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This may be a minority opinion; but i don't care what happens in Baltimore... A quick check of the history of Baltimore will tell ya that it has been under Democrat control since 1967... That means that for 48 years the "best and brightest" including the one they have now have been in firm control of this cesspool... I think it's interestin that since 2007, they have had two black women mayors... I thought that this bunch would have turned Baltimore into a paradise by now... I guess not... There have always been two Baltimores; the one downtown around Fort McHenry and the harbor basin, and everywhere else... It looks pretty dangerous to me in both Baltimores... Looks ta me like the citizens of Baltimore deserve better than this; but they are gonna have to change their attitudes and votin habits... non carin leroy6 points
I like bacon but I think that it has become more a fad that has been overdone than something that really needs to be in/on everything. I tried a bacon chocolate chip cookie from a bakery/coffee shop in Gatlinburg last year. It was pretty good but, honestly, the bacon didn't add anything. The cookie and the chocolate were by far the prevalent flavors. I will not add to the donut/cop jokes. Instead, I will relate an absolutely true story told to me by a friend who used to work at Krispy Kreme as a driver (and who, himself, sometimes still works events as an auxiliary deputy or whatever they are called with Knox County.) When he worked there, my friend could get all the glazed donuts he wanted at no charge. Yep, as many as he wanted absolutely free. This was even if he wasn't working that, particular day (I went with him to pick up a couple of dozen on more than one occasion.) So, one morning after his route - which was a third shift gig, more or less - he had a couple of dozen hot, fresh donuts in his passenger seat. He was also in a hurry to get home and was, by his own admission, speeding. Well, he saw blue lights and got pulled over. He said that the officer walked up to his driver's side window and said, "Sir, do you know why I stopped you this mor...oooh, donuts!" At which point, my friend said, "I just came from work at Krispy Kreme. They are fresh and still warm. Would you like a dozen?" The officer accepted, told my friend to take it easy on the rest of his trip home and let him go.6 points
I got pulled over last week. The cop said, "Your eyes look red. Have you been drinking?" I said, "Your eyes look glazed. Have you been eating donuts?" :D5 points
Lets not call any undue(and likely unpopular) attention to ourselves by slapping silly little stickers on govt signs...Best thing we can do is simply enjoy our freedom to finally carry our handguns in our local parks...:)5 points
A friend sent this to me this morning. I know it's wrong, but I can't stop laughing. That aside, he/she can do what ever he/she wants. None of us would know anything about this if it weren't for the TV show.5 points
I know a fair number of gay folks, and you're right. We're not all flaming liberals, in fact a lot of us just want to live our lives, protect our families, and be left alone the same as anyone else. I've introduced a number of gay friends to firearms and shooting because as they say, "armed gays don't get bashed". We're just like everyone else. The right has traditionally bet on the hard line traditionalists to be a larger number of voters than right leaning gay folks, and by the numbers they're right. The most optimistic estimates say that gay/ trans people make up 10-14% of the US population, and some surveys are as low as 2-3%. When you break that group down further into active voters, then conservative active voters, the right has had a much larger well to tap by toeing the traditionalist line. They can bark about how 'the gays' are trying to destroy marriage and hate Jesus, and it's easy to motivate everyone that claims to be a Christian to the polls because they think Jesus may not love them as much if they extend some grace to the evil gays. The left is just as bad- they scream about how the right is just out to get gay people at all costs, and they make it sound like we're about to be the victims of some type of horrible ethnic cleansing which drives every Subaru driving, tree hugging, granola munching liberal gay or not out to the polls to 'protect' us poor, stupid queers that can't stand up for ourselves. It's insulting, but this is the place modern gay people find themselves. We're a convenient political football that neither party really wants to take care of, they're both too busy kicking us back and forth to pump up their own fans.4 points
Folks, every please keep in mind the source of all the information we are getting on this...I take every single piece of news reported nowadays with a grain of salt, and stories like these with a dump truck load of salt...The media reporting this is the same media that reported on the Ferguson mess, and we all know how accurate that all turned out to be in the end :) Good ole Mark Twain said it best...4 points
Prob is, it's tough to win the GOP primaries without the religious fundamentalist vote. - OS3 points
I have a few gay friends that are pretty hard core right wingers. They're just too smart to buy into the unicorn bull####. But, even though all Republicans aren't homophobes, it might be safe to assume that all homophobes are Republican :). Lot's of gay folks just won't hang out where they're not wanted. The Repubs need to get out of the social crap, and focus on running the damn government. I've told them that more than once.3 points
