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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2015 in all areas
A guy walks into a bar in West Virginia and orders a white wine. All the hillbillies sitting around the bar look up from their beer and whiskey, expecting to see some pitiful Yankee from the north. The bartender says, "You ain't from around here, are ya?" The guy says, "No, I'm from Canada." The bartender says, "What do you do in Canada?" The guy says, "I'm a taxidermist." The bartender says, "A taxidermist? What in the hell is a taxidermist? Do you drive a taxi?" "No," says the Canadian, "I don't drive a taxi. I mount animals." The bartender grins and hollers, "It's okay, boys. He's one of us!"12 points
IMHO you did good, you kept a situation from escalating and got home safe. You should have called 911 and reported the incident though. Just to cover you rear.9 points
Yep, I would have reported it. May not do any good, but you never know. WTF is wrong with people these days anyway? Punks like this don't seem to realize that it's nothing more than the law that keeps certain people from just leaving them laying scattered around.6 points
I had to take my Skeeter Bass Boat in for repairs and after dropping it off before hitting the interstate to come home I stopped at a quick stop market to get a bottle of water and my buddy with me a Pepsi. When I came out of the store I noticed that 5 young black youths had kinda surrounded my jeep and buddy inside and of course I had Kasey along. they were poking fun at her and yelling at her and she was barking back at them. When I approached my Jeep 3 of the young men stepped between me and my jeep and were about 10 feet away. I ask them politely to let me pass and one of them said "what you gonna do if we don't"? I saw one of them slip his hand in his pocket. I always wear a cover shirt with only one button closed. I unbuttoned it and opened it up just enough for them to see it and I eased my hand around my model 85 and pulled the hammer back but never removed it from holster. I asked again to back off and let me in my jeep. When the one up front saw I was ready to do what ever it took to get in my jeep they all moved back and began to walk away after they huddled up for a few seconds. I waited till they were a safe distance before moving towards my Jeep. That was were it all ended and I would like to hear thoughts and opinions on if my actions were the right ones? I don't think any of them were much over 14 years old.............................. :shrug: :shrug:4 points
All good moves except for not calling the police to report it<--- This part of the scenario is just as important as having a firearm on you for protection..Protect yourself on the legal side the next time and report it..:)4 points
3 points
Honestly didn't mean anything by what I said. My friend portfolio is very deversified. I just pointed it out because the scales here are very uneven. So it was shocking to picture a group that's all. But regardless of skin color, you, your friend and your pup didn't deserve what you dealt with. Especially your pup, no girl likes to be told she's fat. Glad you're all ok.3 points
Wait! So for just $1.25 I can put BHO out of work!? Heck, here's a fiver! -southernasylum3 points
There is no place immune from this kind of stuff, even small, out of the way towns. It's just a part of life nowadays and the reason we all carry. Of course some areas are more prone to this kind of event.3 points
Well excuse my...ehh, you know what? Nevermind. It was new to me and I thought it was interesting. Sorry to have wasted everyone's precious internet time.3 points
How do you even find a two year old article on The Blaze? The blasted pop-ups and ads would shutdown even the most robust computer.3 points
I drive a diesel that has had a lot of work done to it and it does not smoke drives me up the wall when i see these guys doing this they are trying to make up for what they are short on2 points
Would someone be kind enough to explain why he should have called 911 and why? No crime was committed here, and bersaguy had everything under control. I see no reason he needed to add the headache of waiting for and then dealing with police when or if they ever decided to show up. :shrug: Honestly, I expect they have more important things to attend to. I believe he handled the situation perfectly.2 points
2 points
I don't believe that it goes that deep. These young people simply have no values and don't care about anything or anyone regardless of ethnicity.2 points
Sorry, I thought you meant a Taurus model 85 revolver. So you can see my concern of cocking the hammer on a double action revolver while it was in the holster. I should have known you would be carrying a Bersa. :)2 points
I'll link an event from last week here in Nashville that shows the importance of notifying the police in this type of situation. Man officer threatened to shoot in face still rattled and why is it that all the bed wetters think everything is a AK47?2 points
2 points
Glad it worked out. Also a reminder of how little it would have helped if you'd carried that day, but left it in the console of the vehicle and couldn't get to it.2 points
Handled correctly except reporting to the police. First one heard is the first one believed.2 points
For what its worth, it won't help the buffer get heavier reducing smoke, but if you want to play with the standard buffer and save the beating the Bolt Hold takes, the fix costs $1.25, and is completely refundable when you're done. You can drop 5 quarters into the buffer tube, then place the spring and (STANDARD) buffer in as normal. That pushes the whole assembly forward enough so that you don't get "slap" on the Bolt Hold Open when it engages. You also use the 5 quarters in a SHTF situation if you need to. Better yet, use Pre-64 silver quarters as they will have more value in a SHTF scenario. Just don't forget to remove them if/when you ever move to the 9mm buffer or 5.56 BCG. They are longer, and so the $1.25 will prevent the Bold Hold from ever engaging since the bolt won't be able to move rearward enough. No harm would be done if you forgot, just the BHO wouldn't work. I think it would still cycle.2 points
