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I will and have told a cop he didn't rate to wear those cammies. Ive been pulled over by an officer wearing gear like that, for a tail light out of all things. I asked what was going on, he gave me a funny look and I mentioned his gear. His response was I like to be prepared. My response was that his 350 lb bag of ass was making my Marine Corps uniform look bad and he didn't rate to wear it. I got a ticket, but it was worth it to see the look on his face. The military is the military, police are police. When you make traffic stops dressed for patrol in Baghdad you intimdate the unknowing and piss off the ones who know your playing rambo. Serving a no knock on a violent felon? By all means, wear whatever protects you best. Pulling school zone duty? Wear a uniform that identifies you as a peace officer and looks respectable and decent.6 points
Tells all if you are interested: http://www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/tennessee/districts/memphis-city-schools/mcs-prep-school---northwest-18125 No wonder people are fleeing from Memphis and their schools. 'Nough said.5 points
I find it interesting that the notion of moving forward is an arrow pointing right, while one pointing left signifies moving backward...5 points
Report said victim said "almost made him pull out his gun". Unclear if on his person or back in the car. Can tell you that at the latest, by time a second perp started pummeling me, I'd have been shooting into nearest body parts in every direction I could point at. - OS4 points
Problem is if you shoot any of them you will be persecuted, called a racist and likely go to prison for life. Even if you I know if I find myself in that situation I would hope I have a belt fed, several hundred rounds and a few hand grenades. If I am going away for life may as well make it worth it. These are not kids. Matter of fact they are not even human beings. They are nothing more than vicious animals and should be euthanized like you would any vicious animal that attacks someone for no reason. They do get euthanized but it takes a conviction of an aggravated murder to do so. I would support the death penalty for ANY serious, violent act such as what happened in the video.4 points
This keeps happening when the city leaders ie, Mayor,Chief of Police, etc. get on TV and say they don't know what to do with these kids. This will keep going and sooner or later somebody is going to shoot these punks. Then Momma will be on the news calling for the head of the shooter.4 points
Actually it has been going on longer than that even. There was a big push after the Vietnam War to hire veterans, just like now with the wars in the Middle East. So back in the 70's, and on, the military were being hired by police departments. The LE community has gone from a point of being there to help like most officers were doing 30+ years ago to a "us" vs "them" mentality we often see today. The reason this has happened is because there was a shift about 30-40 years ago, maybe longer, to hire prior military over those who had no military experience. Along with those military personnel came the military mindset that many had. And then with the influx of military personnel came the influx of military tactics, ways of training as well as the "us" versus "them" mentality. This is the reason there has been a militarization of most police departments as well. That and a lot of the same equipment used by officers while in the military are now being provided to LE as part a program that supplies LE with surplus military hardware. So in essence LE is now just a civilian extension of the military in both mindset as well as equipment. And now those same soldiers who joined the LE community are now in senior positions. It is those same senior officers that are now making changes to training and department policies. And that training and regulations are going to mirror what they knew in the military. Also, the "us" versus "them" mentality is how the military always trains. That is there is always an enemy in the military and then when the soldiers transition to civilian jobs, especially LE, they keep the same "us" vs "them" mentality except those that are not in law enforcement are now the new "enemy". This is why they no longer want to help, it is because those that are not LE are now their new "enemy". I suspect most officers buy this gear not because they need it but because it looks cool or intimidating. I know an officer that is an RSO and rarely works patrol. He wants all the cool guy gear to wear around the elementary school kids. He also said he wanted an accurate rifle to be able to shoot people, not criminals, at 300+ yards. I told him there is no situation in which LE should be shooting anyone at 300 yards and, again, he could not understand why. He said rather than chase someone down he would just shoot them. I don't have a problem with people having protective gear, heck I have everything I would hope to need to protect myself. And it is good to be trained on all the gear you might have to use. The problem I have is when that gear serves no purpose other than intimidate or that when one group can wear it and another can't. Imagine the kind of reaction I would get if I decided to go into Walmart in full kit, minus a rifle? LE would show up in a similar get up and tell me I cannot wear mine yet they can wear theirs.4 points
costs the state money is always the fallback position when they want to keep their foot on our neck3 points
