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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2015 in all areas

  1. Been putting this off for too long. Hardest part is getting started. After you make that first cut with a sanding drum, it's pretty simple. GenIII's have those crappy finger grooves and the trigger guard bites my knuckle hard. Enough of that. Dremel took care of that. Broke out the wood burner and viola! Stippling looks like doodoo but so what? It's a Glock. Glock never made a nice looking gun and never will. Now she fits snug and comfortable with no pinch points. Who knows, maybe I can hit something now! Here she is with her favorite load. My range AND carry load ....wait for it......a cast bullet. I love how the company who did the nickle boron finish on the slide says its impervious to wear and corrosion. Does that look impervious to you? ...an hey, I scrubbed that puppy with a scotch brite and Remoil before the photo shoot. Ohh well, an everyday carry gun will never be pristine when you work outside and get sweaty and greasy everyday. Back on my hip ole freind, we gotta get back to work, millions on welfare are depending on us.
    3 points
  2. Take it to the range, shoot a really nice five round group on it, mail it back.
    3 points
  3. Then you get popped in the chin when your extracurricular activities jar the catch loose?  :D
    3 points
  4. Not that I could see any commanding general or garrison commander actually allowing concealed carry on post....but if they ever did, like all things Army, they would adopt the most painful administrative process to make it happen.
    3 points
  5. Part of my Police training that has stayed with me is that I don’t ever let myself get boxed in in traffic with no way out. Stay in a lane with an escape route and don’t pull up on the car in front of you so close that you can’t cut the wheels and go. We didn’t do it because of a carjacking; we did it in case we got an emergency call we could go. But it will help you in this type scenario. From the narrative that video was part of a series on self-defense. That would require training and practice. But you should always go through scenarios in your mind of how you would handle various situations. Simply having a gun doesn’t protect you if find yourself staring down the barrel of a gun. Think what you would do to stay alive. Don’t assume that all criminals are dirt bags with no training; they may have far more training than you. Cops, trained Military and self-defense experts get killed all the time.
    3 points
  6.   I just found the donuts after looking for 10 minutes, now you want me to find a mouse?
    3 points
  7.   Good lord, you must have mostly Kel-Tec and Taurus!   - OS
    3 points
  8.     Who said anything about the Patriot Riders? Theres a pretty clear cut difference between a biker gang and a club like the PR. As you mentioned they ride to show support for their fallen brothers. The Blue Knights are a group of cops who like to ride and have fun and show support for their brothers. The Banditso, HA, Mongols, etc. control major corners of the crystal meth market in their respective territories along with running extortion, kidnapping/prostitution, and murder for hire, along with showing support for their brothers, provided they don't go against the grain or even worse effect profitability for their multi million dollar organizations*. They are the kind of people who will kill themselves, each other and anyone who gets in their way over territory rights to property none of them own.       How you can equate the two at all beyond them both riding bikes is beyond me, and I'm sure most other people.           *In cases of the top 3.
    3 points
  9. In the land of cotton. Old times there are not forgotten...
    2 points
  10. Until it's raining sideways.... ;)
    2 points
  11. I just wind down my windows.
    2 points
  12.   I should sketch it out, but imagine the same design as above, but with slides instead of a hinge - like a window on your house.  In this case, your mattress would come more than halfway up the frame.  So long as you keep the area underneath it clear, hit the lock and the front basically slides down and hits the floor.  You could use a shock or something to slow it down, but I'd probably just put a rubber bumper in place to alleviate some stress and not worry about it.   Biometric is cool, but you could do it on the cheap with some type of hidden locking pin, too.
    2 points
  13. I did not mean anything negative at all about the Patriot Guard and I have the utmost respect for them and even know many of them. I said many people that don't know the difference would assume that because they ride in a large group they are a gang and don't know how to separate a Gang from a Club. Like I said I meant no disrespect at all towards the Patriot Guard. If I could still ride I would ride with them............... :up: :up:
    2 points
  14.   That didn't make a lot of sense to me, either.   I mean, rimfire ammo uses less powder, less lead and other materials than centerfire.  There is no jacketing process with .22LR.  Rimfire ammo does not require the extra step of physically putting a primer - wihich is a separate part - into the casing.  How couold it possibly be more expensive?  Surely the machinery to 'spin' the primer inside the casing doesn't cost that much.   My hunch - and this makes more sense, to me - would be that the ammo companies' return on investment may not be as high when setting up new lines to expand rimfire production - especially .22LR.  The reason I think that might be the case is that the machinery, etc. probably costs about the same so the initial investment is likely close to that of setting up a new centerfire line.  However, as the price on .22LR ammo is comparably low relative to centerfire ammo the companies probably don't see as much of a profit margin.  That is just my WAG.
