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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/2015 in all areas

  1. There's nothing wrong with the system except the poor quality of voters.
    7 points
  2.     ---------- Forwarded message ---------- [Battleship] > > During the 3-1/2 years of World War 2 that started > with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941 > and ended with the Surrender of Germany and Japan in 1945, > "We the People of the U.S.A." produced the > following: > 22 aircraft carriers, > 8 battleships, > 48 cruisers, > 349 destroyers, > 420 destroyer escorts, > 203 submarines, > 34 million tons of merchant ships, > 100,000 fighter aircraft, > 98,000 bombers, > 24,000 transport aircraft, > 58,000 training aircraft, > 93,000 tanks, > 257,000 artillery pieces, > 105,000 mortars, > 3,000,000 machine guns, and > 2,500,000 military trucks. > We put 16.1 million men > in uniform in the various armed services, invaded Africa, > invaded Sicily and Italy, won the battle for the Atlantic, > planned and executed D-Day, marched across the Pacific and > Europe, developed the atomic bomb, and ultimately conquered > Japan and Germany. > > > It's worth noting, that during the almost exact amount > of time, the Obama Administration couldn't even > build a web site that worked.  
    6 points
  3. Amazing what can be accomplished when there is a common goal. Today we have a two party system which only results in keeping us divided in order to enrich themselves.
    6 points
  4. I have long ago concluded the 2 party system just points the finger at the other party and they do pretty much the same sorry, greedy job if you can call it a job. I would much prefer no parties and if there were 20 men running for POTUS, let the man with the best ideas win. As for the the comments of Essone, my son and dil are going to start home schooling my 2 oldest grand children and teach them properly the things of history that needs to be learned and not forgotten. I don't know if any of you have seen Jesse Watters on Bill O'Reilly asking questions but it is ridiculous. He asked some college kids when did Columbus discover America and got answers like 1944. And we have to ask ourselves why we have stupid politicians, well we have stupid voters, or would that be ignorant voters?
    4 points
  5. That and a nation-wide conviction that the only important things in American life are what time the Mall opens and when the next version of the IPhone is coming out. A lot of folks today think Pearl Harbor was a singer on the Grand Ole Opry who wore a hat with a price tag hanging off of it and have utterly no idea that it could happen again. World War II should have taught us that ignorance can be a terminal affliction but didn't, at least not in the generations who didn't have to fight in it.
    4 points
  6. I am finally upright and mobile after two weeks with a NASTY viral respiratory infection.  The past three days I just slept... had to recoup my strength.   I'll be wearing my kahki TGO hat with color logo on it, kahki shorts, black polo and will be there with my wife and daughter.  I'll also have a stack of TGO decals with me.  If you find me and tell me who you are on the forum, I'll give you one.   :)
    4 points
  7. I noticed folks giving away NRA passes in TGO classifieds and I dont get it ,are you that cheap ?   The show is free to any NRA member,if your not a member and you want a free pass its counter productive Join the NRA and get on board ,fight the fight !!!!!!!!!
    4 points
  8. Actually, I have no idea who this fool is.....  apparently he is famus.   But the popo noticed him.   http://www.local8now.com/home/headlines/Hip-hop-artist-Nelly-arrested-in-Tennessee-299472001.html
    3 points
  9. For a lot of these groups as of late it has to do with money, making it that is, and that includes pro gun groups. They seen an opportunity to make a buck and jumped on it.
    3 points
  10. As much as I think Bloomberg is a douche and don't agree with his viewpoint, I can't back the idea that a husband would give his wife an ultimatum based on not agreeing on guns.  I suspect anyone that into guns probably knew when they got married a general idea on their partners viewpoint on the matter, whether it be full on anti, indifferent, or pro.  People can also change their mind.     I would speculate any deadline is just an excuse to cover up a bigger issue in the relationship.  It's a partnership, not a dictatorship.   If you think what he is doing is ok, we will have to agree to disagree.  There are bigger things in life than guns.   If he believes in the constitution so much, he should also believe in his wife's right to express her opinion on the matter, even if they disagree. 
    3 points
  11. I hear a lot of horror stories lately about customer service. I'm not aiming this at you, but I think you'd be amazed at the current quality of the average customer today. If all a person deals with is idiots every day, they soon forget how to treat a genuine human being when they run across one.
    3 points
  12. My wife just got a call.....she entered the Remington ladies only giveaway today and won. She has to be at the Nashville Armory tomorrow to meet several female shooters, and won a new RM380. That will probably be a few hours so I am going to the NRA convention again I guess.
