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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2015 in all areas

  1. Palmetto State Armory has a weekend deal on a 16" Mid-length Freedom stainless 1/8 rifle kit - everything but the stripped lower for $379.99. Sounds like a good way to use up any stripped lowers you might have laying around.   http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/catalog/product/view/id/20572/s/psa-16-mid-length-5-56-nato-1-8-stainless-steel-freedom-rifle-kit/?utm_source=PSA+Mid+Stainless+Rifle+Kit+%24379.99+%7C+S%26W+22A+Pistol+%24199.99&utm_campaign=Constant+Contact&utm_medium=email
    4 points
  2. A full 10 1/2" blade 16" OAL of 1/4" thick 1095 carbon steel. A false edge/swage, textured G10 handles and some custom etching as requested by the customer. It also has some jimping for the thumb on the spine. This will be headed to Colorado in the morning. [url=https://flic.kr/p/rxoYkP][/url] [url=https://flic.kr/p/subimZ][/url]
    4 points
  3. This is one of my all-time favorite pistols. It is a Hungarian copy of the Browning Hi Power manufactured by FEG, the arms conglomerate of the Hungarian government. It is a KBI import called their Model PJK 9HP. It is a completely reverse engineered, totally faithful copy of the FN design, and was manufactured back around 1994. I bought it unfired in '09 off of GunBroker and I have to say it took my breath away when I opened the box - The high polished blue job honestly rivals the Colt Python and the Weatherby Mark V rifle. I can only conclude that this gun was probably reserved for a VIP, given the meticulous attention to detail shown by the workmen. Not only are the frame and slide polished to a high sheen, so are the inside of the trigger guard, the slide stop, and the safety lever. But the rear of the slide and frame facing the shooter are polished to a much lower sheen, as they should be. The guy who polished this gun was very good at his trade. The frosting on the cake is that it is tight as a drum in fit, has an excellent trigger, and shoots every bit as well as it looks, routinely producing 15 yard bench rest groups of 1 1/2 - 2 inches. So I really doubt that this was just an ordinary production pistol. I've owned five of these guns and none of them come within a country mile of this one. And all for $315+fees. :up: Anyway I finally went for the brass ring by installing Novak three dot sights and Hogue Kingwood checkered grips. I wanted to bring the gun up to the full potential of its looks and shootery, and I think I probably succeeded. Here she is. .....and to answer your last question - do I baby it? Oh yeah I do - bigtime!! EssOne
    3 points
  4. Makes me think of a story my mom has told me a couple of times over the years.  I am not sure if this happened when I was a baby or before I was even born but, anyhow, mom was working third shift and trying to sleep during the day.  She said that it never failed that right as she was about to doze off a rat/mouse would start gnawing inside the wall next to her bed, keeping her from going to sleep.  Well, one day she was trying to sleep and, sure enough, the gnawing started.  Having had enough, mom got up and retrieved a hammer and a decent sized nail.  She figured out where the varmint was by the sound of its gnawing, placed the point of the nail over the spot and BAM - one strike from the hammer drove the nail into the wall and the gnawing stopped.  Permanently.  She said it was worth putting up with the smell for a day or two to finally get some sleep.
    3 points
  5. Some people, when the Lord said "brains" thought he said "trains" and missed theirs.
    3 points
  6. I do read to my kids, but I also emotionally scar them by spanking them when they do something wrong. I think it evens out in the end.
    3 points
  7. No cigarette, but I did go in and fix them a Rum and Coke.  But they were gone and I had to drink it myself. . . 
    2 points
  8. Thanks guys. I own several glocks so I was pretty shocked that I hadn't even heard of a USA made glock. I really like the less common variants of guns. I have a fde g17 gen 4, a gen 3 g17 tb, and a mpdc marked g17 gen 1 so I think this goes with the collection nicely .