if they put in a poll tax, or a tax on the right to speak in public, or somehow attached fees to the other items in the bill of rights, there would be an UPROAR. But somehow it is OK to tax** guns a dozen times over ... -there is sales tax on the gun and ammo - there is a tax for importation if imported - there is a tax to do a background check to buy it - there is a tax to get a slip of paper to carry it, in most states - there is a tax to complete the requirements for the slip of paper as well (classes and paperwork etc) in most states - there are fees and taxes associated with the industry due to explosives and handling of explosives including extra shipping fees/taxes and that is just to name a few of the more overt forms of taxation on the right to bear arms. I actually agree with the OP that it is a form of gun control because NONE of the other rights CAN BE taxed --- it has long been held unconstitutional to tax them. ** related "fees" are also taxes.2 points
Well for one thing, groups like this have a habit of continuing these actions until someone puts a halt to it. Maybe it was there first encounter and a little police action may have detered them from doing it to someone else where it could end up with a beaten driver, or dead teen(s). For another, if the teens run home and tell their parent(s) some ole white dude pulled a gun(their story, their truth) on them just because they were black and called them the N word and said he'd blow their heads off...etc. Best to be the first to talk to LEO to make sure they know your side first and they dont have to post your information on the evening news looking for info on you.1 point
Ah, if it's standard mags, I'm afraid you're on your own! I've been so wrapped up in building my own savage recently, my brain just jumped to the custom conclusion!1 point
1 point
Dammit; I missed it. Stupid people removing their stupid videos. Chickens. At least my chickens are cool.1 point
Does that use the AICS bottom metal? If it does, you can get 10rnd polymer mags from MDTTAC for $40 ;)1 point
I'm surprised that happened in Cookeville. I didn't think there was a lot of gang activity in that part of the state in between Nashville and Knoxville. I've stopped in Cookeville passing through and it looked like a pretty safe area that was kept up nice. I guess anything can happen anywhere.1 point
Guy on trial in Cocke County for bestiality. Witness is testifying: "So I saw the accused copulate from behind with the goat". "Then what did you observe?" "Well, after he withdrew, he goat turned around and began licking the accused private parts". One juror whispers to guy beside him, "Ya know, a good goat will do that." - OS1 point
Two words; Monster Miata https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLqJrZaiTWCpwWSP4hJoQnVJKCPjSNcDen&v=5jcgi1qwN8M1 point
At this stage I'd try to contact the people who manufacture the front sight your interested in and tell them what you want to do. I'd also provide a copy of the dialog from S&W. You can also inquire as to who they'd recommend as best capable of installing the front sight if they still have one available. Now if all this is a bust you might have to go with a different sight from someone else.1 point
I believe that they know, that's why they pull this crap. Law abiding citizens have more to lose.1 point
You are correct, 1314 was amended last year. HB 0995 signed into law this year cured, or attempted to cure, the last of those areas where local governments could trump State laws, regarding parks and such. Correct me if I am wrong, but last year's amendments to 1314 did not include municipality's ability to opt out of the parks issue, or do I err there? The point I was trying to make, albeit poorly it seems, is that the GA is in fact the only entity which has the power by law to regulate the wearing of arms, adding in the recent, not necessarily this year's amendment puts words to the effect that municipalities shall not occupy the field of regulation of the wearing of firearms, and that only this year did that become fact regarding parks. I should have been more clear.1 point
Glad things didn't turn out worse for you. I agree with others to have called the police to be on record first as the victim and not the perp. The only thing I would disagree with is precocking the hammer while in the holster. In "single action" mode all it takes is a slight bump on the trigger and you're likely going to be the one needing emergency help.1 point
Well, I thought about calling the police but it appeared they were all walking and had no vehicle to get into. I watched the boy with his hand in his pocket and it appeared he wrapped his hand around a knife and not a firearm. Had I seen a firearm come out he would have got shot first. By the time police would have arrived and filed a report and then actually went looking for them they would have been long gone. If it had escalated farther I would have had no choice. All I wanted to do after they moved on was get on my way home.1 point
1 point
The word only doesn't appear in Art 1, Sec 26. With 39-17-1359, the authority to regulate has been delegated to an individuals, corporations, business entities, and local, state or federal government entities or agents thereof to make the call on their properties.1 point
Wow! That does look better than your pics, buddy. I'd been eyeing a CQC7. but I think it just got put on the back burner.1 point
1 point
I have two nice rows of corn 6 tomato plants, 1 row of okra, 4 jalapeno plants, 8 broccoli plants, two rows of potatoes, 2 rows of onions, 2 cucumbers vines, 2 cantaloupe vines 2 watermelon vines and tons of strawberries. I am picking off 50-75 strawberries a day already. I used sheep manure for fertilizer this year and it seems to be doing a great job!!1 point
1 point
Sorry, if this is dumb question, but... Don't those rails have to go in place before you set the posts? If so, I hope your posts aren't cemented into the ground...otherwise how are you going to get a new rail in place?1 point
1 point
Well, if a 3rd hand source said so... Taxes, tariffs, and fees, fall under the category of "nothing new under the sun" And there isn't much of it related to firearms that isn't prevalent in some shape or form in other industries operating costs. No.1 point
This is the knife I had made for my son. The orange and black are his school colors and Grand Torino came up with the combo to accomodate my request. This thing it top notch. If the soon to be graduate appreciates this knife half as much as I do he will treasure it forever! As i told GT, my younger son saw the knife and immediately wanted one. I told him he had to wait 2 years till he graduates. Thanks again GT!1 point
Sounds like a good time to blow the dust outta the old glock 19. Ccp NOVICE here I come!!1 point
Makes you wanna just hide your gun and not worry about all this pettiness1 point
1 point
gjohnsoniv he does some really neat things... Hope he doesnt mind that I volunteered him.. :rofl:1 point
I am in the process of buying a house in the Cleveland area right now. Looking to escape Marylandastan myself.1 point
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