the ship was diving and rolling around in one trough after another was often a very humorous experience. The tables in the mess halls were long, rectangular affairs coming out of the sides of the ship and were anchored to the floor. They were covered in Formica and accommodated about a dozen men seated on each side of the table. We soon found out that stainless steel mess trays slid like crazy on the slick Formica every time the ship rolled, and usually wound up several persons away from where the sliding had started. Desperation being the mother of invention, some brilliant soul found that if one inserted a wet napkin between the tray and the Formica, the tray stayed put – but the food kept right on going. Oh well, try, try again. She wasn't nearly as big on the inside as she was on the outside. The most disconcerting part of the voyage happened as we stopped in calm water off of Southampton, England to pick up a pilot for the North Sea part of our voyage, and to conduct a lifeboat drill. Well, I guess that’s what they called it, because it took the merchant marine crew a full half hour just to get the first life boat off of its davits! A Special Forces Sergeant standing next to me watching the comedy of errors expressed all of our feelings when he blurted out loudly: “Boy, if this tub ever decided to sink, we’d have about enough time to say Our-Father-which-art-in-blub-blub-blub!” The frightening part is that he was absolutely right. All things have to come to an end, and our trip ended at the Port of Bremerhaven, West Germany on December 16th. The trip through the English Channel had been quite calm, but the overnight sail through the North Sea was the roughest of the whole trip. And believe me, by this time we were bloody tired of “rough.” On arrival we were no longer accustomed to walking on a surface that wasn’t pitching and rolling, so we staggered and stumbled off the ship to the waiting trains like the biggest bunch of drunks in history. It took most of us a week to learn how to walk again without lurching all over the place and grabbing anything we could find to steady ourselves. It had been one heck of a ride. Mercifully, the Army flew me home when my overseas tour ended in 1964. The trip took nine hours instead of “the Rose’s” nine days. And I didn’t miss the old girl one bit. Epilogue “The Rose” was named after Major General Maurice Rose, United States Army, who was the only American general officer killed during the fighting in western Europe in World War II. He was killed in Germany in the spring of 1945. The General Maurice Rose plied the Atlantic route from 1950 to 1965, completing more than 150 round trip crossings between New York and Bremerhaven. She sailed the Mediterranean run for a while, and then spent her final years of active duty ferrying troops to the Far East from the Pacific coast. The old ship was mothballed into the reserve fleet in 1967, decommissioned in 1997, and they scrapped her in 2000. I guess she was a pretty good ship. After all, how many people get to look UP at the Atlantic Ocean and live to tell about it? The rose's biggest customer - the United States 7th Army. Looks suspiciously like my avatar, huh? EssOne
    6 points
  5. I put a $20 Amazon rear sight on it and a $10 aluminum magazine. Which means that as pictured, I am into the whole thing for $480.
    5 points
  6. Looks like we need more bleach in the gene pool.
    4 points
  7. I wish hippies would stop driving Subarus, they are fine automobiles.
    4 points
  8. Hippie tears are oh so sweet. They taste like candy.
    4 points
  9. I have loved the Subaru Crosstrek since they came out. And I would love to have one. However, I do have a reputation to maintain. LOL so I stick with my two honkin SUV's. One gets 6mph and the other around 15. I've just learned to get used to it. My wallet is always open :-/
    2 points
  10.   Well you have to admit thought that pretentious opinionated azzhatz live on both sides of the fence.... Myself I simply try not to let the stench of someone else's poop stink up my day....
    2 points
  11. And I can give you my number and we can go through it step by step over the phone if you like.
    2 points
  12. For every liberal hippie whining about rights to equality, the same liberal is trying to take away rights of someone else.
    2 points
  13. Thank you, Gents. It was my pleasure to write about the trip and an honor to serve in the same army that had liberated the death camps of Europe sixteen years earlier. The Seventh Army was formed on Sicily in 1943 by General Patton and remained a viable field army until the 80's. Sadly it has now been downgraded to about a brigade-size training command.   There were three troop ships that regularly made the trip from New York to Bremerhaven - the Rose, the Patch, and the Buckner. There were others pressed into service during emergencies, but these were the mainstays. I don't know how many hundreds of thousands of troops they took to Europe during the Cold War, but the seventh Army was our largest field army for many years and these ships were the sole providers of replacement troops.   The guys who were on troop ships during WWII and Korea had it a lot worse than we did. I really have to take my hat off to them - whereas we had mess halls and hot meals, the wartime troops frequently didn't and the guys ate C and K rations all the way across.  An uncle of mine who went to France in 1944 said the troops on his ship kept the tablespoon from their mess kits in their shirt pockets along with a P-38 can opener. At meal time they ate canned rations with the table spoon, licked it clean after every meal, and put it back in their shirt pocket.  The guys who went overseas during WWII were often on nothing more than converted cargo ships and boarded via cargo nets and got off the same way, whereas we had gangways and loaded and unloaded at docks.   It was one hell of an experience for an 18 year old kid and I'll never forget it.   Best wishes to you guys in return.   EssOne
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. I frequently listen to their music just to hear the drummer. Great band!
