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Let us not forget to honor all of our troops both serving, Veterans and Fallen Heroes this weekend. This is their weekend and remember if you know a Vet or active military make sure you thank them for their service.................... :usa: :usa: :usa:7 points
A gentleman and friend from Norway, Ole Rodar, has just finished writing his second book. It is a fantasy book that includes a lot of knife fighting and martial arts. He asked me some time back if he could use my name and personage in the book due to my knife and martual arts training and I agreed and now it's out. I have read it, and it is entartaining, though odd to see my name as a supporting character. Anyways, I thought I would share as its one of the more unique things I've ever had happen in my life http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00XZ8HXDG/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1432289494&sr=8-2π=AC_SY200_QL40&keywords=betrayal+of+faith&dpPl=1&dpID=417LPIcAlxL&ref=plSrch7 points
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You know they have babies, right? Do we need to have "the talk"? :D I suppose a fox could go after a fawn if the fawn was separated from its mother. It's more likely that it was a coyote.5 points
If they were going for the third grade look, they could have done it themselves. Heck it only took me 1 minute to come up with my third grade version.5 points
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While I support the good things the NRA does for us in protecting gun rights, all the side BS they put out really irritates me at times. I just got another mailing from them, this one TEN pages! This one marked registration, starting out "Dear Walt, your decision to activate your no cost member benefits was a smart one!" Say what? I didn't activate jack diddly. And then it goes on for another eight pages on why blah blah I need their emergency assistance program. But what irked me the most was that in a total of ten pages, there is NOT ONE CONTACT option where I can call, text, or email to ask, "What the heck is this?" I belong to the NRA to protect our gun rights, but all the "other" mailings get old.4 points
I always try to get unique presents for my mom and I like to think that at least one of the gifts I got her this past Mother's Day was right in line with that. Mom used to have a rather long-bladed knife (basically looked like a 'fruit sampling' folder) that she carried in her purse. The blade on it was long enough that she worried it might not be strictly legal to carry so she put it up 'somewhere'. I told her recently about TN having repealed any and all blade length limits but she couldn't remember where exactly the 'somewhere' she had put her knife was. I figured she needed a good knife to carry in her purse for chores such as peeling an apple if she were out somewhere and wanted to do so and similar tasks. I also figured it didn't need to be 'fancy' just a good, solid knife. I decided to look at Opinel knives as they seem to have such a good reputation. I decided that one of their knives might be just the thing and the wooden handle gave me an idea so I ordered her a No. 8 carbon bladed model from Amazon. That might not be a great gift for every mom out there but my mom isn't necessarily typical. When it arrived, it looked pretty much like I imagine every other Opinel No. 8 carbon on the planet looks when it leaves the factory: As for the idea inspired by the wooden handle, I almost think that was the best part. My mom likes to collect things with roses on them. In the past, for her birthday, Mother's Day and so on I have bought her various pieces of costume jewelry featuring roses. I thought it might be a neat personal touch if her knife had a rose on it, too, so I broke out some fine Sharpies and drew a stylized rose on it. I then decided to try and 'set' the colors using a heat gun. I liked how that worked but it kind of 'baked' the wood in that area a little darker than the rest. At first I was disappointed but soon realized that it made kind of a 'background' which actually set the rose off a little more. Of course, it also dried the wood a little so I rubbed it with a few coats of boiled linseed oil. I think it came out looking pretty good. I originally intended the rose to look a little more realistic but the challenges of drawing freehand on a smallish, rounded surface made the final results look more like tattoo art. That's okay, though as, while mom doesn't have any tattoos and I can't imagine her having any, she does sometimes like t-shirts and the like with that type of art on them. Anyhow, this is how it turned out:3 points
Q: How can I reduce the amount of mail I receive from the NRA? A: Simply email us at membership@nrahq.org or dial 800-NRA-3888 and request to be placed on the "Do Not Promote" list. This will significantly reduce the amount of mail you receive without affecting important mailings, magazine service, or your membership renewal.3 points
3 points
I'll just leave this here. David, feel free to use this in exchange for $46,003.00. ($1 for each bullet hole)2 points
