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They don't cross the river for supply runs in dc or Maryland because of the strict gun control laws.6 points
Turned over 100,000 miles! Unfortunately, I was only responsible for about the last 20K. 1991 Honda ST1100. Left the house on Saturday and put on right at 1,200 miles before returning today. It's due for a clutch but besides that I would ride her anywhere. I do have to say the best part about owning a 24 year old bike with 100K on it is I never stay in a motel on the road and wonder if she'll be there the next morning. Shot after I got home and wiped her down.5 points
Get pissed all you want but the second you do ANYTING intentionally to instigate the other person, other than honking the horn, you are the instigator. By law a horn is only to be used to avoid an accident. It is not there to tell the person in front of you that the light is green or because you think they are going to slow. Yes, I call people names when they do idiotic things on the road but that is as far as it goes. I know I would bear the majority of the responsibility of I did something to intentionally provoke another and something went real bad. And as Cruel Hand Luke said you need to figure out if what you are going to do is worth it. My wife gets onto me all the time for automatically assuming the worst but that probably keeps me from doing stupid stuff. I will say the one thing that really, really bothers me though is drivers who cross the center line in a curve and forces us off the edge of the road. We will hit the horn every time that happens if we can. I even told my wife I want to install a "panic" button attached to a 170dB air horn but my wife said it is not a good idea and she is probably right but I cannot imagine a more satisfying thing that scaring the living crap out of the driver that just scared the living crap out of us.4 points
I am an ATGATT (All The Gear All The Time) rider and I believe that riding without a helmet is just the right amount of chlorine in the gene pool. However, I agree with you on freedom. If you're an adult, you should be able to make stupid decisions if you want to. I feel exactly the same about seat belts and seat belt laws. Or pretty much any law that dictates behavior of an adult.4 points
The F******* idiots in charge of that school said he couldn't wear a high and tight in support of his brother deployed in the military. http://www.fox17.com/news/features/top-stories/stories/McMinnville-Boy-Honoring-Brother-With-Military-Haircut-Forced-by-School-to-Shave-It-Off-107206.shtml They need a good dose of some public outcry to their emails, faxes & phones.2 points
You should totally have the freedom to not wear a helmet or seatbelt for that matter. Emergency responders should have freedom to say "Mehh, you shoulda wore a helmet." when your brains are oozing out your ear. The door swings both ways, as it should. People need to quit trying to make it a one way door. The typical emergency responder's moral compass would never let him/her sit idle because of someone's lapse of judgment, BUT, ALL lawsuits should be thrown out in toto when you make that choice. AND, it should cover all the bases. Didn't wear a seat belt, got ejected out the front of the car and now a quadriplegic? Don't file for disability, you're on your own for being stupid. Same with a helmet, didn't wear one and now you're a slobbering vegetable? Nope, no help for you. .....but at least you didn't get a ticket for not wearing it! LOL!2 points
Because that's how insurance works. You are put into a pool of people who share similar demographics and either benefit or are punished from the behavior of others like you. That's why, as you get older, your premiums decrease. This seems like an a-hole move. You don't have to have your car towed because the tags are out of date. Why should it be any different for a bike? Yea, gun control laws are there to protect us from ourselves too. I am perfectly fine taking care of myself, thanks.2 points
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I had a near collision over on Old Hickory Blvd headed to Charlotte a few years ago. THe guy was pretty pissed but HEY, not one hit anyone and poop happens. He honked and flipped me off and then followed me for a long ways trying to get me to pull over. Back then, there was a large Police department on that end of Charlotte. I pulled right in there to see what he wanted. Funny he didn't feel the need to follow me anymore. Never, ever put yourself into a position of conflict. Look like a puss, so what? ALWAYS actively seek the path of least resistance.2 points
^^^ +1, last time someone got aggressive with me I dialed 911 and headed to the closest police station.2 points
Proper thing to do? Probably not flip off someone over something so trivial.2 points
While I do support one making their own decision regarding helmets consider this: insurance premiums will likely skyrocket for everyone that rides if this passes. Anyone notice this proposal would NOT apply to those on TennCare?2 points
