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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2015 in all areas

  1. My daughter forgot her PINK handcuffs at my house today when she came to pick my grand daughter after work. Well being the complete moron I am I noticed about 2 seconds AFTER I locked myself to the pole on my porch that she hadn't left the key, and I am the only one at home with my phone sitting on the kitchen table mocking me lol. Two hours later my wife finally comes home and after she quit laughing at me she called Shay and had her bring the key. So that was my day today.
    4 points
  2. I don't believe I would have posted that.
    3 points
  3. You know what? Screw the rest of the country! :angry: I've seen the rest of the country, and we've got a good thing going on here in the South. Been to California lately? :cool:
    3 points
  4. Well I finally did it. It's a 1/4 circle 10 small frame glock lower with their modified bolt. Cmmg pdw upper. 8.5" barrel keymod rail. Only got to shoot it 5 times, but so far so good. Bho works as it shoot. Parts kit is a spikes enhanced lpk. Not crazy about the ambi safety's as it rubs my trigger finger. Also not sold on the keymod over a standard rail. Now just gotta settle on sights and optics.
    2 points
  5. Not a chance I'm believing that story. :)
    2 points
  6. The majority of handcuff stories have a common theme, and now pink ones to boot?!!  And we really are to believe John455's account? ;)   - OS
    2 points
  7. Don't feel bad, I had a girl friend put one cuff on me and the other on her. She didn't have a key so I had to drive to the police station to unlock them. That was the last time I went out with that girl and the leo kept the cuffs.
    2 points
  8. Hmmm. Well I could tell some stories about folks playing around with handcuffs resulting in a 911 phone call for an officer to help get them out of the handcuffs. Of course sometimes they weren't USA pattern cuffs using a standard handcuff key. BTW a sliver of metal used as a shim works fine...if you can reach it or hint...have a standard ink pen in your pocket...
    2 points
  9. Just an aside, I just noticed the little English lesson correction in the bill also, surprised I never caught it the many times I read existing statute.   Previously from 39-17-1311 "A person possessing unloaded hunting weapons while transversing the grounds..."   Amended to:   SECTION 5. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 39-17-1311, is amended by deleting from subdivision ( b )(1)(J)(ii) the word “transversing” and substituting instead the word “traversing”.   ----------   i.e., a person could only "transverse" something if his body lies across it.   / end pedantry :)   - OS
    2 points
  10. Liberal heads are exploding across the state.
    2 points
  11. Yeah, but have you ever signed on through your smart phone while taking an early morning dump in a portapotty at the gunrange before other folks show up? Yeah, me neither.
    2 points
  12. About time Haslam did something good for the gun-supporting constituents.   http://www.knoxnews.com/news/local-news/gov-signs-gunsinparks-bill-into-law_94739792    
    2 points
  13. We're a little slow up here. The Grand Ole Opry comes in on monday.
    2 points
  14. Tom will be offering a 1 day class in Franklin TN coming up next month.........       Intensive Pistol Skills One Day Training Primary Instructor – Tom Givens   Place:           Nashville/Franklin,TN,  area Time:            9am – 6pm Date:            May 9, 2015                      Saturday Rounds:        400-500 Price:             $225.00  Intensive Pistol Skills is an extensive work-out of the essential skills involved in self-defense with a handgun. Topics covered include presentation from the concealed carry holster; accurate shooting at high speed; fast, reliable reloading techniques; one handed shooting; malfunction remedies; and much more. Students will fire approximately 400-500 rounds. Directions to the range, detailed equipment list and other info will be sent to registered students prior to class date. To register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/intensive-pistol-skills-franklin-tn-tickets-15014727454        
    2 points
  15. I have mixed feelings on the full auto/semiauto issue. I was the weapons training sergeant in four different stations during my career and I know very well that some guys in uniform have natural abilities with firearms and some are totally without that talent, tending to shoot and handle the gun like they got it out of a book. Also, adrenalin is always in abundance during armed confrontations, so in my mind's eye I can see a nightmarish scene where a scared, overexcited cop of the second description above steps out of the car and rips off an ill-considered burst down the sidewalk and into a crowded bus bench. However, aside from being a cop I was also trained as Light Weapons Infantry in the Army and I want no part of any firefight where the other guy has a machine gun and I only have a semi-auto. That's a suicide mission. So the best I can do here at this time in history is to say that I would be comfortable with selected, carefully trained officers carrying machine guns when and where needed, and not necessarily by every officer on routine patrol as a matter of course. As a friend of mine said about having an AR-15 for home defense: "If we really need an AR to defend our homes with, then we have a much worse problem than the one we're shooting at." The same applies to the issue of cops carrying machine guns. Cops should always be given every weapon they need to defend themselves with in protecting us, but are we to the point where the standard Ameican beat cop needs a machine gun to defend himself with? Man I hope not. Like I said, I'm really conflicted about this. I really think the issue here is the broader issue of the militarization of law enforcement. It's very troubling to the public that cops are starting to look like soldiers, and it's even more troubling when you consider that it might just be necessary. I hope it isn't, but.......my friend DID buy an AR to defend his home with, so ?????????????????
