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A pirate walked into a bar, and the bartender said, "Hey, I haven't seen you in a while. What happened? You look terrible." "What do you mean?" said the pirate, "I feel fine." "What about the wooden leg? You didn't have that before." "Well," said the pirate, "We were in a battle, and I got hit with a cannon ball, but I'm fine now." The bartender replied, "Well, OK, but what about that hook? What happened to your hand?" The pirate explained, "We were in another battle. I boarded a ship and got into a sword fight. My hand was cut off. I got fitted with a hook but I'm fine, really." "What about that eye patch?" "Oh," said the pirate, "One day we were at sea, and a flock of birds flew over. I looked up, and one of them s--t in my eye." "You're kidding," said the bartender. "You couldn't lose an eye just from bird s--t." "It was my first day with the hook."10 points
The difference in the point you're trying to make and the truth is that the religion of Islam endorses the violent acts of its followers, the bible does not endorse this idiot's actions. Sorry, I in no way condone this idiots actions, and I believe he should be hung just like a jihadi, but I can't take you seriously when you obviously can't see the difference between a religion that encourages its followers to kill non believers and a fringe nut job.6 points
So a pirate walks into a bar with his ships wheel sticking out of his pant. The bartender says "hey buddy, whats with the wheel in yer pants?" The pirate replies; "I don't know, but it's sure drivin me nuts." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oShTJ90fC346 points
When "brothers" ride in from other states to join the fight, it's a gang. When a disagreement in a parking lot ends with 9 people dead, it's a gang.5 points
3 points
I traded the long knife j made last weekend for this. It's stamped SWI, the owner didn't know who made it, but he had the specs as 01 tool steel. It's a Wharnecliff style blade, clean grind and great ergonomics. It has a horizontal kydex sheath and I will be carrying it mostly for self defense purposes. Anyways j just wanted to share.2 points
This class is limited to six students and four of the spots are taken and we decided to open up the last two spots to TGO members. This will be an intensive study in use of the shotgun for home,business, and personal defense. Looking forward to this one!2 points
If I was gonna pick a fight, a knife fight with Spots would probably be my last choice.2 points
They shot at cops. They killed 8 people probably because someone insulted their fragile egos or some similar "transgression." Gang, club, group; doesn't matter how you frame it, they're scumbags. They deserve every second they spend in jail and then some.2 points
Kasey is a sweet pup, they deserve to be pistol whipped just for upsetting her.2 points
I doubt that this group of kids was on the way to choir practice at the local church. As I gotten too old to fight or run, my options would be limited if I faced a group looking for trouble.2 points
2 points
I had to take my Skeeter Bass Boat in for repairs and after dropping it off before hitting the interstate to come home I stopped at a quick stop market to get a bottle of water and my buddy with me a Pepsi. When I came out of the store I noticed that 5 young black youths had kinda surrounded my jeep and buddy inside and of course I had Kasey along. they were poking fun at her and yelling at her and she was barking back at them. When I approached my Jeep 3 of the young men stepped between me and my jeep and were about 10 feet away. I ask them politely to let me pass and one of them said "what you gonna do if we don't"? I saw one of them slip his hand in his pocket. I always wear a cover shirt with only one button closed. I unbuttoned it and opened it up just enough for them to see it and I eased my hand around my model 85 and pulled the hammer back but never removed it from holster. I asked again to back off and let me in my jeep. When the one up front saw I was ready to do what ever it took to get in my jeep they all moved back and began to walk away after they huddled up for a few seconds. I waited till they were a safe distance before moving towards my Jeep. That was were it all ended and I would like to hear thoughts and opinions on if my actions were the right ones? I don't think any of them were much over 14 years old.............................. :shrug: :shrug:1 point
I posting this beacuse I resently found these two tools that have made my shooting so much more easy I am a senior pushin 80 and I have arthuritis in my hands bad! The first tool I bought is the Lplula it makes loading my magazines a snap...the second thing is the Handi- Racker. Darn it makes rackin my Sheild a piece of cake. I dont how many of you have any of these items but I just love em. I never knew about them untill at the range a while back.a guy there seen me struggling and showed them to me. That new shield I bought is really tight. How's that American Express comercial go "dont leave home without em"....Amen1 point