I don't own a Glock and don't plan to but I do love my Bersa's and Llama's 380s and they are my main and only carry guns. I have Fiocchi Ball Ammo loaded in all of them with great confidence if I ever needed to use them they would do what I need in the protection areas............jmho2 points
Is up for a vote again. AAA is making a fuss with false claims as usual (call em out on it and I bet they don't respond) All you have to do is look at the history of the law where it was originally forced upon the states or lose highway funds. No matter what your opinion about helmets, Freedom should prevail. I believe in freedom and am disappointed TN has the law in place. I hope many of you will voice your support for the choice to allow the folks in Tennessee to be able to ride without one. Of course if this passes, anyone can still wear a helmet. I have been riding since I was 14, have lived in several states with the law and states that ditched the law. I transferred to CA right after the year they reenacted the law and the first bike I saw when I rolled in to San Diego was a crotch rocket with a young couple on it. He was wearing swim trunks and flip flops, she had on a bikini and no shoes, they both had on nice big shiny full face helmets though. Effective law huh? Helmet free states with safety programs showed more responsible riders, gloves boots long pants etc. I believe in training, practice and experience as well as reminding car drivers to look twice and share the road. Laws based on false stats don't help the people. While I wear a helmet, I prefer the choice. After all, we know they can kill just as easy if not easier than they can help. (Look at Dale Earnheart) Thanks for reading this and hope you are part of turning this law over.1 point
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PSA and DS Arms deals are awesome. Did my pistol/SBR build for around 520, I went with a CMMG LPK since I needed ree-ree instructions for my first build. Anderson Mfg also had sweet deals, ships within a day to Mid TN near FTCKY. Good info brother.1 point
That's unfortunately what I thought as well... If that's the case, I think I'm SOL. Guess I've got some fancy paper weights... Ugh. :surrender:1 point
If so, you're missing the same thing I am. Why carry a .380 that's the same size as a 9mm, .40 or .45? It's akin to carrying a pocket pistol on your hip. WHY? Carry a big-caliber, easy to shoot gun on your hip and put your pocket pistol in your pocket!1 point
If half your brains are on the highway, I think the medical costs will be minimal (though probably not nonexistent)1 point
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There's quite a nice loop you can do if that's your thing. Natchez->50->48->49->251 (Or finish up a little differently depending on your final destination). 48 south of 100 and 49 are some great riding roads if traffic is light.1 point
Unfortunately; Helmet laws are needed to protect people from themselves. I know around this town with all the young people from Fort Campbell acting like total a*** on "crotch rockets", they have to have helmet laws to protect themselves as most can't make informed decisions for themselves. I don't ride anymore, but if I did, I'm wear a helmet and all the protective available to me!!!! These guys that are hitting the rear end of a car at 70mph in a 45 zone isn't going to fair well helmet or not. However, a helmet may help keep your brains where they belong instead of allover everything. Peace out Brothers... Dave1 point
What angers me most about this topic is the mindset. The reason it's like that is because of a liberal blackmail from 1969 and the nation has been fed false stats ever since. Motorcycles are a small part of society. A fraction, probably a fraction of a percentage against the leeches on society as well as the illegal population we fund. Sickening. Thanks for listening though :)1 point
I like the pay more for insurance plan. Tell your carrier you do not wear head protection while riding even though common sense tells me if your head hits the road or an object in a motorcycle accident you are better protected with a legitimate helmet. When you're in a coma on life support, why should the group pay more in premium to cover you? Smokers pay more, weight and health impact privately purchased insurance, why not a a non helmet premium adjustment? It's higher risk, why should your risk be shared by helmet wearing riders who are lower risk?1 point
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Thats true but lack of vision is the reason for laws against wearing one in a car. Makes sense don't it1 point
The whole full face helmets decrease peripheral vision thing doesn't hold water, just try one on. The full faces made in the 70's and 80's may not have had as big as a field of vision but a well fitted modern helmet will not decrease your peripheral vision at all.1 point
Such is the 'wisdom' of your elected officials. Like I said yesterday, watching this House bunch run this particular bill was one of the most disappointing performances I've seen. They were a complete embarrassment to every citizen of this state. Not a single one of them could find their a$$ with both hands and a road map... but they keep on getting elected, don't they...1 point