    3 points
  13. We went Friday and left at about 2p and went over to Pub 5 for lunch. I've been there several times and the food is great. Anyways, the 21 year old waitress was all bubbly and asked if we were in for the conference. I said yes and commented that everyone in the restaurant probably was. She said it had been busy and "all of your people have been really nice." LOL I just laughed. She was completely innocent and sincere, but it stuck me as really funny. What did she expect? Did she think it was a KKK rally?
    3 points
  14. I've had this Matrix Aerospace lower built for months, and actually built several rifles while saying "Gonna finish the pistol next" every time I finished another rifle. LukeE got a kick out of me telling him that several times :) I bought the buffer tube off a guy at work, so can't remember the name of it, but it's nice enough. Upper is 10.5" PSA upper, Radical Firearms BCG and BCM Mod4 CH. Grip is Magpul K2. I picked it because several people on here and other forums said they liked them on pistol setups. I'll figure out if it will stay after I shoot it a few times. Still needs a rear sight and I'm gonna figure out what kind of red dot to run. I imagine smaller the better. Any of y'all just run irons on the pistols? I assume without being able to brace it (if I had a Sig Brace when you could shoulder them) irons may be harder to shoot with on pistol setup. But I think someone said we are still okay legally speaking to shoulder the buffer tube as of now, that correct? To me it seems almost as short in my hands as I figured the 7.5" would have seemed. I really like it and can't wait to shoot it for the first time.
    2 points
  15. Well went down to Nashville to see the big show. Jeez never seen so many people in my life at one place. I hate crowds but wanted to see the exhibits more.   Got to talk to folks from Sig, Beretta (got to handle a new M9A3), EEA, Ruger and Armscor (the 2 main guys were there). Lots of nice folks and more brands than I mentioned but trying to see most anything took time to work your way toward it. So many vendors with interesting items.   Lots of give away stuff but I don't collect.   The guys from Armscor were really nice and we talked about the new 22 TCM ammo, pistols and rifle. They had all on display. I think that a 22 TCM may be in my future when components for reloading get more available. I want a rifle and pistol.   The crowd finally took its toll on me and I had to leave.   I found a place on 4th Avenue to park for $7.00 for the few hours I was there, better than some that was charging $11.00 per hour! I had fun but have had my nuff of people to last me 2 years.   Saw a lot of folks carrying today. Some were OWB and most IWB. Quite a few were printing pretty good, seems their method of carry was turning the grip of their firearm out away from their body. Wearing tight Tee shirts or other type shirt did not help. I expected to see some gun control folks but did not, guess they are too smart to get ignorant around that many firearms people.
    2 points
  16.   I kept talking to the lady at the Palmetto State booth. That said, a buddy of mine is a bartender downtown, apparently the palmetto state guys went out saturday night and when a guy at the bar bought some food for a vet, they gave the guy an AR.... Classy all around
    2 points
  17. The same fungus was found in our house during the home inspection. The rep for the company said this is very common in most parts of Tennessee, due to the humidity. The previous homeowner had the issue resolved before we purchased the home. She paid $400 to have it cleaned up.
    2 points
  18. The picture appears to be fungus IMO. When you wipe across the spores, if it smears it's active, if it brushes off it's inactive. Pest companies can spray to help kill the fungus that's active.
    2 points
  19. Every one of those officers deserve an award, promotion, and a raise for not killing every one of those dirtbags. 
    2 points
  20. If our government ever decides to disarm the populace and civil unrest or worse arises I expect we'll see a lot more than US Gov't troops in place to subjugate our populace. I won't try to predict the future and am suspicious of both Gov't and anti Gov't groups.
    2 points
  21. I almost got no.3 this morning about 8:00am. He came in to one of my wingbones. He was at about 50 yards and I couldn't see him. A smart guy would've not moved his head to look for him................Apparently, I'm not a smart guy.
    2 points
  22.   Unless you're in a canoe.
    2 points
  23. The ability to fondle so many different weapons is awesome. There are great prices on t shirts and hats. Lots of free swag too. I'll be there today for sure.
    2 points
  24. I was in Nashville several days last week but didn't get to the NRA event due to traffic and work.  The large number of people attending the event should send a message to the antigun liberals in Nashville and around the Country.
    2 points
  25. I note that the twinks over at the Tennessean are losing their mind over NRA.  This morning, they are blaming the NRA for sex-trafficking. (I refuse to link on their click-bait)
    2 points
  26. Literally what I saw... What is so hard about complying? Nothing good ever comes from fist fights with LEO... even if you win, you lose.
    2 points
  27. One of the police was shot in the leg as he fought to maintain control of his gun .  The police shot one of them and shot and killed another - looks like they didn't have a choice.   That could have taken a different turn - with multiple dead officers.  Funny that the perps were a family Christian band.   It's like those people were on one of those illegal drugs where nothing stops them.  Not tasers, not getting whacked in the head with a baton, not anything.  It looks to me like the police showed  much restraint.
