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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2015 in all areas

  1. I just want to point out ONE small thing:   If you have ever complained about the police, or bitched that they shouldn't be allowed to carry certain types of firearms or wear certain types of body armor, or wondered loudly to anyone who would listen why that cop who pulled you over was gruff and didn't cut you the amount of slack that you thought they should...   Keep in mind that the assholes you see destroying Baltimore on TV are cut from the same cloth as those that the cops in your town have to deal with all day, every day.   YOU are the exception to their norm.  So when they encounter YOU, there was a line of "animals" ahead of you that spent up all the patience that cop writing your speeding ticket might have had for the day.       That's all.  :)
    11 points
  2. For the younger generation on August 11, 1965 the Watts riots broke out in LA. For 5 days, 144 hours the riots continued that left 34 people dead, 118 gunshot victims, 1032 injured. One fireman, one deputy and one policeman dead. 3438 people arrested, the national guard was called out and 14,000 with tanks arrived. There were 288 stores completely burned out, all of the white owned businesses never returned. There were many so called factors that started this, one was overcrowding but this statistic doesn't wash as there were 14,000 blacks per square mile as opposed to 69,000 whites per square mile in NYC. There was $40 million in damages which in today's money is close to $300 million. All of this was started when a black man told a California Highway patrolman that he suspected a man driving drunk and gave the description, soon afterwards the car was spotted and the driver and 2 others who jumped on the officer were arrested. According to the testimony of the man arrested the patrolman was polite. I thought as the 50th anniversary is approaching that some of you younger people would like to know that the rioting like is happening in Baltimore has been going on for a long time. In fact when Lyndon Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights on July 2, 1964 act it took only 16 days for the Harlem riots to break out. In 1964 there were also riots in Rochester, Ny., Dixmoor, IL., Patterson, NJ. Philadelphia, Pa. Do some investigating these riots and they all are very similar. From 1900 to July 2, 1964 there had only been 3 riots, 2 in Harlem and 1 in Jacksonville, Fl, but there were 5 in 1964. Just a history lesson to think about. History does repeat itself when no changes are made btw.
    5 points
  3. Fighting Sheep Dog is excited to announce it's next "FSD Range Day", coming up on May 17th from noon-5pm at Windrock Shooting Range in Oliver Springs. This event is FREE to the general public! We'll supply ALL of the guns. We usually bring between 6-8 ARs decked outh with some of the hottest accessories (JP Silent Capture springs, TacCon trigger, various muzzle brakes (Primary Weapons Systems' CQB, Strike Industries Cookie Cutter, Black Rain Ordnance Miculek-style brake, etc), Gibbz side charging handle billet upper, a variety of buttstocks, etc). You'll receive a handout with the accessories in each gun so you know what you're shooting and can document what you like, don't like, etc. All we ask is that you don't bring your own ammo, but rather get it from Windrock Shooting Range. This allows us to control the quality of the ammo being shot through our barrels. Come prepared for an AWESOME time, shoot some really cool ARs, see what's possible, and discover some accessories you may want for your next build! Looking forward to meeting you soon!
    4 points
  4. Here is a knife I finished up for a customer. The scales are a beautiful dyed stabilized Burl . I think He is gonna be very happy! What says ye?
    4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. Yea well, I said it back when Obama got elected that he would take us back in time 50 years and it has proven my statement to be correct. All of the advancements made over the last 50 years were wiped out in one election..............jmho
    4 points
  7. Nugent posted this an hour ago. Language warning...   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCmpkLI-zDg
    4 points
  8. Picked up a little pocket 9 today. Stopped by my lgs looking for a summer carry pistol. Found this little PF-9. Not my first polymer pistol, but it is my smallest. I came home and grabbed a bite to eat and field stripped it and loved it up with some ballistol. Grabbed a box of 50 and went to the range a few miles up the road. I hate going to public ranges, to my surprise, not a soul in sight! Jackpot! So, I grabbed my box of ammo and went to shootin. Found some unused targets which was nice. Initial impressions: the little gun ran like a champ. Granted, more shooting will be needed before shorts season fully arrives. Another thing that I noticed is that the slide lock is STIFF and I do mean stiff. It's slowly starting to loosen up. But, I can live with that. One last thing, make sure to move your fingers away from the magazine well. Magazines hurt when they pinch the skin. That's some free advice [emoji6]
    3 points
  9. It doesn't matter if he had 24,000 arrests on his rap sheet. Seeing the police and running is suspicious, but not illegal. Don't get me wrong: a dirt-bag is a dirt-bag, and play stupid games; win stupid prizes and all: however, from the accounts posted so far the police had no cause to chase this cat down to begin with.
