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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/2015 in all areas

  1. Who's the most popular guy at a nudist colony?   The one who can carry two cups of coffee and a dozen donuts.     Who's the most popular woman at a nudist colony?   The one who can eat the last donut.
    7 points
  2. When "brothers" ride in from other states to join the fight, it's a gang. When a disagreement in a parking lot ends with 9 people dead, it's a gang.
    5 points
  3. It said b-u-y-m-o-r-e-o-v-a-l-t-I-n-e just like the decoder rings.
    4 points
  4.     Who said anything about the Patriot Riders? Theres a pretty clear cut difference between a biker gang and a club like the PR. As you mentioned they ride to show support for their fallen brothers. The Blue Knights are a group of cops who like to ride and have fun and show support for their brothers. The Banditso, HA, Mongols, etc. control major corners of the crystal meth market in their respective territories along with running extortion, kidnapping/prostitution, and murder for hire, along with showing support for their brothers, provided they don't go against the grain or even worse effect profitability for their multi million dollar organizations*. They are the kind of people who will kill themselves, each other and anyone who gets in their way over territory rights to property none of them own.       How you can equate the two at all beyond them both riding bikes is beyond me, and I'm sure most other people.           *In cases of the top 3.
    3 points
  5. Yeah, them over-fed mid-life crisis greybeards sporting the leathers with the price tags still on 'em, the born to be mild tattoos, and the Visa/MasterCard scooters can be a rough crowd. I would stay clear of the Cracker Barrel and Outback just to be safe, and try not to run over any of them. More bikers/motorcyclists get killed from cagers with cellphone fixation and a textual addiction than ever got killed in any shoot-out at a preppy wanna-be strip club. Just my take on it.
    3 points
  6. All biker groups are not gangs. Some are and some are not. Just because you see a group of bikers out for a ride does not mean they are outlaws. I guess many folks think the Patriot Riders are a gang to because they ride in a group and attend all of the Veteran funerals and fly American flags and wear leathers......................... :shrug: :shrug:
    3 points
  7.   Good lord, you must have mostly Kel-Tec and Taurus!   - OS
    2 points
  8. Doesn’t matter if his gun left the holster or not, and it’s not about filing a Police Report or trying to have someone arrested. The advice given by most here is so others can maybe stay out of jail or court. If I had been dispatched to one of those kids homes and their parents were going nuts because someone threatened their kid with a gun (That’s what he said he did), and I was only able to get one side of the story; I would have put out a pick-up on him for aggravated assault. Once I went home and he was stopped; he would have been arrested and jailed. If he wasn’t stopped in the area, a felony warrant would have been issued and his hometown PD could pick him up. I had discretion in misdemeanors; I didn’t on felonies. However if I believed he was justified; no crime was committed and everyone goes about their business. But that can only happen with both sides present. No, they wouldn’t have done anything to the kids if he had called; they hadn’t done anything wrong. But nothing would have happened to him either. In this specific incident the point is moot because the cops have not contacted him. But maybe it will help others. As a former cop I can tell you the first to call is the complainant the second to call is the suspect. But if both parties can be dealt with at the same time; it may not need to go any farther. Hope this helps. Just arm chair quarterbacking as that’s what we do here. I assume that’s what he wanted or he wouldn’t have posted the story.
    2 points
  9. I've also read from some credible folks that if you are ever in a store, etc. that is being robbed, never allow yourself to be herded into a back room because it's a good chance you're not going to make it out alive because it's no longer about just robbing the place.
    2 points
  10. Supposedly the animals who tortured and murdered Shannon Christian and Christopher Newsome originally 'only' intended to jack their vehicle.  I think the bottom line is, if you can't stop them from taking your vehicle, do not allow them to take you anywhere.  I have actually read (and seen in person) where more than one security adviser type advises that, if it comes down to it, you are better off making them shoot you where you are (where there is at least a chance you might get help and where they will be more likely to flee the scene without taking the time to make sure you are dead) than allowing them to take you to a location of their choosing where they can take their time killing you and hiding the body.  Of course, I imagine making that choice and sticking with it would be easier said than done but it seems likely that if they are really going to shoot you then they are going to do so sooner or later either way.
