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I’ve been a fan of quite a few pistols in my lifetime, but the Hungarian copies of the Browning Hi Power are among my favorites. Made by the Hungarian state arms concern known as FEG, the single action FEG Hi Power pistols bear model numbers like P9, P9M, PJK-9HP, FP9, and were imported by firms like Kassnar Imports, KBI, Century International Arms, Tennessee Guns International, SSME and others. The original FEG P9 Hi Power pistols are an unauthorized, completely-reverse-engineered, and totally faithful copy of the Pre Mark II Browning Hi Power pistol. The old Commissars did a masterful job of copying the FN design and turning it into a solid buy, as evidenced by the great numbers of them sold in this country between 1985 and 2004. They can be found for decent prices all over the country, and I’m lucky enough to own two pristine “new” examples of them. Because of their low resale value compared to the Browning gun, I hesitated for some years to put any real money into them. But now I’ve bitten the bullet, said to heck with resale value and dressed up a couple of them, mainly because I’m sitting on two brand new ones that are tight as a drum, have first rate triggers in them, and are very accurate guns - and because at my age you don’t put anything off for too long. The first one was imported by the Kassnar family’s KBI concern and is an early 90’s example I bought from a Tennessee farmer in 2011 for $420 plus FFL fee and shipping. It carries the model number PJK-9HP (FEG called it the P9) and was still brand new in the box, wrapped in the original factory plastic wrapper. It came with the classic Browning small safety lever, Browning style extended slide stop, and tiny sights. It carries a serial number in the B20000 range, and, like most of these guns, shoots like a house afire. This is a “before” photo of this particular gun (but typical of both). They were handsome pistols just as they came from the factory, and I have a hard time seeing much of a qualitative difference externally between them and my Browning Hi Power. “Before.” FEG PJK-9HP as it came from the factory. FEG knew this model as the P9. Here is the same gun after I added a Browning Hi Power ambidextrous safety, Hogue rosewood grips, Novak three dot sights, and magazine bumpers. The same gun “after” adding Rosewood grips, Novak sights, Browning safety, mag bumpers. The second pistol is also a KBI imported PJK-9HP from the early ‘90’s. It is my favorite handgun. I found it in unfired condition on GunBroker in ’09 and bought it for $315 plus fees. It is in the B50000 range and came equipped the same as the first one except that this one had the much better three dot sights FEG adopted later in its production run. This pistol is unusual in that it has a sparkling blue/black blue job that honestly rivals the Colt Python and the Weatherby Mark V rifles of old. It must have been intended for a VIP, because I’ve never seen another FEG polished as brightly as this one. It too is a very accurate pistol. Dressing this one up consisted of new Novak three dot sights, substituting one of the beautiful FEG-made extended safeties (now impossible to find), Hogue Kingwood grips, and magazine bumpers. Here it is. This FEG PJK-9HP (P9) has one of the nicest blued finishes I’ve ever seen on a pistol. Why did I dress up two of them almost identically? Well, once my wife handled the first one, she gave me “that look” and said “where’s yours?” So two it was. I stopped short of installing new custom “no-bite” hammers and enhanced triggers because these guns just didn’t need them. I couldn’t carry or shoot them any better with such expensive modifications, so I’m standing pat where I am. These pistols fall into the category of inexpensive foreign guns that weren’t appreciated until they were no longer made. Over the years they have been criticized for lacking the meticulous finish workmanship of the Browning guns, but shooters now consider them to be very good pistols that offer value far in excess of their price. They are immensely popular with their owners. In fact, gun forum members are often heard to cry big tears about the FEG pistols they wish they hadn’t sold. I’ve owned five of them and have never had a malfunction, so I think they’re very good guns and I like them well enough to pay the going rate for nice ones. If you fall under their spell, be aware that they’re just about as addictive as the Browning Hi Power, 1911, and AR-15. I guess I shouldn’t wind this up without ‘fessing up' that the first FEG pistol I dressed up was back in ’08, and was the Charles Daly Hi Power in the next photo. The CDHP was a standard FEG P9 like the ones above except that they had dovetail slots set up for Novak style sights and had their firing pin retaining plates milled off to accommodate the rear sight. They were imported in unfinished condition by KBI and finished initially by Dan Wesson and later by Magnum Research. Only KBI imported them and they are the only Hi Power pistols produced en masse with “Made in USA” stamped on them. Dressing this one up consisted of new MMC adjustable sights, a new set of Herrett’s Cocobolo grips, and magazine bumpers. Like the others, this