    3 points
  10. These people destroying their neighborhoods and small businesses are a disgrace to humanity. There is no excuse for this....none. I hope they all rot in hell.
    3 points
  11. Not what I thought this thread was about at all...   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTDUuBWGtpU
    3 points
  12. It's definitely not safe for work (NSFW) or children's ears, but check this out if you have the chance.  Baltimore needs more mothers to smack their sons like this for their own good. https://instagram.com/p/1_suRjlEmh/?taken-by=simply.ish
    3 points
  13. Nice cartel! Here's a few more variants for you to acquire: Bulgarian Ak74 folder, Polish folder, Egyptian crutch folder and Yugo M72 Rpk
    3 points
  14. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  15. I Glock blocked myself one night because I was reading the classifieds in bed and didn't notice that she was "putting off the vibe"....
    2 points
  16. I've been following this story today. Lots of peaceful protesters out and about. There are also lots of reports of citizens out cleaning their neighborhoods. I hope that these stories get looped as many times as the CVS fire.
    2 points
  17. His record may explain why he ran. It doesn't explain why he is dead.
    2 points
  18.   May I add my thanks to this as well, your service to the community was at a difficult time in our history. Glad you contributed and made it thru.
    2 points
  19. Well Essone thanks for your service and sacrifice. I was going to wait until August to post it, but at my age I felt I better do it while it was on my bwain!!
    2 points
  20. Thanks for remembering. I reported to the East LA office of the CHP on August 8, 1965, three days before the Watts Riot began. From that time on the CHP provided 85% of all the police manpower deployed to riots in California throughout the 60's, 70's, and on into the 80's and 90's. I made it to three more in the next few years, two as a officer and the last one as a Sergeant Squad Leader. Funny, I guess I'm guilty of unfounded optimism because I never thought they'd start again on this scale. Guess my eyeballs ought to be purple because I was sure full of prunes on that one.
    2 points
  21. To add a bit to the conversation, there are lots of companies that are having the "chinese" manufacture knives... Take a look at the Kershaw-Emerson stuff... They are very well made knives (...i've got several of 'em...)...  The "chinese" steel is as good as anyone else's mid range stuff... The main difference between the "chinese" stuff and the "american" stuff at the same steel type is zero for most people... Makin steel is alot like makin a cake... Put the right stuff in, the right cake comes out... As to the workmanship, it's first class... The only difference is the difference between $35 and about $100 for the "chinese" vs "american" build...   leroy
    2 points
  22. Good grief; a 1911 turning into a “paper weight” because Para was sold to Freedom Group? You would think if they found the 1911 forum they would know better than that.
    2 points
  23.   The company is Camillus. It was American, goes back to 1876, started with importing German made knives, then made its own,  went out in 2007. Was a competitor of Buck, but yes, also a collaborator on certain knives.   Acme International bought the Camillus holdings in bankrupt auction in 2009, cranked up the brand again. American company, but most if not all now made in China. They've got a Les Stroud line these days among other stuff.   http://www.camillusknives.com/   Buck's Chinese made blades are supposedly made in a Buck owned plant somewhere in China, but they've played that pretty close to the vest as to location and exact arrangement.   Camillus is perhaps most famous for developing the official military issue US Mark 2 Combat knife, which of course was later made by several companies and of course KA-BAR in very similar form to this day.   Here are beau coup BladeForum threads on the Buck 307: https://www.google.com/search?q=307+buck+knifes&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=307+buck+knives+site:www.bladeforums.com&newwindow=1   I carry a Buck Stockman 301. In Delrin yellow, though, which they've discontinued. Without my having to read up on it :), what's the big deal about the 307 compared to 301?   - OS
    2 points
  24.   Better stick to the cities, rural folk don't need no National Guard.
    2 points
  25.   I know a fair number of gay folks, and you're right. We're not all flaming liberals, in fact a lot of us just want to live our lives, protect our families, and be left alone the same as anyone else. I've introduced a number of gay friends to firearms and shooting because as they say, "armed gays don't get bashed". We're just like everyone else.    The right has traditionally bet on the hard line traditionalists to be a larger number of voters than right leaning gay folks, and by the numbers they're right. The most optimistic estimates say that gay/ trans people make up 10-14% of the US population, and some surveys are as low as 2-3%. When you break that group down further into active voters, then conservative active voters, the right has had a much larger well to tap by toeing the traditionalist line. They can bark about how 'the gays' are trying to destroy marriage and hate Jesus, and it's easy to motivate everyone that claims to be a Christian to the polls because they think Jesus may not love them as much if they extend some grace to the evil gays.    The left is just as bad- they scream about how the right is just out to get gay people at all costs, and they make it sound like we're about to be the victims of some type of horrible ethnic cleansing which drives every Subaru driving, tree hugging, granola munching liberal gay or not out to the polls to 'protect' us poor, stupid queers that can't stand up for ourselves. It's insulting, but this is the place modern gay people find themselves. We're a convenient political football that neither party really wants to take care of, they're both too busy kicking us back and forth to pump up their own fans. 
