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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2015 in all areas
Welcome, for a minute there I thought we had our first Kenyan member.7 points
If I had my way, that would get you 6 months free benefactor membership. :D6 points
At the risk of getting a warning from the mods......Hillary Clinton can kiss my ass.......no really.5 points
That's what "everybody" said about his reelection bid in '12, too. - OS4 points
This is a nice little graduation present for a fellow TGO member's son. 1095 carbon steel with black scales and orange liners as requested by the customer.3 points
Well, too bad Kwik doesn't have a carry permit any more, perfect venue for him to open carry. - OS3 points
Funny how only some minorities matter to some people...3 points
The article is a wee bit dated...June 2014... But still, no big surprise out of that old bat...I tend to ignore anything she says, makes life a bit easier...:)3 points
I used to be that way, until one of those yellow jackets stung me in the face. Now, if I can kill them, I will.3 points
3 points
2 points
It's on Nolensville Rd. Inside, you'll find everything you need as well as a helpful and knowledgeable staff to answer any questions you might have. http://www.jdlawhon.com/tutorial.html Give the above tutorial a read. Also, become a member at the forum leatherworker.net. I'll be happy to help you in any way I can. [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/Holster%20Project/IMG_3081.jpg.html][/URL] Here was my first attempt at holstermaking. [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/Holster%20Project/IMG_1750.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/Holster%20Project/IMG_1349.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/Holster%20Project/IMG_1238.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/Holster%20Project/IMG_1077.jpg.html][/URL] ...and a few more recent attempts. It's a fun hobby.2 points
Have you got a target revolver yet? If you need sights on a J-frame…. Don’t take the shot.2 points
38/357 is easier to reload IMO. No special crimp die needed. Most folks just use the bullet seating/crimping die that come in the three die set . Go with carbide dies for sure.2 points
IF she's right then so be it. We'll just start our own southern anti-leftwingtreehugginhippe group. Ragheads can have jihad, we can have YeeHawd.2 points
My first handgun I carried last year was a HighPoint 380. This year it's a Diamondback Full Size 9mm. Have shot both at the range many times without a single FTF, FTE or misfire. Being over 70 I don't really care what people think about me or what I have anymore. :rofl:2 points
They're both right. Without 1307 saying it's ilegal, then it's OK, which makes dawgdoc right. But because 1307 exists, then you have a myriad of exceptions and defenses, OhShoot is right. In Tennessee with regard to firearms laws, the philosophical approach expressed by dawgdoc is not the safest way to go about things. You don't go looking for firearms laws in TN saying you can't do something and if it doesn't exist then you can. 1307 more or less slams that door and means you have to go looking for things which the law says you can do.2 points
2 points
Makes you wanna just hide your gun and not worry about all this pettiness2 points
I'm afraid you have that backwards when it comes to firearm laws here. TN starts out with the premise in 39-17-1307 that it's illegal to possess a loaded firearm, period. Then adds a litany of defenses, affirmative defenses, and exceptions which allow one to deviate from that. Most states do indeed start with the "all is legal" except for this and that and the other thing, and TN does also with many areas of the code, but not loaded firearms. That's one of the reasons we've had such a problem prying firearm freedoms back I do believe, because of that philosophical mindset that's been there since the late 1800's, that all was because of Jim Crow legislation to begin with, and got into our very state Constitution. Note that having an HCP is still technically only a "defense" to 1307, not even an "exception". Hell, even the long time coming possession in vehicles is now stronger, as it is an "exception". - OS2 points
So far, from what I have read, the shooter, who was not GZ, may be stalking him. He has already accused GZ of road rage before, which apparently wasn't true. The headlines make it sound like GZ shot at someone, but it looks like the opposite is true. The police have said that GZ didn't shoot at anyone. There is a picture of GZ's truck with a dark-tinted passenger window with a bullet hole in it; it doesn't seem believable that GZ supposedly waved a gun at the other driver, then rolled up his window, and then the shooter shot at GZ because he felt threatened at that point. Sounds like a guy who shot at GZ and then concocted a story that he knew people wanted to believe.2 points
Laws don't allow things, they make them illegal. A simple way to put it is that everything is legal until a law makes it illegal (prohibited). Therefore you won't find a phrase that open carry is "allowed." You also won't find a phrase that open carry of a handgun with a valid permit is prohibited, either. Therefore it is legal. That is my simple view of the matter.2 points