    2 points
  15.   I didn't see a mouse, but did see squeaky toys :lol:
    2 points
  16. Exactly how I felt reading that. "Ask permission to creat a club" "rival clubs"? I'm a grown ass man. I don't have rivals.
    2 points
  17. Doesn’t matter if his gun left the holster or not, and it’s not about filing a Police Report or trying to have someone arrested. The advice given by most here is so others can maybe stay out of jail or court. If I had been dispatched to one of those kids homes and their parents were going nuts because someone threatened their kid with a gun (That’s what he said he did), and I was only able to get one side of the story; I would have put out a pick-up on him for aggravated assault. Once I went home and he was stopped; he would have been arrested and jailed. If he wasn’t stopped in the area, a felony warrant would have been issued and his hometown PD could pick him up. I had discretion in misdemeanors; I didn’t on felonies. However if I believed he was justified; no crime was committed and everyone goes about their business. But that can only happen with both sides present. No, they wouldn’t have done anything to the kids if he had called; they hadn’t done anything wrong. But nothing would have happened to him either. In this specific incident the point is moot because the cops have not contacted him. But maybe it will help others. As a former cop I can tell you the first to call is the complainant the second to call is the suspect. But if both parties can be dealt with at the same time; it may not need to go any farther. Hope this helps. Just arm chair quarterbacking as that’s what we do here. I assume that’s what he wanted or he wouldn’t have posted the story.
    2 points
  18. That is really, really irresponsible. 99% of people are not going to be able to do any of those techniques without training. A four minute video is hardly enough.
    2 points
  19. It's not the same thing. A rifle can't act like anything. It's simply a pile of metal and plastic parts. However, when a group of guys gets together and acts like a gang they shouldn't be surprised or offended when they get called "gangs." Note that I am not generalizing motorcycle clubs. I ride. I have ridden since I was 7 years old. I have never been an MC member, nor do I desire to become one. But these guys were thugs and punks. It really doesn't matter how they were labeled. They earned whatever names they were called.
    2 points
  20. I got one too. Came with a business reply envelope. I considered taping it to a box full of rocks and returning it knowing their usps account would be charged for the postage...but I lost track of it when cleaning.
    1 point
  21. It's from a political party. Of course it's a bad joke.
    1 point
  22. Now, who want to offer up some land for a private shootenanny?
    1 point
  23.   I agree. The young (?) lady's endowments do appear to be enhanced to me. I'm no expert...but look to be exceedingly round, well proportioned, and riding high to be so large.   But I could be wrong.
    1 point
  24. Who wants to be the first one to be in bed when the latch fails and knocks the dog  :poop:  :poop: out of you...or worse, HER.  
    1 point
  25. A headboard with a door... easy enough.  Looks like it would be somewhat awkward to access when in a hurry. 
    1 point
  26. highergr0und;   I understand your concern or trepidation about taking a formal class early in your learning experiences, but believe my friend, this is the time to do so.   Training "scars", ingrained deficiencies from repetition of less than correct acts, are easily developed in our beginning stages of learning. It takes a lot longer to "unlearn" a way of doing something than to learn the correct manner in the beginning...ask me how I know. :cool:   I only wish I had the opportunities available now, and locally/regionally when I started my oft interrupted journey. Back then we had Cooper (Gunsite), Ray Chapman (Chapman Academy) and Mas Ayoob (LFI)...   Quality instruction is available quite handily now days.   I admit bias, as I've know Randy (Cruel Hand Luke) for a number of years and have trained with him several times. But Randy is definitely an instructor well worth your consideration. He has a gift for imparting quality information and helping you build the skills you need and do so correctly in the beginning.   We had a gentleman attend the recent rifle class in the Knoxville area that had purchased his AR only a couple of days before the class and fired it there his first time. He did great under Randy's tutelage.   While I'm not trying to be a commercial for Mr. Harris, I wholeheartedly recommend him when your time and schedule allows. True value for your training time and dollars. :2cents:
    1 point
  27. Keep in mind that window tint laws apply to where you are, not where the car is registered.  TN doesn't seem to care, but if you piss a VA state trooper off, you will get a ticket for windows darker than 35%. 