    2 points
  26. It's tribalism man...!!! Nothin else; and its fueled from the White House... The regime in power now would like for America to turn into South Africa... They have got a little bit of it in Baltimore... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    2 points
  27. I can sort of understand the Mayor's decision in this one.  Letting the rage burn itself out is a technique.  I'm not saying it's the right one, but I'm also not saying it's the wrong one.     I'm sure the Baltimore PD and other agencies are being stretched thin with the situation, and I wouldn't be surprised for them to conclude that they simply don't have the numbers to secure every place, and instead need to focus on key infrastructure in the city.  They may also want to keep LEO's from being spread out too much number wise, in light of the current threats being discussed.   I know we see these types of actions and think in terms of action/re-action, but you have to look at the whole board, including how much manpower you have available to meet the threat in the days to come events.       Doubt it.  The Supreme Court has already ruled that police don't have a Constitutional duty to protect individuals from harm, so I'm fairly sure property or business won't be able to carve out a case.
    2 points
  28. My latest. Is there any photographers in Nashville that doesn't have a similar picture?
    2 points
  29. no kidding!   Why even have a separate HCP?  Why not a citation on the DL that means the person has a HCP.  Now that might save some money.
    2 points
  30. I've had mine for about 4 years and carry 147g JHP. I've shot more 115 than 147, but it has always handled 147 with no problem. Very accurate too. I did have a problem recently with the mag dropping just enough to cause a jam after each shot. I called Keltec, and they sent me a new mag release (no charge). That solved the issue, and it's flawless again.
    1 point
  31. Here are a few thoughts and observations from a guy that shoots quite a few deer and honestly prefers a doe over a buck.  I did limit out on bucks last year, none were nice, one had the potential to have been nice one day and I honestly should have let it walk and regret not doing so.  The other two I killed were scrubby spikes that were not formed well.   -   I'm all for this.  Heck I might even be in favor of a one buck per year limit. -  Tennessee has two drastically different regions when it comes to deer this is pretty much divided at the Western edge of the Cumberland Plateau.  IMO these two distinct areas should be managed completely differently from one another.  When I lived in East Tennessee I didn't even bother deer hunting there because of the super conservative limits on does so I can understand the frustration of people in that area.  Again, IMO, the solution is not to keep the buck limit at 3 in this part of the state but to raise the doe limit, maybe not to what it is in Unit L but raise it some, where I lived in Blount County I could kill 2 does IIRC over a period of 5 days last season.  Ironically I saw plenty of does, even in the portions of the county that did not allow the harvest of does at all during rifle season.  -  Kentucky has had the 1 buck per year limit for years and they have some very nice buck coming out of there.  -  This past season I observed several bucks, I saw one with a decent rack but there were tons of 4 pointers and spikes running around.  Too many scrawny bucks IMO, perhaps a lower limit would help this, I'm not a biologist so I can't say that with any certainty.  This was the first year that I've ever tagged out on bucks and I didn't set out to do so, the bucks were just the opportunities that I had.  It leads me to believe the population may be out of balance.  I'll note that none of the deer were taken closer than 5 miles from each other and none further than 20 miles.  They were all taken in Wilson County.   -  Instead of flat out having a two buck limit I'd like to see  something like 1 buck then another tag issued after harvesting a doe.  Or one with a rifle but a hunter can harvest another with a muzzleloader or bow. -  As a meat hunter hunting in Unit L I'm not going to care that much what they do to the buck limit as long as I can continue to harvest my 3 does per day.  I don't care that much about taking a deer with a big rack but I'd enjoy seeing some bigger deer wander around out there. 
    1 point
  32. Insurance Companies and Federal Grants will pay some of the weight which of course comes back on taxpayers and rate payers. Its not fair but life isn't fair either. People will most certainly sue the City Gov't and name the Mayor, all of which will cost additional monies. I never expected the NG to be called out until after the first night of rioting, politicians can and will say they didn't know it'd be that bad. Call them liars all you like but they'll only look at you and smile.
