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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2015 in all areas

  1. A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him, “Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don’t know where I am.” The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, “You’re in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above a ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.” She rolled her eyes and said, “You must be a Republican.” “I am,” replied the man. “How did you know?” “Well,” answered the balloonist, “Everything you told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to do with your information, and I’m still lost. Frankly, you’ve not been much help to me.” The man smiled and responded, “You must be a Democrat.” “I am,” replied the balloonist. “How did you know?” “Well,” said the man, “You don’t know where you are or where you’re going. You’ve risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise that you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem.” “And You’re in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but, somehow, now it’s my fault.”  
    5 points
  2. They mock me. They strut around in the parking lot at work because they know I can't shoot them in the face. :mad: :wall: [URL=http://s196.photobucket.com/user/kahrman/media/IMG_1753_zpsrrrpf2zm.jpg.html][/URL]
    2 points
  3. Ha. I go to several Industry shows for work and they generally have apps like this. I mainly end up using them for seeing who's at the show rather than planning a route. For the most part I end up walking by every booth anyway. Walking is good for your health. :)
    2 points
  4. May you and your wife find hidden blessings from the troubles that you had last month.    Proverbs 19:14 House and wealth are inherited from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the LORD.   
    2 points
  5. Losing a parent is hard, your family and Father were graced with just enough extra time to better come to terms with the inevitable conclusion. While I'm profoundly sorry for your loss I'm also gratified that all of you were allowed that finale bit of time to say goodbye.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. We have a supermajority in both houses of congress in TN to go along with the governor's mansion.  We passed far more restorative measures re Article 1 Section 26 when we had a Democrat for governor and a basic 50/50 split for the legislature .  The more one sided it gets, the less we get done in Tennessee. NRA loves Lamar Alexander, the only Republican Senator to vote against the permit carrier to be allowed to keep their lawfully owned firearm in a Federal Park. We shgould not back parties, bur rather principals, and individauls.
    2 points
  8. This post is intended to present our ideas about maintaining an emergency food supply. It does not deal with a complete emergency plan, only the food part. If you are considering such a thing, I hope it will answer some of your questions and hopefully we have done some of the leg work for you. It is intended to be simple, obtainable, and easily transportable should you ever be faced with an evacuation, as well as being long-lasting and highly edible without cooking. Here 'tis It all fits on an 18"x48" shelf We aren't preppers or survivalists, but we have nonetheless maintained our emergency food supply since Nine-Eleven, over 13 years ago. We don't believe in Zombie attacks or the complete meltdown of Western Civilization, but we do believe our country is vulnerable to disruption by our enemies and that in such an event it may well be up to the individual family to provide for itself without outside assistance for a time. We have also seen essential services disrupted by natural disasters like Katrina and the megastorm up in New Jersey last year, so that is also on our minds as we do all of this emergency planning stuff. Now, here's another thought you might consider: There are certain events and circumstances in our region that, if they came to pass, would leave local government no choice but to order the immediate evacuation of your home area. If that happened, chaos will prevail and there will be neither food nor hotel rooms available on the evacuation routes. Even fresh drinking water would be very difficult to come by. So our emergency food and water supply is designed to facilitate quick loading in vehicles, easy consumption without cooking on the road, and long shelf life in such an event. With all that in mind, we have set up our supply to last us roughly a month on a survival basis, (but certainly not a culinary delight basis.) Here are the factors we considered to be important, presented in disorganized, willy-nilly fashion: (1) Emergency planning means to plan for the worst thing that can hit you, which in the case of an emergency food supply would be your inability to cook food. So in designing our emergency supply we chose canned foods over dried foods or MRE's because of their ready availability, variety, longevity without refrigeration, ease of immediate consumption, and much lower cost. We also chose only those canned foods that can be eaten out of the can cold. It isn't the best thing that ever happened to you, but I was in the C-Ration Army and have eaten a heck of a lot of canned food cold from the can and it will sustain you. We also went in big for high calorie foods, since it only stands to reason that food will be in short supply and you want every smidgen of nourishment you can get in relatively small quantities. .