For those interested, we are hosting the Nashville Google I/O Extended event. There will be speakers, food and prizes. http://mercury.io/blog/join-us-at-mercury-for-google-io-extended-nashville-2015 Join Us May 28th we’re hosting Google I/O Extended Nashville 2015 with GDG Nashville (aka Nashville Mobile Development User Group). Join us at 10am for a live stream of the Google I/O keynote followed by live presentations and other sessions throughout the day. Pizza and snacks will be provided and Google has generously donated prizes that will be awarded throughout the day. Visit the Nashville Mobile Development User Group or the GDG Nashville page to register and learn more. Event Details Where Mercury Intermedia 214 Overlook Circle Suite 220 Brentwood, TN 37027 map When Thursday, May 28th, 2015 10:00am to 5:00pm Cost Free. All are welcome. RSVP Please register here. Local Sessions and Speakers Project Ara and Metamorph Software Adam Nagel, CTO Metamorph Software Programming Mobile Services for Android Handheld Systems Dr. Douglas Schmidt and Dr. Jules White of Vanderbilt University Google Fiber Updates / Q&A Googlers from Google Fiber Nashville Android Study Group – Apps Presentation TBA Prizes Nexus 6 Acer Chromebook 13” LG Watch Urbane Two $100 TicketMaster gift cards Nexus Player Chromecast Raspberry Pi 2 – Complete Starter Kit Anker 10,000 mAH battery pack - See more at: http://mercury.io/blog/join-us-at-mercury-for-google-io-extended-nashville-2015#sthash.ht0btMfP.dpuf2 points
Preacher's kid wife with big honkin', all-steel CZ 85B 9mm - ten yards, standing, two hands - 35 rounds fired 13 DAO, 10 DA/SA, 12 DA/SA/SA. Score was 174 of 175 possible points on this particular target. Preachers kid wife is 67 years old and had not shot in the past year. I be rat proud of her. Hoo sez women need itty bitty guns?2 points
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The NRA is not perfect, but they do a lot of good. I'm not looking for your answers posted in this thread, but I ask this... "If you are not an NRA member, what are YOU doing to help protect our rights?" And yes, there are a lot of other good (arguably better, but not as powerful) organizations out there, too. What REALLY irritates me is the number of gun owners who do nothing and expect others to do the lifting. PS. This post is not directed at anyone specifically in this thread...just a general comment.2 points
I am afraid of him doing some last minute executive orders banning the import of foreign ammunition and firearms. And out of respect they would NEVER get overturned by any other president. I have 17 months to buy as many "assault weapons" because no matter what happens in the election they will be more valuable. I can honestly see Hillary winning and she has already said that gun owners terrorize the US populace so I expect her term as president will be a true, in every sense of the word, assault on gun owners and their gun rights. Her husband did it so why not expect her to do the same. And it is not because they hate firearms, it is because they hate for the peasants to have a means to resist. Gun control is not about guns but it sure is hell about control, control of the populace by the ruling class. What I am really looking forward to seeing is his presidential pardon list. Every president does it but I suspect we will see a lot more than usual and that those he will pardon are considered threats to the United States. Ever wonder why he pushed for the terrorists to be tried in US courts rather than military tribunals? Possibly to make a presidential pardon possible.2 points
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I'm the same way. Whenever someone tries to thank me for my service, or credit me in any way for Memorial Day, I take a moment to remind them the purpose for the holiday. I'll (reluctantly) accept accolades on Veterans Day, but Memorial Day is for those who never came home. There is too much personal meaning to the day for me to not point that out.2 points
Good read. Congrats http://www.idpa.com/content/tactical-journal/15V19I2.pdf2 points
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There are beau coup bills submitted every session that go nowhere. It's just that those that involve firearm restrictions get the press, and ironically mostly from the firearm community itself. - OS2 points
Just opened my IDPA Tactical Journal and saw (Pg. 6) that one of our own, 9mmNORMA , had a nice write-up. Kudos to ya girl! :woohoo: Nice to see Tennessee so well represented in IDPA, aka Norma, Bresson, R Stanley, King, JCoop, R Kyle, J Williams, Scott Randolph, etc ... and all the rest of us who send rounds down range in best hopes.1 point
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Ever since my son was five I have have been spending time shooting with him. We always say a prayer for those who never came home and their families. Then we talk about the sacrifices that were made for our freedoms and liberties and the importance of honor and integrity. There is something especially gratifying about shooting a 1911 an M1 Garand or even an M9 on this special weekend. What's your tradition?1 point
Following on the carjacking subject, I saw this on the Bookface this morning. Gotta watch the video. Pretty funny. http://m.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/man-holds-would-be-carjacker-gunpoint-until-police/nmL4Z/1 point
1 point
Yep. As to the 442 you'd have seen an improvement in shooting comfort in it as well with the HTG or like product. When we choose to carry a very compact picket pistol or revolver it's more about the concealment then the shooter comfort. But compromises are possible in shopping for pants with larger deeper pockets or going with an IWBH, or a belt slide holster.1 point
A club that just wants to ride is an RC or riding club. Most MC'S will leave independent riders and RC guys alone. The only time you will run in to an issue is if you put on a 3 piece patch with an MC cube. The clubs who were that have earned that right by following traditional club protocols and rules in their conduct and orgnazation. If you throw that on you not just looking to ride, especially once you add a bottom rocker with territory. That is seen as claiming turf. If you wanna just ride join your local HOG chapter or similar, pay the entry fee, sew on the 1 piece patch and ride the hell out of it. And nobody will bother you one bit. The clubs at this meet included Christian and Veteran clubs, it was a Coalition of Clubs meet to discuss local affairs. This could be anything from one club acting like jackasses to helmet laws. Some guys got in a fist fight, a weapon supposedly got pulled and someone let off the first round. I would say several, if not all of the bikers were killed by police. Forensics will tell. Looking at the pictures, police were shooting into a backdrop that included unarmed, non combatants as well as into the parking lots beyond. It will be months before the full story every comes out, if it does. But the damage is done, the media has vilified all those involved whether they deserved it or not. And once again, all motorcycle clubs are gonna be the bad guy.1 point