    1 point
  33.   All to true. Social Progressivism continually proves itself to be oppressive socialism which is corrosively destructive and intent on creating its own truth. What it actually is, quite disturbingly is racism set lose upon a populace intent upon ignoring what's happening around it. Social Engineering at its finest only with a different set of players.  
    1 point
  34. Call Cherokee gun and pawn in GA.   They have been selling the Octane 9 (without booster) for 379.  20 dollars shipping puts you at 399.  Add booster for 69 bucks from Silencershop and you are under your 500 dollar limit by 32 bucks.  
    1 point
  35. what's the big deal about the 307 compared to 301?     - OS     Well there is a bit of size difference.    Buck model #307 “Wrangler” large stockman is 4 1/4 inches closed while the 301 stockman is 3-7/8.  I know that doesn't seem like much seeing the measurements but when you are holding them, there is a noticeable difference in size and weight.   I will try to get a picture of the 2 side by side later.
    1 point
  36. [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/for%20sale/IMG_2033.jpg.html][/URL] Mine has no safety and a little kitty cat on it. I really like it, but would trade it for a pre safety Marlin in a heartbeat.
    1 point
  37. Yep. I have always understood that
    1 point
  38. If a person runs from a cop for no apparent reason, and the cops do not give chase, they are in deep stuff if he turns out to be an armed escapee who kidnapped and killed a family of five after the cops failed to chase him, even if it happens days later.. The courts support the principle of the man of ordinary reason and prudence, and I believe such a man would believe that when someone takes leg bail simply because he sees a cop, the cops act reasonably when they conclude that he has probably committed a crime he does not want to be apprehended for and give chase. That's my cop's take on the initial contact with the injured man.   But after that, I think there is something bad wrong here, and that's a cop's take too.
    1 point
  39. Not into photography, but what he can do is setup an IR mobile autonomous quadrocopter and have it follow you around. If anything, human or animal, gets within your zone, it will it will start a looped recording on the suspects Miranda rights while at the same time moving between you and the suspect while slowly moving towards the suspect with it's 10,000 rpm spinning steel props. Of course, he can also duct-tape extra magazines and a BUG to the quadrocopter. You never know when you are going to be rushed by hordes of tangos so it is literally impossible to carry too much ammo. Since it is at night, you probably should have him rig you up a second quadrocopter without Ir cam, etc and use it just for additional ammo. I think he calls that setup "The Flying Mulesack". Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  40.   Seems that racial tensions have gotten worse all over the country in the last 7 years, funny how a black Democrat President was elected, a black AG appointed and it's alot worse than when a white Texan Republican was President.
    1 point
  41. Folks, every please keep in mind the source of all the information we are getting on this...I take every single piece of news reported nowadays with a grain of salt, and stories like these with a dump truck load of salt...The media reporting this is the same media that reported on the Ferguson mess, and we all know how accurate that all turned out to be in the end :) Good ole Mark Twain said it best...
    1 point
  42. Maybe this should be a multiple choice question. A. Because they didn't realize that there is a difference between raising awareness for a cause and looking like radical idiots B. Because they actually believed that carrying an AR where someone was just trying to eat a burrito with their family would win public sympathy for their cause C. Because those long guns look so cool when you pose for a picture in a fast food joint wearing your sunglasses (indoors) or your 'tactical' boonie hat D. All of the above As for park carry in the 'vicinity' of school related functions, I suggest that a firearm that no one knows is there (carried concealed) is unlikely to cause any grief or legal troubles for someone who unknowingly wanders into such 'vicinity'.
    1 point
  43. Can you purchase and delay delivery? Or maybe place a deposit?9
    1 point
  44. If it makes financial sense to pay movers  to deliver and install it twice on top of that price I'd say go for it, otherwise I would probably wait until  Iwas all settled in if I was planning a move.
    1 point
  45. I use Mint, easy as breathing.
    1 point
  46. Mac you sound surprised that the legislature's are idiots
    1 point
  47.   Look on Buck's site. About 25% say "imported", started maybe 15 years ago or more.   For example, you can get a US made Stockman:   http://www.buckknives.com/product/301-stockman-knife/0301FAM01/   or a Chinese made one:   http://www.buckknives.com/product/stockman-knife/0371BRS-B/   Perhaps most significant diff: Buck's fine 420HC steel vs the poorer 420J2.   They have said their goal is to bring all production back to US, whatever.   - OS
    1 point
  48. Thanks for postin this pops.... I'm holdin out for a single stack 40...   waitin leroy...
    1 point
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