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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2015 in all areas
So I had to come up to St Louis this weekend for work, and I actually got to bring the family with me this time. As we are coming over Monteagle from Chattanooga I realize I had forgotten my carry gun! For a bit I actually debated on turning around and making the 45 minute trip BACK to Chattanooga just to pick it up, as St. Louis is not a place I want to be caught without it, especially in the light of recent events of the last few months around here, but we were already running late. So I mention to my wife the predicament and she agrees immediately that we either need to turn around and go get mine or suggests we stop somewhere around Nashville to buy a new gun!!!! She knows the importance of carrying. Needless to say her comment caught me off guard and the gears started turning immediately, but I already knew what I wanted. For the last month or so I have been thinking about selling my current edc (beretta nano) and upgrading to a large caliber edc anyway, so this was all the excuse I needed!! We stopped at the Academy in Smyrna and they had exactly what I wanted, and it was on sale too!!!! We were only in the store for about 30 mns total. Its kind of scary trusting a gun Ive never shot before but if its anything like my xdm there is no cause for worry. This is my first 45 and I cant wait to break it in when I get back. Range report to come! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk6 points
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Probably didn't want the boy to be punished academically for the stupidity of the school.5 points
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I thought it was a fine haircut for a seven year old boy. WTF?4 points
A salute to our heroes. http://swf.tubechop.com/tubechop.swf?vurl=8k9Si28k0Fk&start=0&end=438.55&cid=3753492 May we raise more like him!3 points
I moved here from a state that doesn’t require a helmet. I just asked my wife if my motorcycle insurance went up or down when we moved here. She said “It went up a little; but not enough to matter; why?” The insurance costs and health care costs is BS from the people that want the government to look out for them.3 points
DUDE! I have done some of the dumbest crap when pissed. I limit myself to solitary outbursts of anger nowadays though. I try to never let anger cloud my judgment when in the presence of others. I'm still not above beating something apart with a hammer when it refuses to cooperate. I just don't wanna act like that around people any more. Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE NOTHING MORE than to [Will Smith] Hancock someone who cuts me off or acts like an ass, but in reality, RARELY are the fruits of confrontation worth the effort and aftermath.3 points
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Do your job, that patient's medical team is probably counting on the system to be up and running. Working IT at a medical center, this type of trouble ticket shouldn't be a total shock. If you still are having issues with it, you may need a new job. What if they needed help while a guy was in surgery?3 points
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Hey man next time this comes up shoot me a PM. Did they give you scrub access so you could enter the OR? It's not half as scary as it seems at first, most of the computers are mounted on the outside wall. OR procedure when you aren't entering the sterile field is pretty simple, most is common sense. Change into VUMC issued scrubs, upon entry to the OR corridors don a face mask and hat from the shelves next to the doors(I prefer the surgeons caps), right before entering the assigned OR room use the hands sanitizer next to the door or avagard(purple foot pump) at the scrub station. After entering the room don the simple blue gloves typically on the wall next to the door. Your now ready for non-sterile work in the OR, and if you have questions just ask for the circulator.(should be dressed similar to you at this point)2 points
Reading more of your guys comments have been humbling. Though, can all of you say for certain youve never acted rashly out of anger or agitation? Anyways... Actually ran by the duplex where the guys car was today, more out of curiosity and saw him by his car and we had a pretty good talk. I reminded him of what happened, he remembered vaguely and figured we were friends of his for some reason. I told him, back when it happened with him chasing us, if we were armed the day wouldve taken a turn for the worse. He actually agreed, and said hed do the same. We had a good laugh about that. I showed him the tapatalk feed, he was amused to say the least. Funny how things play out. Im glad things went the way they actually played out.2 points