one is a very accurate pistol with a very good trigger. KBI’s Charles Daly Hi Power version of the FEG P9. MMC sights, cocobolo grips, mag bumpers. FEG later made a number of in-house modifications to these single-action guns that deviated tremendously from John Browning’s design, beginning with a slight modification to the slide stop and eventually adopting an entirely different operating system based on Smith and Wesson designs. All three of the guns shown here are the original P9 versions that have the Browning operating system, but I have owned one of the Smith and Wesson flavored single action HP copies and found it to be an accurate and reliable gun that performed as well as the Browning-based models. And just to prove to all of the Browning guys that I’m not a total infidel who went over to the dark side entirely, I also added a new set of Hogue Rosewood grips and an updated ambidextrous safety to my 1979 Sport Model Browning Hi Power (that I also bought in unfired condition in ’09.) Mama doesn’t get this one, although she insists on visitation rights. 1979 Browning Hi Power Sport Model with new grips and safety. As you can probably tell from the narrative, whenever one of the single action FEG Hi Powers tries to follow me home from the gun shop, I usually don’t try too hard to get away from it. Remember the addiction thing? Last, a word about the double-action FEGs. Although they’re often called Hi Power clones, they are not. They’re not even close. Having model numbers like P9R, P9RK, MBK 9HP, and GKK 92C, among others, they were designed as fairly close copies of the Smith and Wesson Model 59 and only bear a slight resemblance to the Hi Power in the way the front of the slide is shaped. They have nothing in common with the Browning Hi Power other than the Colt/Browning locking system used by many other designs as well. These guns are tough-as-nails, all-steel pistols well suited for harsh use. They make first rate truck and boat guns and will take a whale of a lot of punishment for not a lot of money. But they aren't Hi Powers. Here is an example. This is a KBI Import, a GKK-92C compact 9mm. The Smith and Wesson influence on the design is plain as the nose on your face. The double action, FEG GKK 92C. Basically a S&W M59 copy, this is a LNIB compact model. I may doll this one up too, but after sending two pistols to Novak's this month for sights, and buying three sets of Hogue checkered hardwood grips plus a couple of ambidextrous safeties, my SDI (Sudden Divorce Index) probably won't permit it for a couple of months or so. Best wishes. EssOne7 points
4 points
It is perfectly legal to mail your guns to yourself in another state. Hunters typically do this on hunts in different states. If not then I would pack them up in cases without ANY ammunition present. Remove any, and all bumper stickers, and drive with the flow of traffic. The way to prevent an issue in some of those states is to keep from getting pulled over. Please do not bring a single ounce of the Massachusetts liberal mentality with you.4 points
3 points
Yeah, it's old but I'm just now seeing it. Funny stuff! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tXREbvXKeA3 points
Actually, I do not have an accent. I grew up here. Its the people from elsewhere who have an accent.3 points
This is pretty freaking cool! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCgmfbAbP-Q2 points
Dad got to the range with his PSA 9mm this weekend. As much as he's talking about how much he likes his I might have to build me one now.2 points
Thought we would have that concern too. Until he named the turkeys at the time Christmas Thanksgiving and New Years. Kind of funny side story my son had the most difficult time convincing a classmate that milk really came from cows not Walmart.2 points
http://tnarmsco.com/ Code INSTANT125 for 12.5% off cart, worked for me a few minutes ago. Got three lowers shipped to ffl for $95.47, before transfer and background check. Just keep in mind these are brass reinforced poly lowers in case you are one of those anti-poly-lower snobs.2 points
2 points
Totally off topic: you know how to get kicked out of one of Burfords classes? When he starts throwing the tennis balls, catch one and throw it back at him. Ask me how I know....... [emoji12] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
Would you still feel this way if they walked two blocks down and started harassing an 80yr old grandmother? Or your wife, or friends wife? If at any point you feel threatened enough to possibly pull your gun I think it warrants calling LEO. Bersa has brought up a good lesson for all of us. I don't fault him the least for his decision, but this has brought up a good discussion for possibilities in this situation for all of us.2 points
Thats a bit harsh, we are not talking about some corn fed 3rd grader trying to take your lunch money; This situation could have easily escaladed into a news worthy event. Mobs of 'kids' have caused many an injury which have been reported across the country. While I agree that one needs to handle their own problems, there comes a time where CYA and taking care of the next victim come into play.2 points
