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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2015 in all areas
I used to be that way, until one of those yellow jackets stung me in the face. Now, if I can kill them, I will.11 points
8 points
At the risk of getting a warning from the mods......Hillary Clinton can kiss my ass.......no really.5 points
Just thought I'd share me,the wife and our daughter's trip outthe target is my 12yr old first solo with her mother's shield 9mm -Psalms 91:4-5 points
Ive never seen one of these around my place till this morning. Sounded like the chinook of the insect world flying around my porch. It took 3 blasts of a good wasp and hornet killer to bring him down. I can only imagine what kind of pain the dagger on the tail end of this bad boy would bring! Quarter for scale. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
Welcome, for a minute there I thought we had our first Kenyan member.3 points
I wouldn't mind it so much if the people that think they know it all weren't so full of crap.3 points
When I get to heaven I'm going to ask God why he created such vile beasts ... ... and how the heck Noah managed to survive with all of them on a boat.3 points
I'm not sure what you call those but the absolute most painful stings I ever had came from one years ago, got me on the back of may arm, it bled. I didn't get sick, like hornets their sting is designed for extream pain. Glad you killed the bastid. What's more effective than wasp and hornet spray is a Sears Ted Williams single shot 12 guage, when I was 15 I was out shooting stuff, had a field load in my ol trusty TW 12 and a red wasp was harrassing me. He/she finally landed on the muzzle and stuck half it's body in the barrell, I had it pointed up in the air, I vaporized it. Kinda like shooting a person with a "16 naval gun on a battleship. :)3 points
So what did he do wrong? The fact that he was open carrying, or he had a full sized piece or that he was an older guy. Just trying to figure out why the OP though this needed posting. I don't open carry, but that's up to me.3 points
Bill and Hillary are at a Yankees home game, sitting in the first row, with the Secret Service people directly behind them. One of the Secret Service guys leans forward and whispers something to Bill. At first, Clinton stares at the guy, looks at Hillary, looks back at the agent, and shakes his head "no". The agent then says, "Mr. President, it was a unanimous request of the entire team, from the owner of the team to the bat boy." Bill hesitates...but begins to change his mind when the agent tells him the fans would love it! Bill shrugs his shoulders and says, "Ho-Kay! If that is what the people want. C'mere Hilly baby..." With that, Bill gets up, grabs Hillary by her collar and the seat of her pants, lifts her up, and tosses her right over the wall onto the field. She gets up kicking, swearing, screaming, "Bill you"!$#@&!". The crowd goes absolutely wild. Fans are jumping up & down, cheering, hooting and hollering, and high-fiving. Bill is bowing, smiling and waving to the crowd. He leans over to the agent and says, "How about that; I would have never believed how much everyone would enjoy that!" Noticing the agent has gone totally pale, he asks what is wrong. The agent replies, "Sir, I said they want you to throw out the first "pitch."3 points
3 points
This is a nice little graduation present for a fellow TGO member's son. 1095 carbon steel with black scales and orange liners as requested by the customer.2 points
Figured I'd post this as most gunshops. won't let you break it down before buying. Hopefully this will add to the nice review that was posted earlier The trigger on this is really sweet, with a nice crisp break, gun as shown, full frame 5 in barrel p320.. The gun part is the metal cage, not the upper slide or lower frame. It's a good shooter w nice groups at 15 yards and 25 w some concentration. This thing is really light. If u don't like the handgrip, top gun keeps the polymer lowers in stock. They just had em on sale for 35 bucks. Kind of cool, true modular striker fire pistol! This thing is in nitron finish. I was going to polish the feed ramp on it and backed off as it really didn't need it as the finish held its ground after 300 rounds through it. There's a few folks out there getting these race ready for 300 bucks with a 4 mo wait time. I'll shoot it the way it is after adding Dawson or heine sights... Guns and leather had this in stock when everyone else was out.AND at a fair price. In case anyone is wondering the cage part is close to a sig p250 but the 250 is a hammer gun, this one is a striker. There's an asshat on u tube that does a comparison of the 250 and 320 called the Yankee Marshal, it's worth looking at just turn the volume down and forward past the bs. I like it so far, only downside is lack of accessories. For competition shooters.2 points
If I had my way, that would get you 6 months free benefactor membership. :D2 points
I don't believe GZ should be in prison, I do believe the man is an idiot of extreme proportions.2 points
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2 points
Son of a biscuit. That thing is just from the devil....no doubt about it.2 points
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2 points
I felt safe being there that was the point lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
2 points
It should help tremendously. Electronic muffs are awesome, but most don't really have the dB reduction "horsepower" for rifle shooting. Plugs + electronic ears give you the best of both worlds.2 points
