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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2015 in all areas

  1. Leave the fox alone please. They're pretty scarce these days. Probably due to pressure from the relatively recent migration of coyotes to this region. Until recently, I hadn't seen a fox for more than 20 years. If you're feeling the need to take something out, there are plenty of non-native invasive species to practice on. Coyotes, feral pigs, northerners, stink bugs, floridians, yellow jackets, etc.
    8 points
  2. The older I've gotten the more I am inclined to let things live than to kill them.  Admittedly when I was younger I was quite blood thirsty.  As long as they aren't causing a problem I'd let them live and enjoy watching them.  A coyote on the other hand is noting but a target in my eyes 
    8 points
  3. I would like to offer a word of caution to folks like me who may be critical of policing practices. I've been around here long enough to see this board through various swings regarding law enforcement. I know TGO David has made his support of LE and his aims to have this board to be an inviting place for LE on multiple occasions very clear. Whenever the general mood of the board swings too far into an anti-LE direction, conversations get locked down, folks get banned and the topic becomes anathema. I implore folks to ensure that the criticisms they have to offer regarding LE are respectful, and relevant to Tennessee and/or the particular discussion at hand. I believe that the subject is an important one and discussion of it can be had here if done correctly. We have recently seen an explosion of news stories nationally regarding the wrongdoing of officers. Ultimately I think this is a good thing as it can help serve to reign in excesses in the LE culture that I think have been allowed to flourish in recent years. That doesn't mean we need to post every random story on the subject we come across. Please folks, let's not go too overboard here in this venue and cause another time frame where we aren't allowed to broach the issue. I don't think anyone is well served by that. I am admittedly one of the most critical members of this community of police and policing practices, but I still think we can have this conversation in a reasonable manner based in logic and reason without needless bashing of either side.       ***Not trying to overstep my bounds, or play mod here with this general word of caution. I just don't want to needlessly wear the patience of the administration on this subject or see anyone banned in a heated moment for ill-advised statements.***
    6 points
  4. I wish they lived here. I'd love to have them around. I'd even trap all the local stray cats and give them easy meals. The fox may be the most beautiful animal we have in TN.
    6 points
  5. Well wife came home late last night. I had a sneaking suspicion she was buying me a gift. Low and behold she got me a Glock 29. Ever since reading TGO David's post about 10mm underwood I've been thinking about getting one. I've really enjoyed my 26 so I thought a 29 would be a good fit. So far I love it. Gen 4 feels great in my hand and point perfect. Now to pick up some ammo and have a little range time!
    5 points
  6. Well my first child came a few days ago. It has definately been an experience. I can't wait until she is big enough to go shooting. I'm also dredding the future with dating.
    5 points
  7. I ordered this 1911 nearly 2 years ago, I honestly forgot about it my dealer just got it yesterday and I still have to pay it off but I am sure this will be one of my best 1911 I ever owned and it should replace my old SRP as my favorite 1911 I have pictures and will post them when I can but the internet is too damn slow where I am, I just had to share this news as I am so excited about this pistol :pleased:
    5 points
  8.   This simple logic is dead on - and I don't believe for one minute that the legislators (and probably most anti-gunners) believe that such signs, etc. will stop criminals.  No, it is more about casting legal gun owners and HCP holders as potential dangers to public safety as well as demonizing inanimate objects (guns).  Then, when we want to change ineffective and even dangerous laws that leave honest citizens unequipped to best defend themselves against the criminals who will and do ignore the law and postings we can be portrayed as radical gun nuts who are one step away from shooting up a little league game and have no concern for the safety of children, old ladies or bed wetting hoplophobes.   Specifically, have you ever seen a public park that had armed guards and a metal detector at all entrances (or any, for that matter) on a daily basis?  I can't say that I have.  Laws only have authority as far as people choose to obey them.  Sure, if caught breaking the law you could be charged with doing so but that isn't what I am talking about.  What I am talking about are laws and regulations such as the ones in question here which prohibit the carry of firearms in a public park.  If the individual in question keeps his or her firearm concealed then the fact is that (barring some very unusual circumstance) no one is likely to know that person is carrying a firearm.  As most parks do not employ armed guards to man metal detectors at their entrances, anyone could walk into the park with a well concealed firearm on their person and no one there would be the wiser - meaning that such laws and regulations are, essentially, unenforceable.  Therefore, the only people who will obey such postings are those who choose to do so.  My guess is that the criminal element would not choose to do so.
