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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2015 in all areas

  1. Those of you whom are friends with me on Facebook already know but for the rest, On the first of May, I suffered a severe heart attack while working offshore in Brazil. This actually happened on my off time, as we work 12 hour shifts. I was getting in the shower and for the next 6 hours I was so bad off that I could not even use the phone in my cabin to call the medic.   They gave me an EKG on board and confirmed that I should be dead right now. Shell Got me a medical chopper immediately. The next thing I knew I was being taken into the ER, I called my wife with my cell and just got that info out before they needed to operate, This scared the crap out of her and me because I am in a third world country,   They put 2 stints on my right side and told me I needed another surgery for the left side. The translator app on my Galaxy phone has been pretty much the only way to communicate with them. The nurses do the same, my company paid for 6 nurses for me, they are lovely caring professionals. For the last 5 or 6 years, when I quit smoking oddly enough, I have had Hypertension after the first surgery my blood pressure was in the low medium range,   I just got done with the second surgery, the doctors tell me that I have the heart of a baby now, besides the language barrier and the fact that I am here without my family this is by far the best medical care I have ever had in my life.     I would greatly appreciate all of your prayers for my family during this, it has been hard on them I should get to come home in the next few days, and as crazy as this may sound I actually thank God for this as it almost certainly pro longed my life, I work for an awesome company and will be paid while I recooperate     Any way thanks for listening!
    16 points
  2. SEX AFTER DEATH A couple made a deal that whoever died first would come back and inform the other if there is sex after death. Their biggest fear was that there was no after life at all. After a long life together, the husband was the first to die. True to his word, he made the first contact: "Alice ...  Alice " "Is that you, Bob?" "Yes, I've come back like we agreed." "That's wonderful! What's it like?" "Well, I get up in the morning, I have sex. I have breakfast and then it's off to the golf course. I have sex again, bathe in the warm sun and then have sex a couple of more times. Then I have lunch (you'd be proud - lots of greens). Another romp around the golf course, then pretty much have sex the rest of the afternoon. After supper, it's back to the golf course again. Then it's more sex until late at night. I catch some much needed sleep and then the next day it starts all over again" "Oh, Bob, are you in Heaven?" "No...I'm a rabbit in  Saskatchewan
    5 points
  3. Much like the word 'cracker', I don't find anything offensive about ammosexual.    But, if they are going to discriminate us for being ammosexuals, then we should point out how small-minded they are for being ammophobics. Ammophobia is a disease spread by ignorance.  We're here, with gear.  Get use to it!
    5 points
  4.  OUR word and we're taking it back.
    4 points
  5. I like you worked my whole life for my meager existence....that I'm quite happy with by the way. Nobody gave my wife or myself a damn thing nor did we ever sit on our ass and take a handout. I don't owe anyone a damn thing and nobody owes me anything either. I'm sick of the left trying to make me feel bad cause some loser chooses to be lazy and expect a handout on my dime. Screw that.
    4 points
  6. Walmart doesn't lose money on anything.  Their suppliers may, but Walmart will not.
    3 points
  7. There are some in the world of 2nd Amendment advocacy who appreciate the need for engaging the poliicians which to most people includes or may be limited to the governor and the legislature.  Still others realize its also a battle with local politicians such as mayors and council members.  From my experience far to few appreciate the significant of the respective parties' State Executive Committees and the influence (and damage) that those SEC groups can have on who is even allowed to run as a member of the party.  Protecting our rights is not a spectator sport.  It requires engagement, effort and funding.
    3 points
  8. Just wanted to say a few good words about The Gun Shop and Trading Post in Livingston Tn. Went by there for the first time and what a great place. Met some really wonderful people working there and the owner was very nice and helpful too. The place has some really good prices, and they stock a lot of things I haven't seen in other stores. If your ever in the area I highly recommend it.
    2 points
  9. Stopped by the walmarts on Gunbarrel (heh) road in the 'Nooga today. Overheard a lady asking for some ammo. Lo and behold, they had some CCI. Didn't see which type, or the price. But I bet it was cheaper than Gander or Academy. Hopefully I'll see some Federal 525 round boxes again soon. And at a "normal" price. BTW, I will never (OK, barring an emergency) pay 10¢/rnd for .22 LR. I'll cast every single round I shoot first. Forgot to add... this wasn't early in the morning. It was about 7 pm and I don't think they just got a shipment.
