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Who in God's name would get within 10 miles of Shelby County and NOT carry a gun?6 points
Snakes can be very educational. Once when I was deer hunting out west I had a huge Western Diamondback teach me how to fly......and I hovered like a sonofagun too!!6 points
5 points
So I got a cryptic message sent to me at work about my birthday present arriving today. I was very confused because I was 99.9% certain and the new Glock 29 I got on Tuesday more than covered that. Turns out Monkey was sneaky and ordered some knives from an expert you all know. He ordered them thinking they covered his birthday present and mine. Pretty right? So I now know why he was gobsmacked when I brought home his 29. I also know why he told me it was too much and how can he top it. Personally, the knife is equal to or tops it because he put thought into this and kept it from me. Which is hard to do considering I am the one who usually handles the finances so it is hard for me to not notice. ^^ Monkey's new knife above. Mine below! These knives are absolutely beautiful! I find it funny how the older I get the more I want things that I would never have asked for 10 years ago. I gotta say, I love the wood and grain on Matt's but mine feels so good in my hand that I just know to ask for wood the next time we order knives. Which we will order again, these are too awesome to not start a collection. Finally, a shot of my new Glock 29 with my awesome new knife too. I think our birthday presents this year were totally overboard when I look at them together but I gotta give him kudos for finally being able to surprise me! I just maybe should have held off on buying myself the 29. Or not. Also, a huge thanks to GT for making such beautiful knives. It reminds me a lot of my uncle. He worked long shifts at his job but when he came home from work he would make knives, they were beautiful and I always wanted one but he kept every single one he made. This makes me think of him A LOT. I love it. So thank you for making something so awesome! I appreciate all the hard work you put into it!4 points
Awesome thread, awesome knives, awesome married couple. Love reading stuff like this. :up:4 points
No cigarette, but I did go in and fix them a Rum and Coke. But they were gone and I had to drink it myself. . .4 points
You're kind. I'm an only child! Thankfully. I don't know if it would be good to have two versions of me in the world! Besides, if you knew me 5 years ago to me today, you wouldn't believe it. I used to feel the exact opposite of how I do now about guns, knives, democrats! LOL My family in Michigan wonders what happened to the sweet little liberal they raised! Monkey has changed me, for the better. It's good to have a spouse/partner you can learn from. :-)4 points
Son called yesterday and said he had obviously forgotten his safe combination. He gave me the serial# and manufacturer. I called the Safe House, since I am a satisfied customer of theirs. The very next day I was advised they received the combination and I could come and retrieve it. Don't get no better than that. Thanks, Guys.3 points
I'm glad you took a picture rather than ignorantly shoot them (which btw is illegal). Good for you! As you can tell from my avatar and screen name, I'm VERY pro snake.3 points
Not a new member to the board but I have officially escaped from Marylandastan and now living on Signal Mountain!! :wave: :wave:2 points
Shooting snakes is ignorant. Especially when there are commercially available flamethrowers. Even better if you have an FEL and a few sticks of dynamite handy. :jester:2 points
Mark and team are great folks. No surprise that you got excellent customer service but it's always good to hear about it! :up:2 points
Georgia has much more specific laws regarding this very issue, and we still have festivals and other events that think they can ban guns when they rent a public park. The law is pretty clear, but apparently at least one judge cannot understand it, because he ruled in favor of an airshow that banned guns where they had no authority to do so. The basic question in all of these cases (private or paid event at a public park) is whether government can transfer a power that it does not itself possess? If the KKK leased a park, could they make it "whites only" for the duration of their rally? Could any event limit attendance to women only, or beautiful people only? Just because a group rents public property, does not mean it becomes their own little state; they must still abide by the actual laws that govern it. In Georgia, the law seems pretty clear, but just in case, more specific language was added to a bill sitting on the governor's desk right that makes even more clear. I agree with the above sentiment that only successful lawsuits will force these events to follow the law. Maybe when the first one or two gets burned, the rest will follow suit. I always tell anyone who will listen that if we, the people, give anyone (government, organizations, neighborhood associations, etc.) the power to ban anything, they will almost inevitably do so.2 points
I'm glad you like them. Your pictures make them look sooo much better. Making them knives was such a hush hush deal I wasn't going to post a picture until after you guys received them...now I don't have to. What a birthday you two had. :up:2 points
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2 points