    4 points
  9. I really appreciate your words, sir. I don't mind criticism and I'll always try to offer a perspective from the other side of the badge as best as I can, even in the case of very inflammatory incidents that have a lot of people riled up. But 68 guys in my outfit died in my 28 years in the field and derision is something that goes down hard with me for that reason. So thank you very much for your insightful comments. You'll probably notice I've eliminated my avatar, signature, and pared my profile down to nothing. I was leaving TGO for the reasons you mention. I'll put them back tomorrow and stick around. Thanks again.
    3 points
  10. Got my first one last week! 10 inch beard and one inch spurs. [URL=http://s898.photobucket.com/user/Crosshairs11/media/e36e2373-d691-4752-8108-298a61c712e6_zpscpeopvht.jpg.html][/URL]
    3 points
  11. My newest favorite one liner is "Hodor".   Anything the wife asks me to do,  Honey do this, Hodor Could you help me with this? Hodor.   It's the perfect response for a DB
    3 points
  12. First bird of the season (Jake). Harvested late afternoon today. Arrived on my hunting property and there was a flock of 12 cruising around. No time for decoys and they weren't responding to the calls so I stalked them as close as I could and then hit the ground and army crawled another 100+ yards and was able to take a shot only about 20-30yds away. The grass was just tall enough that I was able to crawl without being noticed. Was an exciting hunt. Started the minute I arrived. 16.8lbs and 3.5in beard. Was a good size and I've pretty much determined that there are no Tom's on the property after several weeks of hunting. Have yet to see any but a pack of 9 jakes were cruising the property when I got there.
    3 points
  13. From what I can see, the court is objecting to a traffic violation-based fishing expedition conducted without a reasonable suspicion that another violation exists. From the syllabus: "He found no reasonable suspicions supporting detention once Struble issued the written warning." From what I read in the syllabus, this decision would not seem to preclude searches and seizures arising from traffic stops as long as there is reasonable suspicion of a violation of law discovered after the stop was made. i.e. visible drug paraphernalia, burglar tools, bloody clothes, etc., etc. What it does is effectively outlaw the "cop's hunch" alone as a valid reason for a detention and search, and makes any evidence discovered in such a search inadmissible. That's the way I see it anyway.
    3 points
  14. Okay, I now have video...   This is a live-fire training exercise. Secondary target is a human silhouette on the left... so far away you can't even see it but trust me, it's there, and I put a clean double tap on it. :rofl: The primary target is a large foam monolith... very buoyant, so the kind of thing you're likely to encounter during maritime ops. They're invulnerable when vertical, so they have to be taken down a peg or two before they can be successfully engaged. Watch as this one goes down hard, and the coup de grace doubletap is cleanly administered.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WF6U1LHKY7g
    2 points
  15. Yeah but it's hippie season all week long. I'd love to have some foxes in the yard. Awesome critters
    2 points
  16. The lock is so firm on these I can't see it getting accidentally released when used with a good pocket holster. Plus, the trigger pull is relatively heavy as well. Perhaps the main concern for many will be remembering to release the safety during the stress of a sudden self defense situation. It is such a soft shooting .380 especially compared to the older blowback types (ex. Walther PPk & Sig 232)
    2 points
  17. I'd start with a plain vanilla Ubuntu install.
    2 points
  18. Only game I ever hunted was of the two legged variety... HARHARHAR...
    2 points
  19. Bloodthirsty savage! lol   Come my way for the possum season instead.
    2 points
  20. Seeing as they are out of season, let them live.
    2 points
  21. I read it the same way; the clock stops if there is probable cause. He did not articulate any probable cause for a search and he wanted to run the dog around the car to get that cause. If he had been writing the ticket and he had a partner that got the dog out, or a K9 Officer drove up and ran the dog while he was writing the ticket; he would have been okay. I doubt this will change much except for those Officers that ask permission to search with no probable cause; which I have never understood anyway.
    2 points
  22. Things have changed since we were in school, haven't they? If this had happened when we were in school, the coach would have went to the hospital and the kid attacking him would have went to the hospital if he was extremely lucky after the entire football team went to town on him. EDIT: Please ignore this. I've fallen off my meds. Darn kids! Get off my lawn!