    2 points
  10. A metro officer was de commissioned over verbal comments towards someone he pulled over, but; chan 5 reported incorrect info on firearms law as shown below, ( good rant) As commented by a guy named Dustin ( one of our family here ?) I am very tired of the morons that News Channel 5 has writing the stories on their website, particularly, what appears to be an ongoing ignorance and/or desire to report misleading information concerning firearms in general as well the legality of their ownership and carrying/concealment. “The driver did have a shot gun and hand gun but officials said they were licensed weapons. No charges were filed against the person.” Other than very specific types of weapons (which you cannot purchase by standard means), ABSOLUTELY NO FIREARM IS REQUIRED TO BE LICENSED IN THE STATE OF TENNESSEE. In fact, there is no, and nor should there be, any office or infrastructure in this state to maintain such invasive records in the first place! ADDITIONALLY, YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO HAVE A CONCEAL CARRY PERMIT TO TRANSPORT FIREARMS IN YOUR OWN VEHICLE! While there are restrictions on how they are supposed to be transported, there is no law, and nor should there be, that restricts the transportation of firearms in a private, non-felon’s vehicle. Long arms (shotguns and rifles meeting minimal length requirements) are not required to be transported in the same manner as handguns by non-permit holders. Your story has horribly inaccurate information concerning the “firearms being licensed”. One of your competitors’ websites accurately reported that the DRIVER was licensed to carry the firearms. CHANNEL 5, YOUR SERVICE, YOUR JOB, IS TO REPORT NEWS AND TO DO SO ACCURATELY. YOU ARE A MEANS OF INFORMATION AND FACTS THAT MANY PERSONS AND CITIZENS RELY ON, SOME EXCLUSIVELY. SINCE OUR CITIZENRY’S RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS IS SECOND ONLY TO THE RIGHT OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH, PRESS AND RELIGION, I WOULD DETERMINE IT TO BE VERY IMPORTANT IN THE OVERALL GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS. ACCURATELY REPORTING THE LAWS AND THE ELEMENTS SURROUNDING LAWS IS VERY IMPORTANT, AS NOT DOING SO CAN CAUSE LESSER INFORMED PATRONS TO YOUR NEWS SERVICE TO WALK AWAY WITH FALSEHOODS AND COUNTERFACTUAL THOUGHTS.
    2 points
  11.     Funny thing, I have no clue, They are discharging me tomorrow, Ill be sent to a real nice Sheraton hotel I assume with the two private nurses my company hired for me,  I have heard i may have to stay anywhere from 3 to 16 days before i can fly. They are also sending a Doctor and Nurse to flly all the way to Nashville, Then I may have to be taken straight to Vanderbilt to see my new Cardiologist,   The nice thing about this is that my company spares no expense when it comes to my health and Happily they are picking up the tab for everything this may turn into   I am truly Blessed,
    2 points
  12. Glad they got you taken care of, man.  I think we need to have that long overdue beer as soon as you're able and stateside.  :)
    2 points
  13. 1911forum.com is a great resource
    2 points
  14. Wow, Steve!   Thanks for letting us know.  You know where how to get me if I can help with anything here.
    2 points
  15.   This is no different or worse than being called a "homophobe" because one doesn't believe that same sex marriage is legitimate. Name calling is name calling, no matter what you believe. Suck it up and move on.
    2 points
  16.   There's no rule that says he's gotta be pitching instead of catching, LOL!
    2 points
  17.   Because libs (flaming ones) debate with emotion rather than facts. When they are losing, they result to name calling and often, outright lies.
    2 points
  18. I was NOT being sarcastic in my post. I am serious about what I said, they are safer than most other handguns because the HighPoint does not lock the breech.
    2 points
  19.   Don't you mean Palmela Handerson?
    2 points
  20.   Yes I did, every minute of every round, right up to the point that Frazier was unable to answer the bell in the 15th, allowing Ali to retain his title ...
    2 points
  21.   Let me take a WAG did he wear the beard of a lumberjack yet have hands softer than a little girls?
    2 points
  22.  With terms like ammosexual and moose knuckle mangina this thread has win written all over it.
    2 points
  23. If I've learned one thing from liberals it's when you are losing a fight just start calling your opponent names.
    2 points
  24. You should have explained to the person that the word "ni$$er"has little to nothing to do with skin color and EVERYTHING to do with mentality and personal conduct.  Then you should have explained to the person that it is against your own personal code of conduct to consort with a 'ni$$er' and politely excused yourself because....well, they'll get the idea.         While i'm on the subject, I've met a lot of people from all walks of life.  Good and bad.  'ni$$ers' come in all colors, orientations and religions and if I were to tell the honest truth about it, I've met more white ones than black ones.  I have several black customers.  All DAMN FINE people.  They have a job, pay their bills, know/raise/love their kids.  The fact that their skin is four shades darker than my pasty azz means precisely SQUAT.  They'd be welcome at my table any day.  One in particular, I've had this very discussion with.  We both laugh because to anyone with half a grain of intelligence, racism is a joke.  As soon as  the country gets this through their cro-magnon brick thick skull, the sooner we can just get back to living.       ammosexual?  Heck yeah!  Whore of Babylon level ammosexual!!!!
    2 points
  25. Anyone who can make love to his 1911, should probably stick to that. I don't see him being of much use to any woman in his life. 45 caliber, or hundredths of an inch diameter, may be considered "big bore" in the land of pistols but not anywhere else, if you know what I mean.
    2 points
  26. I watched it. Meh. Disappointing. It looked like a warm-up. Not even a drop of blood for 36 minutes and $400 million? Sheesh. Yea, I've heard three people so far say they had never heard of Pacquiao... and about a dozen people gasp and give them that "From under what rock did you just crawl out?!" look of bewilderment. Lol!