It's tribalism man...!!! Nothin else; and its fueled from the White House... The regime in power now would like for America to turn into South Africa... They have got a little bit of it in Baltimore... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk3 points
Honestly never been to one. My point, however, was that there is a difference in being an activist and, maybe, carrying long guns in public areas to bring awareness to a cause and taking your protest - be it carrying long guns in a Chipotle's or open carry of a handgun in Starbucks - into a private establishment. Putting private businesses in the middle of a debate that they likely want no part of - often resulting in everyone being banned from carrying in businesses that were not, previously, posted - is cutting one's own nose (and the nose of every other member of the firearm carry community) off to spite one's face. This is the same reason I hope folks don't go overboard with park carry and act like Voldemort when carry in state parks became legal and he went walking around Radnor Lake park with an openly carried Drako. Just because we can doesn't always mean we should. Getting carried away and not exercising a little common sense (real common sense, not the 'common sense' that anti's refer to when trying to stifle our rights) is not the way to gain future advances in the restoration of firearm and carry rights.3 points
3 points
I have a number of both types of friends. The real shame is the otherwise intelligent gays that wind up being Democrats because of the way Republicans deal with gay marriage and similar issues.3 points
all I ever have used Wheaties for is to make balls for fishing bait. As for Bruce, I don't care what he does. I do know life is too short and if this makes him happy then good for him. People are allowed to be happy. You can't change that he is arguably the greatest Olympian ever.3 points
2 points
Seems that racial tensions have gotten worse all over the country in the last 7 years, funny how a black Democrat President was elected, a black AG appointed and it's alot worse than when a white Texan Republican was President.2 points
Context can be subjective but being truthful in saying a particular model gun fails to excite you is simply expressing that. Striker fired plastic pistols aren't the tools of machine wonderment such as a Browning High Power, German Lugar or SIG 210, instead they are functional tool like pistols. In looks and handling they tend to blur and become boring, even the newest of the new. Early 20th century Colt & S&W fixed sight revolvers were equally boring prior to the 1960's. They too were looked upon more as everyday tools and were everyday items. Now of course we look upon those old revolvers in wonderment, or at least I do. But what we now have with the Shield and 43 are very lightweight near pocket-sized that are technical marvels and still a bit boring.2 points
This is a story about an AR build project that turned out really well. First, here's the culprit, my plain as mud "A2.5" Click here to view the original image of 640x480px. For a number of years I’ve been stuck on the idea of an AR “short rifle” instead of a carbine. I envisioned a beautifully balanced, proportional little rifle that would have a 16” government contour barrel (not the M4 style) and a conventional fixed butt stock. As far as I know, nobody ever tried to market such an animal, at least I couldn't find one anyway. So I finally got my gumption up and put one together myself. (Actually I only built the lower, Spikes built the upper.) What I did to arrive at my ultimate end, my “short rifle,” was to take a Spike’s Tactical 16” mid length flat top upper receiver assembly and mate it up with a standard, A3 lower receiver assembly. And boy does it mount, point, and swing like a million dollars. I've had the chance to wring it out on the range now and it shoots every bit as good as it looks, coming in at roughly 1.5 MOA with iron sights. Here's another view of it to give a better idea of its proportions. I think it's a pretty handsome rifle, myself. Click here to view the original image of 640x378px. In the hands of a six foot, 190 pound shooter One of my biggest goals was to keep it mechanically clean, simple, and relatively unsophisticated. Mission accomplished. The Spike’s upper receiver assembly came with an M16 bolt carrier group and a 16” government contour CMV/CL barrel with a 1:7 rate of twist, and a MagPul MOE forend. The rear sight is an LMT stand alone unit. The Spike's lower receiver is set up with a Geissele SSA trigger, an Armalite ambi selector and lower parts kit, a MagPul MIAD pistol grip, and a JP Enterprises tuned buffer spring. To preserve the look I was after I topped it off with a (gasp) black M1/M14 sling. So as such things go today, it’s a pretty plain Jane rifle that won't turn a lot of heads at a gadget convention, but then I don't care much for luggage racks and running boards on my cars, either. For my first accuracy tests I fired four 100 yard bench rest groups with Outback and Privi 69 grain and 75 grain target hollow points. They were fired with iron sights and with the rifle resting on my range bag. They all measured right at 1 5/8" per each four shot groups. A 3x scope put them into an inch. I've sat at the bench with common XM193 ammo and, shooting off my elbows without a rest, dinged the 12"X18" dingers at 240 yards with egotistically pleasing regularity. Heck, at my age I'll settle for that! Here is one of the groups I mentioned. [URL=http://s275.photobucket.com/user/jaypee3843/media/e1cbb1ea-13b5-44c9-8607-88b8c63206b4_zps1p7pn5ty.jpg.html][/URL] I've tried several borrowed scopes on it and only one of them worked well and didn't louse up the balance and make the gun want to get "tippy". That was the Burris A332 Prism sight, but I haven't bothered to photograph the gun with a scope on it because I'm still not convinced I'm going to keep it scoped. I just like the balance better with the irons. What's the "A2.5" all about? Well, it looks a bit like a cut down A3, so I just shaved off a half point and called my "A2.5." It's kinda neat having a gun nobody else on the block has, even if it is a little plain, and especially since I got to set it up the way I wanted the rifle to be. Like George Peppard use to say on "The A Team" I love it when a plan comes together. EssOne2 points