    2 points
  23. Shot placement reigns supreme. Your stepson got very lucky. Next time he decides to scare them off, he needs to do it with a rifle in hand.
    2 points
  24. Well, I do have to ask; how is it they got in the house in the first place? While no one could ever plan for every contingent, forethought now will give you those seconds to put them on. I have no doubts a determined thug could get into my house. He's gonna have to make a LOT of racket to do it. Not to mention getting past an 80lb pit and doing it all without disturbing my wife's chihuahua. That little girl can hear a gnat farting in the neighbors basement.
    2 points
  25. Come and shoot some cardboard. Bill will have 5, 6 or even 7 great stages, rain or shine. Be there by 12:00 going hot by 12:30. 150 rds should do it but probably only 100, the more the better. New shooters are always welcome. Should be a nice Sunday, keep your fingers crossed, see you there. Walden Ridge Shooting Range 1862 16th Model Rd Manchester,Tn 37355 Members $10 Nonmember $15 This is an IDPA event so concealment is needed. New shooters( to the sport) do not apply on concealment. You'll need 3 magazines (2 will work) and some good holsters.
    1 point
  26. If only that were true! We'd be millionaires. LOL he's a stinker but he deserves it. We were talking about 10mm ammo the other night after finishing The Walking Dead and he got a bit enthusiastic. It just got gears rolling. Yesterday at 2 I decided it was gonna happen. I settled on a Glock 29 (I might have had myself in mind too) and I made it to Mt. Juliet from Cookeville in a hour, purchase in 15 minutes an back home in a hour. Good planning, a lead foot and luck. :D like I said, he's a stinker, but he deserves anything and everything.
    1 point
  27. That's exactly what my wife and I have done. Our son was born a year after I retired from the Navy. Almost all of our "spare" time is devoted to our sons entertainment, education and fun. :) As such our motorcycles sit a lot more than they use to. And lets not talk about the last time we went to a range. Not crying about it, just explaining. Our son will only have a few more years where he wants to be with us, as such we are enjoying every minute of "now". :)
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Now that is a birthday present!!!! :up:
    1 point
  31. "What does the fox say?"
    1 point
  32. I only like two brands of Jack Daniels. Old #7 Black and Gentlemen Jack. They can keep all these candy coated junk. If I want a fruit drink of alcohol I will pour a glass of good Black Berry Brandy to sip on in the evenings..............jmho
    1 point
  33. Back in the early 90's when I was a LEO this tactic started, but we were told that you couldn't detain for an unreasonable amount of time for a traffic stop which was determined to be 45 minutes. I remember laughing at the time about that because I NEVER had a normal traffic stop last anywhere near 45 minutes. What this will lead to is the LEO screwing around about writing the ticket until the dog arrives to "sniff the air."
    1 point
  34. I'm pretty sure it's some form of sacrilege putting "flavors" in perfectly good liquor.
    1 point
  35. My senior year in high school our football coach was a real jerk. Lousy coach too... He was about 6'3" and I'm guessing about 265 and was in freakishly good shape. Ex-college lineman who didn't get soft. We were not a very good program and near the end of the season at a pep rally a couple of senior boys started heckling the coach when he was speaking. He set the mike down and walked over to the bleachers and asked them to repeat what they'd said. They did and he just exploded up through the bleachers. He looked like a human bowling ball. Both of the boys bailed off the upper back row of the bleachers and took off. I'd never seen anyone that big move that fast. Anyway, one of the kids quit school (already was a loser kid). The other one's dad heard about the event and "counseled" his kid when he got home. The next day father and son showed up at school where the son apologized and then offered to apologize again in front of the student body at the next pep rally. The coach accepted the apology and that was the end of it. That kid was one of my friends. He was a pretty good guy in general who learned a big lesson about not biting off more than he could chew. Could you imagine that happening today? The dad would probably be brought up on charges and the coach would have been fired and arrested. Instead, a young man grew up a bit and learned a bit of right and wrong. We still laugh about it to this day... I hope the coach heals up ok. Thug boy better watch his 6. The team will catch him out somewhere and administer their own justice.
