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Folks - islam demands submission of non-believers - called dhimmi, and the act of self censoring oneself to comply with islamic rules/laws is called dhimmitude. So all those who say its not a "good idea" to draw mohammed are already on board with islam - even if you don't intend to be - becAuse you have submitted6 points
Yes this is about PROVOCATION. Radical Muslims and their open hatred and bigotery of other religions and cultures, and hatred of the west and freedom have PROVOKED decent people who champion freedom and the Constitution to send them a message by telling them they will not be intimidated by their threats and will not back down to them by drawing Muhammid cartoons.5 points
You should have explained to the person that the word "ni$$er"has little to nothing to do with skin color and EVERYTHING to do with mentality and personal conduct. Then you should have explained to the person that it is against your own personal code of conduct to consort with a 'ni$$er' and politely excused yourself because....well, they'll get the idea. While i'm on the subject, I've met a lot of people from all walks of life. Good and bad. 'ni$$ers' come in all colors, orientations and religions and if I were to tell the honest truth about it, I've met more white ones than black ones. I have several black customers. All DAMN FINE people. They have a job, pay their bills, know/raise/love their kids. The fact that their skin is four shades darker than my pasty azz means precisely SQUAT. They'd be welcome at my table any day. One in particular, I've had this very discussion with. We both laugh because to anyone with half a grain of intelligence, racism is a joke. As soon as the country gets this through their cro-magnon brick thick skull, the sooner we can just get back to living. ammosexual? Heck yeah! Whore of Babylon level ammosexual!!!!5 points
Kick him in the balls. Tell him that I am holding a member of your family hostage, and you HAD to do it. It's ok to give him my name.5 points
Yep and yep. We priced at roughly $12K more than I needed. We got asking price, cash. They sure as heck didn't offer 65% of the house's value as was suggested by FTE. *shrug* I'm just considering myself thankful and counting my blessing rather than worrying about counting dollars.5 points
Where did you talk to him at? If it was at HIS place of employment I would raise the biggest stink I could because had you used that word they would have. And if at a place of employment let us know so we can avoid it. I would have a hard time not going ballistic. I am a successful white guy that is tired of people implying I should be guilty for enjoying the hard earned fruits of my labor. And just because I don't want to give more it does not mean I am a racist. Anyone can be as successful as me, probably more so, if they work at it. Kind of hard to be successful at anything if you are a perpetual victim that refuses to work while holding a hand out expecting me to give them my money.4 points
Being offensive is important. If you don't use it, you risk losing it.4 points
Didn't know you could bait muslims with cartoons. What's the season, and is there a bag limit?4 points
I have absolutely zero dogs in this fight or fucks to give about this event. Still, I imagine quite a few of y'all will get get a chuckle out of this.4 points
Finally got my very first 1911 - a Springfield Armory Loaded Parkerized. Sorry for the terrible pictures. Haven't had a chance to shoot it yet, but I did field strip it and do an initial cleaning. A couple of observations along those lines: 1. Everything I had read about the FLGR is absolutely true. Even using the included allen wrench, I didn't think I'd ever get the thing loose. And getting it back together after cleaning? Yeah, it was even more... interesting. May eventually go with the GI guide rod. 2. Even more difficult than the FLGR, however, was getting the slide stop back in - particularly the end closest to to the grip. There is a small piece of metal that protrudes slightly from the plunger tube (I think that's what it's called) that has to be depressed in order for the slide stop to go back in. Doing that without scratching your gun all to heck? Interesting... But in spite of the first-time challenges, there was something strangely fun about the whole thing. There's just something about working with a 1911 that is, well, pleasing... Provided I enjoy shooting it, looks like I may have found my handgun niche -- a very expensive niche... :D Thanks again for all the advice I receive here about what to get for my first one. So many good options... I'm confident this one won't be my last.3 points