2 points
Just because you can add bacon or bacon flavor to something does not mean you should....2 points
I have always wanted to steal a Krispy-Kream donut truck and have the police chase me.2 points
And that's all that matters in this equation, that the end user, who shelled out their own money to buy the pistol like it. A happy end purchaser will buy another gun from the manufacture or recommend the product to others. Its always been that way and I wouldn't have it otherwise.2 points
I lost my $hit when I saw a bacon donut.lol too funny. I love how the quasi forbidden treat has made its way to pizza crust and donuts. This could be a valuable tool for law enforcement. Bacon donuts at 3 am will help find Hoffa' s body!2 points
I believe a lot of folks on both sides of the aisle would be surprised at how many gay people are conservative or libertarian.2 points
How about a TN Constitutional amendment that every other session, the legislature can only repeal laws, not enact any new ones? How about a US Constitutional amendment that does same? - OS2 points
That of course is everyone's right and should not be extrapolated to mean he's hiding something. Civilians are commonly told to say nothing except "I want to speak to my attorney" after a self-defense shooting. Everything that happens after a fatality is the domain of lawyers. It's best to let them do what they went to school for and are paid the big bucks for. That particular cop might just be the smart one.2 points
I was reading up on this last night and found several anecdotal reports of "suspects" being taken on intentionally violent rides in cruisers or transport vans while handcuffed and shackled and summarily receiving spinal injuries as a result. If that practice is indeed employed by some officers, there might be something to this story. Like someone else said in this thread, it's rather difficult to logically walk through how a suspect can be subdued and restrained, and then somehow receive an injury that almost completely severs their spinal cord while in custody. Was there another fight or scuffle with officers? Some sort of sincere "freak accident"? This one just looks bad no matter what news source I use to read accounts of what happened. Baltimore PD may have brought this one upon themselves.2 points
[media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nngBdzmH6VI[/media] Enjoy!1 point
The 37x knives are made in China. The #301 and 303 knives are USA made! However if you have a Buck 307, Buck will not repair it. Most knives they will repair for 10 dollars per blade. They don't have replacement blades for a 307. Found out after Dad broke his favorite knife. He is mad at buck right now. I got on the phone with them and they offered to trade it out for a Buck 301. I said no. However I just traded down a new, never used blade for a 307. Next will be getting it put in so I can give it back to him on fathers day I hope.1 point
How many would satisfy you? In an attempt to be contrary, you completely disregarded the intention of my post. It seems that very few are addressing the initial grievance. Also, why would anyone with common sense stick around after a riot starts?1 point
1 point
My daughter forgot her PINK handcuffs at my house today when she came to pick my grand daughter after work. Well being the complete moron I am I noticed about 2 seconds AFTER I locked myself to the pole on my porch that she hadn't left the key, and I am the only one at home with my phone sitting on the kitchen table mocking me lol. Two hours later my wife finally comes home and after she quit laughing at me she called Shay and had her bring the key. So that was my day today.1 point
1 point
Chipotle's products will keep me away long before I ever even see the gunbuster sign on their door. Love Tex-mex in general, but Chipotle's food is way overrated, and even if they encouraged legal carry I still wouldn't darken their door. But that's just me.1 point
There will be plenty of folks shooting Sunday. The RO'S from Saturday will be shooting Sunday. I have what I think will be a very fun match planned for this weekend.1 point
Maybe this should be a multiple choice question. A. Because they didn't realize that there is a difference between raising awareness for a cause and looking like radical idiots B. Because they actually believed that carrying an AR where someone was just trying to eat a burrito with their family would win public sympathy for their cause C. Because those long guns look so cool when you pose for a picture in a fast food joint wearing your sunglasses (indoors) or your 'tactical' boonie hat D. All of the above As for park carry in the 'vicinity' of school related functions, I suggest that a firearm that no one knows is there (carried concealed) is unlikely to cause any grief or legal troubles for someone who unknowingly wanders into such 'vicinity'.1 point
Rev 9 is $580 at silencershop. The AAC modular can is only in 45, at least for now, and not available at present (to my knowledge.) I did see where silencershop has the new AAC Illusion 9 in stock for $676.1 point