If you need any AR tools in the future (yeah, you'll be doing this again - ask me how I know) just let me know. I'm in Bellevue just across the "main" road from your neighborhood.1 point
1 point
I don't have a problem with the media referring to them as gangs. That's what they acted like. It's up to the public to realize that all MC clubs aren't gangs, just like we realize all rednecks don't have a noose in the bed of their truck, all gay people don't have AIDS, all Hispanics aren't here illegally, all Muslims aren't terrorists, and all Democrats aren't commie-douchebag-hippie-A*holes.1 point
I can claim I'm killing folks because I'm a spider monkey. But so what? To your point about media coverage... This doesn't breed the type of sensationalism that news networks live and breathe off of. My guess would be that's why. This guy is just a nut. I'm not downplaying his actions, but I think most would write him off as exactly that.1 point
Doggart Received 9,200 Votes in the 2014 Congressional Election. Not that many, but still a scary thought. “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” ― George Carlin1 point
Trust me it's a back up option. A knife is there to either be a backup if a firearm fails or to make enough space to draw a firearm. I know how to use a k ice in self defense but it's a skill I'd rather not put in to practice if I can avoid it1 point
Nine is only the only number of fatalities. Most reports have another 18 wounded. That brings it to 27, which isn't too far off your estimate of 30 victims.1 point
Thanks Bersa :) I carried in my vehicle today. Hog Rally coming too so extra motivation because you never know. She's been riding with me since Saturday after it happened. She will continue to until I get the HCP Class done and hopefully approved. I don't know what the waiting period is after the class but my G29 will be with me in the car until I can legally carry everywhere! Dang dogs and my heart. They know how to get me. Just wish I would have grabbed her and ran!1 point
This, boys and girls, is why you develop a good machining infrastructure.... So your army doesn't have to fight with cheap stamped crap like the AK. :yuck:1 point
I found a World Market in Murfreesboro at the Avenues shopping mall yesterday. They have them. Thanks Fujimo1 point
Here are some good video's that helped me . Especially with using a soldering iron to heat up the rear sight lock-tite stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHYjhKgemnY and another https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Grwxd16TcUM And thanks guys for not ragging me on this LOL. I am still considered "old school" and not computer oriented . I hope this helps you guys with your Shield . One a side note , I sure wish that S&W had not made the darn Shield with the componants under the rear sight , DUHHHHH . But it is a darn little good gun for sure ! I am keeping mine for sure and never selling it .1 point
Lmfao. I had forgot that scene. Oh, and I carry a chain. I lock my bike up when I ride somewhere overnight if I end up staying in a bad neighborhood. Probably a weapon of opportunity type thing if I had to guess1 point
Along with the Japanese Tanto version I also finished this Hunter model with some of the most beautiful Burl scales that you really have to see in person to believe . 01 steel hardened to 60-61 with a light bead blast finish. This knife is available. I can order a sheath also. How do you guys like this one?1 point
What the Tennessee Legislature has done is to create needless confusion and debate. When that is done with respect to criminal statutes, such as these, it is inexcusable and likely unconstitutional under the vagueness doctrine. Now, for a moment on local governments. The state pre-emption statute is TCA 39-17-1314. It prohibits any local regulation except as expressly permitted by any other statute. Consequently, statutes like TCA 39-17-1359 allow local governments to post their properties (public buildings, civic centers, etc.) unless another statute, like TCA 39-17-1313 or TCA 39-17-1311, prohibits local regulation of some or all of the areas. Clear, right? Now, on the local parks topic. First, the "school grounds" statute (TCA 39-17-1309) is a big part of the problem. It contains this definition of school grounds: Under this language, the possession of any "weapon", including knives and firearms on "any ... property ... used" by a school is chargeable as a Class E felony. Understand that there is no time limit on "used" so it could be argued that if the property has ever been "used" for any school function then it might be classified as 'school property' for purposes of the felony charge. This could include not just parks but movie theaters, bowling alleys, swimming pools, picnic grounds, museums, art centers, restaurants and even private homes that have been "used" for school approved events or parties. So, part of the problem has been the definition of "school grounds" all along. However, this was not very well known until the Attorney General issued an opinion recently. See, AG 14-88. The AG opinion is accurate in some areas but the areas where he concluded that there is a time or geographic limit is unsupported by the statute and unsupported