My hunt this morning read like a IDPA stage discription. Start standing in blind hands relaxed at side with loaded shotgun on the ground. At the buzzer flip the blind to the front, pick up shotgun and engage running turkey. It was raining so I set up my blind and some decoys in the edge of a field. I had seen five hens and one small tom at about 10:00 and then nothing else. At 12:30 I decided it was time to call it a day, I did one final scan and got ready to get out. My blind was soaked and I had backed it up against some briars so I decided to just flip it forward instead of unzipping it and wiggling out the back. I laid my shotgun down and flipped, I looked to my right and there stood a tom at about 30 yards. He turned and started to run away, I scooped up my 835 and rolled him up at 40 yards. It was a very cool experience. You can see my blind in this pic (top left) and our game can on the gate. lol3 points
Since Willis is out and about I get the pleasure of sharing pics of the TR4. All I can say is you're gonna be VERY HAPPY you got one. This knife is BAD ASS!! Sorry about the quality of pics but you get the idea.3 points
In his car, he said that at some point. Car with a toddler in it, no less.3 points
Will be headed back to the floor for a vote in Senate and House with the Conference Committee report, Senate amendment stripped and some changes that sounded good about taking out the "used"by schools mess. Actually two "no's" Yarbro and Love, both Democrats.3 points
Yet only one of the losers has qualified immunity protections for the violence he engages in daily as part and parcel of his job. He committed an aggressive act of violence because he was insulted by an individual who did not respect his authoritah.3 points
Reminds me of an old tale. THP officer was ticketing a gentleman for running a stop sign. No big deal, this young punk ride by on a harley, flipped the officer off and proceeded to ride off. Officer goes after him and the young punk says "you can't ticket me for flipping you off, it's my first amendment right" The officer, being a really smart man, says "you are right sir, I'm ticketing you for improper use of hand signals, you motioned a left turn and then stayed straight" The ticket stuck.3 points
Want to make some scratch? Cheese? Coin? Loot? Dollar bills? Ever fancy yourself a bounty hunter? :) Websites like TGO need advertisers to stay afloat, let alone grow bigger and better and make it possible to do cooler things. To date we've been fortunate -- blessed even -- to have our advertisers find us. We've never had to go hunting for them, and honestly I've never really wanted to. I just don't like selling. I'm not a "sales guy" and I hate cold-calling. But recently I had a member approach me with a prospective advertiser and asked if I'd hook them up. So I did. And I also felt like I owed that member something in return... so I did something for that person too. Which brought to mind an idea: Pretty much everyone here has their list of favorite shops to do business with. But how many of those favorite shops support your favorite local forum by advertising with us? All of them? Some of them? None of them? Could you maybe help us by convincing them to sign on with us? Because if you can, and they tell me that YOU are the reason they signed on as an advertiser, I'll gladly kick a commission payment your way. :) So, what's the motivation? I'll make no bones about this: I'd like to eventually quit working for the man Monday - Friday and make TGO something of a full time job. I'd love nothing more than to work on new features, new content, videos, blogs, reviews, etc. all for the TGO community. But in order for that to happen, we need more advertisers and I'd be glad to share some of our increased success with anyone who helps get us there. If you are instrumental in helping bring a new advertiser on board, I owe you a debt of gratitude and I'd like to put some money back in your pocket to say thanks. Let's talk! For details, contact me privately.3 points
I don't think anyone is saying that the car driver isn't at fault. He clearly turned into oncoming traffic. But I'm sure he didn't think the bike was going 100 either. Both people in this one are at fault.3 points
Took a guy this morning that had never been turkey hunting before. He didn't have a gun or anything, so I let him use my gun and I planned to just call. Well, having shot a couple birds already this year, I had depleted my spare shotgun shells I had in my vest. I forgot to grab another box this morning, so we went into the woods with 1 gun and two shells. I managed to call the boss away from the flock about 7:30 and my buddy closed the deal at 40 yards. He whispered, "there are two more gobblers coming." So he handed me the gun and I busted the second bird at about 45 yards. Another great morning in the turkey woods. My buddy is fired up about hunting now. :)3 points
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Pshh that's extremely mild compared to what I really think about him2 points
Integration is the problem. The schools were doing fine in black and white neighborhoods until the government forced busing on them in the early seventies. There was neighborhood pride all over the city, parents knew the teachers and the school admin could still beat the tar out of you when you became disruptive.2 points
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For what it's worth, here's a way to deactivate the decocker. http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_5_36/157293_.html&page=1 However, I'd have to say that the risk of the decocker being accidentally depressed would be nearly zero, at least how I would carry it. It took maybe 10 pounds of pressure and the decocker is not in a place that is likely to get pressed once it's holstered.2 points