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Getting in on this a little late but here goes.... Actions have consequences...both intended consequences and unintended consequences.....but they are consequences of the action nonetheless. Everyone needs to sit down and really think about what they are really willing to die for and willing to die because of and possibly get others with you injured or killed because of. Are you really willing to instigate a lethal force confrontation with your wife or 4 year old daughter present? Or your elderly parents? Or your friends? Are you REALLY willing to die for making sure you let some careless driver know you don't approve of his driving? Are we REALLY willing to possibly get into a gunfight with our wife present because we can't control our middle finger and our horn? Most people are not really willing to die for that...yet they never give any thought to how their ramping up a situation could very well lead to that through the unintended consequences of their actions. Then we need to sit down and carefully consider what we are really willing to kill someone for. I'm not really willing to kill someone because they accidentally backed out into traffic when it was not clear to do so and it angered me. So you're annoyed...get over it ....life is full of annoyances. I'm not going to instigate a fight where there did not need to be one to start with.....and THAT is what started this situation. When the other driver backed out, the OP could just easily have stopped and not instigated a confrontation. But because he apparently never considered that someone else MIGHT be willing to kill or injure him (or his wife) over an insult he found himself in a potentially dangerous situation, unarmed, AND with his wife in the car. What happens if the wife gets killed or injured due to our inability to keep our road rage in check? Better to consider that now than have to deal with it later as a consequence of our actions. Actions have consequences. And instigating a confrontation where a simple wave and driving on would have been far more appropriate is not going to be looked upon kindly by the courts. The REASON that people can act like jackasses in the North is because the likelihood of anyone actually beating their ass or shooting them for yelling and flipping them off is so remote that they never even consider that as a possibility....but down here...nothing is guaranteed. There are people willing to kill you over their jacked up Impala...... I told my wife when we started dating that I'm almost always armed in public and that if she loses her $hit and goes full redneck on someone because they do something stupid or careless that she may put me in a position of having to kill someone because she couldn't keep it under control. It really made her reconsider what is TRULY important and under what circumstances it would be appropriate to confront someone. And those situations are VERY few. There is a reason that Heinlein said "an armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his actions with his life". If everyone knows everyone else is armed and willing to confront insults with lethal force then people tend to be far less insulting to their fellow man. Having said that, once the Impala driver becomes a threat then plan A is to head for the local police station as we IMMEDIATELY dial 911. This is a situation that could go down hill very fast. So getting on the phone with the police and giving a location and description (and getting you on record as being the victim) will help not only possibly end the situation by leading the guy chasing us to the cops but also help if anything happens that goes to court. You don't ever want to be a participant in mutually agreed upon combat that ends in someone being killed or seriously injured. It needs to be clear that YOU are the VICTIM, not a willing participant. John Farnam has a saying about avoiding stupid people , stupid places and not doing stupid things. We need to make sure our actions don't paint US as the stupid person doing stupid things....1 point
I'm not sure if it's TN law but I would imagine wearing a helmet in a car is illegal, reason being is it can block your view. A full face blocks most of your peripheral vision. It was illegal in another states I've lived in. I too have lost friends and have some that are permanently damaged, helmets can certainly protect the melon just as they can help snap your neck from the added weight and momentum. I've also put bikes down, twice in the road and numerous times in the dirt. I've learned from them, since then I probably have at least 200k miles under my belt on two wheels. I've gotten more injury from the weight and size of the helmet Not to mention dehydration. Of course I've participated in numerous training courses and have learned something new each time. Safety prevention sounds good but also tends to have consequences. Those of you that have seen heads split open have most likely seen more people injured in car accidents. Both are horrible and unnecessary. I've been in one accident in a car, fell asleep behind the wheel. 100% my fault and luckily didn't hurt anyone else (or me). I pay attention and am patient. The way I see it, there are no accidents, none, they are all caused by someone's neglect. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind, just advocating for freedom of choice. Ride safe and look out for the other guy!1 point