    2 points
  28. If these young people would just speak English, us old people would know what they were saying.
    2 points
  29. Get pissed all you want but the second you do ANYTING intentionally to instigate the other person, other than honking the horn, you are the instigator. By law a horn is only to be used to avoid an accident. It is not there to tell the person in front of you that the light is green or because you think they are going to slow. Yes, I call people names when they do idiotic things on the road but that is as far as it goes. I know I would bear the majority of the responsibility of I did something to intentionally provoke another and something went real bad.   And as Cruel Hand Luke said you need to figure out if what you are going to do is worth it. My wife gets onto me all the time for automatically assuming the worst but that probably keeps me from doing stupid stuff.   I will say the one thing that really, really bothers me though is drivers who cross the center line in a curve and forces us off the edge of the road. We will hit the horn every time that happens if we can. I even told my wife I want to install a "panic" button attached to a 170dB air horn but my wife said it is not a good idea and she is probably right but I cannot imagine a more satisfying thing that scaring the living crap out of the driver that just scared the living crap out of us.
    2 points
  30. I had a near collision over on Old Hickory Blvd headed to Charlotte a few years ago.  THe guy was pretty pissed but HEY, not one hit anyone and poop happens.  He honked and flipped me off and then followed me for a long ways trying to get me to pull over.   Back then, there was a large Police department on that end of Charlotte.  I pulled right in there to see what he wanted.  Funny he didn't feel the need to follow me anymore.           Never, ever put yourself into a position of conflict.  Look like a puss, so what?  ALWAYS actively seek the path of least resistance.  
    2 points
  31. Proper thing to do? Probably not flip off someone over something so trivial.
    2 points
  32. Met Ted Nugent, James Yeager, Colion Noir and Hickock 45, Mas Ayoob and saw Donald  Trump JR in front of me 
    1 point
  33.   I talked to her as well. She was likely the most beautiful woman I've ever met in my life. Seemed sweet too.
    1 point
  34. No, there are hard credit pulls and soft credit pulls.  Background checks, credit karma, etc should be soft pulls and they don't a mess with your score.  Hard credit pulls are the ones to watch out for, and they come when you apply for a loan, etc.  I had place I wanted to rent from do a hard pull and flipped, they had no clue about hard pulls vs soft pulls.
    1 point
  35. Don't worry - I have faced this exact situation and it wasn't a big deal.  I post again later and tell you how we handled it.
    1 point
  36. This thing is a complete mess from top to bottom.  Not sure if one of those guys shot the cop or if he was just reaching for his gun and a second cop came over top and shot the perp.     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEnuSVQe8E4   Hope the cops are all ok
    1 point
  37. Just finished up this little guy, it's a 3 1/2" blade and 7 1/2" overall. 01 steel professionally heat treated to 60-61. Mirror polish. Brownish green and yellow Micarta scales with 1/4" brass pins. I am very pleased with how this turned out, it's really an "all-around" kinda knife. Now all I have to do is put the final edge on it. It is available! PM me if you are interested! LISTED IN GEAR CLASSIFIEDS! And with my mark, I love Dragons!
    1 point
  38. Bloomberg. What that a hole has pissed away w his anti gun shenanigans could probably pay college tuition for every student in this state.
    1 point
  39. I currently have 2 in my truck, one front facing and one rear.  Both have been problem free and do a good job. I use this as front facing: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GRYT5QI/ref=od_aui_detailpages00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and this rear: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00F2GMUPU/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1   I put a 32 GB card in both, at 1080p you will get about 8 hours of video before it starts overwriting.  Also do not keep the G sensor at the default or you will quickly get locked video file with every bump you hit in the road.
    1 point
  40. That's the best report I've seen. That bunch must be a splinter of the Phelps bunch of Westboro Baptist Church crazies. Professing to be Christian does not make these types of people Christian. In my book anyway.
    1 point
  41. It certainly seems sometimes that good customer service has gone the way of the dodo bird, and what passes for CS these days is anything but. I think it's still out there, you just have to look harder for it than in the past. I always try to acknowledge it when I find it.
    1 point
  42. H-P makes one, have one in my wife's car. Starts automatically with the engine, records HD continously to a micro sd card, overwrites the oldest video when the card is full. Also records time and gps location on the video.