    2 points
  9.         Iron sights are EMP proof.  
    2 points
  10. Anyone planning on using a bike should definitely have one now and be riding it regularly. Just like humping a pack it takes practice. I hear several people who's plans include walking home or bugging out on foot with a small to medium sized pack. When was the last time you rucked up and did 4 miles, or 8 or 20? I did a 20 mile ruck back in the winter and got reminded quickly that I'm not a 20 year old Marine anymore. A bike is the same way. If you plan to use a bike, you should be riding it to work, to the store, and on the weekends as often as possible. I'm not much of a bike person. I'll stick with horsepower just as people have for years. My decision is based off the fact that I have horses available, along with enough land to graze them all spring summer and fall and still have land for hay in the winter, as well as the equipment to use the horses to harvest the hay. This is my cousins team, many of you have seen our draft. You could comfortably haul half a ton in a wagon 20 miles a day if needed.
    2 points
  11. What happened to the days of common sense? He's suing for "emotional damage"? Really?! Crap happens & you get over it. It's not like they threw it in his face or something. Maybe Starbucks should counter-sue this idiot for taking up precious oxygen in the environment. IHO, Starbucks should tell him to...
    2 points
  12.   never had a problem.  I have had a .40cal that for the most part stays in a 4 wheeler at the farm and it has never once failed to feed.  It being in the dust and changing temp and bouncing around at times, it simply just works. 
    2 points
  13. Please don't use rat poison unless there's no other options.  Rats eat the poison and die.  Other very beneficial critters eat the dead rats and die or get very sick.  I had rats take up residence under my screened porch.  Plain old rat traps made quick work of them, and the bodies are easily located and disposed of. 
    2 points
  14. MMA / UFC has taken a huge chunk out of boxing.   Arguably the best conditioned athletes in the world, more well rounded fighters, and much more entertaining to watch. Boxing really doesn't interest me anymore.
    2 points
  15. You got ripped off, pretty sure that gun was part of the Hi Point open carry kit which contained the pistol, a nylon holster, and a concealed carry permit holder badge. It was a limited production thing, if only you had the badge the value would be about triple.
    2 points
  16. My goal in life should be to prepare and educate my children that they are far superior to the point they make smart kids look dumb.  Anything less is doing them a injustice.  Im not saying Id have the smartest kids, but giving them the chance to be, is all I can offer.       and I will not feel bad about it, I will feel bad for those who have parents like the degenerate who wrote the article.  He will make sure his kids are not better than the status quo; which lately seems to be barely mentally competent.  
    2 points
  17. I load 45acp until the case splits, then I throw it away. Kurt
    2 points
  18. Everybody seems to be missing the worst part of this scenario:NO TGO.
    2 points
  19. So I got a cryptic message sent to me at work about my birthday present arriving today. I was very confused because I was 99.9% certain and the new Glock 29 I got on Tuesday more than covered that. Turns out Monkey was sneaky and ordered some knives from an expert you all know. He ordered them thinking they covered his birthday present and mine. Pretty right? So I now know why he was gobsmacked when I brought home his 29. I also know why he told me it was too much and how can he top it. Personally, the knife is equal to or tops it because he put thought into this and kept it from me. Which is hard to do considering I am the one who usually handles the finances so it is hard for me to not notice. ^^ Monkey's new knife above. Mine below! These knives are absolutely beautiful! I find it funny how the older I get the more I want things that I would never have asked for 10 years ago. I gotta say, I love the wood and grain on Matt's but mine feels so good in my hand that I just know to ask for wood the next time we order knives. Which we will order again, these are too awesome to not start a collection. Finally, a shot of my new Glock 29 with my awesome new knife too. I think our birthday presents this year were totally overboard when I look at them together but I gotta give him kudos for finally being able to surprise me! I just maybe should have held off on buying myself the 29. Or not. Also, a huge thanks to GT for making such beautiful knives. It reminds me a lot of my uncle. He worked long shifts at his job but when he came home from work he would make knives, they were beautiful and I always wanted one but he kept every single one he made. This makes me think of him A LOT. I love it. So thank you for making something so awesome! I appreciate all the hard work you put into it!