(2) Assuming that the worst season this could happen in would be winter, we went very heavy on protein, which is essential for keeping you warm. (Note that combining rice and beans gives you a complete protein.) (3) We went heavy on the foods that have a can completely full of product, like the Roast Beef Hash, SPAM Lite, Refried Beans, Spanish Rice, Fried apples, etc, etc. Greens, corn, green beans, etc. are pretty useless for providing the concentrated amounts of nutrition we want, and they have too much water in the can. Having said that, we did throw in some watery veggies like beets, carrots, and sweet peas just for variety and morale purposes, but these have far better nutritional values than the others I mentioned. (4) We went heavy on stewed tomatoes because of their high Vitamin C content and because they make a good base for a cold slumgulleon stew. I imagine diced tomatoes would work well too. (5) We went heavy on beans and bean products because of their carbs, calories, low fat, and their high dietary fiber content. (5) Getting away from sodium in canned foods is almost impossible, but I set an arbitrary limit of 240mg per serving in our canned veggies, and kept it as low as possible with our meat products. Be aware, however, that sodium content will vary from brand to brand in the same product, so you have to check each brand - i.e. Bush blackeyed peas have 540mg per serving, while Allens blackeyed peas only have 240mg per serving. Also, in the meat department, SPAM Lite has much less sodium than regular SPAM and Roast Beef Hash has less than Corned Beef Hash. So we opted for the lowest sodium content in each product category. (6) We stuck mostly with name brands unless we knew for a fact that a particular generic was as good, which didn't happen often. Our feeling is that in an emergency we will have enough to contend with without having to suffer third rate foods. (7) We stayed away from canned prepared foods like pastas and so on, but they are a consideration. We’re evaluating a 10 can pack of Ravioli to see if we want to include it. (8) It does no good at all to plan your supply around canned products and then forget the can opener. So we have one high-grade can opener, one high grade church key/bottle opener, and one good folding knife in each of our cars, and another package of these is kept with the canned foods. They are wrapped in Saran Wrap and then a ZipLok bag for rust prevention. Tough stainless steel can/bottle opener One of the best portable can openers on the market. (9) Your supply must contain a transportable supply of drinking water, and there are lots of ways to accomplish this. Here photos of the containers we used. Our total supply is 29 gallons, of which we could realistically take only about 10-15 gallons in the vehicles. Recycled half-gallon tomato juice jug 2.5 gallon water storage container with spigot (10) Your supply should contain a good supply of miltivitamins and any other meds you need on a daily basis. Finally, we do indeed have a stove to take on the road with us. It is an old fashioned Coleman gasoline stove that I've adapted to burn Propane as well as gasoline. So heating food shouldn't be a problem, but if it is we're prepared to eat cold food. OK, here is our supply as it now exists. (Cardiologists please sit down.) There are some photos thrown in to give you some idea of the amount of room it occupies. (It is all contained on a shelf measuring 18"x 48.") I believe the whole shebang would fit into, say, about a large plastic tub and a half for transportation. Here goes. NOTE IN THE PHOTOS THAT THE PULL DATES ARE WRITTEN IN LARGE NUMERALS ON THE FACES OF THE CANS. ALSO NOTE THAT NONE OF IT REQUIRES REFRIGERATION. FOOD FOR EMERGENCIES VEGETABLES AND FRUIT 105 each, 14 oz. cans of vegetables and fruit, as follows: 10 cans of Spanish rice 10 cans of refried beans 5 cans of mixed pinto and great northern beans 5 cans of blackeyed peas 10 cans of mixed vegetables 5 cans of shellie beans 5 cans of honey carrots 5 cans of regular sliced carrots 5 cans of sliced white potatoes 5 cans of sliced beets 5 cans of sweet peas 15 cans of stewed tomatoes 10 cans of fried apples with cinnamon 10 cans of Lite peach slices MILK PRODUCTS 10 each, 14 oz. cans of Vitamin D Evaporated Milk BREAD 18 each, 16 oz. cans of B & M molasses bread with raisins Excellent bread with a three year shelf life. MEATS 60 cans of meat products as follows: 15 cans of boneless chicken breast meat (Sam’s Club) 25 cans of Lite Spam 10 cans (16 oz.) canned ham from Aldi's. (similar to SPAM, but better IMHO.) 10 cans of roast beef hash OTHER 29 gallons of fresh water 100 Lipton tea bags 2 each, salt and pepper shakers 400 multi-vitamin tabs 500 enteric coated aspirin tabs We certainly don't have all the answers. This is an unsophisticated, easy on the budget, way to get a month's food in the barn. it's a work in progress, so we are constantly evaluating new products, like the ham from Aldi's. it's just the way we see things. Hope it helps answer some questions.
