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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/2015 in all areas

  1. If only there were a search feature to determine if this subject were already being discussed on TGO.  ;)
    6 points
  2. I think one should honor one's contracts.   However, like house or car payments, perhaps NFA would refi if you contact them.   - OS
    5 points
  3. 4 points
  4. Finished my Trust.  Went to Everything Weapons today and bought my suppressor. Mailing off the $200 and the metric crap ton of paperwork tomorrow.   THEN.... Wait.     This sucks.         My birthday is in Sept.  Maybe I'll have it by then.  Then I'll have a nice B/day with a titanium suppressor for my AR I'm almost done building.   Tell you what though, now I know why so many refuse to bother.  For simple minded people who loathe and despise paperwork [like me!] it's a bit ridiculous.  Ohh well.  Worth it in the end.  I just hope the poop can't satay off the fan till then. :rofl:
    3 points
  5. 3 points
  6. 2 of my heathens, both rescued. 14 yr old female rattie on the left, 2 yr old 3 lb chi on the right... They just came in from partying downtown....
    3 points
  7.     Simply excellent comments from both wileecoyote and Runco. Well said guys.
    3 points
  8. 2 points
  9.   Yeah, I'm sure most fire them, but as you mention, keeping cases sequestered, labeling, filing along with some sort of retrieval system, all that.   Of course the whole thing is absurd though. As if a casing at a crime scene could somehow be used to identify not only the brand but the exact gun, among all those sold by every maker of that caliber.   "Here, take this casing around to SW, Ruger, SIG, Springfield, etc ad infinitum, and compare it will all the ones they have in storage."   "Sure, boss, I'll get right on that."   - OS
    2 points
  10. After giving 1911s a fair shake and trying my best to like the P220 grip, I got a 97 BD. I'm glad I did. I wish they'd make P-01 size version.
    2 points
  11.   More importantly, I don't want to get shot by someone I just shot with bird shot.   - OS
    2 points
  12. This is what Roman does when my wife is acting up or doesn't give him a treat. As soon as I walk in, he jumps in my lap and tells on her! "Dad, seriously, it's about time you got home from work. She is NOT behaving!" :lol: Love this big feller!!
    2 points
  13. Willis68 has made me into a protech snob
    2 points
  14.   It happens everyday, everywhere.  I really don't see what the problem is.   If I go buy two quarter pounders at McDonald's today then get a coupon tomorrow for buy one get one free should I go back and ask for a refund? No.   If I buy anything today and it goes on sale tomorrow, why should I or anyone else, expect to be compensated?
    2 points
  15. The pistol grip shotguns, at least in 12 gauge, are hard to control after the 1st shot.  I get followup shots off much quicker with a full stock.  #4 Buck is good, and I've read that #1 is better for penetration, but it's harder to find.   I'm only gonna clear the room I'm in.  The cops can do the rest.
    2 points
  16. A shotgun is good home defense weapon. Sounds like your Mossberg has a 20” barrel. That’s fine as long as you can maneuver it. Barrel length usually becomes an argument when people start talking about “clearing” your apartment or house. If you know someone is there you don’t go hunting; you let them come to you, through the fatal funnel. If you aren’t sure you run the risk of being taken out no matter what kind of weapon you have. I would use 00 over #4. But everyone will have an opinion; they will both penetrate multiple sheets of drywall. Short of non-lethal or bird shot there isn’t anything you can put in a 12GA that won’t put your neighbors at risk if you shoot the wall. The same thing will happen if you miss with a handgun. A dog will let you know if someone is in your house or apartment.
    2 points
  17. I wanted a new pocket gun for summer and picked up a G42. I like this gun a lot more than I really thought I would. It shoots great and I've had zero issues. It's about as big as I'd go for pocket carry though. Put extensions on 2 mags and got another I left the flat base on. I've never owned any flavor of a Ruger MKIII. I saw the new blue 22/45 Lite and really liked the thing for some reason. Haven't had a pistol with a red dot on it before so I bought a cheap one to try out. Liked it so I'll be getting a better one. I've monkeyed with the trigger a little and put a TandemKross comp on it just because. Need to order up some extra mags because it's definitely fun to shoot!! I've wanted a VP9 for several month. They've been hard to find around Morristown. I had ordered one online for a good price but it got backordered. Finally ran across one the other day and brought it home. I REALLY like this thing. The ergos are great and the trigger is even better. Got a couple holsters for it due Mon or Tues.
    2 points
  18. A CZ75 is on my wish list directly after an AR and would be next on the list if I didn't already have some nice 9mm's.     I've heard someone refer to the CZ75 as the Browning Hi Power done correctly, and that's true as far as I can tell.
    2 points
  19. The family and I took in this sweet little girl. This is our first foster and we were lucky to get a easy going dog. It might make it hard to let her go.
    2 points
  20. I have always wanted a 97BD , congrats on a fine pistol !
    2 points
  21. Of course not, would not need barristers if laws were simple and easy to understand.  Who would make their Mercedes payments???