    2 points
  11. A pirate walked into a bar, and the bartender said, "Hey, I haven't seen you in a while. What happened? You look terrible." "What do you mean?" said the pirate, "I feel fine." "What about the wooden leg? You didn't have that before." "Well," said the pirate, "We were in a battle, and I got hit with a cannon ball, but I'm fine now." The bartender replied, "Well, OK, but what about that hook? What happened to your hand?" The pirate explained, "We were in another battle. I boarded a ship and got into a sword fight. My hand was cut off. I got fitted with a hook but I'm fine, really." "What about that eye patch?" "Oh," said the pirate, "One day we were at sea, and a flock of birds flew over. I looked up, and one of them s--t in my eye." "You're kidding," said the bartender. "You couldn't lose an eye just from bird s--t." "It was my first day with the hook."
    2 points
  12.   I believe that site or one like it came up a while back in a different thread. As a motorcycle rider and liberty minded individual, the whole thing just makes me shake my head. "Territories" and "domainant club"s? Sheesh.
    2 points
  13. This may be my only chance to use this. Also, I will take that as a compliment lol.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. I refuse to allow today's political climate dictate my actions.  I will call it as I see it no matter where the chips may fall.  If they be black, white, or my fellow hispanics I will report their behinds even if they could be someone's son.
    2 points
  16. R u sure about that last one? Hahahaha
    2 points
  17. I don't have a problem with the media referring to them as gangs. That's what they acted like.     It's up to the public to realize that all MC clubs aren't gangs, just like we realize all rednecks don't have a noose in the bed of their truck, all gay people don't have AIDS, all Hispanics aren't here illegally, all Muslims aren't terrorists, and all Democrats aren't commie-douchebag-hippie-A*holes.
    2 points
  18. If I was gonna pick a fight, a knife fight with Spots would probably be my last choice.
    2 points
  19. They shot at cops. They killed 8 people probably because someone insulted their fragile egos or some similar "transgression." Gang, club, group; doesn't matter how you frame it, they're scumbags. They deserve every second they spend in jail and then some.
    2 points
  20. Click on link to view video:  http://www.wmcactionnews5.com/story/29074638/how-to-survive-a-carjacking     You're driving around town, going about your business, on the road, and out of nowhere, it all comes to a screeching halt.     Your vehicle, and your life are in jeopardy. According to Memphis police, carjackings have increased almost 10 percent in the past year. The three most likely places for carjackings in Memphis: intersections, outside a house or apartment, and gas stations.   A  WMC Action News 5 investigation found that in Memphis, carjackings are most likely to happen in parts of north Memphis, Downtown and Midtown.   But they can happen anywhere, any day of the week and any time of day.   You have to think quickly and clearly, and there are risks involved, but you can fight back, and win.   "Don't go anywhere with them," said self-defense and martial arts instructor Chad Chilcutt. "What's going to happen is what's going happen right then and there."   Chilcutt and his son, Cody, walked us through different scenarios of what to do in all three of those most common carjacking situations.   "The car is actually something that can be used for you or against you," Chilcutt said. He says always prepare to expect the unexpected.     All of these moves take practice, but if done correctly, can save your life.    "We try to teach to always be aware of your surroundings," Chilcutt said. "Safety first, so at any moment, even if you're not ready, you can handle the situation a lot better."   Watch the story above for a video demonstration of three carjacking self-defense moves.   