    2 points
  16. I carry a semi-automatic rifle, I have no use for full auto. As others mentioned, the practicality of shorter barrels is obvious when working out of a vehicle. I'm curious about the suppressor comment though. You do know they protect hearing and don't make the rifle any more deadly, right? I don't know of any officers that use suppressors for patrol, but I'm surprised to hear this view coming from the gun community. I usually only hear the uninformed speaking in this manner about a suppressor.
    2 points
  17. Nice one Steve. No FCS and no tacky roll-marks, just like God and John Moses intended.   By the way, I've got one of those Wilson Beretta's and you're really gonna like it.
    2 points
  18. funny stuff in a twisted sort of way.   Poor girl will probably never live it down.
    2 points
  19. Like DaveTN, I too am a former policeman from another state as well as military, and I am extremely proud of my service in both venues.   I recognize that this is TGO David's site and that he makes the rules whether I agree with them or not.   The problem is the definition of "Cop Bashing" is pretty subjective. I consider some A-hole coming on here and saying that all cops suck for _____ reason is cop bashing that shouldn't be tolerated, but I do not consider discussion of a particular cop's actions as such. As far as my former cop life I still have a pretty thick skin about it, and if a police officer doesn't have thick skin I suggest that they find another profession. You work a highly demanding position that can also be VERY visible and certainly scrutinized, but it is a profession that YOU chose. To be intolerant of criticism of some other officer's action is pretty silly in my opinion.   I respect LEOs on this forum who stand-up to critics for righteous actions and condemn the unrighteous actions. I have no respect for those who keep quiet or leave the forum butt-hurt because discussion, (and even anger), over an unrighteous act takes place.   But let's put this in perspective: how many times over the years have I seen posts on this forum insulting my Christian beliefs? I'm a technical sales rep for a large IT company in Nashville, so how often do I see insults towards salesmen in general and my company? Do I deserve less protection from this than LEOs do on this forum? Am I less valued as a member?   Food for thought.
    2 points
  20. This bobbed Vee is bad ass okay and for you jeep lovers
    2 points
  21. this, linux mint is awesome!
    2 points
  22. Linux Mint with the Mate desktop is my recommendation. I have the same laptop but have Win 7 on it at the moment. Mint is based on Ubuntu, but works better IMO. I have Mint on my two desktops.
    2 points
  23. It's threads like this where I miss the vote up or down buttons. I'm shocked that members of this forum are so quick to accuse the police officer, especially after he fires the weapon and ignores them.
    2 points
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fLqW3_qaWE
    1 point
  25. Not sure on the cost, but I bet Tim Calhoun could hook you up with a custom if you go that route.
    1 point
  26.   That's the icing on the cake for sure.   - OS
    1 point
  27.   The "if he was not guilty of anything why was he running" line is irrelevant to the issue at hand, which are the conditions this man was treated to while in police custody.  Even his alleged crime doesn't factor into that.   From a Fox News link The Gray family's lawyer, Billy Murphy, said "his spine was 80 percent severed" while in custody. It's not clear whether he was injured by officers in the street or while being carried alone in the van's compartment.   I'm not medically smart enough to know the amount of trauma it takes to sever the human spine that much, but the fact that it happened to a man in police custody warrants an investigation.  If there is anybody found to be responsible for negligence, intentional or accidental, there needs to be consequences.  A community has the right to demand that.
    1 point
  28. I've been having an Xfinity popup on my screen for the last few days.  Cannot make it go away.    My biggest beef with Comcast is the accumulation of 'little things'.   I hate them but really, what's the option?  It would be SO BAD if I were a smart man.  I mean really smart, like Lt. Commander Data smart.  I would hack Comcast and change half their binary code "+'s" to "-'s" and see what happens.  
    1 point
  29.   Done, but I'm still never voting for him for anything.
    1 point
  30. That elevation turret on the scope can come in handy when you're shooting subsonic ammo.
    1 point
  31. Any shot fired in the line of duty has always been evaluated and criticized to death by everybody from Internal Affairs to the Broom Closet Monitor, so a burst would be treated accordingly under existing procedures. No new rules would be needed.  No other event In a cop's life subjects him to the detailed and voluminous scrutiny of a shot fired in the line of duty, even if he didn't hit anything.    Once upon a time an officer I worked with had to put down an injured steer, so he fired six +P+ 125 grain .38 special rounds into its head at point blank range, and they all bounced off. He obviously didn't know how to kill a steer. So his Sergeant, being a bit of a joker, wrote the following recommendations on his evaluation of the shooting incident:   "1. Recommend officer be allowed to mount privately owned telescopic sight on state owned revolver."   "2.  Recommend officer be allowed to carry more ammunition, especially in confrontations with armed cows."   For the next month every time the officer walked down the hall somebody would hide in an adjoining room and yell "Moo - Bang!"   Police work used to be fun. No more.