    1 point
  20. For some general information on what IMSI catchers do, read these links. http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2014/10/21/356191015/whos-catching-your-cellphone-conversations http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/secrecy-around-police-surveillance-equipment-proves-a-cases-undoing/2015/02/22/ce72308a-b7ac-11e4-aa05-1ce812b3fdd2_story.html   I find it shady as hell on the part of law enforcement agencies, federal, state & local.  But, "it's for the children," and all that.  No way the methods used would pass Constitutional muster...hence why they are so tight lipped about it.  The technology is also cheap enough for hackers and other tech savy criminals to get in the game.   Now, for the good news...there is finally a way for Android users to see if they might be having their cell signal intercepted by cops and/or crooks.  I've been using it for about a week now, it isn't messing with my phone in any negative way, and the battery is still about the same.  Since the source I got this from had better instructions that I ever could write, I'm just posting it here with his permission.  I should be able to answer most questions if you guys have any.        Sunshine is the best disinfectant. https://secupwn.github.io/Android-IM...cher-Detector/ Read everything on every link on that page. Then the Git, then the Wiki. Doesn't need root! (unless you want to send AT commands to your Baseband Modem - you don't) It's on F-Droid (Open Source Alternate Market) https://f-droid.org/ Android Settings>Security>Unknown Sources (Select It) - then download F-Droid and install it. Search for "IMSI" and you should see AIMSICD. Install. Go back to the Security settings and Un-Select 'Unknown Sources'. Open the app. You'll get a pop up about GPS if you normally don't leave GPS on (most don't). Just hit 'Cancel'. Go into the preferences and un-select GPS Cell Tower Tracking, but leave Cell Monitoring Selected. This will provide protection without the battery drain of GPS. Select Auto-Start and Persistent Service. Default 'Auto' refresh rate is 15 seconds. On my custom device, this add ~0.5% per hour more battery drain - pretty damn good. I'm experimenting with extending the refresh rate to 25-45 seconds, to see if I can get that down without compromising protection. The last thing to do is hit 'Request OCID API Key'. This is optional, but it helps the Open Cell Tower Project plot legitimate cell towers.... to better be able to find fake ones. You can play around with the other stuff like BTS data and the mapping if you want - but that ^ will be all most need. This is 'Alpha' software, but I tested it on a KK 4.4.4 CyanogenMod Galaxy Nexus, and a Custom ROM/Kernel Lollipop Nexus 5 - 0 problems. I even detected a cell tower in my area using less than A5/3 encryption (Yellow Icon). Do your duty as a Citizen - defend the Bill of Rights. And at last check, the cost to build an IMSI Catcher was down to about $500... if you don't think nerdy thieves are doing what the state is, you're nuts.
    1 point
  21. GT is an artist, plain and simple. I WILL have one of his knives one day.
    1 point
  22. Those are beautiful! I'm loving my knife that GT made for me so far and have been planning out the next one I'd like him to make. I agree, the wood grips look great!
    1 point
  23. 230 gr FMJ or plated, and 5.0 gr Bullseye. I understand this was the old military load, and works great in everything I own.
    1 point
  24. If you're wanting AR parts, a complete AR, ammo for an AR, etc., Now is the time you'll soon be wishing you could go back to, where the stuff is plentiful and cheap. Don't let it slip by.
    1 point
  25. A zeer pot might buy you some time in all but the hottest months. At that point a mountain stream would be nice to have. I'm guessing your best option is going to be continuing advances in medical technology I'm sure other options can be found in a pinch. Having a jug or 2 of compressed anything but especially refrigerant would be helpful
    1 point
  26. Like being the one guy with a pickup that everyone needs to help move stuff. X100.
    1 point
  27.   Hammer, sorry to hear about your daughter.  Diabetes is a horrible thing to have.  My wife is now also dependent on insulin.  I'm not sure digging a hole would get you where you need to be.  Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but a cave temperature will usually be at a steady temperature of 58 degrees F or so.  I doubt a hole in the ground would be any colder, unless it were winter time.
    1 point
  28.   I'll just add a few things to "the gun list" to get from them when some savings build back up.  Thanks for the firsthand knowledge. 
    1 point
  29. What temp does a good root cellar maintain? Maybe dig one of those proactively. I've been thinking about building one
    1 point
  30. Nice ! Love the rail ...
    1 point
  31. I'm digging the aesthetic of the Kenti-Tech stuff.  Deep diving into their website and reviews now.   Do they just screw onto the barrel like any other compensator/muzzle brake?