    1 point
  21. Come and shoot some cardboard. Bill will have 5, 6 or even 7 great stages, rain or shine. Be there by 12:00 going hot by 12:30. 150 rds should do it but probably only 100, the more the better. New shooters are always welcome. Should be a nice Sunday, keep your fingers crossed, see you there. Walden Ridge Shooting Range 1862 16th Model Rd Manchester,Tn 37355 Members $10 Nonmember $15 This is an IDPA event so concealment is needed. New shooters( to the sport) do not apply on concealment. You'll need 3 magazines (2 will work) and some good holsters.
    1 point
  22. That was fun. I finally beat my son at something.
    1 point
  23. That picture is photoshopped, this was what she really looks like . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    1 point
  24.   I think its important to look at those with a grain of salt.  A lot of Friday afternoon mosque sermons are for domestic consumption and are full of hyperbole.   In any country with domestic issues, like Iran and a good bit of the Middle East, they need to find a boogeyman to focus the public against, and America and Israel fit the mold nicely.  Now, that's not to say that I think the feelings aren't really there, but the powers that be in those countries know there is only so much they can get away with outside their own borders.    Iran, for all their saber rattling in public is actually very pragmatic foreign policy wise.  They know their left and right limits, and focus on what they can do without biting off too much.  They demonize "the great Satan" to help their people forget the squalor they live in.   I liken mosque sermons in the middle east to politics in America.  It's like when a Republican who campaigns on conservative principles goes to Washington and votes in line with a big government agenda.  They tell the people what they want to hear, then go off and do whatever the powers that be tell them.
    1 point
  25. "What the f^$@ is that!? Is chow allowed on the range Private Pyle!?"
    1 point
  26. Ill ship them first thing tomorrow, had way to much to take care of today but these knives are way better in person than from pictures or videos, trust me on this you will be very very happy you bought one :usa:
    1 point
  27. What kind of gun does a pirate use?     An "ARrrr"
    1 point
  28.   I didn't say I would feel great about it.  I am just saying that I would prefer $5 per box for ammo I knew I could walk in and buy any time I wanted it to the current situation where stores are generally sold out and scalpers are pricing the same ammo at $8 or more per box.  I don't buy enough at a time to make it worth ordering ammo online or to make it worth the aggravation to constantly shop around only to find that this or that online dealer had that same ammo for a little bit less - until they sold out twenty minutes ago..   Further, the comparison in your quote is not an apples to apples comparison.  I am not talking Remington Thunderbolts at $5 per box of 50 vs. Remington Thunderbolts at $40 for a bulk pack.  I wouldn't pay $5 per 50 for Remington Thunderbolts.  Personally, I think that CCI (for which I have paid $5 per box of 50) is better ammo than Remington Thunderbolts and worth a few cents more per round.  Some folks apparently refuse to shoot Thunderbolts at any price.  I do not but I wouldn't pay that much for them.    The people who are pricing Remington Thunderbolt bulk packs at $40 are the same people who are pricing 50 round boxes of various 'nothing special' .22LR ammo at $7 or $8 dollars per box.  I have even seen a couple of them with a $12 price tag on the same ammo that is currently selling for $4 or $5 per box in stores (when they have it.)  That, to me, is scalping.   I guess I just have a different perspective and that is fine - I know everyone won't necessarily agree with my opinion.  As I said, before, my perspective is influenced by seeing how much other ammo as well as non-gun related products have increased in price or availability in just the last, few years rather than putting my, "I remember when $5 would feed two people at Taco Bell." or my, "I remember when Krystal burgers were 25 cents a piece," blinders on and looking only at the price increases on .22 ammo.  I think of it this way - the price difference between 9mm range ammo or .38 Special range ammo now compared to four or five years ago would buy me a box of that $5 .22 ammo with change left over.  The price difference between .44 Mag ammo or .357 Mag ammo three years ago compared to now would almost buy me two boxes of that same .22 ammo.  When I bought a CZ 82 in 9mm Makarov during the last ammo 'shortage' I could get Monarch fmj ammo for right at $10 per box.  I haven't seen Monarch in 9mm Mak on an Academy shelf in a year or two and the next cheapest 9mm Mak ammo I can find is twenty-some-odd dollars per box.  Again, I could buy 100 rounds of that $5 per 50 .22 ammo just with the price difference.  Heck, gas has gone up nearly thirty cents a gallon in less than a month and I have to buy that crap even if just so I can get back and forth to work.  So, in light of all that, paying a buck or two more per box of what is still the cheapest factory ammo around doesn't rankle me nearly as much.