    1 point
  32. I'm hoping that was a joke - it isn't right to humiliate someone that way.
    1 point
  33. I considered sending "Day of Wrath" to each member of my school board ( who have refused to authorize school carry, which they have the power to do under state law), but I figure someone would take it as a threat. I told my wife that it is horrifying, but every parent should read it, and now she is. I have a small issue with the author. In both ths book and "One Second After," he mentions when a group of citizens band together that there were a variety of guns, including illegal machine guns. Now I understand that the narrator is omniscient, but he could have just as easily called them rare but legal machine guns. Also, he doesn't name the gun as an LCP, but it sems obvoius that is one,mup until the slide locks back on empty. A minor quibble.
    1 point
  34. On the webpage for the Governor's office, go to the contact button. There are a bunch of icons (Facebook , Twitter, etc.) which also has an envelope icon. That icon is the email link. I emailed him as a Georgia resident who avoids Tennessee because of the patchwork of gun-free zones like the parks in question.
    1 point
  35.   They're never gonna ask me, but I don't have a problem with every LEO being equipped with select fire weapons. If there is ever gonna be combat in the streets, law enforcement will be ass deep in it.
    1 point
  36. For the month of April Browning is having their annual Sales Tax Rebate promotion. Save 8% on all new gun safe purchases and for further savings The Safe House is throwing in savings to completely cover the sales tax on all your safe purchase.   Drop by The Safe House at either our Nashville or Knoxville showrooms and check out our huge selection of Browning Gun Safes.  With over 150 safes on display and over 500 safes in stock The Safe House is the largest safe specialty retailer in the Southeast and we are the number one Browning Gun Safe retailer in the U.S.     We also have Scratch and Dent models in stock that you can save $100's of dollars on.     We look forward to seeing you at one of our locations
    1 point
  37. ya know, we are all sharing our opinions about the foxes, but the real question is: What does the fox say? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jofNR_WkoCE
    1 point
  38.   I received an email from Classic Firearms yesterday with mosin's for $189 each and my only thought was #%$&!! They do offer the option of manufacturer and receiver style.  Or by a case of 20 for only $175 each. @($&*!!
    1 point
  39. I think the lack of respect and the distrust of LE came along about the same time officers quit "walking a beat". I don't mean physically walking but being assigned to a certain area and remaining in that area for months or years. That allowed officers to get to know those in his area and show he is approachable. These days officers rotate shifts and rotate zones so it makes it very, very hard for an officer to build a relationship with those in his zone. We do see officers that get out and mingle with the local kids but the vast majority of officers do not and prefer to sit in their vehicle with their windows rolled up. So I believe the mistrust started with the officers and it will take a change in the way the officers actually patrol to fix the problem, if it is fixable at all.
    1 point
  40.   I believe it would be worth a c-note to get a vid of you slipping that thing into to John Sevier range here in Knox and letting it rip.   - OS
    1 point
  41. Keep in mind that even something low like a Deltapoint/clone sitting on a saddle mount is going to be a lot higher than a bead or rifle sights.  You might need to add some height to your stock to get the cheek weld right.
    1 point
  42. Ubuntu is the easiest for folks to learn on. It is the most 'Windows Like.'   I have been running Bodhi on my netbook because it is pretty stripped down and fast. But it does take a little bit of learning to use. 
    1 point
  43.   I wish there was a waiting period to become a resident of the state and an even longer waiting period to vote in local elections. I have noticed the same thing as well. I have talked to NY transplants and they are talking about using lawsuits to make Tennessee more like NYC. If they like NYC so much why not just move back?
    1 point
  44. If only there were a search feature to determine if this subject were already being discussed on TGO.  ;)
    1 point
  45. the police did a good job.  dirt bag nut job with a rifle, the best way to stop the problems is with one of your best weapons, a vehicle. 
    1 point
  46. It's a shame it was just a squad car.  Shoulda been a Kenworth.
    1 point
  47. Just a good LEO doing his job serving and protecting law biding citizens............ :up: :up:
    1 point
  48. That officers actions were actually inline with use of force matrices and justified. It doesn't matter whether the offender is rational or irrational, i.e. Mentally ill, he is an active threat. Discussions on how and when to use a patrol car as a blunt weapon aren't new, nor is their use as such. Having the stones and wherewithal to actually know when you've absolutely got to do what the officer in question did and then doing so are what's rare.
    1 point
  49. Deadly force is deadly force. If an officer is justified to shoot, then hitting w/ a car or flashlight to the head is also OK.
    1 point
  50. yeah the the nut job deserved the grill tattoo, who knows what his future actions would have led too.
    1 point
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