Who in God's name would get within 10 miles of Shelby County and NOT carry a gun?2 points
Agreed. Great ideas are a dime a dozen. Executing on those ideas to make a sustainable business is really hard. As an old quote - often attributed to Thomas Edison says, "Opportunity is often missed because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work." Or, as Calvin Coolidge said, "Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."2 points
Having compelling roles in a number of very fine films, Jane Fonda has redeeming qualities that Hillary doesn't. - OS1 point
You got lucky that 173rdABN just didn't crop the barrel off at the FSB! :rofl: He tends to do that...... :cool:1 point
Guy's sure got a lot of self destructive and poor choice background issues going on in his life it seems.1 point
The Shield 9 is indeed a great pistol and I'd recommend it myself when someone asked me for advice but the OP made a pretty good choice with the PF9. I say that because an awfully high number of people buy the little fire plugs and have little to no problems out of them. As others have said its sure not a range gun or one you train with a lot either. It's a CCW you run a mag through before leaving the range to maintain familiarity and just carry. Size wise I loved the one I had and if it'd had a larger trigger guard liked it even more so. K-T has IMHO improved on their QC but you still need to determine if what you've bought is a keeper or a stinker.1 point
http://www.midwayusa.com/general.mvc/index/how-it-all-got-started You all may have read this before, but I just now saw it on another forum.1 point
1) The report states both that he was shot and shot at, though it sounds like he was not actually hit. Why is it so difficult for the media to report anything accurately? 2) How does a single person find themself in trouble as much as old George does?1 point
Yep, that is a european hornet, very aggressive in the fall as it starts to cool down..I used to have a bunch of them around the house i just moved from, they fed off a large pear tree that was on the property...1 point
This doesn't really surprise me. I am surprised it took this long. Sometimes when you go looking for trouble, you find it.1 point
1 point
Living in Mt. Juliet off and on my entire life I can't say that I've ever really felt that I was in any danger anywhere here. Times are quickly changing around here though.1 point
Just some word they read on facebook or something. Face it if you're a white man you're gonna be called a racist if you say ANYTHING at all negative about any non-white. I wouldn't let it bother you but I do think all the "racist" name calling is going to backfire and push people who aren't racist into to being racist.1 point
1 point
Glad y'all had a good time!! And yeah, she's a shooter for sure! Gonna be buying her a Shield soon eh?1 point
I once had a small snake get in the kitchen. I threw a bag of frozen veggies on it for about 15 minutes, then picked it up and let it out.1 point
Build or buy a 9mm carbine. Prices are really low on them right now. I recently seen a "kit" that had everything but the stripped lower for $550. That is what I did for my wife when she didn't like the concussion of a 223. It is also a lot cheaper to shoot and a lot more reliable.1 point
I know snakes have a very important role to play and I would NOT wanna deal with the rat and mice problem were all snakes to vanish.......but the only good snake is a dead snake. I may not be "scared" of them but I hate the dam things. One good thing about snakes, they actively avoid humans, noise and high traffic areas. I'm with snakes like I am most other things in life I hate, stay away from me and I'll stay away from you. Peace through defined boundaries.1 point
Shooting snakes is ignorant. Especially when there are commercially available flamethrowers. Even better if you have an FEL and a few sticks of dynamite handy. :jester:1 point
1 point
I finally built my TGO upper/lower set! I went with a pistol (for now) in 300 Blackout. I still need to tweek a couple of things (need a riser for the red dot, need to trim the foam pad back, etc.), but it's ready to function check. -8.5" bbl -8" SLR Rifleworks handguard -BCM BCG -BCM large charging handle -Magpul MOE grip (originally FDE painted black). I will replace this with a K2+ -cheap ($20) red dot from eBay. I wanted to make sure I liked this setup before I replace it with a Better one -YHM 1/2" mini riser on order -A set of generic BUIS I had laying around. I'll replace these at some point -I'll have to trim the foam pad back a little because it interferes with the CH -Kenti-Tech muzzle brake / redirect. http://www.kineti-tech.com/kineti-tech-muzzle-brake-with-sound-redirect-with-13-16-x-16-threaded-sleeve-2-piece/ -I plan to suppress it in time1 point
You got ripped off, pretty sure that gun was part of the Hi Point open carry kit which contained the pistol, a nylon holster, and a concealed carry permit holder badge. It was a limited production thing, if only you had the badge the value would be about triple.1 point
1 point
You are more than welcome to borrow it for the trip. I am not using it right now and it is a gun you are comfortable shooting. Just say the word and its yours for the trip.1 point
I live in hendersonville, come on over and I'd be happy to show you how to do it and let you do it to get the experience.1 point
Enjoy the safest and most reliable pistol on the planet. Not many handguns can handle rounds loaded to 4x or 5x max pressures like a High Point.1 point
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