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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2015 in all areas
I like Jerry's take on this topic. I agree on his views and how he approaches the matter. https://youtu.be/JGslzXxDhEU5 points
I really do work at trying to teach the grandkids stuff. My son bitched at me a couple of years ago for not showing him more. Little did he recall when he was a teen I was the dumbest MF on the planet. LOL3 points
I'll admit, I'm a j-frame fan. I love the simplicity and reliability. After several thousand rounds of practice, i feel confident in handling and firing this platform. But--i just fell in love again this weekend.... I have a 637 (chief special) that i picked up off a fellow member a this winter. Since the hammer is exposed, i carry this one IWB/OWB most of the time. Given the method of carry, i figured i could get away with something larger than the factory boot grip. I ordered these Hogue Monogrips last week and i couldn't be happier. Accuracy improved drastically and i didn't give up much--if anything--in concealability. In addition to that, i think it looks much better (in my opinion) So i say all that to say this; if you've considered aftermarket grips for your j-frame--do it!2 points
He didn't think you were a donkey. He thought you were from Kentucky.2 points
I wanted to update this thread by saying that my vintage amp was recovered! Showed up on Craigslist and within the hour I had detectives in an undercover vehicle showing up to arrest the guy! I had my amp back within two hours! Unbelievable! Much thanks to the Midtown Precinct! Great guys! I wish a local paper would cover something positive like this! They really care about the city's musicians and took great care of me.2 points
Want to give another good review to John Wells on here. My friend and I went to see him this morning for our trusts. He was very helpful with all of our questions from top to bottom. Thanks LukeE for the recommendation along with others on here. Now ready to Efile for sbr, then suppressor soon. Thanks again for your help John!1 point
Never claimed I was good looking, though I wouldn't expect to be confused for a donkey. Went to a friends today. His next door neighbor has donkeys. Mom and baby donkey were pretty close to the fence, so I walked over and they came and said hello. Dad is across the pasture and starts running over. At first I thought that he must love his carrots, then I noticed that he look mad. The little jerk thought I was after his girl, who was in heat. He mounted her and then looked at me so I would know who's boss.1 point
While I support the good things the NRA does for us in protecting gun rights, all the side BS they put out really irritates me at times. I just got another mailing from them, this one TEN pages! This one marked registration, starting out "Dear Walt, your decision to activate your no cost member benefits was a smart one!" Say what? I didn't activate jack diddly. And then it goes on for another eight pages on why blah blah I need their emergency assistance program. But what irked me the most was that in a total of ten pages, there is NOT ONE CONTACT option where I can call, text, or email to ask, "What the heck is this?" I belong to the NRA to protect our gun rights, but all the "other" mailings get old.1 point
I had a crappy week at work and was looking forward to taking it easy today. I enjoy mowing my yard and its very relaxing. Well yesterday I come home to find out this ,, Well first let me say that my 17 year old son is a very book smart son and gets A's and B's which I am very proud of him ! He is in several school and academic clubs which can only be done if you have great grades , again i am very proud of him. But here's where things get FRUSTATING ! ........ I come home from work and find out that he wanted to surprise me and mow the yard. He has no idea about operating certain things and what fuel goes where and so on . He puts a gallon of my TWO-STROKE fuel into my riding mower . He then mows half my yard on the LOWEST setting possible which skins half of my yard to the dirt !!!! Well he hit several tree roots and it knocked my mower's deck all out of alignment. Then my little girl got out some of my old pieces of steel rebar to use a "sword" to play like she is sword fighting. She leaves it in the grass. My son then runs over it with the mower and it gets all wrapped around the two blades of my mower and destroys he blades and cause more damage to the deck. But I can't get mad at him because the day before this "mowing disaster" he was at home with my little girl. He noticed some guy walking from the street into our yard. He watches the guy go into the side of our yard and squat down looking very nervous. The guy then goes and jumps up on the porch and bangs on the door. Then the guy bangs so hard that the door is about to bow inward. The guy stays there banging hard and looking in both directions really fast . My son made the appropriate phone calls and gets my pistol and prepares for the worst. Luckily the guy never gets in the house and is scared off. My son did great , protected his little sister and all is great. So I cant get mad at the big guy :up: Just doing a little venting for being frustarted that I have to rebuild my mower deck and drain my fuel tank but my son is still awesome and at least he knows what to do when the crap hits the fan.1 point
