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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2015 in all areas

  1. Just opened my IDPA Tactical Journal and saw (Pg. 6) that one of our own, 9mmNORMA , had a nice write-up.   Kudos to ya girl!  :woohoo:   Nice to see Tennessee so well represented in IDPA, aka Norma, Bresson, R Stanley, King, JCoop, R Kyle, J Williams, Scott Randolph, etc ... and all the rest of us who send rounds down range in best hopes.
    6 points
  2. I always try to get unique presents for my mom and I like to think that at least one of the gifts I got her this past Mother's Day was right in line with that. Mom used to have a rather long-bladed knife (basically looked like a 'fruit sampling' folder) that she carried in her purse. The blade on it was long enough that she worried it might not be strictly legal to carry so she put it up 'somewhere'. I told her recently about TN having repealed any and all blade length limits but she couldn't remember where exactly the 'somewhere' she had put her knife was. I figured she needed a good knife to carry in her purse for chores such as peeling an apple if she were out somewhere and wanted to do so and similar tasks. I also figured it didn't need to be 'fancy' just a good, solid knife. I decided to look at Opinel knives as they seem to have such a good reputation. I decided that one of their knives might be just the thing and the wooden handle gave me an idea so I ordered her a No. 8 carbon bladed model from Amazon. That might not be a great gift for every mom out there but my mom isn't necessarily typical. When it arrived, it looked pretty much like I imagine every other Opinel No. 8 carbon on the planet looks when it leaves the factory: As for the idea inspired by the wooden handle, I almost think that was the best part. My mom likes to collect things with roses on them. In the past, for her birthday, Mother's Day and so on I have bought her various pieces of costume jewelry featuring roses. I thought it might be a neat personal touch if her knife had a rose on it, too, so I broke out some fine Sharpies and drew a stylized rose on it. I then decided to try and 'set' the colors using a heat gun. I liked how that worked but it kind of 'baked' the wood in that area a little darker than the rest. At first I was disappointed but soon realized that it made kind of a 'background' which actually set the rose off a little more. Of course, it also dried the wood a little so I rubbed it with a few coats of boiled linseed oil. I think it came out looking pretty good. I originally intended the rose to look a little more realistic but the challenges of drawing freehand on a smallish, rounded surface made the final results look more like tattoo art. That's okay, though as, while mom doesn't have any tattoos and I can't imagine her having any, she does sometimes like t-shirts and the like with that type of art on them. Anyhow, this is how it turned out:
    6 points
  3. Without a doubt the firearms community have more fear mongers than any other industry. And for a lot of those that strike fear in the hearts of gun owners do it for financial gain. And we, as gun owners, get drawn right in and perpetuate things like our current ammunition shortage/gouging. Ever since I first really started watching gun related legislation there have been some insane bills. I remember legislation against "sniper" rifles in response to he DC sniper. It said something like any gun capable of 3" groups or smaller would be banned but like all the other crazy legislation it went no where. I also remember legislation introduced to tax ammunition by the round at a crazy rate. A lot of the bills introduced are done so with no intention of them ever being passed into law. They are introduced so they can tell those they represent they are doing this or doing that. And it happens on all sides.
    4 points
  4. They don't care. The left is obsessed with forcing everyone to live like they want everyone to live. It's not just firearms either. It's everything. 
    4 points
  5. What these people fail to realize is that mail orders provide a paper trail whenever someone buys ammo in that they are handing over banking info and giving an address. Yet these people don't seem to care that we can walk into a store, buy as much ammo as we want, pay cash, and sans being recorded on store cctv remain anonymous. I really think they are looking for a solution for a problem that doesn't exist.
    4 points
  6. ... an Oscar Meyer weiner?
    4 points
  7. There are beau coup bills submitted every session that go nowhere. It's just that those that involve firearm restrictions get the press, and ironically mostly from the firearm community itself.   - OS
    3 points
  8. Not pointing a finger at Glenn and I appreciate the head's up...   But this is about all it takes to start another panic run these days... Primarily because with the current political climate anything seems probable.   Guess I better order some more ammo... :squint:
    3 points
  9. I wish I could just live what's left of my time here on this dirtball without lamenting the time I've wasted doing stupid things and being too much of a coward to chase dreams.  