by any court decision reading such a limit into the statute. So, worse case, if a school have ever used the property for any school function its permanently classified as "school grounds" and possession of any weapon on that property could be charged as a Class E felony even if you did not know the school had ever or was presently using the property. Next we look at the parks statute, TCA 39-17-1311. First, it is important to know that Sen. Green had a bill this year to delete the word "used" from the school grounds statute. That bill was defeated by the Republican leadership in a subcommittee. Next, when the "parks bill" was being debated in conference, they specifically addressed the school issue. They were aware of it and made the intentional choice by refusing to fix the problem but they may have actually made it worse. How is it worse? More confusion. Consider this. The "parks statute" defines certain public areas, including but not limited to parks, as prohibited places. This is the language from TCA 39-17-1311(a): Clearly, TCA 39-17-1311 defines a specific list of places and then ads any other places used for "recreational purposes." The term "parks" is just one of the places but its in a list of other places suggesting that these are by some means or intent distinct from parks. Weapons are prohibited in all of these places by state law even if there are no signs posted. The majority report which became the "parks bill" in 2015 is pitifully written. First, it uses a list of places that is different from the list in 39-17-1311(a). Second, it uses a "morphing" concept where these properties covered by the 2015 amendment can suddenly turn into Class E felony traps - i.e., school grounds, at any point in time merely by having a school activity taking place (e.g., cross country runners, golf team, baseball practice/game, football, tennis, lacrosse, soccer, etc.). Third, you get a "fair warning" to leave the property but only if you did not "know or should have known" about the school even. Fourth, it covers the entire property - arguably - not just the specific area in which the event is taking place. Fifth, it uses the term "vicinity" which potentially could extent outside the park boundaries and which has no defined meaning (10 feet, 100 feet, 150 feet, or what about the effective range of the firearms?). Here is the language in the 2015 law: The Establishment Republicans in the legislature are unwilling to honor their oaths of office. This particular disaster was manufacturered by Senator John Stevens who is a hand picked private for Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey. But, to accomplish this 2015 language he had the apparent full support of Senator Mike Bell (who reportedly shares an apartment from time to time with Lt. Gov. Ramsey) as well as Rep. Mike Harrison (who was in charge of House Finance Subcommittee in 2014 when the Open Carry law was defeated) and finally by Rep. Tilmon Goins. I will add that Rep. Tilmon Goins had sponsored a better version of the parks bill this year but was apparently told by House leadership to back burner his bill because leadership wanted Rep. Harrison to get the credit for passing a gun bill after the attacks against him in 2014 for killing the open carry law. Folks, defending our rights is not a spectator sport. It is not sufficient to engage these issues in internet forums and Facebook posts. We have to be willing to speak out, to call out these legislators, to let them know - face to face - that they are doing wrong, and, when necessary to raise funding and set aside time to run against them or to support others (not just in your district but anywhere in the state) to run against the RINOs and defeat them. These problems will not go away so long as we have government leaders like Haslam, Harwell and Ramsey. Those 3 convinced a majority of Tennesseans to vote to give up their rights to vote for one-third of state government (the judicial amendment in 2014), do you think they really care about the 2nd Amendment?1 point
You'll likely have the high score in the class as you've taken time to practice. My wife had never shot a 1911 before and shot the high score in her class. If you have a good instructor you will enjoy the class and hopefully have your permit in a few weeks.1 point
The only thing that will probably keep the media from spinning this is lack of "innocent victims"...All involved that were killed/injured were the bikers...At least these cats were able to hit their targets lol...1 point
I'm always getting the numbers wrong, even when I have a second window open on Lexis-Nexis. I meant to write 1359; I at least quoted the section I was trying to cite.1 point
1 point
Protech Spindrift My favorite Production carry fixed blade knife, they are awesome, as much as I like my ESEE 5 this one is better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qhb3WBAZ481 point
Post up the video, I'm sure someone else will have the same question somewhere down the line. Definitely not a wasted thread if you help someone else at the same time.1 point
