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Refusing to enforce an Un-Constitutional law is not a "WRONG". His oath to protect and defend the Constitution makes it a "RIGHT".5 points
I've determined that everyone on the road has low situational awareness and is a selfish douche. Except me.4 points
You're incorrect on two fronts. First, the phrase "well-regulated militia" at the time of the writing meant "well trained." Second, the entire phrase within which it is contained, "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state," is a subordinate clause and seeks to support or clarify the main clause, not place conditions upon it. The authors of the Constitution understood the need for our newly formed country to maintain a standing army, as repugnant as the idea was to many of them. And since the idea of a standing army was objectionable to them, they secured in writing the right of the people (not the militia) to keep and bear arms. In other words, background checks are in no way consistent with the wording nor the intent of the 2nd Amendment.4 points
Well, that took about 17 forevers...and yes, they passed the Majority Report of the Conference Committee, squirt gun gone, carry at legislature gone, but no more City/County opt out. Now, on to Senate.3 points
I guess all those felons will make sure to go the local FFL and do a background check before they go rob the corner liquor store, or go gang-bangin in the hood. smh3 points
Times have changed. Why don't 18yo girls have to register now?3 points
What sucks for me is the books of the expanded universe. I've read a little over 200 of the paper back novels and it does as any other book will do.....ruin movies. It's not so much the actual movie that's ruined. It's the ability of the characters. Even Yoda is a bit of a candy ass by comparison to force users in the expanded universe. If you think Yoda had a hard time fighting Darth Sidious, try reading about Bane. Bane could have killed both of them. Other Sith Lords such as Darth Caedus makes Anakin look like an alter boy. Darth Caedus by the way was first known as Jacen Solo. Eldest son of Han and Leia. There was a Jedi (can't recall his name right now) who pulled a starship out of a star using nothing but the force. Hmph, and poor little Luke struggled with his fighter stuck in the mud. I hope, I hope, I hope!!!! They take the expanded universe into account with the new movie. After Luke reaches the age of about 50 he is a BAD SUMM BEECH! He completely redesigns the Jedi Order and does away with all the silly BS of the old order. He can actually use the Dark Side without succumbing to it. It was a long struggle though. My biggest fear of the new movies is that they will botch the Mandalorians completely. Boba brings them back to the forefront and they are feared by the whole of the Galaxy once more. Mandalore is a thriving planet again and Mandalmotors builds the finest fighters and weaponry money can buy. Ohh damn, someone hand me a mop, my nerd spilled out everywhere.3 points
Ruh-roh. He shoulda concealed it. http://bearingarms.com/felon-attacks-open-carrier-weapon-washington-walmart/?utm_source=gpfbp&utm_medium=fbpage&utm_campaign=gpupdate2 points
2 points
Same sub paragraph as "Must drive 25 mph the entire length of on ramp, then merge before speeding up to exceed speed limit for the remainder of your time on interstate".2 points
Rep. Womick is confident Haslam will allow it to become law without his signature. Hope he is correct. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk2 points
Mine came in today. Absolutely love it. One question though, was this really a run of only 9 knives? Talk about limited edition.2 points
Elk River from Tim's Ford Dam down is a great float, Harpeth is fun just don't go after a heavy rain until you have some seat time under your belt as it has some fun sections in high water, Duck River, Piney River near Dixson, Caney Fork under Center Hill Dam, ect. The narrows of the Harpeth are great if you are by yourself because the put in and take out are very close to each other, no need for two vehicles. My favorite boats.... Native Ultimate 12 or Ultimate 14.5 (about 50-60lbs, awesome all around boat) Native Slayer 12 or 14' (sit on top, great for fishing or camping, a little heavy at about 80-90lb I think) Jackson Big Rig 13' (Favorite fishing boat, almost 100lbs, so not easy to transport but you can stand up it in all day if you want) If you don't care much about fishing then some of the cheaper boats are fine. You do get what you pay for in a Kayak though. Just don't get anything smaller than 12'...it will steer great but will be slow to paddle...just my $02.2 points
2 points
I don't know if this is allowed or not "If not then please remove my comment, I dont want to go against the site rules" I've writen a couple books in this genre myself recently and published them on Amazon They're both short stories that intruduce the world and characters during and after a major solar CME event. I did sign them up for KDP select so if you have kindle unlimited they are free. Otherwise they are set at 2.99 as of today 4/16/2015 book two is free even without kindle unlimited due to the 5 day Amazon free promo. If anyone is interested in checking them out I'd be happy to hear your input These short stories are leading up to a novel I'm working on at the moment which should be out before long. I must warn you before reading that the books have strong language and violence. Also if you are a super stickler for grammer and punctuation etc. you will find some errors. The links to the books are below, just click the pics2 points