    1 point
  9. I just got my first PROTECH AUTO and I'm liking it. This one is a TR-4 Schaw Skull LTD. #23-#200. Scales are Bright Alum. with Barb Wire and Bricks outlined on the Handles with the Skull inset in the handle and Skull Lanyard. This knife rocks, opens good and firm you can tell it's a quality made Knife and it won't be my last. I which I could post some pics. but I don't have a photo bucket account or any other, why is it I can pull pics.off my computer and post them in the want adds but can't do it when posting in the normal discussion threads?
    1 point
  10. Yes, the money spent on those giveaways is an expense against their revenue, which makes it tax deductible.  It wouldn't surprise me if one of the big benefactors donates them.   I got their black duffle not to long ago and use it all the time.
    1 point
  11. The Rhineland arms kit are a good way to do it. All you need is a large or small ring mauser action and the right kit and you can put it together in an afternoon.
    1 point
  12. Good luck to all. I'm out this weekend. Going camping with the family. But I ain't going far I may swing back to the house and grab my gun and vest and go to a small property I can hunt near the campground on Sunday mornin'. who knows.
    1 point
  13. The guy was from River Falls Wisconsin and Utah is now in the process of removing his hand gun carry Permit Privileges ????? What part of this am I missing????
    1 point
  14. Why not, I have thought this for years. We know where the bad parts of town are.
    1 point
  15.   While I'm not privy to your needs, I highly doubt that any lawyer on your list knows the in's & out's of NFA firearms law like John and Chip know it.  There is a reason they are the two names that come up in thread, after thread, after thread.   The one-time charges aren't that bad if you're already able to afford NFA items.
    1 point
  16. I've bought way more NRA gear than they've given me over the years.   I can't even give the hats away and have so many of their duffles and shirts and cheap knives and lights, that I usually skip the giveaways most of the time and go straight to the sites that offer $5 off when I renew.
    1 point
  17. Everyone says this , so now I believe it. But they are so ugly that I am worried if I ever get shot and killed and that thing is laying beside my body in the murder photo that the people that see it will think it was the prettiest gun I owned.  :stir:   Just playin with ya , congrats !   Yes , all I hear are good things about them.
    1 point
  18.   Yeah, still no packet for me. So I'm planning on trying to register Thursday afternoon.   Then spend Friday there if my feet and legs hold out. I've plotted 42 vendors I want to see. WOW   That in itself is optimistic for one day, so maybe Saturday also.   But my list and plan doesn't really allow for the sightseeing as you wander the isles, so I'm trying to get a list down to about 10 or so that I really, really want to spend more time than just a walk-thru.   Of course, plans do get thrown out the window usually as soon as entering a convention center.
    1 point
  19. I don't do it on purpose but I enjoy the gifts when I renew ......
    1 point
  20. I can't believe we've just now got to talking about this... :dunno:
    1 point
  21. My guess is Marc Marquez, current two-time MotoGP champion and holder of quite a few impressive records made all the more impressive considering he just started his third season. He didn't win that race, though. GO YAMAHA!!!