    2 points
  22. I don't have any issues with the officer's actions. Hell, I think that it was a brave judgement call.
    2 points
  23. Excessive force would be if they beat him after he was down.  Since he had already fired the gun, stakes were pretty high.   In short, they stopped the threat.
    2 points
  24.     Though I'd love to see the rants, I'll spare everyone chagrin.   Another satire site. Look at homepage, some pretty funny stuff.   Aaron Hernandez Suspended Three Games Following Murder Conviction   Elizabeth Warren Stunned To Learn Jos. A. Bank Is Not A Bank     - OS
    2 points
  25. Turkey hunting is like none other. I am a big deer hunter...I mean BIG deer hunter. But nothing gets my heart rate up like a turkey does. This is for several reasons. 1) turkey hunting is interactive. Calling and having them respond is incredible. Sometimes calling works great, sometimes you need to adjust your calling and sometimes it doesn't work at all. But even that doesn't mean you won't have a good hunt. Have had several turkeys come into calling but they came silently. When a mature bird gobbles in the woods, you will feel it in your chest. Similar to a ghetto cruiser blasting rap music a few cars away. Hence the "Thunder Chicken" nickname. 2) Thrill of the chase. You have a few ways you can hunt them and you need to constantly adapt, improvise and overcome. You can sit and wait (much like deer) or you can run after them. Having to make that decision wether to sit and wait or chase is all part of the ever changing game. If you desired to chase, how close do you need to get? Lots of brain power involved in turkey hunting. 3) Closeness. You've got to get these birds in close (around 40 yards at most). When you have a bird in close to you, you can see all their feathers, their eyes, hairs on their neck. And they are BIG. those guys will be looking you dead in the eye. Being close also has its challenges. Turkey eyesight is second to none. You have to be completely cammoed and completely still, only moving at the perfect times or you will get busted. 4) Spring is beautiful. Temps are nice, all the critters start coming out. Everything is greening up and it's arguable the most beautiful time of the year. 5) Social. It's super fun to go with someone. In fact having 2 people can even open you up to some hunting strategies that will help bag more birds. You don't have to worry about sent or even noise too much. In the wild, it's normal for the hens to come to the gobblers. But as a turkey hunter, you are trying to reverse nature and have the gobbler come to you. It's very challenging. I'm sure I'm forgetting some things. But hopefully that helps give you some perspective.
    2 points
  26.   I think he had stolen the rifle and had fired at least one round into the sky as a sort of intimidation tactic. He was asking for trouble of some sort.   From the article the Devil's Advocate did not read:   Tucson Police Sgt. Pete Dugan told CNN that Valencia was involved in several incidents in Tucson the day he was struck.   At 6:45 a.m., Valencia robbed a 7-Eleven in Tucson with a metal object in his hand. Authorities said he was dressed only in his underwear. He was charged with theft.   A little more than an hour later, police said, Valencia set a fire at a church for which he was charged with arson of an occupied structure.   Just after that he entered a home and stole a car, police said.   Authorities said he drove to a Walmart where he stole a .30-30 rifle and ammunition. He fled the store with Walmart employees in pursuit.
    2 points
  27. One of the guys I made good friends with training last year decided he wanted an axe similar to one carried on the show Vikings. So this is what u came up with. This was my first day off in 3 weeks and I worked 5:00 pm to 5:00 am, then drove straight from work to the shop and forged this out. Mild steel body with a forge welded 5160 bit. Apps 4 lbs. 9.5" Long point to point, 29" handle Forge welded eye Hot cutting the leaf spring for the bit. The finished product and one tired blacksmith. I call her the Gavel of Ragnarök since that will be the judgment of the Gods.
    1 point
  28.   Great pistol! The only one better is my Nightmare. lol
    1 point
  29. Sig 1911 tac ops. I couldn't be happier with it, and wouldn't change a thing
    1 point
  30. The CZ 85B is simply an ambidextrous CZ 75B, having a right side safety lever and slide stop lever. Also the '85B is only available in 9mm, whereas the '75B can be had in .40 caliber. That's about it. My wife is left handed and I always carry a gun she can handle too - finally bought her one of her own. She's about as big of a CZ fan as you're going to find.
    1 point
  31.   As much as it pains me...I do agree with you.   BUT ...STILL love my BHPs.
    1 point
  32. Always compare things based on price and buy the most expensive.  You can't go wrong.  Millions of Ipad/Iphone users agree.  :D
    1 point
  33. As an AR novice, I seriously doubt I'd shoot any better with one of their products than I do with my Colt Sporter. And take that extra cash and buy more ammo.
    1 point
  34. It's threads like this where I miss the vote up or down buttons. I'm shocked that members of this forum are so quick to accuse the police officer, especially after he fires the weapon and ignores them.