Ain't shit happening until the bullet passes the gas block. Fact is, bolt actions can have much tighter mechanical tolerances, and stronger bolts. BOTH have travelling mechanical distortions along the barrel from the discharge of the round, and both are most accurate when the rate of change of mechanical distortion is least at the end of the barrel when the bullet leaves the barrel. Check out the Art of the Precision Rifle. Todd Hodnett says both types are capable of long range sniper service. And, there ain't many folks more qualified to make that statement. FWIW, Todd's goto personal rifle was an Accuracy International bolt gun.2 points
^^^ FWIW: - Anything with a Kawasaki engine is a step up from everything else I've used. If you find Kawasaki powered, welded deck "yard-inator", go for it. brand name be danged. (although I am partial to exmark's older ultracut deck)2 points
I see a background check for ANY right as an infringement.2 points
Cops are representives of government, and deserve the same scrutiny we give to any other government agency. Possibly more so when you consider the powers and responsibilities they have. When they are out of line- as the officers actions and the equipment in this situation were- they deserve the reaction they get from the public.2 points
I think it is both dangerous and against the ideals of freedom and liberty to cast any and all criticism of police procedure or an individual officer's actions as 'cop bashing' and, therefore, dismiss such criticisms as simply ire against officers, in general. Just being a cop doesn't automatically make an individual intelligent, rational, honorable or even a very good human being. A jerk wearing a police uniform and carrying a badge is simply a jerk in uniform carrying a badge - a jerk that is granted full police powers to reinforce his or her tendency toward being a jerk. Calling that jerk a jerk is simply speaking the truth, not 'cop bashing'. As hard as it is for some folks to believe, there are bad cops out there as well as otherwise good cops who are subject to poor training or bad procedure. Just criticizing police procedures, the militarization of our civilian police or the action of individual officers does not mean that a person dislikes, disrespects or disdains officers as a rule. Further, not every officer needs to dress or be equipped as if he or she were part of an invading force. In fact, there are some officers who work in such relatively safe and low-crime areas that the likelihood that they will be killed in the line of duty is probably about equal to - well, honestly, probably a good bit less than - my chances of getting killed in a car crash on my way to work.2 points
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1 point
Yep. Just make sure to wear your PFD all of the time...you don't want to need it and it be floating downstream w/o you....1 point
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So, I am guessing that you would not be opposed to "registration" of every firearm? That is what private background checks is about, building that registry.1 point
I cast and reload and I have read countless threads on cost savings. First of all nobody I know gets paid for their free time watching the boob tube so why do I always see "you have to figure what your time is worth"? Plain and simple reloading is a hobby in itself, shooting is a hobby unless you are a paid merc. If you find reloading boring or work then go watch the boob tube and buy your ammo at whatever price you can find today!!1 point
Better and more to the point, IMO, someone should realize that there is a reason for posse comitatus and see that the militarization of our civilian police forces is, at least in part, an attempt to do an 'end run' around the limitations and protections it provides to the general public. To me, a militarized police force violates the spirit of posse comitatus if not the letter. In other words, I believe that a militarized police force should be forbidden by law as an extention of posse comitatus. When you have a force that is A ) largely militarized in structure, training, mindset and policies - making them a de facto military organization - which is B ) (at least in part) controlled by the Federal Government through funding, grants, equipment 'donations' and the like. as well as the Federal requirements a department must meet in order to qualify for these Federal programs, if nothing else then posse comitatus should prohibit such a force from being deployed to enforce law and order in a civilian setting. As far as 'no knock warrants', legalization of blanket surveillance without a specific warrant, 'probable cause' searches of homes and the like, remember that one of the major grievances that led our forefathers to rebel against their then legal government were so-called 'writs of assistance' and other, 'general' warrants. These writs and warrants allowed the then equivalent of customs agents to search any homes, etc. that they pleased without needing to specify what properties were to be searched or what evidence was being gathered. So, forgetting all the other Constitutional violations in which our government indulges, these 'police powers' violations, alone - violation of the spirit of posse comitatus as well as specific and above-board search warrant requirements - would have our forefathers spinning in their graves. Yet in this day and age we are so conditioned to 'respect those in positions of authority' that if they spoke out against such violations we would probably accuse ol' George and Thomas of 'cop bashing.'1 point