    1 point
  28. The actual expanded TCA (big book version) says 35% VLT on front windows of any vehicle. A multi passenger vehicle (vehicle with a rear seat or 2nd row or more can have below 35% on the windows rearward of the front seat. So single cab trucks can only have 35% on all windows. As far as the shade band only the factory shade band can go to 70%. Also the VLT, consist of the tint film amd the window frosting so a factory window is typically not 100% and when you apply 35% film you will be below the legal limit.
    1 point
  29.   That's incorrect.   TCA 55-9-107 says 35% on all windows is the limit. Windshield can have 70% applied. 55-9-107 says the manufacturer's shade strip can be darker than 70%, but doesn't say tint can't be applied below that line as some states prohibit. There could be a DoS regulation about that though.
    1 point
  30. The shooting part is ridiculously easy. I thought the legality/situation review was very enlightening. It made me rethink when I would actually use one vs martial art training/running. Having a family with you is a different perspective...
    1 point
  31. that is just wrong..........so wrong
    1 point
  32.   That's a key issue in the actual existence of "Islamic extremism" whether from governments, ISIS, whoever. If the average mid eastern Muslim had a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out of, or even the hope of getting them, organized Jihad-ism would fade away.  But as it is, the next life, with or even without virgins, is equally if not more attractive than this one.   - OS
    1 point
  33. Punch the gas pedal? The assailant won't expect it as most folks won't purposely enter a demolition derby, we are taught and trained not to collide with other vehicles. A little body damage to your vehicle and the car ahead or behind will be covered by auto insurance. Seems a much better deal than using your life insurance.
    1 point
  34. It has been a few years since I or anyone I know has taken the HCP test.  I don't imagine it has changed a whole lot, though.   When we were first married, my (now ex) wife (who is still one of my best friends) was pretty leery of guns due to the fact that her father was a complete jackass and his behavior where guns were concerned was no different.  After we were married - and I like to think it was partially due to me and her grandfather providing positive examples of gun ownership, etc. - she became a little more comfortable with them.  Until she found the Kel Tec P32 she had trouble racking the slide on a pistol due to hand/wrist issues.  When her father died she got a Rossi .357 revolver that had belonged to him.  At first, she had trouble pulling the trigger on it but I was able to show her how to hold it and where to place her finger, etc. so that she could operate it pretty easily.  She used that snubnosed .357 - loaded with .38 Special ammo - to pass the shooting portion of her HCP test the first time she took it.  She passed the written portion the first time despite not really being a 'gun person', as well.   My mom is not the best written test taker in the world but she studied the study guide and also passed the written portion the first time she tried.  As an aside, she passed the shooting portion with her Hi Point 9mm - apparently shooting the best of her group and doing so well that everyone else was asking the instructor what kind of gun she had (as if the gun could magically pass the test for her.)  Mom had also mostly only shot informally in the back yard, etc. up to that point so to help her feel more comfortable the Saturday a week before she was to take her test I took her to the range where she would be qualifying and pretty much walked her through the shooting portion of the test as my instructor had conducted it (she ended up having a different instructor but apparently he did it pretty much the same way.)   I really don't think you have anything to be nervous about.  I also wouldn't be surprised if you aren't the only woman in your class.  Finally, don't worry so much about 'shooting in public'.  You aren't competing with anyone else and when you start actually shooting you will probably be in such a 'zone' that you can almost forget that there are other people there.  The test is between you and the target and it is strictly pass/fail.  As long as you put enough holes in the right area of the paper your 'groups' or lack thereof really don't make a hill of beans.
    1 point
  35. Supposedly the animals who tortured and murdered Shannon Christian and Christopher Newsome originally 'only' intended to jack their vehicle.  I think the bottom line is, if you can't stop them from taking your vehicle, do not allow them to take you anywhere.  I have actually read (and seen in person) where more than one security adviser type advises that, if it comes down to it, you are better off making them shoot you where you are (where there is at least a chance you might get help and where they will be more likely to flee the scene without taking the time to make sure you are dead) than allowing them to take you to a location of their choosing where they can take their time killing you and hiding the body.  Of course, I imagine making that choice and sticking with it would be easier said than done but it seems likely that if they are really going to shoot you then they are going to do so sooner or later either way.
