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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2015 in all areas

  1. Is it true that most Crown Vic owners like this buy their cars because they've had so much experience riding around in the back of one in cuffs?  :)
    5 points
  2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1393355/Hero-Gurkha-handed-bravery-medal-Queen-said-I-thought-I-going-die--I-tried-kill-I-could.html#ixzz3Vq3zGuk8   Anyone who has this in their combat history deserves an extra decoration on whatever award they are receiving:    
    3 points
  3. This is such a dangerous scenario that can cost innocent lives. I cannot believe the target area is not 100% verified in triplicate by several team leaders in these situations. It happens too often IMHO.
    3 points
  4. back to the knife,     I have thoroughly abused this blade since getting it.   It is my EDC and it goes through the paces at the liquor store.  Worst abuse is cutting boxes and using the blade like a razor knife. I'd use a new blade in my razor knife daily if I used one.  This Runt4 in 154cm steel is amazing.  It cuts cardboard as well as any razor knife. I obviously have changed blades never. I also have not sharpened this beast one time.  I can still shave hair with it.    This blade was some of the best money I have ever spent.
    3 points
  5. This post is intended to present our ideas about maintaining an emergency food supply. It does not deal with a complete emergency plan, only the food part. If you are considering such a thing, I hope it will answer some of your questions and hopefully we have done some of the leg work for you. It is intended to be simple, obtainable, and easily transportable should you ever be faced with an evacuation, as well as being long-lasting and highly edible without cooking. Here 'tis It all fits on an 18"x48" shelf We aren't preppers or survivalists, but we have nonetheless maintained our emergency food supply since Nine-Eleven, over 13 years ago. We don't believe in Zombie attacks or the complete meltdown of Western Civilization, but we do believe our country is vulnerable to disruption by our enemies and that in such an event it may well be up to the individual family to provide for itself without outside assistance for a time. We have also seen essential services disrupted by natural disasters like Katrina and the megastorm up in New Jersey last year, so that is also on our minds as we do all of this emergency planning stuff. Now, here's another thought you might consider: There are certain events and circumstances in our region that, if they came to pass, would leave local government no choice but to order the immediate evacuation of your home area. If that happened, chaos will prevail and there will be neither food nor hotel rooms available on the evacuation routes. Even fresh drinking water would be very difficult to come by. So our emergency food and water supply is designed to facilitate quick loading in vehicles, easy consumption without cooking on the road, and long shelf life in such an event. With all that in mind, we have set up our supply to last us roughly a month on a survival basis, (but certainly not a culinary delight basis.) Here are the factors we considered to be important, presented in disorganized, willy-nilly fashion: (1) Emergency planning means to plan for the worst thing that can hit you, which in the case of an emergency food supply would be your inability to cook food. So in designing our emergency supply we chose canned foods over dried foods or MRE's because of their ready availability, variety, longevity without refrigeration, ease of immediate consumption, and much lower cost. We also chose only those canned foods that can be eaten out of the can cold. It isn't the best thing that ever happened to you, but I was in the C-Ration Army and have eaten a heck of a lot of canned food cold from the can and it will sustain you. We also went in big for high calorie foods, since it only stands to reason that food will be in short supply and you want every smidgen of nourishment you can get in relatively small quantities. .