Picked this one up from a friend, who is actually a member on here but rarely signs on, for a deal I couldnt turn down. Its a ZT0550. The scales were already on the knife when I bought it from my friend. I really like it so far, I have a ZT0350 also and can already tell I like the Hinderer designed blade on this one better. Anyways here it is. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
Norma, Great write-up on a shooter that deserves the focus and attention (but never seems to wish for the spotlight). She is an example for all of us. :up: Norma I knew we had something in common...., "picking up Dad's Gold Cup Colt .45 at 19...." That is how I got started. To honor our Dads, an Extra Special "Norma Hug" coming your way the next match we shoot together! Mark1 point
I went to Carraba's in the 'boro last weekend and was seated next to a table of kids obviously dressed to go to prom. 6 guys and 6 gals. Every single one dined with a smart phone in one hand and a fork in the other, only laying it down on occasion. The phone, not the fork. Constantly texting and surfing during the entire meal. They finished before us and when we left they were all sitting outside in a line with heads down staring at the phones. It seems the phones are now more attractive than a young dressed to kill peer of the opposite sex. It would have made a great picture but I forget that my old flip phone has a camera on it. LOL.1 point
Got the chance to run my system for about 4 hours a while back. Power blacked out right as the Country Music Awards were coming on. My wife had been looking forward to watching that all week. In about 10 minutes I had my Smarter Tools unit hooked up and running with everything we wanted in the house operating including the TVs. I was a hero. The system ran great without a hitch.1 point
Absolutely. My home defense ammo is my reloads. And my other guns around the house for a grab and go situation are all loaded with reloads. Even better, every single mag (and I keep them all loaded), is loaded with reloads. The only thing that isn't a reload, is my daily carry ammo. That's literally it.1 point
The Mafia had meetings between rival families as well. I'm sure the Waco PD made a lot of arrests that aren't going to stick, and even some legitimate ones that will be hard to keep due to the shear size of the calamity. That being said, criminal activity occurred at that meeting when things got violent, and maybe even before if organized crime statues can be applied to the way the outlaw clubs think they can run "turf" like they own it and run roughshod over legitimate clubs who just want to ride.1 point
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Quite the opposite, IMHO. He has nothing to lose and don't forget he is still in office until January 2017....around 20 months from today.1 point
Careful... I did this once with my friends. They were watching a YouTube video at work watching Jerry M. nailing targets out at 50 yards or somthing. I piped up with "ahh that's nothing, I can hit a coke bottle at 100 yards with my glock 19". Well that was challenge accepted to them. We went out to the cheatam county WMA range that Saturday. I was nervous but didn't have anything to lose besides my Arrogant PRIDE. They placed a two liter coke bottle on the farthest berm. I stepped to the firing line, leveled my gun,and squeezed the trigger. I saw the bottle pop up into the air and the puffy cloud of dirt confirmed what I had claimed. I instantly let out a yell, holstered my pistol and stopped shooting anything beyond 10 yards for the rest of the day.1 point
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They don't care. The left is obsessed with forcing everyone to live like they want everyone to live. It's not just firearms either. It's everything.1 point
Seems to be another side to the story, imagine that! http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2015/05/21/criminal-meeting-of-bikers-in-waco-was-actually-organized-political-gathering/1 point
How convenient for us lowly citizens to not have easy access to the laws we're supposed to obey.1 point
I did not mean anything negative at all about the Patriot Guard and I have the utmost respect for them and even know many of them. I said many people that don't know the difference would assume that because they ride in a large group they are a gang and don't know how to separate a Gang from a Club. Like I said I meant no disrespect at all towards the Patriot Guard. If I could still ride I would ride with them............... :up: :up:1 point
You might try TOTM's instead of MRE's. I got a couple boxes from a local Guardsman. Beer can stove... http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/73015-cool-to-know-beer-can-stove/ Best fuel I've found is HEET brand gas treatment in the yellow bottle (methanol). Cleaner flame with minimal soot compared to alcohol.1 point
Just a fairly large, thickwalled plastic bag works. Put your stuff in the bag, blow it up with air, and tie the top. Use it as a float while crossing the water.1 point
I'd get the Ranier. I have one of their Mountain Series barrels and its really nice. It'll save you almost a $100 over the Noveske.1 point
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