I'd have been done in 5 minutes if the site would have worked properly...now I get 2 wait for a couple of months to bolt a side folder on my AK pistol...1 point
Got to admit that Glock 43 was a soft shooter..... ..... still a Glock however - - - they all point high for me. Fun as always JCoop. And I got my Norma Hug for the month!1 point
Great match today! Thank you to everyone who made it happen. I'm still trying to find the 50 seconds you smoked me by. Holy moly! Great shooting Cooper!1 point
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I took this picture a couple weeks ago at Apalachicola Bay of an Oyster Boat from days gone by. I used a "soft focus" to do the picture. Enjoy. Dave1 point
I can't comment first hand on the bikes you have chosen, but I'd suggest that if you're looking at the KLR, you might want to consider the Kawasaki Versys instead. For a little extra weight, you get a lot more power. I have a 2009 Versys. I'm not a big guy and I no longer like to ride fast, but it has enough power for me. Top speed is probably 110 or so, but it feels under control in the 80s. I seldom ride faster than 70. The VROD would be uncomfortable on gravel, much less dirt roads. On the other hand, the KLR isn't really a twisty road machine. So it looks like you'll have to make some compromises in where you ride. Here's a thought... why not buy both? If I wanted a dirt road/off road bike and a twisty highway bike, that's what I'd do.1 point
So I called the Department of Revenue and explained that I didn't feel comfortable putting my SSN into the website. To my surprise, she immediately explained how I could get a waiver from using the website. She said that I could fax the waiver and mail a check on the same day. I gave it a few days after faxing the waiver request to see if anyone would call or email. No one did, so I sent a check the old-fashioned way. I assume by the fact that they have a process set up for bypassing the website that maybe other people have had the same issue. We'll see if I have any problems. I saw that my tax money is going to good use helping to pay for the new hideous state logo; I'm glad the government is being such a good steward of our money.1 point
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And Jesus said, "their is no greater love than to die for one's friends." Thank you to the families of those friends who loved us without knowing us, other than as an American Citizen.1 point
Ground hogs are some of the more tasty animals on this planet. They taste like a very nice beef roast when baked. They even take BBQ sauce well. They do not require any special handling either like some other "rodents". I like them a lot more than squirrels. Not many ways to get rid of them other than shooting. But I would also say if you can live with it for the next 3-4 months I would because if it is a female it likely has young. Do you have livestock that might break a leg from the holes?1 point
I would not use a piston system. Not because an adjustable gas block would not work but because of the added weight. With a female shooter I would try to build the gun as light as possible. Also, my wife doesn't like all the tactical do dads I tend to put on a gun. She prefers a gun that is minimalistic.1 point
Don't know the answer to that, but having a REAL hard time believing that this is just a case of over-zealous police categorizing biker lifestyle accessories as weapons..... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
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Good for you. Really easy to pass. Have fun and be a responsible gun carrier. :up:1 point
Bob's Package Store, ask for the Red Tag. 10% on non sale items Ask for me and the TGO discount.1 point
Well we wouldn't let her quit. We said no you can do better than that load up and shoot that stage again lol1 point
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They make these little 30-40 grain lead pills that seem to poison their blood quick and kill them dead. Little buggers don't like to eat them though so you need to get pretty forceable about your deliver options.1 point
Communications from the NRA don't bother me. I don't fret over the calls or the emails. They have to collect money anyway they can. If I feel like contributing, I do. If not, I don't. Emails I simply contribute or delete. If I get a phone call I politely tell them I'm not able to give at the present time. It takes just a few seconds of my day. They do a lot more than just fight for the rights of Americans, they have many programs that all cost money and spread interest in firearms, firearms safety, as well as firearms education to the masses. I shudder to think where we'd be without them.1 point
Your welcome!! Your kindred spirit and awesome shooting always makes me smile!!!1 point