(2) Assuming that the worst season this could happen in would be winter, we went very heavy on protein, which is essential for keeping you warm. (Note that combining rice and beans gives you a complete protein.) (3) We went heavy on the foods that have a can completely full of product, like the Roast Beef Hash, SPAM Lite, Refried Beans, Spanish Rice, Fried apples, etc, etc. Greens, corn, green beans, etc. are pretty useless for providing the concentrated amounts of nutrition we want, and they have too much water in the can. Having said that, we did throw in some watery veggies like beets, carrots, and sweet peas just for variety and morale purposes, but these have far better nutritional values than the others I mentioned. (4) We went heavy on stewed tomatoes because of their high Vitamin C content and because they make a good base for a cold slumgulleon stew. I imagine diced tomatoes would work well too. (5) We went heavy on beans and bean products because of their carbs, calories, low fat, and their high dietary fiber content. (5) Getting away from sodium in canned foods is almost impossible, but I set an arbitrary limit of 240mg per serving in our canned veggies, and kept it as low as possible with our meat products. Be aware, however, that sodium content will vary from brand to brand in the same product, so you have to check each brand - i.e. Bush blackeyed peas have 540mg per serving, while Allens blackeyed peas only have 240mg per serving. Also, in the meat department, SPAM Lite has much less sodium than regular SPAM and Roast Beef Hash has less than Corned Beef Hash. So we opted for the lowest sodium content in each product category. (6) We stuck mostly with name brands unless we knew for a fact that a particular generic was as good, which didn't happen often. Our feeling is that in an emergency we will have enough to contend with without having to suffer third rate foods. (7) We stayed away from canned prepared foods like pastas and so on, but they are a consideration. We’re evaluating a 10 can pack of Ravioli to see if we want to include it. (8) It does no good at all to plan your supply around canned products and then forget the can opener. So we have one high-grade can opener, one high grade church key/bottle opener, and one good folding knife in each of our cars, and another package of these is kept with the canned foods. They are wrapped in Saran Wrap and then a ZipLok bag for rust prevention. Tough stainless steel can/bottle opener One of the best portable can openers on the market. (9) Your supply must contain a transportable supply of drinking water, and there are lots of ways to accomplish this. Here photos of the containers we used. Our total supply is 29 gallons, of which we could realistically take only about 10-15 gallons in the vehicles. Recycled half-gallon tomato juice jug 2.5 gallon water storage container with spigot (10) Your supply should contain a good supply of miltivitamins and any other meds you need on a daily basis. Finally, we do indeed have a stove to take on the road with us. It is an old fashioned Coleman gasoline stove that I've adapted to burn Propane as well as gasoline. So heating food shouldn't be a problem, but if it is we're prepared to eat cold food. OK, here is our supply as it now exists. (Cardiologists please sit down.) There are some photos thrown in to give you some idea of the amount of room it occupies. (It is all contained on a shelf measuring 18"x 48.") I believe the whole shebang would fit into, say, about a large plastic tub and a half for transportation. Here goes. NOTE IN THE PHOTOS THAT THE PULL DATES ARE WRITTEN IN LARGE NUMERALS ON THE FACES OF THE CANS. ALSO NOTE THAT NONE OF IT REQUIRES REFRIGERATION. FOOD FOR EMERGENCIES VEGETABLES AND FRUIT 105 each, 14 oz. cans of vegetables and fruit, as follows: 10 cans of Spanish rice 10 cans of refried beans 5 cans of mixed pinto and great northern beans 5 cans of blackeyed peas 10 cans of mixed vegetables 5 cans of shellie beans 5 cans of honey carrots 5 cans of regular sliced carrots 5 cans of sliced white potatoes 5 cans of sliced beets 5 cans of sweet peas 15 cans of stewed tomatoes 10 cans of fried apples with cinnamon 10 cans of Lite peach slices MILK PRODUCTS 10 each, 14 oz. cans of Vitamin D Evaporated Milk BREAD 18 each, 16 oz. cans of B & M molasses bread with raisins Excellent bread with a three year shelf life. MEATS 60 cans of meat products as follows: 15 cans of boneless chicken breast meat (Sam’s Club) 25 cans of Lite Spam 10 cans (16 oz.) canned ham from Aldi's. (similar to SPAM, but better IMHO.) 10 cans of roast beef hash OTHER 29 gallons of fresh water 100 Lipton tea bags 2 each, salt and pepper shakers 400 multi-vitamin tabs 500 enteric coated aspirin tabs We certainly don't have all the answers. This is an unsophisticated, easy on the budget, way to get a month's food in the barn. it's a work in progress, so we are constantly evaluating new products, like the ham from Aldi's. it's just the way we see things. Hope it helps answer some questions.