SEX AFTER DEATH A couple made a deal that whoever died first would come back and inform the other if there is sex after death. Their biggest fear was that there was no after life at all. After a long life together, the husband was the first to die. True to his word, he made the first contact: "Alice ... Alice " "Is that you, Bob?" "Yes, I've come back like we agreed." "That's wonderful! What's it like?" "Well, I get up in the morning, I have sex. I have breakfast and then it's off to the golf course. I have sex again, bathe in the warm sun and then have sex a couple of more times. Then I have lunch (you'd be proud - lots of greens). Another romp around the golf course, then pretty much have sex the rest of the afternoon. After supper, it's back to the golf course again. Then it's more sex until late at night. I catch some much needed sleep and then the next day it starts all over again" "Oh, Bob, are you in Heaven?" "No...I'm a rabbit in Saskatchewan3 points
So I have been intrigued by qaudcopter's for a little while now and decided last week that I was going to get one just to play with and have some fun. I have no experience with flying RC anything so my sensibility kicked in and after some research, I decided to order a fairly cheap quad to learn and play with. My usual route is to go big or go home, but as it turns out, I am pretty impressed with this thing even though the whole setup was pretty cheap. I will go into total cost in a bit. After some research I decided that I wanted something that was a decent size that I knew could eventually carry a small camera. There are a lot of beginner quad's out there for dirt cheap, $25-$35, but they were all smaller than what I was wanting. I wanted something that I could fly outside, even in a light wind. I spent a little more ($66) and bought a WL Toys V262. It is about 2' in diameter and comes with a removable foam casing that can be removed once you learn how to fly it better. As you will see in my video, mine still has it on (and will for a while longer). While youtubing reviews, etc, I noticed a lot of people do some modifications to help it perform better and help the motors last longer. I spend about another $30 on some bearings, two extra batteries, and 4 extra motors for later use. These motors will last about 30 flights so having some spares was highly recommended. For less than $100, I had everything I needed to start having some fun and knew I had the things I needed for some basic maintenance. While waiting for the quad to arrive and in watching more videos, I came across many people using this small camera called the Mobius. It is a 1080P camera that will record in 30FPS and 60fps at 720P. The great part about it, it only cost $70. I had expected to eventually get a GoPro to use with this (I had one and sent it back, but for this I think it is perfect), but decided that since I don't know how to fly, it was probably best to go with a cheaper option (for when I crash and burn) and this Mobius camera seemed to get great reviews. So 3 days later, I have everything and decide to start playing. I was amazed at just how well this little quad performed. Even more impressive is the camera. Keep in mind it is simply velcroed to the top of the quad in this video. There is some vibration, but not as bad as I would have expected. The video below is at my friends new house he is building. As you will see, we both stink at flying, but I think for $180 total (I already had the sd card), this is pretty impressive. I had it up to about 200-250ft at one point in my inaugural flight only to get it stuck in a tree (250 yards from where I was) from too much wind and not being able to fly it back to me, but in this video, we keep it a lot lower and it goes pretty good. I know there have been a few discussion on here about qauds/drones and thought this may be of interest to some others. It is really fun. Now to just get more flight time before I spend the money on a much better quad. This is what I bought. http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/9269803716/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GT2B4R6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0072AEHIC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NFEY7Y8/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNRdTH-wu8U3 points
3 points
Event organizers were required by the Center to pay for additional security as a prerequisite to holding the event. Good call, I'd say. Odd how those holding pro islamic events (or events bashing Christianity) aren't required to procure additional security, but Christianity or pro freedom groups are the problem.3 points
I live in hendersonville, come on over and I'd be happy to show you how to do it and let you do it to get the experience.3 points
Why, exactly, are we concerned with provoking a cult that has been in a declared war on our culture for 1400 years, a declared war on our country for 36 years? Has it become prudent to remain silent in the face of barbarity?3 points