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Well I am happy to report that I have passed. You were all right! A big huff over nothing. 100 on my written test and 96 on my shooting. I had pretty excellent grouping at 3 and 7 yard, after that I got squirrelly. All in all an EXCELLENT class with a perfect instructor. I learned a lot and he even gave pointers at the range which helped a lot. Thanks again for all the help and feed back!1 point
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I have been preaching the benefits of a tuned gun for a very long time. In most cases it requires an adjustable gas block. I had a guy tell me a heavy buffer would be better to push through crude but that is just not so. Kinetic energy increases by a factor of 2 with weight increases and he same energy increases by a factor of 4 with an increase in speed. So a faster, lightweight buffer will have more energy than a slow, heavy buffer. So as the buffer is returning to battery the lighter buffer is not only faster to return to battery for faster follow up shots but it also has more energy to get past any crude. Another added benefit is there is less felt recoil because a gun that is tuned with a lightweight buffer hits the bottom of the buffer tube with less force. Then it comes to a complete stop before returning to battery. You use the adjustable gas block to slow the bolt, carrier and buffer as the gun extracts, ejects and impact the buffer tube. After that the spring pressure is what pushes past the crude and with a lighter, faster buffer it does it better.1 point
An official national police force like some think isn't going to happen. Using the FBI to make more cases- especially race related ones- federal cases could. And I think we all know that coercion through federal funding is standard procedure for both parties. So, that's nothing new Wrong. It wasn't all equipment, just very specific types, with added requirements to get others. From USA Today: "Banned will be tracked armored vehicles, bayonets, grenade launchers, camouflage uniforms, and large-caliber weapons and ammunition. "So we're going to prohibit some equipment made for the battlefield that is not appropriate for local police departments," Obama said. "There's other equipment that may be needed in certain cases, but only with proper training." That equipment will be placed on a "controlled equipment list" that includes aircraft, wheeled tactical vehicles, mobile command-and-control units, battering rams and riot gear. To have access to that equipment, police departments must meet national policing standards, track their use and receive approval from the federal government before selling or transferring them. To be eligible to purchase that equipment, agencies must adopt "robust and specific written policies and protocols" covering not just the use of the federal equipment, but their policing practices in general. Agencies that violate those rules would be barred from future equipment purchases for at least 60 days and, in some cases, be referred to the Justice Department for a civil rights investigation." Unless someone thinks the local police department needs tracked vehicles, camo uniforms, and bayonets, I'm quite fine with those bans. Not sure if the grenade launchers include all types, or just automatic ones like the MK-19. Or if the armored vehicles they get that normally have launchers mounted will be taken off. But don't worry, local PD's can still get a vehicle meant to protect against IED's in Iraq, they just have to do some more paperwork and training. Of course, nothing is stopping local and state agencies from going out and buying all this stuff themselves. Nothing except having to justify the cost of it to their taxpayers, of course. I'd love to see the day where the Federal teet is cut off for these agencies. Then we might get to have a real conversation about some laws that need to be repealed (cough *marijuana laws* cough...no pun intended) and the techniques that drive just how much equipment law enforcement says they need.1 point
A gentleman and friend from Norway, Ole Rodar, has just finished writing his second book. It is a fantasy book that includes a lot of knife fighting and martial arts. He asked me some time back if he could use my name and personage in the book due to my knife and martual arts training and I agreed and now it's out. I have read it, and it is entartaining, though odd to see my name as a supporting character. Anyways, I thought I would share as its one of the more unique things I've ever had happen in my life http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00XZ8HXDG/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1432289494&sr=8-2π=AC_SY200_QL40&keywords=betrayal+of+faith&dpPl=1&dpID=417LPIcAlxL&ref=plSrch1 point
Wait! So for just $1.25 I can put BHO out of work!? Heck, here's a fiver! -southernasylum1 point
Welcome, for a minute there I thought we had our first Kenyan member.1 point
Good to know your feeling better and talking blades again! One of these days I'm gonna have cash when you just happen to have some knives around. :)1 point
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A lower buck limit makes for better quality bucks; not necessarially more bucks. With lower limits, people will be more selective, and therefore the bucks are allowed to mature before harvest.1 point
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