Young Grasshopper... I've still got a 50 round box of Western Auto .22LR ammo I bought by myself in 1964 for 25 cents. 1/2 cent per round if you will. Thems the good ole days :love:1 point
Nothing is wasted here. I learned to look for "sight removal" to find how to strip a slide.1 point
A few with carry permit, I bet the majority has theirs. My crystal ball predicts, this will be a media frenzy about conceal carry, alcohol, Texas, and how the wild wild west is back. There really is no news in the media, and they will whip it up for awhile. My father who is retired swears there is a pattern in the media, when there is no news, no real big news, the media will feed on the frenzy of any news story.1 point
Man you guys are haters. I run a f-350 for my business and yes it will black smoke. But the reason I have added what I have and removed the crap that restricts my power and fuel mileage is for better power and fuel mileage. You can't tell me you wouldn't do it to for the benefits I get especially while towing trailers and equipment. And yes don't tailgate me cause you might get a face full. I'm not like these 17 year old guys that buy a diesel truck and don't use it except to fool around. The mods I have done on my truck are night and day from stock. before my removal of the restrictive exhaust junk my truck would go down to 25% power and blow white smoke to clean the dpf filter. Really sucks when pulling a trailer on the interstate when you have to pull over not to get hit. These teenage guys that their daddys buy them a diesel instead of a bmw kill me.1 point
Would you still feel this way if they walked two blocks down and started harassing an 80yr old grandmother? Or your wife, or friends wife? If at any point you feel threatened enough to possibly pull your gun I think it warrants calling LEO. Bersa has brought up a good lesson for all of us. I don't fault him the least for his decision, but this has brought up a good discussion for possibilities in this situation for all of us.1 point
A sharp knife takes a lot less brute force to cut tough items, and can also cut more accurately (see thru thin slices for example) and can do bulk work much faster (rocking blade carrot chopping) and so on. Across the board it is just easier to use and more efficient. You also won't tear and mash soft items (tomatoes) when trying to make a slice. Being able to shave is not a requirement -- knives that are too sharp just get dull faster, most can't hold that edge unless you have the $500 a pop top chef stuff. There is a happy medium -- long as it cleanly cuts the target, its fine.1 point
1 point
Sit it in front of the t.v. and make it watch Al Gore's documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth". :snore: :D1 point
I have no issue with it. No where in the Constitution does our specify that our rights only apply to certain sects.1 point
This trend I do find alarming. According to wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookeville,_Tennessee), the area is less than 4% African-American. I occupation places me on the road often and I have stopped or passed through Cookeville from time to time. Encounters like the orginial poster mentioned, I could see common in many areas of Memphis, North Highland in Jackson, the Crossing in Humboldt, Lakeview Circle in Martin, Eastgate in Union City....... but I would not be concerned when I am in East TN and most parts of Middle TN. As for my knowledge of this places mentioned; I take precautions and avoid those areas especially on Friday afternoons.1 point
Because the police consider whoever calls first as "the victim"...doesn't matter who really is/was...Luckily these kids didn't realize that they could have easily turned this around on bersaguy in a heartbeat by just calling the police to report a guy flashed a handgun at them while they were just "hanging out at the quickstop admiring his dog"...Thats why it's important to CYA by always reporting the incident to the police FIRST...Always, and i mean ALWAYS be first to report any incident involving the use of your firearm in a defensive situation, regardless of if the trigger was, or was not pulled..1 point
Ok, why call the cops? Say they called the cops and said "we was trying to pet this dog and this big old white guy comes up and acts like he is gonna shoot us" who would the cops be looking for?1 point
Wait! So for just $1.25 I can put BHO out of work!? Heck, here's a fiver! -southernasylum1 point
There is no place immune from this kind of stuff, even small, out of the way towns. It's just a part of life nowadays and the reason we all carry. Of course some areas are more prone to this kind of event.1 point
IMHO you did good, you kept a situation from escalating and got home safe. You should have called 911 and reported the incident though. Just to cover you rear.1 point
If you want to drive all the way to Lafayette, I'll be glad to help. Sounds like other guys are closer. [url=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_2396_zpse12c7f71.jpg.html][/URL] I'm all thumbs, but managed to fabricate a working rifle from a TGO receiver set. You'll do great. I'd advise you to pick up a dust cover pin with the c clip already installed.1 point
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