I think it's pretty legit peej, they were on tv doing an interview and had a copy of the email sent to them AND the mother had given the kid another high and tight again, it was shorter than before because he didn't have much hair left, but I'm glad to see she's doing it to spite them.2 points
I am fine with him not signing it. I don't want someone, who obviously can't understand either the state or federal constitution, to have their signature on a constitutional law. Just taints the whole thing. However, I do believe when it goes to his desk, we need to bombard his office with emails saying that people who have passed tests and background checks obviously are not going to be one committing crimes and our constitution only allows for restricting carry with "a view to prevent crime." Therefore, any restrictions on people who aren't going to commit crimes (and the HCP Yearly reports prove that) is unconstitutional. I honestly believe getting government officials, and people in general, to understand that the words "a view to prevent crime" are in our constitution is a huge step. It makes their arguments much more difficult when they are faced with that and have to give an answer why proven law abiding citizens would commit crimes .2 points
The first pro football game I ever went to was a Monday night game. The Bills vs the Colts. The final score was 9 to 6. The Colts lost every game that year. I had free tickets to watch the worst team ever. Maybe they just want to see the worst President ever.2 points
reed... Ya did good on both the wife and the new gun... I like the little XDs, especially in 45ACP... It's a helluva idea... Enjoy... ler2 points
This particular incident will be fixed due the public outrage. Unfortunately another school administrator with nearly 30 years on the job will have to have common sense explained to them. I’m sure there are plenty of intelligent teachers in our system. But teachers being allowed to make dumbazz decisions like this make them all a target of criticism. Teachers should be upset also and question the ability of administrators when they make decisions that defy common sense.2 points
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This is what happens when our are educaters are leftist liberals. it is getting very scary in this country. at some point we have to stand up for ourselves and take back what is ours.2 points
Be sure to check out the greater memphis area. We have reached our Yankee quota in East, TN. Welcome aboard!2 points
I once saw a farm plat where the length from one marker to the next was walking at a brisk pace for a length of time enough to smoke two cigarettes. Now that's precision!2 points
Just picked one up and took it to the range.. I think it is the most accurate out of the box gun I've ever owned. Love it!1 point
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Just noticed where Classic Firearms has a few PPS-43C in 7.62x25 Tokarev available...and coincidentally, SGAmmo has 1600 round cases of Bulgarian surplus ammo. Feeling Eastern bloc today?1 point
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I was fortunate to find some .22 a few weeks ago. Took my son to Nashville Armory for some friendly competition. He was looking a little glum at the end of the session because he had come close, but not beaten me yet. The game was to use the "dot torture" target and with a 10 round clip, see how far you can go before you run out of ammo. The trick is you have to hit them in order and you cannot proceed until you hit, i.e. you can't shoot #2 until you hit #1. The point is, I told him to look around and he could see all these big targets at 5 yds and less in the other lanes, he had been shooting at 2" circles at 7 yds. He got the point and a big smile. target http://pistol-training.com/drills/dot-torture1 point
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Put on big boy pants and go do your job. I doubt they are you going to ask you to hold guts out of the way. I never understood squeamishness.1 point
Some ORs have a sealed off admin area which is not a sterile area and I am sure they will take protective measures if it's in the actual operation area. Is the computer something they need for the procedure?1 point
Tell him unless it is a 1911 not to start stocking up on blue guns. Let the big manufacturers do that. Every year you would spend a ridiculous amount of money chasing new product. Lots new shapes every year. Most people who want custom understand that you may have to drop off your pistol. When he gets on an 8 month wait list, he may wish to consider expanding his business.1 point
I didn't say anything about anybody forcing anybody to do anything. Do as you please- I'm not responsible for you.1 point
While this makes sense, especially when the leaders of this constitutional republic flagrantly violate the law. It'll lead to (I assume) fines, moving violation penalties. So it's ok for the majority to force their way upon the minority for the coveted rainbow unicorn?1 point