    1 point
  22. I like that the new bond series isn't as (as OS said) comic-book like as the later movies. The earliest movies (esp. From Russia With Love) are much more like the current ones with actual plot twists, espionage, and changing alliances. I for one am glad Daniel Craig's Bond hasn't yet been seen fist fighting 200 guys with ray guns and helmets while simultaneously disarming a nuclear bomb on a conveyor belt on its way to a hyper-warp speed transport machine to send it to blow up Mt. Rushmore. Plus ill-tempered sea bass are trying to eat him.   Craig makes for a good action star, and his style of playing his cards close makes for a good spy-thriller because the audience never really knows what the main character is thinking. Where he comes up short is the charm and personality. Connery got that part down in spades. Craig's Bond can get Pussy Galore because he'll jump through a plate glass window on the 32nd floor of a building, fight off 3 guards in an impromptu MMA cage match, and jump back out with her in his arms using a backpack glider, all without cracking a smile or grimacing in pain. Connery's Bond would knock on the door, claim to be from room service, knock out the 3 guards with sleeping darts from his watch, say "Well hello, Pussy" with a wry smile and off they'd go to her place.
    1 point
  23. Y'all have a whole lot of faith in a whole lot of government employees if you think those laws will have any meaning when the rubber hits the road. The only real question to their worth is if they will provide any cover against charges after the fact to a citizen who uses all available and appropriate force to resist unlawful actions by LE who were "just doing their job" during a state of emergency.
    1 point
  24. I am going to be there Friday morning and go back Saturday.
    1 point
  25. My wife and I are going on Friday morning, spending the night and maybe go back on Saturday for a while before returning to Knoxville Saturday afternoon.  Very fired up!  B
    1 point
  26. Early last month I received a promotion at work that came with a pretty good raise in pay. I had been putting some money aside for some things that I "needed" for my reloading. I finally decided to order some things the other day from Wideners Reloading in Johnson City. Here is what I came away with! 5lbs of Varget 1000 ss109 projectiles 200 30cal 147gr bullets 100 225gr 44cal FTX bullets 100 speer gold dot 200gr hp Chrony Beta with printer pistol/rifle front rest 2 rest bags
    1 point
  27. This would be my guess as well. I once got readings of 3000+ fps from a snub .38 SPL. Yep, I was too close. Or I possibly stumbled upon the magic load that bridges the gap between handgun and rifle.
    1 point
  28. Im hoping the Opr8r can make it with me to the NRA show next weekend but he's in WLC. Hopefully they will get their weekends off!
    1 point
  29. Sorry for your loss, I lost my dad back in 07, he was 86.
    1 point
  30. Sorry to hear about your loss we have you in our prayers
    1 point
  31. Someone else has mentioned that I may have a contaminated or 'off' pound of powder. Unfortunately I'll never know that now as I used up the last of it with these loads. As soon as midway delivers some more bullets I'll try a different powder & chrono that too. I really wish I'd chrono'd all the others I put together with this powder & didn't crimp. My honest second thought was possibly I'd messed something up reaming out the primer pockets of the Lake City brass, but the primers all seated nicely & none blew out or acted oddly at all.
    1 point
  32. So sorry to see this.. he went peacefully.. that counts  for so much more.. I am sure he is in a better place now 
    1 point
  33. Sorry for your loss. Sounds like he had a great life and went on his own terms.
    1 point
  34. He'll start watching Breaking Bad in 2017.
    1 point
  35. Very sorry for your loss, But you can take peace in remembering one thing. "He did it his Way on his own Terms" He is now in peace also on his own terms. Prayers sent for comforting family.............. :(
    1 point
  36. Sorry to hear of your loss but it sounds like he was a good, solid man who, as you said, went on his own terms.  It also sounds like he was surrounded by people he loved and who loved him.
    1 point
  37. I am very sorry for your loss, but your father is now getting some much deserved and hard earned rest. Take peace that he is and a wonderful place.
    1 point
  38. sorry to hear that brother, let me know if you need anything. I lost my Father when I was 16 and my Dad 3 years ago, I know the empty place it leaves. I'll keep you and yours in my prayers.
    1 point
  39. Sorry for your loss. I know how you feel. I lost my dad last year and was very greatful that my brother & I was able to sit down with him for a weekend and watch some old John Wayne movies before he died. (He loved John Wayne.)