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I don't think anyone but the young persons family will feel that way. Most Memphians are fed up and you can read it in the comments that are being left by blacks and whites. It's just a matter of time before they test the wrong citizen.2 points
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It appears to have been a good for us conference committee, that Love and Yarbro were ticked would lead me to that. Have not read the report yet, but it sounds good on its face.2 points
My job takes me on Poplar Ave, sometimes once a month. Did anyone notice the gas station mgr/owner locked the door to keep the man evading the kids from safety? You can bet that I won't stop and shop there. I haven't stopped at any of those places in that area, choosing to make my restroom break or anything else at Exit 25 as I come into Shelby County.2 points
I'm just pulling this out of my butt at 0530 so..... Seems to me that somewhere in the 80's or 90's they went from being called Peace/Police Officer to LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. With that change in terminology a lot of attitudes, citizen and officer, started to change. When you pay people to enforce, that's what they do.2 points
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I'll go one further. If I'm ever stopped by a team that looks like that, I'm not saying anything, at all. I'll hand them my license, registration and insurance as required by law on request, and sign a citation if given one. But I won't answer any questions, or say anything else to the officers. If that's policing, I'm not cooperating with it.2 points
It's just immature. Besides if an officer can't summon the patience to deal with someone flipping them off and "wouldn't take it very long," I don't want that person wearing a badge, and the powers that come with it.2 points
If we assume the car saw him, the driver had no way of knowing that the squid was doing 100MPH in traffic. The driver had plenty of time to complete the turn had the rider been doing 60MPH, which was the speed limit. This accident is 100% (or should we say 97%) on the rider, not the driver.2 points
As a biker in traffic, you have to be on the defense constantly. I have become suspect of every single vehicle around me, I expect them to not see me. It makes me ride slower, keep my head on a swivel and avoid as much traffic as I can.2 points
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Thanks worried man, I came into the live video as they were voting and guess I caught the second no, and the rest of the aye's. Either way it sounded pretty good judging by the look on Beth's face. :)1 point
Should probably change your link with this direct one, as new posts to the blog will bump the NFA one down. http://blog.princelaw.com/2015/04/10/shocking-statementsconcessions-by-atf-at-the-nra-firearms-law-seminar/ The quality of invalid trusts from low quality preparation is a great point for the ATF to bring up. Here on TGO, we've had discussions about using our two resident attorneys to draft a trust versus just buying one off the internet. I saw the bit of extra money spent going to an attorney as an investment for protection when entering a world full of federal regulation. But, this being America, if you can get a low enough price to show up on page 1 of a Google search, you're going to get people's business. I also think the sheer number of Trusts popping up will keep ATF from implementing 41P. For the purposes of saving face, they won't officially back down, just keep pushing the timeline for a final decision to the right, requiring more research, implementing a study...but in the end a bureaucratic surrender is good enough for our purposes.1 point
They should be delivered to my home today, they will be shipped shortly, I cant wait for mine either I miss my old TR41 point
Easy killer. I ride. This idiot made a choice to ride like a total asshat on a public road. He brought this on himself. If the driver saw him, he never had a chance to react with the idiot running at 100MPH on a two lane highway. Yeah. The driver bears little responsibility IN THIS INSTANCE. When Paul Walker and his buddy went out in a blaze of glory on the light pole, I said the same thing. And if some jackass were doing this in a Pinto, I would say the same thing. If you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. To claim that the biker was 100% innocent in this and the onus is all, or even in a major part on the driver is an ignorant statement.1 point
Ive been tazed. Id rather get shot in with a vest on lol1 point
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I was there the first day and stayed till 5pm. My feet were sore but I had fun. I got a cool Rock Island Tshirt and some bulet samples from X-Treme Bullets. I got a picture with Lee Ermey and one of those cool coins he was giving out. It's the size of a silver dollar. Here's mine. [url=http://s768.photobucket.com/user/tercel89/media/coin1_zpsbpo3p9fp.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s768.photobucket.com/user/tercel89/media/coin2_zpskeszcirt.jpg.html][/URL]1 point
Amen. People are quick to condem but slow to add to the cause. I am a life member and damn proud of it. I also help whatever I can when I can.1 point
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I had Chip Cain do mine and he was great. He has done many others on here as well. He is located in Franklin.1 point
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