    1 point
  43.   Well many of us here at TGO are ex-military, not all combat vets but we did enlist with patriotic intentions. Most vets I have incountered are very pro-2nd Amendment and pro-Constitution. I would bet that if there was a SHTF situation and orders were given to disarm the public by any means including using deadly force we would see a division in our military that would prevent them from following those orders. I really believe that. Besides, the entire military is just not large enough to cover every square mile of the U.S. Just a few large cities would require most all military equipment and personnel, I just don't see tanks and apc's in Dickson, Murfreesboro, Smyrna, Hog Lick or Rooster Poot.   :)
    1 point
  44. i use titegroup when i can not get my other go to powders.  i also like the plated bullets when i do not want to cast up a batch.  when i work up a new load i start at the low end and use my chronograph to get where i want to be.  but you are starting out and might not have a chronograph, so i would stay on the low to mid range of the load data.   i have been treating plated bullets the same a jacket when it come to load data.  so far i have not had any problems.  but i do not load anything hot or to the max of the data sheets.  i load my pistol rounds for fun shooting day, not a day of getting beat up by my guns.  
    1 point
  45. I came I conquered and I am back in Memphis now..... NRA show was def worth the ride ,I got to handle easily 100+ guns and accys Every MFG' staff was inviting and helpful showing off their guns and gear   Its great to get a first hand feel of guns you were thinking of buying ,some were over the  top impressive and some I thought I had to have before the show  turned out to be duds and I was glad I did not buy them after handling them at the show...   I am proud to be a lifetime member now of the NRA
    1 point
  46. I know a lot of 1911 people have many guns, some have dozens.  But my first thought would be to step back and think the other direction -- and ask yourself 'if I could only have 1... which would I want?'.    Asking about your "first" sounds a lot like planning to replace it before you even buy it!   I have shot a lot of them, only owned 2 (one is the wife's if you want to get technical).    If you are not planning on using it in a competition,  I will start by saying "there are no bad 1911s".    The ones that tend to jam or have a reputation for it can usually be fixed, often simply by shooting them or just buying a new mag or trying different ammo -- a few need more TLC like poking and prodding the extractor or minor work.   The real issue is that 1911 owners have a lot of extremely picky folks who have a favorite brand (everything else is garbage, of course) or have an axe to grind about how it was made (because 1 in every 250 million cheaply made parts breaks, better use hand crafted blacksmith forged parts..)  and a bunch of other stuff of that nature.     A no frills RIA is the inexpensive way to get a working, accurate, reliable pistol for a very reasonable price tag.  Beyond that, it comes down to paying a little more for each feature you want ... a lot more if you want hand-fitting. 
    1 point
  47. NRA should know how this game works in TN by now after not passing this bill the past several years.  The NRA needs to put pressure on these committee members that have stalled this stuff year after year.  I guarantee you a good chunk of these committee members do not want a bad NRA rating.  We also need an effective lobbyist that can communicate ideas to the capitol and be able to back them up with hard evidence from other states, such as local park carry is legal in about every surrounding state with a license.   This year not much has been passed.  The parking lot bill that became law is a joke (doesn't help people in at will jobs) and the NFA bill is just a token gesture that did not change much.  We got absolutely nothing as far as improvement in the handgun carry permit restrictions.
    1 point
  48.   I had a bowl of them yesterday.   Sorry, I thought you said Ramin Noodles.
    1 point
  49. Welcome to the forum cousin and soon to be free territory. You'll find that most people here are pretty friendly.
    1 point
  50. Some of the responses to CommsNBombs come across to me as being needlessly harsh.  All of us lose our tempers and all of us make mistakes.  In this case, CommsNBombs situation provides a learning opportunity for him and for the rest of us.   Massad Ayoob has some great videos which are no charge that are worth watching.  He is one of the most knowledgeable people about shootings   Some of the points I took from watching him:   1. Being a willing participant in conflict that leads to shooting can cause a world of hurt.  Having the ability to take someone's life creates great responsibility, part of which is to do everything possible to avoid the need for a gun.  This sounds like he was a willing participant. 2. Shooting someone, even if it is completely justified, can bankrupt the shooter.  Again, avoiding is the way to go if possible. 3. According to Ayoob, a completely justified shooter stands about 90% chance of acquittal.  You never know what kind of jury you'll have.  Of course, the odds decrease as more factors are involved, with being an active participant being a biggie. 4. You never know what you'll get in a district attorney and a jury.  I was on a jury where the state had absolutely no case whatever.  We found the guy not guilty in about a minute.  That guy paid a lawyer, who was very well prepared, to be in court for a day and a half.  No telling how much that cost him when the accusation was that he wadded up a piece of paper and threw it in someone's face. 5. I would absolutely shoot someone if there were no other choice, though I will do whatever I can to avoid it. 6. I will have to live with myself if I shoot someone.  I want to know that I didn't have any other choice.   Again, we all make mistakes and this situation provides a great learning opportunity.     Having said all this, I will also say that Hank Williams Jr's song, "I'd like to knock the Hell out of you" matches how I feel on a frequent basis.
    1 point
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