Watch the bullet real close at 25 seconds to about 32 seconds. The thing is tumbling like mad.2 points
2 points
A lot better than those idiots. I would think most of our interactions around here would be more like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C07cqFivuo And those people in that classroom need to stick to their airsoft & computer gaming.2 points
Generally, the course has two requirements: (1) a pulse, and (2) the ability to hit a barn from inside with the door closed. :pleased:2 points
I ran over one the other day while it was crossing the road. . If I'd known you were looking for one, I'd have picked it up.2 points
2 points
They're sending wolves after sheep. Wolves who've planned out the move and know exactly where the sheep is going to be seated. Of course they're gonna get the drop on them. Do that same experiment but put that armed person in a random spot in the room.... How would we fair? I'm going to be questioning the fact that they're arming me but noone else. Also I love that they gave them that style retention holster. It wouldn't have surprised me to see a trigger lock to boot.2 points
If they are an American citizen and they are doing it legally, I don't care who you worship, I'm fine with it. People that point guns at me are what I'm concerned about.2 points
Gunman arrested in Zimmerman shooting As we condemn this man like the left wing mentalsexuals have, he keeps coming up clean. It's odd I know since he's a "white hispanic" and they also told us "word on the street is Mitt Romney hasn't paid taxes for 10 years" They have a price on his head and I'm surprised he's still alive personally. There is no accountability on the left, they do no wrong and don't care who's life they ruin, the ends justify the means. http://www.news4jax.com/news/gunman-arrested-in-zimmerman-shooting/330525162 points
Hey, that knife looks familiar! Can't wait to see it in person. It will be a Christmas present for my future son-in-law. My daughter has seen the pictures and thinks he's going to love it.1 point
1 point
Oh no, it was a 2 day class with about 20 people. A good mix of men, women, current shooters and newbies. Perhaps the long Saturday session was a bit tedious, but I learned quite a bit during it. And really had a great time with Buford and his partner(can't remember his name.). We got to discuss the recent drop of the bonding requirements and how it had caused a large number of people to not apply for an HCP; the reality of shooting your pistol at someone as to how the law would effect us, the consequences of a shooting incident, as well as got to do some classroom drills on dealing with threats, situational awareness, and even did some role playing with attackers armed with guns and knives. The range session on Sunday was a lot of fun as well. We did some sweep drills, advancing and retreating with drawn weapons, and of course the practice run before shooting for scores. Perhaps I highlighted the lows a bit too much, because I did find it a great session. Now I do know Buford has had his share of detractors, as well as some classroom mishaps; but he really did treat me and everyone else very respectfully during it all. It was by no means a full combat course, but I did find it thoroughly enjoyable and very informative. And Buford's stories did liven up the dull moments a bit.1 point
Wrap them neat and pack em deep, check your lights and do the speed limit and not worry about it.1 point
1 point
We already do chickens and turkeys and they taste a whole lot better than commercially raised. So I figured why not expand out a bit. We do a lot of veggies and I have even learned to can chicken and veggies so it carries us through the winter between freezing things and canning. I have not had a good steak since we left South Dakota. There must be a livestock exchange around here somewhere. Although the fair should be coming up soon so that might be a good place to start.1 point
Yep! nothing like getting a head shot on every one of the people carrying.1 point
I would not have actually called these kids a Mob. I looked into the faces of each of them and I could tell that some of them may have been 12 and could tell they were not comfortable being involved and were standing back farther than the two up front. Once the guy up front turned around and began to walk away those in the back had already began to turn. I at no time felt it would escalate once they knew I was armed as the eyes on the two up front went to almost golf ball size as I eased the hammer back like WOW was not expecting that!!!! Really folks, it was not anything like a flash mob type thing and in all honesty I don't think they were really looking to cause an issue but bluff a little and in doing so they got a learning experience to put in their memory banks for their futures......................jmho1 point
Oh yeah? Well, I can do THIS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvlOXoauRcg1 point
I would not ship my guns. Personally, I think the shippers gouge -- forced overnight and high rates for guns -- and they are risky (label the package, where it becomes a target for theft). I would drive them. Ship the ammo -- you can replace that if you must. If you have properly stored guns and NO AMMO in the car, even NY will have trouble finding a problem. I would take the shortest cut across NY as possible and avoid NJ all together. It should be fine.1 point