    1 point
  29.     I SAID " /THREAD !!!1!>?1! :angry:                                                                   :D
    1 point
  30. I'm a lifetime member of Hog, and never joined a chapter, I went to a few HR and your right, no Twin Peaks. Still you have the "Wantabes" that think there something their not. Now "Sturgis" on the other hand, is a different ball game.  Been there , done that!
    1 point
  31. How good's your fence? I know from experience that if a pig wants to be out, it'll be out. Have you thought about sheep? As suggested, Craigslist is a really good bet. Although at this time of year, be prepared to pay a premium. Calves are a few weeks away from being finished, lambs are nearly ready & are ready for market by the end of May. The best time of year to buy is late fall, if you can wait a while. Everything's half the price it is now due to feed costs!
    1 point
  32. I'll have to dig out my copy of Fast and Fancy Revolver shooting for the particulars, but it strikes me a bit odd that they'd compare the first exhibition with anything Ed did considering he was shooting smoothed out model 10's against Jerrys tricked out custom shop signature 8 shooters. Doesn't exactly seem like a fair challenge.....   Not to take away from Jerry in the slightest, he is an amazing shooter, from all accounts swell guy and definitely an inspiration. I guess I'd just like to see him try and match McGivern with similar equipment.
    1 point
  33. We just like to have room to spread out. Sort of like my gut the past few years. lol
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. I bet you are glad to be heading home. Even with the good treatment you got, there's still no place like home.
    1 point
  36. The info above is stated as fact when it isn't. The Bible has plenty that could be interpreted as justifying violence. Christian's deny this in a variety of ways which tend to revolve around specific passages being taken out of context, which I agree with. I am a Christian and don't view Christianity as a violent religion. Many Muslims feel the same way about Islam - that claims of it being a violent religion are being taken out of context. Their assertion is supported by the vast majority of Muslims that are peaceful. It doesn't make sense to me to allow grace for my religion, yet not for people that have different beliefs. The big problem with religion is the same as with many other things - people get involved in it. Whenever people are involved there will always be a small group that makes everyone else in the same group look bad. Also, I'll go ahead and state now that I won't be betting into an online argument on this issue.
    1 point
  37. On my way home guys, First class   Tomorrow those of you who Paid I will ship your knives to you
    1 point
  38. Here are some good video's that helped me . Especially with using a soldering iron to heat up the rear sight lock-tite stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHYjhKgemnY   and another https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Grwxd16TcUM   And thanks guys for not ragging me on this LOL. I am still considered "old school" and not computer oriented . I hope this helps you guys with your Shield . One a side note , I sure wish that S&W had not made the darn Shield with the componants under the rear sight ,  DUHHHHH . But it is a darn little good gun for sure ! I am keeping mine for sure and never selling it .
    1 point
  39. Lmfao. I had forgot that scene. Oh, and I carry a chain. I lock my bike up when I ride somewhere overnight if I end up staying in a bad neighborhood. Probably a weapon of opportunity type thing if I had to guess
    1 point
  40. This will event will have reprcussions that echo through the club world for years. And I don't just mean 1% clubs. All clubs and riders interact with each other at some point and interact with the public everyday. This just made sure that the parents taking their kids on vacation fear the Veteran club that just passed them on the interstate and leave a restaurant when the Blue Knights (LEO club) show up. It also means there's a damn war brewing between the clubs involved. Some hot heads decided to start trouble, and they succeeded. Now those clubs will be at each other constantly. That's why you have people coming in. The call has went out, and they are showing up to have their brothers back. They are 1%ers and they will protect their brothers to the death. Also, lots of MC members are lawyers, doctors, construction workers, etc. Most of them aren't running drugs and hookers, they are working 40 hours a week just like everyone else. Calling them a gang is the same as calling an AR-15 and assault rifle. An outlaw motorcycle gang is a media term conjured up to produce fear of all things biker among the masses.