    1 point
  32. I've got the same kinet-tech on my 300 as well and I think it's a great piece of gear. The pitch is apparently the same one as the infamous oil can device which has lead to a lot of thought on form 1ing a real can to said pitch and buying cheap, readily available adapters for using it on other guns. Maybe one day. Good job on the pistol too BTW, looks great!
    1 point
  33.   Here my solutions to the road bike vs. mountain bike question and also the pedals.    Since we are talking "survival" situations, I'm not likely to chose my road bike.   I going to pick my Giant Roam 2 that is marketed as a X-Road bike.    http://www.giant-bicycles.com/en-us/bikes/model/roam.2/11508/55859/#overview    I've found it to be a good blend of both worlds for me.    It's much more road friendly than a pure mountain bike but can go offroad.     Part of that good blend is the hybrid tire.   If you are riding on pavement, your contact point of the tire is very short tread.   When in soft ground, the side knobs come into play.   The picture makes the center tread much taller than it is.   http://www.giant-bicycles.com/en-us/gear/product/p.rx2.tire/557/52917/    This style of tire can be put on most mountain bikes to make them more mixed terrain friendly.      Finally, on this bike I have two sided pedals.    One side has the SPD clipless design and the opposite side has regular pedals.    So I have my choice of whichever shoes I want to wear.   http://bike.shimano.com/content/sac-bike/en/home/road/pedals/pedals/pd-a530.html
    1 point
  34. The rail looks great.  I am officially jealous.  
    1 point
  35. I like it...!!  Must have been built as a hungarian barbecue pistol...      leroy
    1 point
  36. How about Brantly Gilbert's back tattoo. Lots of redneck wimmins are saying good things...
    1 point
  37. libertarians are going to be the party of freedom going forward.  As states open up to pot use (which I do not care about one way or the other, but I would see it more available for at least medical use) the party might even begin to make some headway -- a lot of stigma from their stance on pot is fading away, and they make a heck of a case for small government and freedoms. 
    1 point
  38. WYSHORE - if there are two to be snagged. :pleased:
    1 point
  39. WOW! That is sweet!! Congrats! My first AR pistol is in 5.56 but pretty plain. Yours turned out really nice :up:  :up:
    1 point
  40. Me likey lots. I'm starting to jones more for an AR pistol with a SIG brace, with all of these cool pics going around. Looks great!
    1 point
  41. See I think you use whatever is at hand. I think a good, sturdy, inexpensive bike has a place in your bug out or bug in kit. And has pointed out by someone earlier one does not need to feed a bike or gas it up. Not to mention you can use it under normal conditions for things like cheap transportation or getting in shape. ☺
    1 point
  42. Good to know your feeling better and talking blades again! One of these days I'm gonna have cash when you just happen to have some knives around. :)
    1 point
  43. I think transportation would be a latter concern. I'm not leaving home for quite a while. We live in a pretty remote area. I would be looking for animals as transportation if vehicles were somehow not an option. If was somehow stranded out from home Im probably walking. Unless there just happens to be a large framed mountain bike lying around, then I might try it.
    1 point
  44. This does boil my blood because it is more of the same BS as those trying to make successful people feel guilty for being successful.   I say get rid of ALL government welfare programs and let nature take its course. Survival of the fittest.
    1 point
  45. Once you accept this, it dramatically changes how you react to other drivers.  I no longer let other people elicit a reaction from me that I wouldn't want my own mother to hear or see. If they have a problem with my driving, that's their problem. Of course, it took maybe 50 years to figure this out....  :rofl:
    1 point
  46. Walmart will price match other stores in the area on identical, in stock, items. Plenty of times I have had a Walmart employee call another store to get a lower price. Of the employee won't ask for manager. But brick and mortar Walmart stores will not price match any online store or website, including Walmart.com. I am really looking hard at the military 12 gauge buckshot at Walmart for ~$1 a round.
    1 point
  47. Just like an ugly, cur dog it'll stay by your side, eat what you feed it and never have to go to the vet.
    1 point
  48. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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