You can probably be asked to leave, but wouldn't have to worry about criminal charges since you have a handgun carry permit. It is no different than carrying at a business that has a no gun policy but you are legal carrying. That business can still ask you to leave. A handgun carry permit protects you from criminal charges, but not no gun policies. Even off duty police can be asked to leave a business if they are carrying. Personally, I would conceal my handgun and carry at those places because Tom Lee Park is a Memphis park and is legal to carry in now. I guess you could open carry to prove a point, but I wouldn't do that now until all the bed wetters settle down. Give it some time and people won't even think about it. These people are making a big deal out of nothing. The Memphis mayor thinks there is some big deal to operationalize, but there is nothing to worry about. Carrying a gun at a park or event is no different than carrying at a department store or the gas station. The gun is safe when holstered and 99% of people conceal carry in this state so no one even knows about it.2 points
I do read to my kids, but I also emotionally scar them by spanking them when they do something wrong. I think it evens out in the end.2 points
Had some really good first time shooters in my squad. One was a 15 year old young lady who's FIRST EVER IDPA Stage was the shoot-house followed by the shoot out of the CAR stage! I asked her if she even had a learner's driver's permit and when she replied that she didn't I told her....., "Well, your first driving lesson is to remember to sweep the firearm over the top of the steering wheel as you transition to the other window." AND BEST OF ALL - - - She was using a IWB holster! Outstanding. Well Done! :up:1 point
I have all three of the linear comps below, all are designed to help redirect the muzzle blast forward and you can buy all 3 for less than the price of the Noveske flaming pig. None of them are the exact same thing, but I think for what you want they would be perfect options. All are good cheap choices you can try and they won't break the bank, but of my money the kinetic-tech are by far the best value. http://www.kineti-tech.com/muzzle-brakes-2/ This is my favorite out of the 3 for a few reasons. Primarily its ability to pull double duty as a comp and blast director. It's pretty light weight so throwing it on a rifle barrel won't be a big deal. The machining and finish are good quality and the price is pretty good for all that you get. I'll be buying a second one of these eventually. http://www.kakindustry.com/kak-industry-flash-can The KAK can is a good option for redirecting sound, but it has a big drawback as well in that it is heavy. I have mine on a 7.5" barrel and it handles great, but I wouldn't put it at the end of a carbine or rifle, too nose heavy. It is very robust however. They make a slimmer version now to cut back on weight, might be worth looking into. http://www.brownells.com/rifle-parts/barrel-parts/compensators/levang-linear-compensator-prod5594.aspx Last but surely not least is the humble Levang. I actually really like this little guy. Relatively light, streamline-ish design and super super simple. I have had best luck with this one throwing it on the end of a 20"rifle to just "smooth" up the shooting experience. It's a good product but the finish is lacking. Ipainted mine t match the barrel so no big deal for me but YMMV,1 point
LOL. "Ugly as Sin & FUGLY" get used a lot in commenting on H-P pistols. The reduced recoil is another frequent comment. Weight and mass coupled with a good stout spring can sure do a lot to dampen the recoil impulse. Couple that with the grip angle and all of a sudden you realize the people who designed and built that comparatively inexpensive gun were pretty darn smart.1 point
Took the Hi-Point out and put 62 rounds down the pipe. Had 2 failure to feeds with ball ammunition. Chalked that up to my daughter limp wristing. When her boyfriend and I shot it, there was no problem what so ever. I corrected her shooting form and her next two mags were perfect. Then I fired 12 hollow points. I had two FTFs on that. I figure a good polishing will take care if that problem. As for accuracy, it was fine. Groups were averaging 2-4 inches at 15 yards. The sights are a combination of a yellow dot post front sight and a two red dot rear sight. They were sharp and very easy to pick up. It's a very comfortable pistol to shoot, unlike other blow back pistols I've had in the past. Seems like in lighter .380 blowback pistols, the recoil is extremely noticeable to me. With a SIG 230 I once had my hand would be literally shaking after two magazines. All in all, I am a very happy camper with this purchase. Ugly as sin, but worth every penny of $125! :D1 point
I know snakes have a very important role to play and I would NOT wanna deal with the rat and mice problem were all snakes to vanish.......but the only good snake is a dead snake. I may not be "scared" of them but I hate the dam things. One good thing about snakes, they actively avoid humans, noise and high traffic areas. I'm with snakes like I am most other things in life I hate, stay away from me and I'll stay away from you. Peace through defined boundaries.1 point
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Hell of a way to get time off. Hope you do well with your recovery and get home to your family soon.1 point
so before reading any of the thread other than the OP, how long has this party been going on, and have there been reported violent crimes there? in reference to guns being on premise Who are these certain people she is talking about?1 point
I've been watching alot of videos with people living in converted vans 24/7 and the most popular setup is a solar panel into a small bank of 3-4 batteries into a 12volt refrigerator and freezer. The panel is not very big, about half the size of the top of a full size van. The best battery seems to be used ones from cell towers. Small and sealed with a extremely long (10+ year) run life. These guys run off the grid with everything with that setup and most have a small generator for cloudy days but most end up never using it with the panel mounted even flat on the roof getting enough. What I've learned is three things. Get too big of a panel. Get good industrial batteries. Use 12v items because converters waste power.1 point
