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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/2015 in all areas
10 points
News 2 showed Tootsie's door last night. They have a piece of paper that says in big bold print "Welcome NRA Attendees" right next to two gun busters. Screw them.4 points
4 points
Gonna be hard to beat the Ruger Sr1911 and the Springfield Range officer for a first 1911. You get alot of bang for your buck with either. Alot of people seem to like the Rock Island 1911s also.4 points
[URL=http://s1119.photobucket.com/user/johns455jr/media/10382741_548898925241701_4086100687692234769_n_zpsp4eu65vl.jpg.html][/URL] Lilly Mae Scheffers my beautiful Granddaughter4 points
My daughter Shayelan has been a guard at the Newport jail for a while now with the plan of becoming a Police officer, and Sheriff Fontes told her today that he is going to make her a reserve deputy for and if she does a good job and get good reports from her supervising officers the county will send her to police academy in October. I am very proud of her, she is a single mother who works 2 jobs to support herself and my Granddaughter and really deserves a good break. So if your in Cocke County next year and get pulled over by a pretty blond cop tell her to say hi to her daddy John for ya it might get you out of a ticket lol :up:3 points
Why is it that I am kinda hoping he gets wind of this thread and comes on the board to try and defend himself? We haven't had one of those bread in a while. :lol:3 points
So many comments on this one. .....none of which are acceptable to the terms and conditions of being a member here on TGO.3 points
3 points
"Only in Memphis". "Typical Memphis". Must have been filmed and posted by somebody from Nashville.3 points
There will be a 9mm AK coming to market this year. I cannot wait as I would like it over an MP5.3 points
New season premieres Sunday. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BabsgCQhpu42 points
Memphis knows how to do it http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=396_14283869702 points
What is it with you all and the NRA..? :rofl: The NRA doesn't give two diddly shits about our gun laws, or lack thereof them... They want one thing...YOUR MONEY...Meanwhile, they sit back and do nothing while many states have their firearms rights chipped away, little by little... Keep sending in that check to them though, you dont want to miss out on that new nra hat and arm patch...2 points
Be happy to... First, the great and wonderful gunfacts.info - which has lots of good stats on why citizens should be allowed to own and carry firearms: http://www.gunfacts.info/pdfs/gun-facts/6.2/gun-facts-6-2-screen.pdf Look on page 19. This comes from a paper called "Shall Issue" The New Wave of Concealed Handgun Permit Laws - http://www.rkba.org/research/cramer/shall-issue.html It's written by two authors... 1. Dave Kopel a widely respected Gun Rights attorney - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Kopel Dave is the lead attorney against the Colorado gun control measures signed into law by Hickenlooper in 2010 making it's way to SCOTUS. 2. Clayton Cramer an American historian and software engineer - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clayton_Cramer His work has was cited by SCOTUS in a couple of little know 2nd amendment cases, DC v Heller and McDonald v Chicago. These men are noted researches and scholars on gun laws, and 2nd amendment history.... Only better resource out there maybe John Lott. So lets look at there work... the section we're interested in: This is a peer reviewed paper, which references a peer reviewed study by Silver & Kates - I've not been able to ever find a copy of their study online. I think the facts speak for themselves ;)2 points
My brother and I had a textbook hunt on opening day. We roosted a hot tom the night before and snuck in well before dawn and set up close. The tom was gobbling on the roost and it only took a handful of calls to talk him down and pick a fight. He came up behind us and at one point passed within six feet. He was so focused on kicking the decoys butt he never noticed we were there. My brother was the trigger man and that's him in the pic below. The entire hunt, from leaving the cabin to bird on the ground was under an hour.2 points