I wish you could too my friend. It'd be good training with you again. We have something in the works... :pleased:1 point
I just hope they bring some more space battles. And now I dont have to worry about trying to fight the coral people. Yuuzhan Vong. Honestly, who the FUCK came up with them. Hard to kill, lovers of pain, living ships. Complete dicks, only thing close would be intergalactic space nazis. But it did have a kick ass space battle over coruscant by using a red super star destroyer as a giant battering ram. Oh, and the separatist droid army had so much wasted potential.1 point
1 point
I understand the cost concern. However, I don't know of any acceptable indoor range in or near Rutherford county that costs less... or even exists. :-( I visit OKC a few times a year, but living in Smyrna that's roughly 45 minutes each way. I have to plan my whole day around that on event, so I make it count and bring lots of toys, spending time in the shotgun pit, pistol bays, and rifle lanes to get the most out of my trip. Hobson Pike is where I go to fiddle with my rifles for $5.50. I know many folks don't like the place, but I don't mind it. I think the annual membership at OT is $275 right now. If someone goes once a month, I think that's the break-even point. What's great is that you are also given a number (I don't remember how many... like 4 or 6) guest passes where you can bring a friend at no additional charge. I've done this a couple times already. It's great for removing the cost factor as a hurdle to getting a person to try shooting a gun for the first time. Also, everyone in your household shoots free. The membership at OT allows me to shoot all year, regardless of the weather. Now that I'm back in the hobby full-bore, I'll most likely renew my membership this fall, even though I will not be getting a discounted rate. Just food for thought :-) And I just packed my range bag for tomorrow. I'll be there around 5ish, the fatty with the tan S&W backpack. I'll have the 10MM and a 44mag with me if anyone wants to shoot. Heck, here's an open invite: if anyone else wants to shoot, I'll let the first person to claim it by posting in this thread use one of my remaining guest passes.1 point
1 point
yeah the the nut job deserved the grill tattoo, who knows what his future actions would have led too.1 point
Did you all not know what you were going to get after the first four seasons? Why all the bitching? There has been murder, nudity, sex, more murder, more sex, etc since Season 1. This should not be a surprise at this point. Be libertarian about it. If you don't want to watch it don't watch it. If you're feeling more moral than most then you should have cancelled HBO long ago...1 point
Ok...I'm old and gonna show it. The orginal Star Wars movies are the only ones worth watching for me. Tried the " First 3 Episodes" and was bored out of my mind. Didn't like them at all. So sue me.1 point
I like Hustler's Fastrak residential model. They're well built. IMO better than others residential models. And they come with Kawasaki engines. I've ran a lot of Exmark commercial mowers and they've always been pretty great. Hard to beat them.1 point
I have a Scag Tiger Cub over 10 years old and only one set of belts and a battery last year. For steeper banks a John Deere 5250 walk behind one year old and no problems. For residential use a lower end commercial will last longer than I will.1 point
1 point
Wow - when did Gecko45 leave the tactical retail response team to take a job as an ordinary cop? I guess he was tired of cops getting all the glory when he and his team were the real heroes. Was the armored vehicle in question possibly an armored golf card or maybe a hardened Segway? Are you sure it was an actual police vehicle or did it maybe have Mall of America painted on the side? Some of you guys mentioned that such gear might be okay if serving a no-knock warrant, etc. Okay, except that should be a moot point as there should be no such thing as no-knock warrants. Criminal or not, they are a civilian police force serving warrants on civilian offenders (or, in some cases, the neighbor of a civilian offender when, oops, they kick in the wrong door and shoot/beat down the wrong people or kill seven year old girls who are asleep on the couch.) They are not military anti-insurgent forces going door to door in Afghanistan nor are they carrying off an "0 Dark Thirty" mission.1 point