    1 point
  40. So very sorry to hear this my friend. But sounds like his passing was peaceful and that he was surrounded by the people he loved. He had made his peace with his coming end and accepted it with the most strength and dignity that any of us can hope for.    I'm so glad that he knew you were there with him, I'm sure that was a great blessing to him.   I know this isn't easy, and the coming days will be difficult. Losing a parent is totally awful. The pain will lessen. But the memories will stay forever.   I know this. Although its' been 24 years since I lost my dad, I feel his passing again with every loss that we hear of here.   God Bless and Keep You and all your family.
    1 point
  41. Sorry to hear it. I lost my dad march 12th. It is hard loosing him. I hope you and your family find peace
    1 point
  42. Man I sort of miss getting eggs from the hens every morning....NO. I do miss it. I lived with my grandparents growing up.   And egg gathering was the first of my daily chores. It was fun and pretty easy.   Until the day that nasty, wild, and crazy rooster clawed and pecked me for invading his henhouse.   We had rooster and dumplings the next day.
    1 point
  43. Everyone should be prepared for 3 to 5 days minimum. Can't tell when something will happen.
    1 point
  44. There is no way I would evacuate and go anywhere the government tells me to go. There are way too people in charge who do not care about my family or I. There is no way I could carry everything so the best option for me is to bug in. Bugging in makes it easier to defend myself because I can guarantee any place the government wants you to go will be a gun free zone.   I have enough food to sustain my family for a long time without hunting. I have plenty of game in my area and I will defend it the same way I would defend my family's life because if you take the game you are potentially causing my family to starve and I will not allow that to happen. Same thing goes for any other resource I have access, and a right, to. People, not you, think they are going to bug out to the hills but there are already people in those hills and the majority do not want outsiders coming in taking resources. And those that think they are going to take my resources are going to be met with an overwhelming amount of firepower.   For water I have a well with a hand pump I made but I also collect water in barrels and all of that will be filtered through a Berkey filter. I would STRONGLY suggest getting some sort of water filter. You can buy personal water filters for $20 that will filter 250+ gallons of water. They are a lot easier to carry on your person than the amount of water the average person will need.   And if you think about it population centers are going to be a lot easier to survive in than the "hills". You already have shelter, you know the area, your supplies are already there and when help comes it will be in the population centers first. Water is much easier to come by in the cities. It is much easier to defend as well. Travelling will be nearly impossible from the population centers and if you do make it out you will be easy pickings for bands of thugs.   The average person would not last more than two weeks in the hills, they would die from dehydration or the elements depending on the time of year.
    1 point
  45. Difference in width and weight even though they are near the same size. Plus can't really do a good pistol whipping with a poly pistol.    :rofl:
    1 point
  46. If it ain't me or someone I care about being threatened then I'll call 911, try to get what details I can and otherwise stay completely out of it.  I am not nor do I want to be a cop and it is not my job nor my inclination to be a protector of society at large.  The way I figure, if another adult chooses not to be equipped to defend themselves then it isn't my responsibility to defend them.  I carry a gun to, if necessary, hopefully help get me out of trouble not to embolden me to walk in to trouble.
    1 point
  47.   The Tennessee "Katrina Law" is found in:   TCA 58-2-107.  Emergency management powers of the governor   One line was added to very end:   (m) "During any state of emergency, major disaster or natural disaster, the state, a political subdivision or a public official shall not prohibit nor impose additional restrictions on the lawful possession, transfer, sale, transport, carrying, storage, display or use of firearms and ammunition or firearm and ammunition components."   and another modifed to:   (e)(8) [The Governor may ...] "Suspend or limit the sale, dispensing, or transportation of alcoholic beverages, explosives, or combustibles, which terms shall not be construed to include firearms, ammunition, or firearm or ammunition components"   Note however that in confrontation with a LEO, at least in the short run mace, tasers, batons and guns beat paper every time.   - OS
    1 point
  48. Holy cow guys , don't give them any ideas :ugh:
    1 point
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