This! It's even easier to obtain than a driver's license in this state.1 point
Sit it in front of the t.v. and make it watch Al Gore's documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth". :snore: :D1 point
MrJones79, you will be warmly received here, like a lost child from the forest. Bring all the family and enjoy some freedom...while it still is available for us all. And on the subject of heat and humidity...If you like summers of 80-90%, you'll be fine. lol1 point
Dang! That looks and sounds good! Maybe a trip to Waffle House is in order this morning?1 point
You will do fine. When my wife and I got ours a couple of years ago she had never shot a hand gun before. In fact she didn't have a whole lot of use for guns. Even tho her father and brothers had hunted all their lives. So when I told her I was going to get my HCP and asked if she wanted to go she said yes. I thought she was kidding. I asked her again a few days later and she stated she was serious. So we went to the back yard and I gave her a run down on handling a revolver. We did this twice. She shot less than 100 rounds altogether and I instructed her on safety and handling while just talking. I had never seen my wife shoot before this and we had been married about 37 years at this point. Long story short she passed with no problems at all. And now likes to shoot when she can. So there, you'll do just fine. P.S. she shot a better score than me.1 point
1 point
Well guess I am a douche bag. I have done it while driving the Monkey Mobile. BUT only when someone is so close to me that I feel like I owe them a copay. Plus I just like the sound of the turbo when you stomp it. My Bronco is still a better vehicle than the MM but the MM allows me instant satisfaction. I'm a lead foot most of the time so if you're on my butt, something is wrong.1 point
Why so many panties in a wad over the smoke of a diesel ? Hell I've followed many a dinosaur burner with so much blue smoke that I have no clue how they got through Marta ! If you can't handle a steering wheel with over 500HP then find something else to bitc$ about.1 point
Impossible. Reagan is the conservative god. They still sing his praises and lament life without him.1 point
some of the diamond systems peel metal off too quickly and wear the blades faster. Some do not. Sounds like you found a good one. Thick blades are a major hassle to get really sharp --- in part because most of them have the wrong angle to the edge to make a razor-sharp tool. That is partly because they were not meant to be razor sharp, and partly because they are just not the right angle. I think it took me a month to edge a meat cleaver the wife bought... that was a chore..1 point
I'm really enjoying your work both in your pistols and the write ups. Thanks for taking the time to share!1 point
Diesel pickups are the new ricers. Years ago it was cool to be 'Fast and Furious" in a lowered Honda, now all the kids (and the mid life crisis guys) want to be 'country' in diesel pickups with semi truck stacks. This too shall pass, as soon as some new fad comes along. A properly tuned, properly built diesel truck won't smoke. That's why the diesel pickups of...heck, let's say 10 years ago so nobody can whine about new emissions equipment preventing it; those trucks put out far more power than diesels of the 1980s and early 90's, but none of them were smoking when they pulled off the dealer's lot. So much for the "more power means it will smoke" theory. Now, Bubba who bought a big bad tuner chip off and plugged it in with 'expertise' he heard from friends, found on the internet, or read in a magazine is a different story. Big chip, then big injectors, then "YeehawNascarBarbecueFourWheelDrive!" Dump all the fuel you can into the cylinders with the airflow to support it, and you get partially burned fuel in the exhaust, aka black smoke. If the engine could actually burn all that fuel it would end up with more power than the smoking one, but it wouldn't look as 'cool'.1 point
Funny how they say the XD-S is the first, and only, single stack handgun from Springfield. Guess they don't know about the 1911's they make.1 point
These people are the open-carry-an-AR-into-walmart-just-because-I'm-cool folks of the diesel truck world.1 point
1 point
I have one of those. I bought it probably in the late '80s. OK, my mother bought it. I was too young at the time. Shoots exactly where you aim it. It has the trigger that I really like. A little bit of squish and then the hammer falls. I've never liked a "glass rod" trigger. Wish I had bought an extra mag for it. Too bad they quit making them in '94 (or maybe before, I don't know). My first and only Bersa. I should pull it out and shoot a few rounds. Sorry for the hijack. Glad they were at least smart enough to smell danger and move on. They probably never consciously realized what could have happened. For that matter, I doubt they ever have conscious thoughts at all.1 point
Welcome, for a minute there I thought we had our first Kenyan member.1 point
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