    2 points
  27. We give 2 Billion a year to Pakistan ? For what ? Microsoft phone support ? Comcast ?
    2 points
  28. A right not exercised is lost. Also, anyone who says "I believe in free speech, but..." doesn't really.
    2 points
  29.   I think you're right. Not a good idea. With that said, there is NO excuse for violent criminal behavior. Seems like there are all kinds of folks making those excuses these days. If they held an event to make fat jokes about your mama, would you roll in and shoot the place up? I'm betting the answer is no.
    2 points
  30. Not a new member to the board but I have officially escaped from Marylandastan and now living on Signal Mountain!! :wave: :wave:
    1 point
  31. If...., and that is a BIG IF so long as BHO is still around...., this happens they'll have to build a camp ground at the South Store for all of the folks waiting for the door to open on 1911 sale day!   :hyper:  
    1 point
  32.     I am looking forward to that my friend!
    1 point
  33. +10 on prayers, for a super guy that deserves a break. If your family needs anything just pm me and I'm glad to help.
    1 point
  34. I swapped out the FLGR for a GI plug and spring in my current SA Loaded. Also you might want to read this, but you don't have to make your trigger 2.5lbs.  http://www.brownells.com/.aspx/lid=10297/GunTechdetail/2-lb-Trigger-Pull   If you like the stock trigger great.  If you want to make your trigger pretty darn nice you can order this and do it yourself for less than you can "buy" it done.  http://www.brownells.com/gunsmith-tools-supplies/handgun-tools/trigger-tools/1911-sear-jig-prod1299.aspx  If this is new to you might want to buy a spare 3 legged spring.   You might want to visit these websites.     http://forums.1911forum.com/ http://www.m1911.org/full_technic.htm   Lastly, you might like this: https://www.nelsoncustomguns.com/22lr-conversion/
    1 point
  35. My continuing prayers for you and yours, my brother in arms/knives.   I know it's scary for you. But stints are a good thing right now. And they will help you.
    1 point
  36. Fair point, but that's a lot of sharp edges to be dealing with no matter how much lube you use. :o
    1 point
  37. Hope you recuperate quickly! 
    1 point
  38. Yes, the demand curve is slowly dropping, and many of the online retailers and local dealers have some in stock, usually because they are asking $0.08-$0.10 per round or more. A month ago I was at a pretty small remote gun shop in PA, only 3 small rooms for a storefront, but I was shocked to see 1.5 rooms literally filled with pallets of ammo stacked almost to the ceiling, wall to wall. This included almost 2 full pallets of 22 lr and several pallets of 5.56 M855, all major brands and freshly made. There was so much ammo in that part of the store that I wasn't comfortable walking in there because you could feel the floor flexing with every step. I'm sure he had it reinforced somehow but it was still on the verge of collapse from the extreme weight. As I shopped the gun side I noticed his business was mostly done online, and the funny thing was that the UPS truck spent about an hour unloading more ammo only to then spend another hour reloading different ammo that had just been sold to ship out to customers. And the crazy part was that his 22 lr wasn't terribly overpriced, just a little high at $32-$35 per brick for the good stuff, but I didn't buy any as I'm good for now until normal prices return. So the ammo is out there, stock is rising, demand is slowing, and prices dropping. My advice: don't buy any unless you are nearly out, and wait until we see $0.04-$0.05 per round... The good old days!
    1 point
  39. This isn't the first time islam has been in the news - in fact it was there at the beginning of our nation - see the Barbary Pirates Also - see your history books for the following topics: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_and_war
    1 point
  40. If your point is valid, I'm glad that he was smart enough to seek guidance.
    1 point
  41. The Knoxville Academy had some the last time I was in there.  It is up front, behind the counter, where they generally keep all the .22LR they get these days.  I started to buy a box then remembered that I still had a few rounds at home.  They have also had a stack of Colibri every time I have been in there for the last, couple of months.  I have the feeling that most other folks have as little interest in that as I do.
    1 point
  42. An ammosexual? Is that someone who makes love to his 1911?
    1 point
  43.   The KKK, IRA, anti-abortion killers, the Jewish Defense League...all use their religion, or their perversions thereof, to justify their means.
    1 point
  44.   How do you figure that? The issue is the violent response. They are supposed to get pissed. They are NOT supposed to respond outside of society's rules. It ain't hard.
    1 point
  45. Since those who are the most stridently anti-Islam are usually religious in their own right...anybody who participated in, or supports this event looses all credibility if they get upset or insulted when someone pokes fun, or degrades Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Scientology, Jedi...whatever shoe fits.  If Islam is fair game for ridicule, so is every other religion.
    1 point
  46. maybe some fake draw mohammad events should be staged in order to draw these rats out.   the dutch guy always causes a stir when he speaks
    1 point
  47. Not at all, terrorist groups have been in this country for a good bit I believe. They are just now showing up and doing the thing they do best.
    1 point
  48. I'm with Dave, no way is that a $1k rifle. She sure is a good looking gun though
    1 point
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