Have you looked at the Frio coolers? I've link directly to the "how it works page". It claims if you can submerge in cool water for 5-15 mins it will keep the insulin at the safe range for at least 45 hours even in 100 F environment. Looks affordable too. http://www.frioinsulincoolingcase.com/how-the-frio-insulin-cooling-case-works.html1 point
A full 10 1/2" blade 16" OAL of 1/4" thick 1095 carbon steel. A false edge/swage, textured G10 handles and some custom etching as requested by the customer. It also has some jimping for the thumb on the spine. This will be headed to Colorado in the morning. [url=https://flic.kr/p/rxoYkP][/url] [url=https://flic.kr/p/subimZ][/url]1 point
1 point
What happened to the days of common sense? He's suing for "emotional damage"? Really?! Crap happens & you get over it. It's not like they threw it in his face or something. Maybe Starbucks should counter-sue this idiot for taking up precious oxygen in the environment. IHO, Starbucks should tell him to...1 point
Man, I tell ya, people like this are going to return us to the stone age or fast forward us to Idiocracy. If they had their way, nobody would become doctors or lawyers or engineers. We would all just be drooling idiots living off the government and completely under their control.1 point
As someone who grew up in the 70's and 80's, I look on the mothballing of the A-10 as a real loss to our military - for the Air Force pilots who loved to fly it, and the Army grunts who love the sound of its 30mm close air support. Linking this article just for the picture of the avenger cannon that the place is built around: http://kotaku.com/a-sad-farewell-to-the-coolest-fighter-jet-of-all-time-1374187357 And the source: http://www.dodbuzz.com/2013/09/18/air-force-mourns-likely-passing-of-a-10-warthog/?comp=700001076338&rank=61 point
This does boil my blood because it is more of the same BS as those trying to make successful people feel guilty for being successful. I say get rid of ALL government welfare programs and let nature take its course. Survival of the fittest.1 point
It is back on the chopping block again. I believe we certainly need to keep it around for ISIS.1 point
1 point
Wow! I'm super glad to hear things have worked out so well, given the events that have transpired. My Dad just had a similar event 2 months ago and is doing really well. I hope you have the same or better recovery. Though I guess there's not much we can do for you from here, please let us know if there IS anything we can help with!1 point
1 point
I've had this Matrix Aerospace lower built for months, and actually built several rifles while saying "Gonna finish the pistol next" every time I finished another rifle. LukeE got a kick out of me telling him that several times :) I bought the buffer tube off a guy at work, so can't remember the name of it, but it's nice enough. Upper is 10.5" PSA upper, Radical Firearms BCG and BCM Mod4 CH. Grip is Magpul K2. I picked it because several people on here and other forums said they liked them on pistol setups. I'll figure out if it will stay after I shoot it a few times. Still needs a rear sight and I'm gonna figure out what kind of red dot to run. I imagine smaller the better. Any of y'all just run irons on the pistols? I assume without being able to brace it (if I had a Sig Brace when you could shoulder them) irons may be harder to shoot with on pistol setup. But I think someone said we are still okay legally speaking to shoulder the buffer tube as of now, that correct? To me it seems almost as short in my hands as I figured the 7.5" would have seemed. I really like it and can't wait to shoot it for the first time.1 point
I'd definitely be up for doing that again, but prefer a little more notice.1 point
Progressive liberalism is a mental disorder...So in turn, trying to talk sense to one is no different than going down to moccasin bend and trying to talk sense with people incarcerated in there lol :rofl:1 point
Kick him in the balls. Tell him that I am holding a member of your family hostage, and you HAD to do it. It's ok to give him my name.1 point
Here's the latest winner of the draw Mohamed contest: He deserves the glamour!1 point
It's the same citizens who keep electing the same lawmakers. I pity the fools - they make their own mess.1 point
Yeah, but it and the previous NYS law forced every hand gun manufacturer to do the spent casing thing for all of the guns, since they couldn't know where each would wind up being sold. So may not have actually been significant all in all with cost increase to consumers, but the manufacturers did have to account for the extra labor time in firing and collecting a shell, labeling the little envelope, keeping a record of it, whatever. Just an example of how all these various state laws affect gun manufacturers if indeed they want to sell products in those states. Hell, most aren't selling any handguns at all in Kali now -- you can say "good enough for Kali", but the people being slammed aren't the lawmakers but rather the citizens and the gun companies, that's a huge market there. - OS1 point
It's stories like this that make me realize how lucky I am to live in TN. Our gun laws are definitely not perfect, but they could clearly be worse. I hope this failed policy in MD was extremely costly for the state's taxpayers, because they elected the idiots that passed the law. Stupidity SHOULD be expensive.1 point
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