Anyone who can make love to his 1911, should probably stick to that. I don't see him being of much use to any woman in his life. 45 caliber, or hundredths of an inch diameter, may be considered "big bore" in the land of pistols but not anywhere else, if you know what I mean.3 points
Most people had never heard of? You don't follow boxing, do you?3 points
Good idea,tarheelbball. But don't be afraid of the "idiot scratch." It is a sign of advancement in the gun world. You've gotten into a 1911 and won.3 points
Well wife came home late last night. I had a sneaking suspicion she was buying me a gift. Low and behold she got me a Glock 29. Ever since reading TGO David's post about 10mm underwood I've been thinking about getting one. I've really enjoyed my 26 so I thought a 29 would be a good fit. So far I love it. Gen 4 feels great in my hand and point perfect. Now to pick up some ammo and have a little range time!2 points
I'm sure his hands are beat to death from his smartphone screen and starbucks coffee.2 points
If I've learned one thing from liberals it's when you are losing a fight just start calling your opponent names.2 points
This one is headed to Hawaii made to the new owners requests. It's 1/4" thick 1095 carbon steel with textured black G10 scales. Man oh man is it a hoss..... :rofl:2 points
2 points
I like you worked my whole life for my meager existence....that I'm quite happy with by the way. Nobody gave my wife or myself a damn thing nor did we ever sit on our ass and take a handout. I don't owe anyone a damn thing and nobody owes me anything either. I'm sick of the left trying to make me feel bad cause some loser chooses to be lazy and expect a handout on my dime. Screw that.2 points
The Rossi in .45 Colt gets my vote. 45/70 is a bit overkill in the brush. If youre scooting out to 100 or better, then yeah, use it but inside 50-75 yards, the 45 Colt will get it done. Wish you lived closer. You could come by and we'd cast you up some 340g bullets from a custom mold I had cut. Guaranteed to punch a hole in a pig and make him spew like a hot can of beer! The large meplat makes very large blood spigots.2 points
It's was as much prudence as a blessing and it was the smart play. Going the other route, you would have had to deal with an empty house with a 2nd mortgage/insurance/property tax hit to worry about until you sold it. But this is America, and for some people selling a house equates to a hustle opportunity. When the day comes that I buy and sell a house, I'll be as thankful as you to just avoid a loss in the giant shell game that is the housing market. Piece of mind, having the deed done (no pun intended) and a small profit to squirrel away or apply to your current house are reward enough.2 points
You can't reason with a lib. They are mental sexual. I prefer the title ammo organizer :)2 points
I watched it. Meh. Disappointing. It looked like a warm-up. Not even a drop of blood for 36 minutes and $400 million? Sheesh. Yea, I've heard three people so far say they had never heard of Pacquiao... and about a dozen people gasp and give them that "From under what rock did you just crawl out?!" look of bewilderment. Lol!2 points
Season is 365 days/yr. No bag limit. Be prepared to piss off liberals too (I enjoy that part).2 points
The way I see things ya missed the point, or ya don't like it....We have freedom of speech and association in this country... Ya seem to be advocating censorship in the name of " the common good"; along with a pretty good dose of '"...I know best"...I think that sounds a bit elitist ta me... Are you gonna be the censor for TGO only, or everybody at large...? By the way, I'm all for havin everybody have their say... Even the Westboro children... The point is that you nor anyone else is a "censor" in this country... Ya can argue about and criticize the venue and the value of the "exhibition", and have your day in the "arena of ideas"; just like they have theirs... Ya can't "censor" it, nor can the gubmt... Ya may have missed the discussion of the First Amendment in your civics class... Leroy Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk2 points
Well, "Dustin" ain't right on the money either: There are no restrictions/requirements regarding the transportation of hand guns or long guns in TN. Comment makes no sense, as again, there are no requirements for transport of any firearm (other than one must not be prohibited from possession by law). Of course his intent is well taken, but best to be completely accurate about firearm laws yourself if you're ranting about inaccurate coverage of them. :) - OS2 points