    2 points
  6. My friend, teacher and mentor Colonel Dwight Mclemore ordered a new knife from me about a month ago. He sent me a very detailed drawing of what he wanted for his long hunter kit that he is putting together. According to him, this represents closely what would have been a normal blade style at that time. Very plain, blacksmith made, no guard, heavy duty kitchen knife. I have to say after seeing it in steel it screams all utility no frills. This one is special, as it was forged qnd finished by my dad, at 61 yrs old. This is the first knife made for a customer entirely by him, he usually just watches and advises. Now on to the good stuff. Its made from 1/4" thick 5160. The back of the blade was hammer textured and everything was left forge finished at the Colonels request. 10" blade, 5 1/4" handle. Handle is oak, fitted with brass pins and epoxy, and artificially aged. By far the coolest design picture I've ever seen. Hand drawn by Dwight. The hands that make the knife. Thats 60 years of experience, hard work, scars and calluses. These hands taught me everything I know. For those of you who know me, you can kinda compare the size. For size reference I am 6'1" and 250 lbs so it is a good sized knife.
    2 points
  7.   Yep, best deal I ever got. Anywhere.   You'd think if they were gonna offer lifetime carry permits, they'd do some sort of age-related pro-rated price break. Idiots.   - OS
    2 points
  8. Best Part, dismissed.   Second best part "In addition to dismissing the case, the judge found that the plaintiffs owe the companies they attempted to harass an award of “reasonable attorney fees.”"   If most plaintiffs had to pay the other attorney on non sense cases we would have allot less non sense cases.
    2 points
  9. Cats are known to do that.
    2 points
  10. I have been a Kroger shopper for about 20+ years and have only had one issue with them and it was taken care of with one trip to my regular store. I use to fish a lot and I own a Skeeter bass boat which can hold 40 gallons of fuel when empty. I use to get my grocery points for gas and one month I had 30 cents off a gallon so drove out to the big new store with my boat and jeep. I filled up the Jeep and then pulled the boat up to fill it up.  When it hit 35 gallons on the pump it shut off. I went up to the fuel window and told the guy that the pump shut off. He said there is a 35 gallon limit on discount points. I dug out my receipt and read the entire thing and no where on the receipt did it state there was any limits. Well, I was about half done with the boat so I had him turn the pump back on and I used the 3 cents off to finish filling up the boat.   The total gallons bought was 54.3. I took the boat home and put it up and went up to my local Kroger store and had a talk with the manager. I showed him the receipt showing I had 346 fuel points and explained to him what happened when I tried to fill my Jeep and boat. Then I asked him to point out to me where it read that there was a 35 gallon limit. He could not find one.   He took me up to the courtesy counter and told the girl behind the counter to issue me a Kroger gift card for $50.00 on manager approval. She did and I was happy. Next time I went shopping at Krogers and got my receipt and looked at Fuel points the receipt stated there is a 35 gallon limit on fuel point purchase. He contacted Corporate and it was updated almost immediately. I Got refunded my money so I was happy and still shop at Krogers today and have 143 fuel points to date...................... :up: :up:
    2 points
  11. It's going to look odd with everyone running around with CA compliant AR's :rofl:
    2 points
  12. I know this is probably a stupid idea but maybe the pressure needs to be put on the Iron Tennessee Dictator. Begin making our feelings know that if he has his eye on replacing Alexander in the U.S. Senate he might need the vote of Tennessee Gun owners to get it so he may want to become a little more Gun Friendly while he is our little Dictator...................jmho
    2 points
  13. Hard to say emphatically what any of us would do in any given situation but these sort of things are why I am not a "Public" person in the sense of getting out and doing things.  VERY few things are worth me going out for anymore.  With only a couple of exceptions, everywhere I go is very to the point and usually done with haste.  Honestly, I'd just rather be on my own turf.  This lessens the chance of me being in a situation of any kind.   I put my pistol on in the morning with the mindset of, "Me and my Wife".  No one else.  Not to say I wouldn't help, but I'm not the kind of guy to stand around long enough to choose a side.   If I see a guy on the ground with another man pointing a gun at him..... I'm headed the opposite direction as fast as my fat azz will move.
    2 points
  14.   Fort Campbell's rules seem to be modeled after how I dress when I ride every time I get on my bike, except they seem to have left out gloves. Wouldn't blow my mind a bit.   Again, everyone seems OK with these laws that don't affect them. So why then do we not support "common sense" gun laws that are aimed at those who "can't take of themselves"? It's exactly the same thing. We either need laws that treat us like children that can't make our own decisions or we don't. I choose don't.