That old Hag has more murders on her hands than 99.9% of the American public does!2 points
I don't believe GZ should be in prison, I do believe the man is an idiot of extreme proportions.2 points
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2 points
2 points
If you're wanting AR parts, a complete AR, ammo for an AR, etc., Now is the time you'll soon be wishing you could go back to, where the stuff is plentiful and cheap. Don't let it slip by.2 points
Use a baffle in the hopper. It will make ANY powder dispenser extremely consistent.1 point
I won't say that revolver ammo is EASIER, but more FLEXIBLE. You only have two requirements: get the bullet out of the barrel, and don't blow up the gun. No cycling, etc to worry about. I don't feel there's any difference in the actual work of making auto vs revolver rounds.1 point
I get your point but that's kinda like saying you don't need to aim a shotgun. :)1 point
1 point
FWIW from a historical and training stand point the TN HCP was initially a boondoggle with a lot of hurry up training for law enforcement after the fact rather then on the front side. Some LEA did a better job of getting the necessary information to line officers than others, some LEA took longer. A lot of the fear and suspicion generated at that time was fanned up by the media but after a bit of tempered tolerance and learning thing's normalized. Now we're far more excited or as some would say exercised by folks rather publically "demonstrating" rather then exercising their rights to Open Carry. Explaining the tactical absurdity of such activity to someone who demonstrates a distinct lack of awareness of situational risk only promotes further conflict. In reality a few public examples of such "hey notice me" folks getting robbed or killed and their handguns used by the assailant will only further harm handgun carry acceptance.1 point
First, welcome to TGO Thomas..... And then, I often think the same thing. We are much better off than others and I'm thankful. But I still feel that some people are jerking our chains sometimes.1 point
welcome to TGO! There is a consistent conversation here about knives, and what is really amazing are a number of our members turn out hand-made work that is just outstanding. I have little to zero interest in factory knives anymore (beyond as a tool to use as needed) but I love to look at the hand made stuff here every time.1 point
Right... Open carry is legal because the HCP exception doesn't specifically require concealment. Hence TN has a HCP (Handgun Carry Permit) instead of a CCW (Concealed Carry Weapon) license like other states that do require concealment.1 point
"Harris says some cities are now trying to get around the law by saying their parks aren't parks" I have yet to hear a cognitive argument of why a legally armed citizen is a danger to the public safety.1 point
The proof that a permit holder can open carry if they so desire is an AG opinion from 10 years ago that addressed the question. If someone has something that contradicts it, I'm sure they will be along in short order. Not sure exactly about carrying long guns or shotguns loaded in a car, but the law should be pretty clear on that if you read/Google/hit the search bar here hard enough.1 point
Hillary should be in jail awaiting trial. As should many other politicians but she has recent blood and treason on her hands1 point
As has been stated, Tennessee law doesn’t address “open” or “concealed” carry because it does not differentiate between the two. Open carry is perfectly legal anywhere you can legally carry. Does that mean you won’t be stopped, have people call the Police, or be asked to leave a business? No. Carrying a gun in this state is a privilege you buy from the state; not a recognized right from the Constitution. If you don’t feel comfortable with what you are reading here; stop by your local PD or Sheriff Department and have a talk with a Command Officer. I’m sure they will be willing to fill you in.1 point
He had a 10.5" upper he was working on in the shop, probably the only reason mine made it out without a chop.1 point
Ain't no such thing as a good Republican candidate. Republicans are too hard to please. We will wind up with Hillary because we deserve it.1 point
1 point
1 point
I wouldn't mind it so much if the people that think they know it all weren't so full of crap.1 point
Adult or juvenile snakes? Don't want you to get in trouble for posting "under 18" porn. Cool pic, thanks for posting!1 point
No cigarette, but I did go in and fix them a Rum and Coke. But they were gone and I had to drink it myself. . .1 point
Enjoy the safest and most reliable pistol on the planet. Not many handguns can handle rounds loaded to 4x or 5x max pressures like a High Point.1 point
That's the thing with photos and photographers... I sat here for a good 3 minutes mulling over whether or not to post that last one. It's my least favorite. I thought I framed it reasonably well with the fence, trees, and a touch of sky... but, I dunno... I got frustrated futzing around with the colors. I quit and started over 3 or 4 times and it still doesn't seem "right" to me. But I've heard that from a more than a few other photogs... photos they thought were distinctly "meh" are the ones that others seem to love.1 point
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