    1 point
  36. Only the higher end models will hold up to 12ga heavy loads. Think Trijicon, as mentioned before, or Aimpoint. I don't know that I would trust anything else to handle the recoil. Maybe Eotech.
    1 point
  37. The wife and I just returned from the new Global Traing Academy gun range. We took (2) Glock 19s, Shield, G42 and the G43. We shot generic ball ammo purchased from the range. Remington practice ammo, Hornady Critical Defense and Critical Duty. It was an uneventful trip. The 43 was flawless with all of the ammo and pretty accurate. No failures to report. I'll be shooting the 43 again soon since I can now get to a range without having to navigate the construction nightmare at I40/240. To me, the G43 is not a Shield killer ( I reserve the right to change that opinion after more range time), but it's going to serve a purpose for my family.
    1 point
  38. Not indoor, but there's Terry Walden's it on Sixteenth Model rd, just of 24.
    1 point
  39. Darn you. I love the looks of my Sigs. But that Smith really is sharp!
    1 point
  40. I sure do enjoy every frustration they have to endure. The war on guns really sucks. But watching them lose is kinda fun.
    1 point
  41.   Well, I think you got 2 out of 3 right...
    1 point
  42. Holy crap, this thread blew up without my knowing, lmao.
    1 point
  43. IMO home defense is much different than military/police purposes. In many civilian uses shoot-thru is a major consideration which has to be balanced with effective stopping power. I contend that 450+ grains of lead is pretty effective at a reasonable inside the home distance of generally 10yds or less. I trust a load of #4 shot at that distance to stop most anything.
    1 point
  44.   More importantly, I don't want to get shot by someone I just shot with bird shot.   - OS
    1 point
  45. 2 of my heathens, both rescued. 14 yr old female rattie on the left, 2 yr old 3 lb chi on the right... They just came in from partying downtown....
    1 point
  46. I don't think he lost his mind; he was just expressing his frustration over how immature and thoughtless your comments were. Your quote did amuse me though. I've never seen someone insult themselves before so openly on the internet.
    1 point
  47. Pete... I like Dave's post and reasoning... I'm a shotgun junkie and have a pile of pump "riot guns", includin a Browning BPS in the bedroom... There is a reason why shotguns were used in the old days and right up until today by those in the killin business... They work and work very well... If ya look at the shooting data, a shotgun trumps most everything in one shot stops if ya do your part... I like the "stayin put" idea... Let 'em come to you... That's exactly my home plan... I like buckshot of any flavor, from 000 to #4 buck...   leroy
    1 point
  48. Turkey hunting is like none other. I am a big deer hunter...I mean BIG deer hunter. But nothing gets my heart rate up like a turkey does. This is for several reasons. 1) turkey hunting is interactive. Calling and having them respond is incredible. Sometimes calling works great, sometimes you need to adjust your calling and sometimes it doesn't work at all. But even that doesn't mean you won't have a good hunt. Have had several turkeys come into calling but they came silently. When a mature bird gobbles in the woods, you will feel it in your chest. Similar to a ghetto cruiser blasting rap music a few cars away. Hence the "Thunder Chicken" nickname. 2) Thrill of the chase. You have a few ways you can hunt them and you need to constantly adapt, improvise and overcome. You can sit and wait (much like deer) or you can run after them. Having to make that decision wether to sit and wait or chase is all part of the ever changing game. If you desired to chase, how close do you need to get? Lots of brain power involved in turkey hunting. 3) Closeness. You've got to get these birds in close (around 40 yards at most). When you have a bird in close to you, you can see all their feathers, their eyes, hairs on their neck. And they are BIG. those guys will be looking you dead in the eye. Being close also has its challenges. Turkey eyesight is second to none. You have to be completely cammoed and completely still, only moving at the perfect times or you will get busted. 4) Spring is beautiful. Temps are nice, all the critters start coming out. Everything is greening up and it's arguable the most beautiful time of the year. 5) Social. It's super fun to go with someone. In fact having 2 people can even open you up to some hunting strategies that will help bag more birds. You don't have to worry about sent or even noise too much. In the wild, it's normal for the hens to come to the gobblers. But as a turkey hunter, you are trying to reverse nature and have the gobbler come to you. It's very challenging. I'm sure I'm forgetting some things. But hopefully that helps give you some perspective.
    1 point
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