    2 points
  15. I sent this today. I hope it helps! Subject: Senate Bill 1171 To Senator Bo Watson: Dear Sir, I’m sure you are aware that the criminal element of our state and country abide by NO laws and they feel they are entitled to, borrowing from the Bible, “do that which is right in their own eyes”. They even seek out gun free areas to commit many crimes, knowing that their prey is unarmed and vulnerable. Signs and warnings that bar firearms from any area of our cities, parks, or recreation areas have no affect at all on these criminals. This fact places every law abiding citizen at risk to bodily harm or even death at the hands of these criminals if attacked while abiding by these laws in these areas. While some choose not to arm themselves and take the risk, others like myself, have chosen to ready ourselves and prepare ourselves to protect our lives and our families from harm if, God forbid, we are forced into the situation of self-defense. Therefore, I am very pleased of the passing of House Bill 995, sponsored by Representative Mike Harrison (R-9) and Representative Tilman Goins (R-10), which would allow a person with a handgun carry permit to carry a firearm in any state, county, or municipal park, or other recreation area and would remove provisions allowing local governments to prohibit carrying in parks by resolution or ordinance. The current law allows for a patchwork of firearm regulations throughout the state where a law-abiding Tennessean with a valid Handgun Carry Permit may unknowingly and unintentionally break the law. As I stated in the beginning of this letter, current law does nothing to address crime and only impacts responsible, law-abiding gun owners. I am now strongly urging you to vote FOR the companion bill of HB0995 which is the Senate Bill 1171, sponsored by Senator John Stevens (R-24), will be heard on the Senate floor on Wednesday, April 1. Support the lawful citizens of our state that have chosen to stand upon our Second Amendment rights to protect ourselves and our families in the event we are forced to defend ourselves and those we love. Thank you,
    1 point
  16. Woo hoo. Just needed people smarter than me. Crushed the washer a bit in my vise, than ran both sides across some sandpaper for a few seconds. Finally got the brake to index correctly! Thank you all! Next time I will be checking into the jam nut to avoid this.
    1 point
  17. Heck at that price I have enough in the back yard to shop arms list for 22lr. It's all tapatalks fault
    1 point
  18. Marquis Men.... imagine they're made up of a bunch of soul/rock crossover musicians led by a dude named Mark. They could be Marquis Mark and the Funky Bunch!
    1 point
  19. I knew God has a sense of humor! :up:
    1 point
  20. Thin the washer with a sanding block.
    1 point
  21. In my experience, crush washers don't really crush. What I've done is to lay some sandpaper on a flat surface and take material off one side of the washer until it times correctly. I'm going to find some real crush washers.
    1 point
  22. I've grown fond of jam nuts for just this reason. Keep several on hand. I have some for your 5/8x24 if you need one. Just pm me.
    1 point
  23. No treat makes my dogs more excited than good old American made pork skins.
    1 point
  24. Well, I have read most all the posts here and the links I could open up. I have been feeding Kasey Pedigree since her vet recommends it as a part of her diet along with Crockpot chicken breasts. She also feeds it to her own dogs and has been for years. As far as Kasey's jerky snacks, she gets Jack's Links Turkey Or Beef Jerky treats several times a day and has been for almost 10 years now with not adverse effects at all and she goes in for vet check ups twice a year. Her vet said except for the fact that she is a little over weight she is very very healthy to be 15+ years old and seems very happy. I don't plan on changing anything and will continue to show her love and when she does make the trip to Doggie Heaven she will not go there without all the love I can show her while shes here.............. :up:  :up:
    1 point
  25. I agree with Cap, that just doesn't sound right. There's either more to the story or it was a rouge manager. In either case, you should have followed up. Kroger corporate had followed up with me on customer complaints 1,000 times less significant than what happened with your son. I'm sorry to hear that and hope he's doing well now.