    3 points
  10. Take it to the range, shoot a really nice five round group on it, mail it back.
    3 points
  11. While I support the good things the NRA does for us in protecting gun rights, all the side BS they put out really irritates me at times.   I just got another mailing from them, this one TEN pages! This one marked registration, starting out "Dear Walt, your decision to activate your no cost member benefits was a smart one!"   Say what? I didn't activate jack diddly. And then it goes on for another eight pages on why blah blah I need their emergency assistance program. But what irked me the most was that in a total of ten pages, there is NOT ONE CONTACT option where I can call, text, or email to ask, "What the heck is this?"   I belong to the NRA to protect our gun rights, but all the "other" mailings get old.
    2 points
  12. One made in oak without the star would be great!
    2 points
  13. :usa:   It sort of pisses me off when this holiday is credited to anyone wearing a military uniform.   Wearing it doesn't count this time.  Though I respect all who do.   Memorial Day is for those who made the supreme sacrifice.   Thank them very much!
    2 points
  14. Been putting this off for too long. Hardest part is getting started. After you make that first cut with a sanding drum, it's pretty simple. GenIII's have those crappy finger grooves and the trigger guard bites my knuckle hard. Enough of that. Dremel took care of that. Broke out the wood burner and viola! Stippling looks like doodoo but so what? It's a Glock. Glock never made a nice looking gun and never will. Now she fits snug and comfortable with no pinch points. Who knows, maybe I can hit something now! Here she is with her favorite load. My range AND carry load ....wait for it......a cast bullet. I love how the company who did the nickle boron finish on the slide says its impervious to wear and corrosion. Does that look impervious to you? ...an hey, I scrubbed that puppy with a scotch brite and Remoil before the photo shoot. Ohh well, an everyday carry gun will never be pristine when you work outside and get sweaty and greasy everyday. Back on my hip ole freind, we gotta get back to work, millions on welfare are depending on us.
    2 points
  15.   Quite the opposite, IMHO.  He has nothing to lose and don't forget he is still in office until January 2017....around 20 months from today.
    2 points
  16. Careful... I did this once with my friends. They were watching a YouTube video at work watching Jerry M. nailing targets out at 50 yards or somthing. I piped up with "ahh that's nothing, I can hit a coke bottle at 100 yards with my glock 19". Well that was challenge accepted to them. We went out to the cheatam county WMA range that Saturday. I was nervous but didn't have anything to lose besides my Arrogant PRIDE. They placed a two liter coke bottle on the farthest berm. I stepped to the firing line, leveled my gun,and squeezed the trigger. I saw the bottle pop up into the air and the puffy cloud of dirt confirmed what I had claimed. I instantly let out a yell, holstered my pistol and stopped shooting anything beyond 10 yards for the rest of the day.
    2 points
  17. ... more content with what I have. 
    2 points
  18. and dragging a shot body into the building is going to be a huge fail.  
    2 points
  19. I am so sad that this didn't contain "...a baller."
    2 points
  20. In the land of cotton. Old times there are not forgotten...
    2 points
  21. I got a "sky is falling, we need money" email from the NRA-ILA this morning. I didn't have time to read it in detail, but the basics were that Obama was going to ban all mail order ammo sales and any purchase over 1,000 rounds would be forwarded to DOJ for investigation. Anyone else get this or know anything about it?  I will read the whole email this evening and post back the details. Sounds like bs to me, just wanting contributions.
    1 point
  22. This is the first project that I have played with Damascus steel. It's a completely different than the 01 steel that I normally use. I really like if!! I can see more of this in the future! This knife is available.