I'm a native son of California and left it a little over nineteen years ago because I could see it heading this way and I didn't want to be trapped on a sinking ship. Contrary to what most Tennesseans think, California has not been quite the liberal state it has been cracked up to be over the years. For example, in the last four Presidential races, 43% of the electorate carried for the Republican candidate, and that's just a small chunk short of half. Then 54 out of California's 58 counties also carried for the Republican candidate in those elections. But this slight majority was all the Democrats needed to carry the state, thanks to the four huge entitlement counties that voted for them. But now all of that is changing according to my family members who still live out there. After seeing the hard left liberals like Jerry Brown and Barbara Boxer returned to office in one fell swoop, the "forty three percenter's" have finally thrown in the towel. They concluded that they could spend the rest of their lives fighting to changes things, but they would never have a majority, not even a small one, and would just continue to lose and watch the place die a slow death. So after fighting the good fight for many years in the face of constant setbacks, these folks are now leaving the state in droves. Which means that the stranglehold the liberals have on the state is just going to get worse and worse and with that goes increased harassment of gun owners by the hard left state legislature. Heck, if they're not careful the only people left out there to pay for all the entitlements will be the ones receiving them, and what a helluva dose of poetic justice that will be. As ol' George Strait's song goes: "That's why I hang my hat it Tennessee."2 points
I was going to post a picture of a Russian stripper, but there's no way I want that in my search history.2 points
No, a long gun can be purchased and processed out of state. A handgun has to be processed in the home state of the buyer. I buy guns at Whittaker's in KY all of the time. Long guns are ok, handguns are not. I suppose the only caveat could be that the dealer isn't "selling" it, but rather just doing a transfer. I think either way it is ok, but maybe call an FFL close to you and ask if they would do it.2 points
I'm in the turkey woods this morning with my ole man. All quiet right now. Always having s good time though.2 points
2 points
I think a commander sized Rock or Metro in 9mm will be my next 1911, but that's a long way down the list at this time.2 points
I have a metro arms commander in the truck that is flawless. Goes boom every time. It is my backup day off gun. Love the way it shoots. Can't say enough. . JTM Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
Some places just don't care period. Nice places treat guys like crap, crap places treat guys nice... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk2 points
Oh, stewardess. I speak Jive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzIcec_bQss2 points
2 points
Everyone from Nashville is smart enough to stay away from that place.2 points
I did it. I rode today without a helmet. No no, I didn't break the law, I happen to be out of town in a state that has the option to ride without a helmet. I'm happy to report taxpayers don't have to shell out millions of dollars (or whatever fictitious # they use) because I was able to avoid the many many, many reckless and careless car drivers all around me. God Bless America and what little freedom we have left!2 points
The only charges we've seen documented involve courtrooms and airports with one single exception... A politician in Williamson County was charged for carrying into a school administrative building to attend an official meeting she was part of... All indications are the charges are 'colored' by local politics. We've heard rumors of other cases brought including the one mentioned about in Memphis, but the documentation on these cases (via court records or media reports) are non-existent. I don't think anybody here would suggest breaking the law... although many of us have mistakenly and without knowledge walked passed signs or into gray areas... for example, exactly which sidewalks in the Vandy area of town would be considered 'school property' and which ones public? Does a hospital become 'school property' if a resident or medical student is in the hospital? Does that just include the building they're in, or the entire hospital campus? What if it's a visiting professor from the local medical college giving a lecture, but there are no medical students involved? As you can see there are a lot of gray areas in TN firearm laws, ones I hope over the coming years we can work to clear up. I think the reason you don't see more people charged, is because the vast majority of HCP holders are reasonable law abiding citizens, they don't intend to carry where they're not supposed to, and when asked by the owner, or law enforcement to leave they comply, therefore defusing the situation without the need of charges. But, that doesn't mean we shouldn't work long and hard to reduce the number of areas law abiding citizens can't carry in... because in reality restrictions on HCP don't reduce crime one bit... If you feel comfortable with a police officer being armed at a location, you should feel more comfortable with your average HCP holder being armed there as well... Stats just don't lie, law abiding citizens are convicted of felonies at a fraction of the rate of police officers, judges, politicians... and are 5 times less likely to kill an innocent person in a justified shooting.2 points