    1 point
  26. Lennie James said on The Talking Dead that Morgan has lost his wife and his son. Rick Grimes is the only person he knows in the whole world. That's why he went looking for him. He has no place else to be and nobody else to go to.   He played it close the vest about what's in store for next season, but confirmed he's in at least one episode and hinted there may be a backstory episode showing how Morgan got from crazy town to where he is now.
    1 point
  27. Grab it! They're great firearms & you could almost double your money on it if you didn't like it. :up:
    1 point
  28. After MItchell and Fitzhugh offered up 11 different failed amendments trying to disembowel various aspects of the bill as previously amended in CJ, it did pass 65 Ayes, 21 Nays, 6 Present not Voting.  The PNVs:  H Brooks, Ramsey, Smith, Swann, M White, and...the illustrious Madam Speaker Harwell.  Your Republican leadership at work...
    1 point
  29. Okay, so it's being reported that it passed the house today: http://www.wbir.com/story/news/2015/03/30/house-passes-guns-in-parks-bill/70697230/
    1 point
  30.     Me either...but, then again.....Glenn is Korean ninja.  
    1 point
  31. He shot Pete. They were talking about the "porch dick" going limp on The Talking Dead. A reference to Pete sitting on the porch a few episodes back.
    1 point
  32. I find it amazing that these people actually believe that posting a sign will stop thugs and criminals from carrying a firearm in these parks. It's like they would rather see armed thugs in parks than legally armed citizens.
    1 point
  33. And, really.... Daryl and Aaron getting out of the car that was totally surrounded by zeds and making it to safety without a single bite or scratch? I know Morgan came to the rescue, but he could only handle Aaron's side and Daryl had to fight his way out by himself.    I'm calling BS on that one.  :rofl:
    1 point
  34. New show this summer. "Fear the Walking Dead" set in LA during the outbreak. Might be interesting. JTM Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  35. Daryl taking out three walkers with the chain was great.
    1 point
  36. And one thing that just keeps bugging me, totally interferes with the pleasure of suspension of disbelief:   the fact that Zed skulls are like cantaloupes. Just no prob plunging any ole blade in them, or whacking them in half with a puny backhand machete swing, or splattering them into a red mist with most any impact more than a gentle tap.   - OS
    1 point
  37. Carole almost made him wet himself.
    1 point
  38.   Hopefully eaten also. Simple quick death is too good for some of these aholes.   - OS
    1 point
  39. I was thinking Bruce Leroy but figgered sumbody call me a rassis.
    1 point
  40. I'm gonna be pissed if the priest doesn't get eaten.   - OS
    1 point
  41.   The collection should be ultimately protected by the collection. ;)   - OS
    1 point
  42. This meme is applicable to many of the discussions here.
    1 point
  43.   Usually when I "get tired" of reading or hearing about something, I stop reading about it or listening about it, Just like if I don't like what's on TV I change the channel.
    1 point
  44.   Because that's how insurance works. You are put into a pool of people who share similar demographics and either benefit or are punished from the behavior of others like you. That's why, as you get older, your premiums decrease.      This seems like an a-hole move. You don't have to have your car towed because the tags are out of date. Why should it be any different for a bike?      Yea, gun control laws are there to protect us from ourselves too. I am perfectly fine taking care of myself, thanks. 
    1 point
  45. They don't cross the river for supply runs in dc or Maryland because of the strict gun control laws.
    1 point
  46. Roads and officer salaries funded through extortion and larceny. The type of reasoning you use here can and has been used to justify literally any and every type of government regulation. It is the antithesis of liberty.
    1 point
  47. Every time we tried poultry jerky pet treats the dogs threw up. We quite giving them any treats for pets and give them stuff meant for human consumption if they MUST have a treat. My wife and I have talked about cubing some steaks and dehydrating them for the dogs.
    1 point
  48.   Walmart parking lots were full back when Sam Walton was running them and they had primarily almost 95% American made Products also. People shopped at Walmart long before they went to China and long before they sold groceries and I honestly believe Walmarts parking lots would be full if they offered more American made products. I quit going to Walmart except in emergencies when I cannot find something any place else. They are my very last choice to shop at for about anything. In all honesty I think Americans are getting tired of buying low quality products if they could buy better grade American made products..............jmho
    1 point
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