Disliking the Baltimore rioters doesn't make me a bigot. Calling them thugs doesn't make me racist. Disliking a 'religion' that tells its followers to enslave or kill nonbelievers, & subvert law and government to establish'religious' rule doesn't make me a bigot either. But go ahead and say it does, if you like. The word (like racist) has lost its sting. The ability to see something (or someone) for what it is, and the right to call it what it is, isn't something I am anxious to surrender.2 points
Does anyone else remember the Muslim Day event held on the Texas State Capitol steps awhile back? They exercised their free speech right and were met with 1 woman protesting that their god is not our God. She was exercising her right to speak freely and was escorted away. No bullets went flying. The issue is actions vs. words. I can say that my dog's crap is holy and doesn't stink but when I fling that sh*t in you face for you to smell....that crosses the line. Actions make the difference. The Muslims are pushing their beliefs by violent actions and it is not by a militant minority. Our God given, Constitionally protected rights are being eroded day by day. A time is soon approaching that we stand up and fight or kneel down and die. Actions make the difference. God save the USA.2 points
Freedom of Speech simply means the government can't prosecute you for speaking against them. Speech has plenty of consequences the Constitution can't protect you from. Plenty of people have been fired for speech, killed for speech. Say what you have to say, but know the consequences and be ready to face them.2 points
This is the first thought that I had. I don't think we should live in fear of drawing political cartoons, but there is also consequences for actions, and sometimes common sense should be exercised for the interest of safety.2 points
You made an excellent choice. I have 4 of the parked loaded springfields. Only thing I changed on them was putting in a GI recoil spring setup and changing the mainspring housings to EGW arched ones. My favorites of all the 1911's.1 point
1 point
We get it your devoted Toyota owners, we can't all be perfect!! Show them off I need some new garage wall art..1 point
Every thing i look for that no one has seems to be at guns and leather greenbriar. All your fault!, I cant stay outta there! Thanks a lot! u got me hooked on this place!1 point
The underdog fights were bad and that interviewer was just as bad as all three fights were. Mayweather did exactly what he does every time, win with the least amount of fighting. Pacquiao just didn't bring his game, but I don't think he cared because he'll still pocket $100 mil for losing.1 point
I'm confused. Did someone ask you to? You seem awfully riled, did they invite you to the next drawing contest or something?1 point
Studies mean nothing to me. I see cars and trucks all day, everyday. I listen to what my customers complain about and what they are happy about. Never..not even ONCE have I heard "This Toyota is a :poop: ! Wish I had never bought it!" I hear that a LOT from GM and maybe just a little with Dodge. Rarely Ford. All the mechanics that trade with me drive Toyota and Nissan. One sure fire way to KNOW what is good, watch professional mechanics. They know what they see and they will buy what they DON'T have to work on. Toyota's major fault is the price. They are VERY proud of their stuff new and their trucks demand a premium in the used market. If they were to cut their sale price and maintain their current level of quality......well, wish in one hand :poop: in the other.1 point
I'm still new to 1911 but I read about using a small piece of card (like from a deck of cards). Too kept from scratching the frame until you more comfortable.1 point
Ah, Mayor Dumplin's Municipal Badlands. They should really consider moving the stop light cameras from west knox onto the greenways. I mean, since they are about public safety rather than revenue, of course.1 point
I think you're right. Not a good idea. With that said, there is NO excuse for violent criminal behavior. Seems like there are all kinds of folks making those excuses these days. If they held an event to make fat jokes about your mama, would you roll in and shoot the place up? I'm betting the answer is no.1 point
Good Guys: 2, Bad Guys: .5 (? Not sure how to count an injury) Maybe if we can bring all the nutjobs out of the woodwork like this where they can identify themselves plainly we can at least clean house a little. Wait... is that insensitive? ... whatever. Hope the officer makes a full and complete recovery quickly.1 point
My vote would be a F150 crew cab (for a growing family) the newer models with eco boost will get you decent gas mileage. I don't know your definition of good gas mileage but my 6.2L gets 16mpg hwy and my buddy eco boost V6 3.5 L twin turbo gets 22mpg hwy...1 point
Get the Dawson sights. I have put them on all my Glocks, M&P's, and 1911's. No problems at all.1 point
1 point
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