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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2015 in all areas

  1. Must have been on a Saturday, way too many people home from work and school on a sunny afternoon.
    5 points
  2.   I had a bowl of them yesterday.   Sorry, I thought you said Ramin Noodles.
    4 points
  3. I was there with w0lfattack from 1-6pm. I was rockin' a TGO polo. Though I at least 6 other folks that were there at the same time, we never bumed into anyone. It was just that busy! Lots of good stuff. I got some CMC drop in 3.5lb triggers for $130ea! Can't wait to drop them in the M&P10 and an ar15. I shared a concern about a holster for my Shield with the folks at Safariland. They had the same holster and a dummy Shield on hand, and saw exactly what I was talking about. The boss or whoever grabbed a better model off the wall, saw that it fit properly, and handed it to me. I told him I didn't have the old one with me to give him. He told me not to worry about it, and apologized for the bad product. He said he just wanted me to be happy. Well.... success!! lots of free swag... make sure to get your free gun cleaning mat from the Hogue booth. I bought some anodized ar mags from the C-products guys; a blue one for me and a pink one for wifey. They're flimsy as all c-products mags are, but they look cool! I found the rails I want for my 10 and 15. UTG has some really nice stuff now. Can't really believe I'm saying that. Their super slim keymod will go on the 15, and I don't remember the name of the one I want for the 10, but I'll get it. If you're on the fence about going to the show, GO! Short of Tulsa, you'll never be around this much gun stuff again!
    3 points
  4. 10.  Wear comfortable shoes.
    3 points
  5. I doubt anyone purchased anything just to see Sarah Palin.
    3 points
  6. I know a lot of 1911 people have many guns, some have dozens.  But my first thought would be to step back and think the other direction -- and ask yourself 'if I could only have 1... which would I want?'.    Asking about your "first" sounds a lot like planning to replace it before you even buy it!   I have shot a lot of them, only owned 2 (one is the wife's if you want to get technical).    If you are not planning on using it in a competition,  I will start by saying "there are no bad 1911s".    The ones that tend to jam or have a reputation for it can usually be fixed, often simply by shooting them or just buying a new mag or trying different ammo -- a few need more TLC like poking and prodding the extractor or minor work.   The real issue is that 1911 owners have a lot of extremely picky folks who have a favorite brand (everything else is garbage, of course) or have an axe to grind about how it was made (because 1 in every 250 million cheaply made parts breaks, better use hand crafted blacksmith forged parts..)  and a bunch of other stuff of that nature.     A no frills RIA is the inexpensive way to get a working, accurate, reliable pistol for a very reasonable price tag.  Beyond that, it comes down to paying a little more for each feature you want ... a lot more if you want hand-fitting. 
    3 points
  7. Like a bunch of damned animals in the jungle. Prancing around showing their tail feathers trying to intimidate the other out of a fight then attacking like a pack when they see a potential numbers advantage. Cowards and assholes, the whole lot of them.
    3 points
  8. I have no idea why I did this... but I did it.
    2 points
  9. My fitbit pedometer measured 10,000 steps at 4.68 miles.  I didn't walk any more than I needed.  Probably not the day to show off those fancy cowboy boots if you are heavy, over age 45 or both.
    2 points
  10. "well known East Tennessee gun shop with a range"   call them out on it, maybe just a paying customer wasn't enough to get them to understand.  Or if you feel safe enough going back video it on your cell phone and post it.
    2 points
  11. Aside from the friends (netmindr and NoBanStan) I went there with, I didn't see one single TGO person that I recognized. We need a better way to represent! They really did a great job putting this together. The maps were right, the layout was brilliant, the venue was big enough for all 15-20K people to enjoy themselves without feeling overly crowded, and the people working were nice, friendly, and helpful. I can't wait to go back tomorrow, even though I'm sore and tired from all the walking/standing. Note to self: desk jobs make you soft.
    2 points
  12. No booth.  No swag.  Definitely no freebies.  I wish we were baller enough for that.  Maybe in 2016.  :lol:
    2 points
  13. Take a bottle or two of water with you
    2 points
  14.   Same thing Lee Paige did with the infamous Glock foty demo, but he successfully put it into his foot.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHR1lH8N-eY   - OS
    2 points
  15. 11.  watch out when stepping into booths......that elevated, squishy carpet almost got me
    2 points
  16.   There sure are some tall guys in the picture!  I know a couple of them.  ;)   Saw 173rdABN, 221 Fireball, itchytriggerfinger, and several others among my best 70,000 friends today at the NRA show.   Might have seen more, but I was "heads-down" a lot looking at and feeling up all of the NFA stuff!     :drool:  
    2 points
  17.   Yeah. And Ben's win right after Penick's funeral one of the all time great sports stories,  like a freaking Disney movie.   - OS
    2 points
  18.  This would be nice if it stands.     In a ruling issued today, a Federal judge has declared that the longstanding ban on gun dealers selling handguns to residents in different states is not only unconstitutional under the Second Amendment, but also violates other fair trade provisions of the United States Constitution.   http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2015/02/foghorn/breaking-federal-judge-declares-interstate-handgun-transfer-ban-unconstitutional/
    2 points
  19. If, when, things do kick off there will be some who view it like traditional military operations and will go out in their gear, as a group, and get easily killed off by those in power. But, as we all know, the real test for those in power will be how they deal with the guerilla operations that will come later. Then the real challenge will be who will be the new person, people, in charge and how corrupt they will become. We have to be careful because we do not know who the next power brokers will be and things could get a lot worse before they get better.   In the end I do not see the United States being anything more than a has been super power.   The US is already in its final death throws because we have millions living in poverty, we have no more freedom to do what we want, our veterans not being treated well and we ARE subjects to our ruling class. That tells me the country is already past the point of no return and there is no way to fix it other than to let it fail in order to rebuild. But before they let those welfare leeches, who have not paid into the system, starve our government will starve those on social security, who have paid into the system, and our veterans. We now have a national healthcare system that is not about helping people but about putting more money into the pockets of those that rule over us.   Funny thing is the veterans they are alienating are the ones they will need again very soon. We are poking the bear and have been for several years. At some point Putin is going to have enough and we will be in WWIII which will cost everyone except those in power who will continue to get rich off the US war machine.