    1 point
  35. The way I see it, NRA survives on donations, and they are the best at protecting gun owners rights due to their size and influence.  I don't agree with everything the NRA does, and I am sure there are some fat cats with healthy salaries inside the NRA, but it is what it is.    Now with that said, do I provide money to them or not?  Its not the status, perks, hats, decals, or the magazine subscriptions, its a simple decision and math.  Do I support, Yes or No, and then how much do I support.  The gimmicks and marketing strategy should have nothing to do with "my" model.  Later in life if I make a decision to stop supporting, I guess then I ready to throw in the towel to the left and say come and get them.  Until there is another real bonafide NRA competitor, then the NRA will be my bed buddy for years to come.   Finally, what is funny to me, is these lifers that feel cheated on their financial amount to support, one agreed to $1000, one agreed to $500, and some even got a "better" deal than that.  How can one feel cheated supporting a non-profit?  If you made the conscious decision to support to a $X amount, how was you cheated?  This is not like buying a car or a life insurance.  Its simple financial support of a cause.  I remember just 2 years ago, wasn't some life time member ships in the $350 range, wasn't this the Ted Nugent led campaign?  Was that a bargain, or another marketing campaign to get people to donate more?  Again, its all about donations, some come with brighter lip stick then others.   If you donate just do so without the drama or wearing it on your shoulder!
    1 point
  36. Lots of gun owners refer to a break-in period (first couple hundred rounds or so). I don't believe in it, myself. In fact one of my friends seats his 9mm reloads to near the max length and I reload mine about halfway between the min and max. Neither of us have cycling issues in our CZs even when they're new. I think a CZ trigger feels a little gritty out of the box. It doesn't affect reliability, though and it does go away quickly as the fire control group parts get some wear. I recommend using a snap cap and dry fire the problem away before your first range trip.
    1 point
  37. Times are running about 50-60 days currently I believe. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  38. Congrats! A CZ-75b was my first handgun. Here it is, manufactured in '96. Once you get familiar with it you might wish to check out http://czcustom.com/ and http://cajungunworks.com/ . Lots of goodies that will turn an already fine handgun into an excellent range gun / competition ready pistola.
    1 point
  39. Especially considering LAPD SWAT uses .45acp... And I'm sure many other LE agencies do as well. And they just created a HUGE black market.
    1 point
  40. Seems like an easy enough argument to refute.  I would assume that the defendant's attorney would end up questioning at least one of the arresting officers on the stand.  So, the question might be:   Defense:  Just to clear up a point, the prosecutor has indicated that having a round in the chamber of a firearm indicates premeditation.  Officer X, do you carry a firearm on duty?   Officer X:  Yes.   Defense:  And do you carry it with a round in the chamber?   Officer X:  Yes.   Defense:  Based on your experience, is that common practice among police officers?   Officer X:  Yes.   Defense:  Ah, I see.  So, then, in your experience and professional opinion as an officer of the law and as you, yourself, and many of your colleagues carry with a round in the chamber , would you say that carrying a handgun with a round in the chamber necessarily indicates premeditation in a shooting incident?   Officer X:  No, of course not.
    1 point
  41. Yes when i can buy shot <$30 /bag. Usually from someone who quit reloading.
    1 point
  42. the police did a good job.  dirt bag nut job with a rifle, the best way to stop the problems is with one of your best weapons, a vehicle. 
    1 point
  43. I love the sentiment but I will pass. Knock yourself out
    1 point
  44. You're incorrect on two fronts. First, the phrase "well-regulated militia" at the time of the writing meant "well trained." Second, the entire phrase within which it is contained, "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state," is a subordinate clause and seeks to support or clarify the main clause, not place conditions upon it. The authors of the Constitution understood the need for our newly formed country to maintain a standing army, as repugnant as the idea was to many of them. And since the idea of a standing army was objectionable to them, they secured in writing the right of the people (not the militia) to keep and bear arms. In other words, background checks are in no way consistent with the wording nor the intent of the 2nd Amendment.
    1 point
  45.     That's what the tall guys are for...lightening rods... :cool:         David...I'm running AK's and Glocks this weekend...Mud is good! :up:
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. I've always gone to Lebanon, longest I've waited was about 10 min. Out in less than 30.
    1 point
  48.   My mom, who was around 58 or 59 when she qualified, used a Hi Point 9mm and shot the best in her class.  Of course, the previous weekend I had taken her to the range where she would be qualifying (the same one where I had already qualified) and walked her through what to expect.  I don't know what her target looked like but it was apparently good enough that the rest of the people qualifying with her were asking the instructor what kind of gun she had.  I was pretty proud of her when she told me that.   Being the first person I knew who took the class (I have friends who carried, before, but they were LEO of one type or another) I erred on the side of caution and used my S&W 22A .22LR pistol with a 5.5 inch barrel.  When the instructor told us to pull our targets in and count the holes in the 'it counts' zone while he witnessed, he said to me, "Don't bother counting.  You passed."
    1 point
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