    1 point
  36. "What the f^$@ is that!? Is chow allowed on the range Private Pyle!?"
    1 point
  37. Another side, I do find it odd that there isn't video footage posted in the news, hmmm. http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2015/05/19/biker-truthers-emerge-calling-waco-shootout-a-police-massacre/
    1 point
  38. So lemme get this straight. . .   If I join a biker gang I'll likely be stuck out in the parking lot fighting with a rival gang over parking space. :yuck:   If I don't, I'll get to huddle in the cooler with the twin peaks servers and staff "for our protection".  :pleased:  :stunned:      With outcomes like that, why would anyone ever want to join a biker gang? :popcorn:
    1 point
  39. Yeah, them over-fed mid-life crisis greybeards sporting the leathers with the price tags still on 'em, the born to be mild tattoos, and the Visa/MasterCard scooters can be a rough crowd. I would stay clear of the Cracker Barrel and Outback just to be safe, and try not to run over any of them. More bikers/motorcyclists get killed from cagers with cellphone fixation and a textual addiction than ever got killed in any shoot-out at a preppy wanna-be strip club. Just my take on it.
    1 point
  40. Who's the most popular guy at a nudist colony?   The one who can carry two cups of coffee and a dozen donuts.     Who's the most popular woman at a nudist colony?   The one who can eat the last donut.
    1 point
  41. The difference in the point you're trying to make and the truth is that the religion of Islam endorses the violent acts of its followers, the bible does not endorse this idiot's actions. Sorry, I in no way condone this idiots actions, and I believe he should be hung just like a jihadi, but I can't take you seriously when you obviously can't see the difference between a religion that encourages its followers to kill non believers and a fringe nut job.
    1 point
  42. When "brothers" ride in from other states to join the fight, it's a gang. When a disagreement in a parking lot ends with 9 people dead, it's a gang.
    1 point
  43.   No, its really that easy.   The questions are about at the 6th grade level --- regurgitate what they told you in the class, and you will get 100%.   There are NO trick questions or traps, its just "did you listen and learn".    The shooting test is also very basic, short range, you  can fire slowly,  and you don't even need 100% hits to pass.   Literally if you can hit a man-sized torso at 10 yards every time shooting slowly and carefully, you can pass it.     You won't be the only woman.  Its about 15-25% women in many classes.     I have not taken it recently BUT I often find myself in the range alongside classes and watch them shoot.   And the paper test has not increased in difficulty and probably never will.  
    1 point
  44. This! It's even easier to obtain than a driver's license in this state.
    1 point
  45. Thanks for your compassion. It was the right thing to do.
    1 point
  46. Just get her a point and shoot unless she has a serious interest in learning photography. It doesn't matter how good a camera is, it will still require a skilled person behind it to take good pictures.
    1 point
  47. I would tell them you are a 3 gun competitor. Let them know you were wanting to use Smith products but you are probably going to use a competitor's gun.
    1 point
  48. Spoke w S&W, 3 buttons on their phone menu and i was on w a human US citizen  rep, no hold...nice 4 minute phone call. told him what happened,gave him the ser of the gun, he e mailed me a label, told me to put a note in the box asking for them to not screw w the apex fss fed ex was at my work in 10 mins to pick it up, couldn't believe it. heres what i put in my note to them:   Please repair as necessary 1.       Break down lever broken. 2.       Pistol has been placing rounds all over target at 25 yards, low at 8 o’clock. Jerry Miculek I’m not, but a good friend gave me a beater Dawson sight set to work with it, unfortunately the takedown lever broke before I was able to test the pistol. Pls test fire to determine if there is an issue w the barrel or any other components that may be causing a problem. 3.       Please leave the apex trigger setup inside of the pistol, it’s been working fine, 4.       This pistol was missing the plastic cap under the rear sight that covers the small spring. 5.       I know the sights are banged up, am not worried about them, pls do whatever you feel is best to check the weapon out and check for accuracy related problems. 6.       This is my first S&W.Please help restore my faith in it.   Thanks pls call w any questions   dustbuster
    1 point
  49. Why not send it back to S&W?
    1 point
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