The problem with insurance is the majority of accidents are caused by Inattentive automobile drivers. This is really my point. If the powers that be would focus their efforts on training and reminding all drivers to be aware and share the road, there would be less accidents. Heck, how many car drivers don't even bother to use turn signals or drive with consideration to other drivers Instead, we have folks (just like the ones that want gun laws) imposing a law to mandate helmets and think they have saved lives. This is mommy bloomburg type stuff. After all, it's for the children!1 point
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been riding for many mango seasons. went down in 72. I am against the helmet laws, but I wear one and will no matter the law. I don not like someone telling me what I can wear and not wear. I feel the same way about seat belts. I wear one just don't like the government telling to do so.1 point
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Tens of thousands of people are killed in all kinds of vehicles every single year. How far should we take this so that the government isn't inconvenienced?1 point
Some lively conversation :) Looks to be about 167,566 bikes registered in TN. That is a lot less than I guessed. I have two registered and I'm guessing I'm not alone. I would also guess that a lot more than 170,000 butt monkeys are in accidents a year due to texting alone. http://www.statista.com/statistics/191002/number-of-registered-motorcycles-in-the-us-by-state/1 point
I'm about sick and tired of all you Middle TN people bragging on WalMart ammo deals. Stop it.1 point
Just a suggestion: http://www.motorcycleroads.us/roads/tn85.html Heed the warnings though. If you ride your own ride it's a fantastic road. If you don't, you could end up like me, coming over the top of a hill really fast with a 90+ degree turn to the right and looking down at the river below. Thank God for anti-lock brakes is all I can say. :D1 point
I'm this guy. One day, I will have a 41 Magnum! I love having choices. This is 'Murica, dadgummit! Do I have more 9s and 40s than other handgun calibers? Yea, but I'm not ditching any of my other babies. I've got more 223 rifles than any other rifle caliber, but they won't do the job of my 270 or 308. Everybody needs a Mosin. What kind of Tennessean doesn't have a few 12g pumps and autos scattered about? (The doublegun is next!) In general, I don't get in to hobbies to enjoy a specific, narrow portion of it. I go whole-hog. I've got Strats, Teles, Les Pauls, an SG, two Ibanez from the 70s, and a couple others in the mix. The only things keeping me from going deeper into each hobby are time and money... and skill, if I'm painfully honest. ;-)1 point
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I'm like 173ABN, mostly 9mm/45ACP/5.56mm/7.62mm. However...., During each of the recent BHO Panics I had no problems finding and buying all the .38 Super & 10mm that I wanted at pre-panic prices. So having a couple of cult-calibers can be a good fallback during those times of politically driven social activism.1 point
I see no point in ammo consolidation. In fact, I see it as a disadvantage. Let's be honest, are you going to shoot any more or any less if you are just buying three calibers? I have a gun in .380, but that does not mean that I have to shoot it. I generally buy one box of .380 per year when I stumble across a deal. What if there is a real run on ammo and all that you can find is a box of .45acp, 40, or 38spl. You can break it down to reload, trade it, or just shoot the gun you have dedicated for it.1 point
So do I. Hell, I took my GSG-522 to the range today just to have some fun in between serious pistol shooting. But while multiple calibers is half the fun, I'd like it to not be half my wallet. I'm in the same boat. I really think I can "do more with less" if I go to 9mm. Meaning I can get more rounds for practice, and negate the loss in size. Plus, 9mm is a much more universal round, and has a lot more options for future purchases.1 point
The only pistol calibers I own now are 9mm. I used to be one of the .40 bandwagon guys but I fell off. I too am going this way to consolidate.1 point
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Folks.... There's a lot of baloney, hype, failure stories, invocation of "expert' opinions and test results, along with a healthy dose of fanboy stuff RE the smaller calibers on most every gun forum... The one thing i've always noticed in all of them is that there is no one who wants to volunteer to demonstrate the "failure" of "small caliber" handgun cartridges by offerin to be shot with one... I wonder why that is...? I bet most any bullet works good in a 380 if it's loaded up a bit (...1000 fps or so...); and fired in a good, strong pistola by a competent shooter... Whatta ya think...? observin leroy1 point
Well I rode about 300 miles yesterday and all I can say is I absolutely love my Bike!!!1 point
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