    2 points
  16. Well I am happy to report that I have passed. You were all right! A big huff over nothing. 100 on my written test and 96 on my shooting. I had pretty excellent grouping at 3 and 7 yard, after that I got squirrelly. All in all an EXCELLENT class with a perfect instructor. I learned a lot and he even gave pointers at the range which helped a lot. Thanks again for all the help and feed back!
    2 points
  17. So I have been going to the stables with my wife for a while now. One of her friends, who is extremely liberal, has a son that normally sits around playing games on his tablet or wanders off on his own to do who knows what. He is a quiet little kid that is really timid but he is well mannered, polite and extremely smart. Well the last few visits to the stable that kid and I have become friends. I have been showing him some different things as well as watching him build dams in a small creek. Then a few visits ago I took him a slingshot but I wasn't sure he would be allowed to have it because of his liberal parents but his mother said it was ok so I let him have it. We spent an hour or two knocking plastic bottles over with it as well as shooting into some water and mud. He got pretty good with the slingshot but before he left that day he said it would be easier with his BB gun. I thought it was odd because his parents are extremely liberal but I guess anything is possible.   Well yesterday I was at the stables again and the boy showed up with his "BB gun". I would have never imagined he would have had it in a million years but there he stood with a Knights Armament PDW, Berretta pistol and an HK MP7. He had some cheap scope wired to it, it just flopped around and there is no way it would ever work. I thought to myself how can you expect him to shoot this thing. So I took the scope off and showed him how to use iron sights. I promised him a real scope, that actually works, the next time we meet. And while we were sitting there a few more kids showed up with a BUNCH of plastic guns in their arms.   So what I did was spend a couple of hours working with all those kids. And despite some odd looks from parents and other riders I was determined to teach these kids something. So I spent the next couple of hours showing some 10 year olds how to do a combat patrol, how to setup an ambush and the most fun was teaching them how to enter and clear a room.   I took my long sleeve shirt and used a couple of brooms tied together to make a target for them to shoot at. And in the end I had them clearing rooms and doing it safely with their airsoft guns loaded and ready.   It was fun and honestly they did better than most of the Afghans I have tried to teach.   Before it is all over I will try to teach the son of my wife's liberal friend how to clear, disassemble/reassemble and perform a function check on an AK-47. If an Afghan can do it I am sure this smart kid will be able to learn it easily. I will also see if I can convince the mother to let him shoot some guns. At a minimum I will be replacing his single cock airsoft rifle with a full auto because everyone needs a machine gun.   It was definitely a fun day for me.
    1 point
  18. This is not my deal, TGO David and I were approached about this, this is a chance to get a very cool manual action TR4 and help out a great charity :usa: http://minutemanwatches.com/knives/minutemanpro-tech-tr4-manual 25% of the proceeds of these knives will go to http://www.specialops.org/
    1 point
  19. This got posted on a Facebook page I frequent. As far as I can tell, the bikers have a tendency to speed in this area, and one idiot takes it upon himself to almost hit a guy on a motorcycle headon. Then starts a screaming he has kids, etc. The kids are in the truck with which he just attempted a headon collision. Interesting turn of events when the other guy steps in. The motorcycle riders shouldn't have been speeding, but if you try to hit me headon and commit murder for speeding, you deserve everything you get. Goes to show tempers will get you in trouble quickly. Also, it includes some foul language. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dONyv-Cwkoo
    1 point
  20.   When there was still ice on the road on my daily 140 mile round trip daily commutes,  I can't count how many of those I passed on ice; since they were driving like grannies in the cleared lanes.   I can't count how many passed me those weeks either; mainly because they didn't. Subaru's AWD is insane.
    1 point
  21. Even better, he tries to kill them by using a truck with his wife and kids in it. He is incredibly lucky it stopped with headbutt, though I'm suprised he got back up too. The motorcycles don't need to be speeding like hell in a neighborhood (if they were) but that sure as hell isn't grounds to kill someone. It's to late to bleach the gene pool this go round, the moron in the truck has already bred.
    1 point
  22. nana nana boo boo told you so. lol congrats.
    1 point
  23.   You know they make F150's and F250's with 4x4...just saying...
    1 point
  24.   You nailed the short-sightedness of most electric/hybrid car drivers right on the head!! Not only was the materials for their battery dug up from the ground, but over 2/3 of the electricity they use to charge the batteries comes from burning coal, natural gas or some other fossil fuel (source).
    1 point
  25. Darwin theory hard at work for both parties. Nice headbutt though.
    1 point
  26. Do people who think they are saving the world understand the battery they charge in their car came from the side of a mountain? i do like hybrids but people who think they are saving the world with hubrid and electric cars are ignorantly blind
    1 point
  27. When someone says hippie driving a Prius, I get a vivid picture of the kind of person they mean. They could just as well be a hipster, environmental whacko, or some other kind of commie-pinko-socialist clown. Likewise their car could just as well be a Subaru or a Smart car or a VW Beetle with a flower vase. I know what kind of person you mean right away.   I drove Kias for almost 10 yrs because they were good on gas, didn't cost an arm and a leg, and were surprisingly good safe cars. I'm blessed enough to afford to drive something more comfortable and useful now. That happens to be a full size truck, but if I were still broke and you saw me in a Kia, I guarantee you wouldn't think I was a hippie.   I guess what I'm trying to say is if drives like a hybrid AND it leans left like a liberal, it must be a hippie in a Prius, LOL.