    2 points
  20. RIA will give you everything you need in a 1911, I have a 9mm and 45 they both go bang every time you ask them to. So unless you want a "bragging" pistol. Go RIA and save money for ammo
    2 points
  21. A Walther P99c AS is about the same size as a Glock 26 but I never tried to carry it in my pocket when I had one, 10+1.. It's a striker fired pistol, but does have a decocker with a sa/da trigger.. Awesome little guns!
    2 points
  22. News 2 showed Tootsie's door last night. They have a piece of paper that says in big bold print "Welcome NRA Attendees" right next to two gun busters.   Screw them.
    2 points
  23.     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIP0g_5rSgg
    2 points
  24. much like Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz by Tuscan Link: http://amzn.com/B00032G1S0 the reviews are here for ever.
    2 points
  25. I'm guessing they don't cover Roman numerals in school anymore , huh?
    2 points
  26.   Yes.  Roberts had a huge line to get in compared to the ones with the no guns signs.
    1 point
  27. Thunder beast 338 suppressor. Stupid quiet.
    1 point
  28. Wish I was closer. I'd love to attend.
    1 point
  29. LOL Same here! And then a couple more times after the time I should have learned my lesson!
    1 point
  30. I hope you can make it to the NRA convention this weekend. They have one of every CZ in their lineup along with all their rifles and shotguns. In fact, the highlight of the show for me today was meeting Angus Hobdell. He was one of their first successful pro shooters and now runs CZ Custom out in AZ. He's an awesome guy. He had some cool stories about getting in/out of countries with his guns back in the day for international matches.
    1 point
  31. My favorite xkcd comic Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  32. accidentally or negligently? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  33. +1 on Rock Island. I would go with Tactical version for better sights. I have the 9mm version and love it. 
    1 point
  34. I've had this happen too. Apparently I was selling a corvette cheep! Lol.
    1 point
  35. I'm on my way now. Will have about 4.5 hours tonight then heading back tomorrow with plans to be there at 9am and stay all day.
    1 point
  36. I have never used spaces and often wondered if they would count as symbols.  I believe spaces would certainly make them more secure.   1 @m @ m@st3r @7 U5ing numbers in place of L3773rs.     By the way, I tested "My w1fe 1s a gun nut" at the password test site, It would take a desktop PC about A sextillion years to crack your password Length: 20 characters Character Combinations: 81 Calculations Per Second: 4 billion Possible Combinations: 147 undecillion
    1 point
  37. Use a passphrase...like "My wife is a gun nut" Spaces are "symbols" and a letter can be replaced by a number. My w1fe 1s a gun nut
    1 point
  38. TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK   So I successfully resisted that temptation....
    1 point
  39.     Yeah but at least that serves a worthy purpose.  These guys not so much.  I think R. Lee Ermey might say, the best part these fellas ran down ............   and ended up as a brown stain on a mattress.  
    1 point
  40. These guys all remind me of a feminine hygiene product one might use on a summer's eve and the bag in which it came.
    1 point
  41. Damn what a safe!!!
    1 point
  42.     Good point, Chuck. I agree It's a mighty thin pancake that doesn't have two sides to it. I'd certainly like to hear his thoughts on it. Chances are, he never gave it a second thought and thinks he gave me exceptional service. Maybe my expectations are unrealistic. I only compare this experience to what I've run into at other ranges in town, as well as Range Master when Tom was running it. I distinctly remember lots of folks having less than Chik-Fil-A type service from some of Tom's staff who worked the cash register.  Nobody's perfect all the time. 
    1 point
  43. Essentially it seems no different than every day life ... If it's posted, you can't carry.    Music City Center isn't posted, they allow each event to decide. NRA has decided to allow carry at the MCC.  The sentence in the report re: "firing pins removed" only applies to guns on exhibit by the vendors, not your personal weapon you might carry in.   Bridgestone is posted, so you can't carry there.  Country Music Hall of Fame is posted, can't carry there.     I'm not sure this is the weekend to test the "that's not a compliant posting" idea ...
    1 point
  44.   I dunno, nightrunner may be on to something. I don't know what Romans are or what a numeral is. Hell, they didn't even teach me to read or write.
    1 point
  45. Not a 1911 guy so hard for me to compare Glock to 1911s.  I can attest to carrying Glocks though, and I'll say that I have concealed a G17 lots, both iwb and owb.  While I prefer my 19 for summertime iwb carry, those who say the 17 can't be concealed, aren't really trying... 
    1 point
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