Very few decent cans in the $500 range .. a while back Silence Shop had the Tirant 9 for $400 .. steal, cost is over $600. But I'm sure they're all dried up. I personally like the Octane 9 now .. I have a Rev 9 in transfer and it's a neat can.. they make good stuff, not sure of the price though. AAC just came out with a modular version too. But Silencerco gets my nod, it is a little larger than the Tirant 9 just FYI.1 point
1 point
Steelharp in no way indicated any "hate" towards Glock, nor the G43. Where do you get that idea. He simply stated that some will and some won't like it.1 point
Like the first two, but the third one I really, really like. Not bad at all for a phone pic.1 point
Took the kids on a little hike in the GSMNP yesterday. Forgot the real camera so I took a few shots with my phone. Fiddled around with the camera app editing software to give them a "vintage" look while grilling hot dogs after we got back home. Thought they turned out fairly well....1 point
Well I finally did it. It's a 1/4 circle 10 small frame glock lower with their modified bolt. Cmmg pdw upper. 8.5" barrel keymod rail. Only got to shoot it 5 times, but so far so good. Bho works as it shoot. Parts kit is a spikes enhanced lpk. Not crazy about the ambi safety's as it rubs my trigger finger. Also not sold on the keymod over a standard rail. Now just gotta settle on sights and optics.1 point
Congress should have the power to reject or approve any decisions the ATF or really any other "FEDERAL" agency makes, not just the POTUS. As far as taking away some power, after living through this administration I would like to see some authority taken away from the President.1 point
They played that same broken record in GA over and over. With HB 89, SB 308, HB 60, etc... Sounds like a widespread disease. Edit: I placed the dotted line below to separate my comments from the person who posted below. I think I may be having trouble with the quote function. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's like an old broken record. Shall issue passes, (Oh my god, wild west shootouts in the streets), didn't happen. Carry in stores that sell beer passes, (Oh my god, wild west shootouts in stores), didn't happen. Carry in state parks passes, (Oh my god, wild west shootouts in parks), didn't happen. Carry in restaurants passes, (Oh my god, wild west shootouts in restaurants), didn't happen. Guns in cars in parking lots passes, (Oh my god, wild west shootouts in cars in parking lots), didn't happen. Carry in city parks ?? (Oh my god, wild west shootouts in city parks), not going to happen. But you can't tell them that, they will play that irrational emotional broken record every time a new pro-gun bill is passed.1 point
I went to the seminar last Friday. I, too, was a bit surprised by some of the comments. He did make a big deal about fill-in the blank trusts. Glad someone else posted it (I didn't want to come across as being self-serving). Another interesting conversation was how trusts are processed. Generally, the agents handle several hundred a day. If there is a question of validity, they walk it over the one of two (yes, just two) attorneys on staff at the WV office. Bill Ryan (who gave the speech) and another attorney (she was there, but I didn't meet her). Ryan genuinely seemed helpful. Very nice during individual conversations after the seminar. But it does appear that he is in charge of the response to all of the 41P comments. 41P is not dead, but certainly doesn't appear to be moving very fast. There were a number of specific issues raised about 41P and Ryan's answer was esssentially "we have figured that out yet." One very specific issue (seemed to be a hot button issue for Nevada and Arizona lawyers) was how a Responsible Person could possibly get a CLEO signature if he lives in, for example, San Francisco, even if he will NEVER bring the item into the state of California. The example was a trustee living in CA with all the NFA items being held by a second trustee in NV. The answer was "we don't know yet, but we (the ATF) aren't sure the CA CLEO would even be needed." So, I have no idea what the ATF's final position on CLEO signatures will be.1 point
Somehow, I see it quite the opposite. I COULD argue (I won't though) that those who pay $200, submit fingerprints, photo and whatever else to the feds, ask permission of their local police chief and wait several months simply to ask permission to own an item that is Constitutionally protected are the ones voluntarily taking it in the arse. Perhaps the people who are putting what is essentially a stock on their pistols (and NOT the pansies writing a letter to some bureaucracy asking for their blessing, BTW) are basically raising a middle finger to an overgrown federal leviathon and saying "eff yoo". I know which ones I think are most likely to end up in a threesome with the two chicks. BTW, I know it was just a joke and I do not intend to offend anyone who owns a registered NFA weapon. (P.S. Was that first paragraph a great run-on sentence, or what?)1 point
I'll do you one better. Lets keep the possibility for obtaining a HCP for cross-state compatibility, initiate constitutional carry in TN, and then make it illegal to use a firearm to do something illegal. Win-Win! In high school in one class we had a "conversation" that was based on the fact someone stabbed someone with a swiss army knife on school property. The teacher was asking "what could be done" to prevent things like that happening in the future. I told him that they should just make it against the law to stab someone, and he responded that it already was. I responded with "And a lot of good that did".1 point
This should satisfy them. [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JMH42/media/NoGuns_zps2cae4b2e.jpg.html][/URL]1 point
1 point
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