    1 point
  28. I got passed today by a Toyota Mini Van, I was talking smack under my breath, but when he went past me I suddenly felt ok. His bumper sticker said "the best form of gun control is to use both hands". I instantly liked him.
    1 point
  29. It really does look like a toy.  Does it shoot little disks?
    1 point
  30. Wonder how sure the general would be if they accidentally addressed a sample to his residence?
    1 point
  31. These tree huggin' Berkenstock wearing hippies will be among the first to perish should something of consequence happen. I have no patience with people like Caster ran into.
    1 point
  32. Don't we really mean hipsters?? Skinny jeans, small hats, clear Ray-Ban glasses, a lot of plaid clothing, buster browns, man buns and murses. Ugh! Part of the reason we fled the big city!!
    1 point
  33. I fight the urge to run Prius' off the road too!
    1 point
  34.   YYZ!!! Neil Peart stands alone! Best. Drummer. EVAH!
    1 point
  35.   Actually, we do a lot more education in our store, on the blog, and at Range Day. While it's true that some marketing comes from this event, a lot of people just don't know what a TacCon trigger or silent capture spring can do for their AR when they're just holding it in the store...or worse, looking at a picture online!   That's where Range Day came from. :)   And did anyone see that we're doing ANOTHER Range Day this Sunday...and we'll have suppressors! When you finish drooling, get your butts over to Windrock Shooting Range anytime between noon and 5pm this Sunday and let's have some fun!   RAIN OR SHINE - we will be there.
    1 point
  36. its your money of course but the SP and GP are about the same exact thing.   I would suggest getting a totally different second gun instead --- the sp is scaled down slightly to have 5 instead of 6 shots and a slightly smaller frame.  I would say get the GP if its for fun, the SP to carry, one of the two, and then something else radically different.   The GP is the nicest revolver to work on I have ever touched.   We put a light trigger spring in ours and now it has like a 3 pound DA pull, which even I can manage comfortably.   I expected the usual wrestling match takedown and assembly against a bunch of aggravating springs, but it was simple and sweet inside. 
    1 point
  37. Looks like something Liberace would have carried.
    1 point
  38. The Trees is one of my all-time favorite songs. I bet that was a great show!
    1 point
  39. Far out!   Love me a good concert
    1 point
  40. Ya look Great Norma. Saw the article Saturday don't have my copy yet but I'll get you have to sign it.
    1 point
  41. Damn they're old.
    1 point
  42. Just an update on this ordeal - I just got a call from the police that someone tried to pawn my gun this morning. They don't think he's the one that stole it but he is telling who he bought it from. The detective in charge is related by marriage and said I could call him tomorrow and pick it up. I hope it's not trashed and the expensive mag is still in it.
    1 point
  43. short story some might see humor in   dude comes in tonight carrying a bottle of Blantons, NIB.  He speaks to me and said he had wanted to buy a gift for a friend and knew nothing about liquor.  He had been in earlier in the day and was recommended the Blantons by one of my co-workers.  He was telling me how he heard Blanton's was not very good.  Basically he was telling me he was going to be embarrassed by gifting this bourbon. I was dumbfounded.  We all know Blanton's is top shelf.   I plain told him I did not know what to do, that Blanton's was a awesome bourbon gift.  So we chatter a for a minutes of two, I show him a couple other bottle, but none any more regarded than Blanton's.  I could tell he just did not know what to do or believe.   We walk to the counter and then sheepishly he says he might have texted the wrong name of the bourbon to his buddy.  He then admitted he told his buddy that we sold him Barton's Bourbon. He was holding his phone and reading the text he sent.  LMAO.  At least he owned up to his mistake.  And at least we knew why his buddy was mistakenly bad mouthing Blanton's.   We had a good laugh.
    1 point
  44.   Truer words were never spoken and it also applies to everything in life.
    1 point
  45.   He said he wants it bored.  Not suicidal.
    1 point
  46. Totally off topic: you know how to get kicked out of one of Burfords classes? When he starts throwing the tennis balls, catch one and throw it back at him. Ask me how I know....... [emoji12] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  47.   Note that "nitride" is generic term for trade mark named processes like Melonite, Tenifer, etc. Many espouse properly nitride treated barrels as superior to chrome lined.   - OS
    1 point
  48. It truely is the "golden age" for AR's. It's amazing what you can get for under $1k now. People who don't have what they want when times get hard again (and they will) can't bitch.
    1 point
  49. Yup my most recent (E-Filed 2/7 took 59 days) .... Others are seeing 60-65 and it looks like week by week its getting longer I think the 41P scare plus the sig brace deal has made alot of people want to file Form 1s
    1 point
  50. It depends on what gas block you already have.
    1 point
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