The $9 shipping charge kills it for me. $36 a brick for thunderbolt just isn't worth it or me. Thanks for passing that along though. Still in stock at 5:40 am CST.1 point
Looks like prices are headed in the right direction. They haven't made into my range yet.1 point
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Man I hate to hear that, but glad things have calmed down. I'm not a whole lot younger than you and have had similar instances that have been my wake up call as well. I have always pretty much eaten whatever I wanted. I know what is healthy for me, but consistently chose the things that were bad for me. Sorta a bad trap to be in. With my desk job, I have just ballooned. I probably ate fast food 6 times per week (sometimes more sometimes less), I love steak, fish, chicken, shellfish, cheese, potatoes and anything fried. I think the good news for us is that we are young enough and a dietary change isn't as much a necessity like it would be if we just had bypass surgery or something. I was sitting in my desk chair during a slow day at work and it just hit me that I needed to not go on a diet, because diets are temporary, but needed to change the way I ate. One thing led to another and I watched a documentary (fact based documentary) called Forks Over Knives, you can find it on netflix. It will really help provide you some encouragement to eat healthier and to decrease the amount of animal products you consume. I don't overly care about animal rights, or believe in man made global warming...I hunt, I vote for freedom but I am also becoming more and more vegetarian/vegan. Yeah, I get made fun of a lot by my friends who know how masculine I am...:-) but all of them are fatter too. I'm not forever committing to eliminate animal products from my diet, but have seen enough evidence that consuming veggies, fruit, seeds, and nuts on a whole foods plant based diet will give you all the nutrition (i.e. protein) you need and its been proven to halt and even reverse heart disease. I'm doing it for my own reasons, not to break stereotypes or anything. I just needed a radical change in how I eat and have chosen this. Its been really crazy so far in a good way. I feel the best I have ever felt which I wasn't expecting. My skin has completely cleared, my energy is consistent, i'm sleeping better, thinking better, i've lost 20lbs so far, and man I kid you not, I have ALWAYS had a stopped up nose in at least 1 nostril..well now I can breath through both. I mean YEARS of only breathing through 1 nostril and now even thats cleared up. So, if I have totally weirded you out and opened myself up to chastising, I highly recommend the documentary. Its not hippie stuff, its fact based and its amazing we don't hear more about how a whole foods, plant based diet can solve a lot of our issues. At the very least, you will have knowledge and I'm convinced you will eat more fruit/veggies and less meat/cheese and you will be healthier. So good luck!1 point
I guess I don't really agree that honking your horn at some a'hole is instigating. So if I honk at some moron that sits through two green lights playing with his phone, then I am the instigator and he has a right too knock my teeth out? I don't think so. Blowing a horn or even shooting a bird is not a physical attack, so if he decides to start a physical assault on me, he is the instigator and deserves what he gets. Reminds me of a little confrontation I had many years ago. Some guy comes flying over a hill and almost hits me head on. I hit the ditch and gave him a very determined "salute" He whips over and jumps out of his car and comes charging at my car. What he doesn't realize is I have been working construction outside in the heat for days and partying all night and hadn't slept for 4 or 5 days, so I was well on the other side of raw. Without even thinking I grabbed a roofing hatchet that was laying in my backseat, and jumped out of my car. Those of you that know me know I am a big guy. 6'8" and at that time about 275lbs. I guess he decided that a bird was not such a big deal after all, because suddenly he didn't want to talk after all.1 point
I do have big piles of 556, 7.62x39, 22lr, etc., but not so many rounds of 218 bee, 32-20, 303 Savage, 41 Magnum, etc.You don't have to buy large quantities of each caliber you own to still enjoy them on occasion.1 point
That went away several years ago. You can go after bear with a .25 mousegun. Evens the odds up some I reckon. ;) - OS1 point
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I understand the variety spice....I do, but there's also truth in the old saying 'fear the man devoted to one rifle'1 point
I live in Pickett county and you should see the description. From the hickory tree 40' N.E. to the rock. It is like reading a comical story.1 point
I have a 17, 19, 21 and 36. So the ammo is a toss up. (I HATE .40.)1 point
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