    1 point
  23. Can hardly wait to get to range!! Added MAGPUL AFG for comfort. Future additions will be optics, a suppressor (Octane 9 HD), and finally SBR with a collapsible stock![emoji39] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  24.   I'm the same way.  Whenever someone tries to thank me for my service, or credit me in any way for Memorial Day, I take a moment to remind them the purpose for the holiday.  I'll (reluctantly) accept accolades on Veterans Day, but Memorial Day is for those who never came home. There is too much personal meaning to the day for me to not point that out.
    1 point
  25. Just saw the hysterical email myself.  Chris Cox is no better than liberal reporters who count on ignorance and don't like to provide what I see as some critical information, like the proposed bill......https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/2283
    1 point
  26. Thank you Mr. Walt :wave:   Thank you gentlemen and have a blessed evening :cool:
    1 point
  27. how can I get in on this action?
    1 point
  28. Hey, that's pretty cool!   Congrats!
    1 point
  29. Amen, yea, and verily. If I kept all the paper the NRA has sent me since I first joined in 1967 I could save five acres of trees in Oregon.
    1 point
  30. If someone is trying to kick my door in or breaks a window and enters my home 911 operator will hear the gun fire as I am shooting the bad guy/guys. When 911 says shots fired the squad cars begin going faster and normally at that point the ambulances roll. If they are kicking my door in or breaking me windows my life is definitely in danger at that point..................jmho
    1 point
  31. Rich and ugly, instead of poor and good looking
    1 point
  32.         When I took it you were not allowed multiple loaded mags on the firing line.  Only when instructed to do so, load one magazine with designated number of rounds for that string, then fire until empty.  Repeat.
    1 point
  33. Note: a couple of very important words left out of that for use legal of deadly force in TN, and most other states: those words are a reasonable fear of imminent death or serious injury.   And remember, it's not ultimately your call as to whether the threat was imminent and/or whether your fear of it was reasonable.     Note: that is generally true, but the situation can quickly evolve to where that no longer applies. You have the default assumption of having met the "reasonable fear of imminent death/serious injury" as per above, but the actual scenario could prove to be different.   It it not an an absolute blanket permission to execute anyone.   - OS
    1 point
  34. and a girl that looked good, I would call her. Crap now I have that song stuck in my head.
    1 point
  35. I would not mind having a pellet gun for "just in case"  but the snap/phht of shooting a air gun is not going to satisfy me like the crack of a .22.   The smell and sound cannot be replicated.   As for over priced .22's.  even at ten or eleven cents a round I can't shoot anything else that cheaply.   You roll your own guys,  I don't care if you can do some centerfire cheaper.  I don't have the time or interest to reload.
    1 point
  36. So very glad I could play straightman to you guys. lol But the Winner is...."That's a Titmouse!"
    1 point
  37. "I'd bounce those things like Sugar Ray Leonard!"
    1 point
  38. That frame job looks really nice. I've always hated the Glock frame, too.   Glock: Put ze fingers here. Me: I don't want to put my fingers like that. It doesn't fit. Glock: Put ze fingers here. Me: Argh! ... (Picks up M&P shield...)   Next, you need to Cerakote the slide to match the gray in the grip. That would look really nice.
    1 point
  39. You did a fine job.....anything improves the look of a Glock. But seriously......you did a great job. :up:
    1 point
  40. Now, who want to offer up some land for a private shootenanny?
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Who wants to be the first one to be in bed when the latch fails and knocks the dog  :poop:  :poop: out of you...or worse, HER.  
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44.   Good lord, you must have mostly Kel-Tec and Taurus!   - OS
    1 point
  45. Honestly I don't know about the Z man. Maybe he's a loon maybe he's not. I know one thing, I don't trust the media, so I think I will never know the truth.
    1 point
  46. Good info. Thank you for the links tercel. :up:
    1 point
  47. Disturbing. Don't forget. Everyone is out to kill you. On the road, the greenways, everywhere. I admit, I've occasionally walked/jogged without my piece if I had no good way to carry and conceal it at the time. (On that same green way, BTW). Not anymore. With the possibility of ISIS sneaking across the border, the thugs and random crazies, and the general sense of chaos that seems to be spreading about, I'll be armed pretty much everywhere from now on.
    1 point
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