At least SOMEONE has a handle on the problem!!!!! LMAO!! http://www.armslist.com/posts/4206988/chattanooga-tennessee-events-for-trade--attention-all-dumbasses--dumbasses-only-1 point
Its been to long since I've said this but MAIL CALL. And its one of the best of my life. Late last year I went and trained with Dwight McLemore in the use of the tomahawk and bowie knife. He ordered a long hunter knife from me recently and I told him I would gladly make it for free in appreciation of what he had taught me. He decided to send payment anyways and here it is. He said I showed a lot of the intrest in these items while I was there and he wanted me to have them in payment. First up he sent a San Mai III VG-1 Cold Steel Natchez Bowie. This is a wicked bowie, built to be a fighter. Razor sharp, lots of reach and insanely fast for its size. Next up was a TAK knife trainer modeled after the Natchez bowie. Its excellent for training without worrying about accidents, works for sparring, and handles a lot like the Natchez. The last thing in the package is the Emerson CQC-T Tomahawk. This thing is wicked. Shaving sharp, and that spike is insane. 13" handle and handles like a dream. Orings on the handle aid retention, and it seems to float in the hand. Anyways, enjoy the pictures, I am a happy camper.1 point
I said they was tough. Mine so far has ate everything that I've fed it. Shoots good too. I also love that the mention of Hi-Point, pisses off most snobby shooters. :woohoo:1 point
1 point
"Sweeping the nation" is quite the hyperbole on Fox's part, IMO. - OS1 point
1 point
Was in the woods yesterday with my 6 year old looking for sheds, and at dinner time noticed a tick on the back of his neck. I guess it is time to get with it...1 point
1 point
There's an inside joke one that topic for me personally.... I'm a mechanical engineer. As you might guess, there's a bit of rivalry between the various disciplines within engineering. There is a bathroom in the basement of the ME building at school. There was a note written over the toilet paper dispenser in one of the stalls that read "EE degree. Free, take one." So anytime we were working and needed a potty break, the term was "I'm gonna go get my EE degree." So there's your nerdy toilet humor for the day.1 point
Essentially it seems no different than every day life ... If it's posted, you can't carry. Music City Center isn't posted, they allow each event to decide. NRA has decided to allow carry at the MCC. The sentence in the report re: "firing pins removed" only applies to guns on exhibit by the vendors, not your personal weapon you might carry in. Bridgestone is posted, so you can't carry there. Country Music Hall of Fame is posted, can't carry there. I'm not sure this is the weekend to test the "that's not a compliant posting" idea ...1 point
As of the end of the month Memphis will be home to the largest Bass Pro Shop in the world. Lol! The old Pyramid will open up for business on April 31st. Should be a great place to shop. Looking forward to it.1 point
The stages are up for the ORSA USPSA Match on April 18 at our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ORSA-uspsa/119338841557558 Seven Stages total, which includes two classifiers. About 145 rounds minimum. Guaranteed to be fun.1 point
The level of stupidity in our society never ceases to amaze.1 point
Indeed on the above. He was talking about box ammo so I did not go there. I have two rifles both in .308 that like an entirely different load because of throat and chamber with hand loads. Hand loads are really the only way to go. However, if you don't and have to use box ammo, Black Hills is as good as it gets. But it still has an ES of 30 or so.1 point
Rock Island. You can buy a lot of ammo with the difference between that and the next pricing level of entry level 1911's1 point
I will admit that I rarely carry my 17 in the summer. However, I stand by my statement that it can be concealed without too much effort. Sweaters, jackets, an untucked plaid shirt, you add any of these to a stiff belt and a Supertuck and it isn't that hard.1 point
I got as many of the Iboks as I could back in the day. That man was a wealth of knowledge.1 point
Looks like LP field is the ticket for me. Area lots around the MCC are going to be too hit-or-miss for me to risk it. And the MCC parking may or may not be available. Really won't know until driving up and finding if any is available.1 point
Don't we all!!! 22 was just too common everywhere. None of us ever thought of things like mass shootings and ammo shortages. Firearms of all types, and the pretty much unrestricted use of them, had been part of our national heritage for hundreds of years. Now it looks s if restrictions and shortages will be our heritage.1 point
1 point
Technically, so does Century... :D I give them guff but they have tightened down on their QC in recent years.1 point
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