    1 point
  41. That's about all.  I made my wife one and put separate kits in waterproof bags inside the main bag.  I labeled them WARM, DRY, FIRE, and WATER.  If you don't get more than a couple days walk from home, I wouldn't worry about food.  Maybe throw in a couple snacks, but I can go a couple days without food.  And I am definitely not stopping to build a fire to heat water to pour in a bag.  If I have food, it's something I can eat on the move.
    1 point
  42. We already do chickens and turkeys and they taste a whole lot better than commercially raised. So I figured why not expand out a bit. We do a lot of veggies and I have even learned to can chicken and veggies so it carries us through the winter between freezing things and canning. I have not had a good steak since we left South Dakota. There must be a livestock exchange around here somewhere. Although the fair should be coming up soon so that might be a good place to start.
    1 point
  43. Hahahahahahahaha! Yeah right... That's cute!! :-)
    1 point
  44. I liken calling 911 in a situation like this to tattling to the teacher in grade school. This is something I was taught not to do, and something I've passed along to my kids. Try to take care of your business yourself; don't run tattling every time someone looks at you funny. I guess this is an indication of the weenie society in which we now live.
    1 point
  45. And you are now banned from my truck!
    1 point
  46. I got released to Fly home this last Thursday, so i will be flying back home either Sunday, or Monday I thank each and everyone of you for your thoughts and prayers, I honestly feel 20 years younger, it is hard to explain but after these surgeries I feel like a new man,
    1 point
  47. The parks bill this year is yet another example of the Establishment Republicans (mainly those in or wanting to be in leadership) refusing to enact laws that meet the constitutional standards including the standard that a criminal law must be sufficiently clear so that the average person, the average law enforcement official, the average DA, the average judge and the average juror would all reasonably agree on what is or is not permissible conduct.    The United States Supreme Court has decided numerous cases in which it discusses the "void for vagueness" doctrine.  Generally, the courts note that such legislation "may run afoul of the Due Process Clause because it fails to give adequate guidance to those who would be law-abiding, to advise defendants of the nature of the offense with which they are charged, or to guide courts in trying those who are accused."    Constitutionally, people of common intelligence cannot be required to guess at the meaning of law, particularly a criminal code.  For those of you who recall the litigation over the 2009 "restaurant" law, the trial court's decision to declare that act unconstitutional was based on this vagueness doctrine and, frankly, was the right decision in that instance. Many would argue that the same is true for several of Tennessee's existing firearms related laws including specifically the parks and school grounds laws but also including many other laws such as the ones which define a loaded weapon to include an empty weapon if there is ammunition "in the vicinity", the definition of a machinegun, the definition of a firearm (which is much broader than the federal Gun Control Act definition), the interactions between the "restorations" statutes and the prohibited person state statutes, and the list goes on.   Here, while part of the problem is TCA 39-17-1311, the main culprit is 39-17-1309 and the refusal of the legislators to remove the word "used" from the definition of a school grounds.  Because of that simple term, even your personal residence could be classified as "school grounds" - with all the attendant weapons restrictions - if you allowed your home or property to be used for any school function, such as an end of the year party. TFA is fighting these issues.  Part of the problem is sadly we are dealing with a divided Republican caucus in which the RINOs and Progressives control leadership.   Another huge problem is that there is at least one other organization (I am not talking about TGO) that has a presence at the legislature as a "pro 2nd Amendment advocate" that has approved numerous of these very poorly written bills over the last decade or so.
    1 point
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