I bought an Exmark used off Craigslist for $3000. This is my 5th year having it & it still has a lot of life left. Have to think a used commercial mower in a 1.5 acre lot will last forever. I mow 6 acres with mine.1 point
used exmark. buy once. you may or may not cry more than once, ... but it won't by while you are mowing --- or when you look back over your nicely cut lawn. .... whatever you get, have 3 sets of blades (2 to rotate and 1 "beater" set) and change/sharpen them often. ** edit. I just saw where you weren't looking for a commercial model. That would steer me towards Toro (same company as Exmark). You are looking for a welded deck (not stamped). Everything else tends to last.1 point
1 point
Actually it has been going on longer than that even. There was a big push after the Vietnam War to hire veterans, just like now with the wars in the Middle East. So back in the 70's, and on, the military were being hired by police departments. The LE community has gone from a point of being there to help like most officers were doing 30+ years ago to a "us" vs "them" mentality we often see today. The reason this has happened is because there was a shift about 30-40 years ago, maybe longer, to hire prior military over those who had no military experience. Along with those military personnel came the military mindset that many had. And then with the influx of military personnel came the influx of military tactics, ways of training as well as the "us" versus "them" mentality. This is the reason there has been a militarization of most police departments as well. That and a lot of the same equipment used by officers while in the military are now being provided to LE as part a program that supplies LE with surplus military hardware. So in essence LE is now just a civilian extension of the military in both mindset as well as equipment. And now those same soldiers who joined the LE community are now in senior positions. It is those same senior officers that are now making changes to training and department policies. And that training and regulations are going to mirror what they knew in the military. Also, the "us" versus "them" mentality is how the military always trains. That is there is always an enemy in the military and then when the soldiers transition to civilian jobs, especially LE, they keep the same "us" vs "them" mentality except those that are not in law enforcement are now the new "enemy". This is why they no longer want to help, it is because those that are not LE are now their new "enemy". I suspect most officers buy this gear not because they need it but because it looks cool or intimidating. I know an officer that is an RSO and rarely works patrol. He wants all the cool guy gear to wear around the elementary school kids. He also said he wanted an accurate rifle to be able to shoot people, not criminals, at 300+ yards. I told him there is no situation in which LE should be shooting anyone at 300 yards and, again, he could not understand why. He said rather than chase someone down he would just shoot them. I don't have a problem with people having protective gear, heck I have everything I would hope to need to protect myself. And it is good to be trained on all the gear you might have to use. The problem I have is when that gear serves no purpose other than intimidate or that when one group can wear it and another can't. Imagine the kind of reaction I would get if I decided to go into Walmart in full kit, minus a rifle? LE would show up in a similar get up and tell me I cannot wear mine yet they can wear theirs.1 point
I will and have told a cop he didn't rate to wear those cammies. Ive been pulled over by an officer wearing gear like that, for a tail light out of all things. I asked what was going on, he gave me a funny look and I mentioned his gear. His response was I like to be prepared. My response was that his 350 lb bag of ass was making my Marine Corps uniform look bad and he didn't rate to wear it. I got a ticket, but it was worth it to see the look on his face. The military is the military, police are police. When you make traffic stops dressed for patrol in Baghdad you intimdate the unknowing and piss off the ones who know your playing rambo. Serving a no knock on a violent felon? By all means, wear whatever protects you best. Pulling school zone duty? Wear a uniform that identifies you as a peace officer and looks respectable and decent.1 point
I'll go one further. If I'm ever stopped by a team that looks like that, I'm not saying anything, at all. I'll hand them my license, registration and insurance as required by law on request, and sign a citation if given one. But I won't answer any questions, or say anything else to the officers. If that's policing, I'm not cooperating with it.1 point
That is the militarization of Law Enforcement. And yet another reason why people hesitate to approach or talk to officers. I know I would not even give a nod to an officer looking like that.1 point
I love his attitude. At least he isn't kissing the ass of every moron who screws up an order then blames him. The customer is not always right. Of course it helps Ive ran quite a hit of his gear and its basically bomb proof.1 point
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