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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2015 in all areas

  1. It starts at the beginning. Don't give him the bird. I know this isn't what you are looking for, but I really try not to flip people off.
    13 points
  2. You have a phone right?  Dial 911.   Never drive anywhere close to where you live with someone on your tail.  Leave the area.   As much as it pains me to say it if you flipped the ass off then you can be seen as the aggressor, especially if you are packing heat.
    8 points
  3. Getting in on this a little late but here goes....   Actions have consequences...both intended consequences and unintended consequences.....but they are consequences of the action nonetheless.    Everyone needs to sit down and really think about what they are really willing to die for and willing to die because of and possibly get others with you injured or killed because of. Are you really willing to instigate a lethal force confrontation with your wife or 4 year old daughter present? Or your elderly parents? Or your friends?    Are you REALLY willing to die for making sure you let some careless driver know you don't approve of his driving? Are we REALLY willing to possibly get into a gunfight with our wife present because we can't control our middle finger and our horn? Most people are not really willing to die for that...yet they never give any thought to how their ramping up a situation could very well lead to that through the unintended consequences of their actions.   Then we need to sit down and carefully consider what we are really willing to kill someone for. I'm not really willing to kill someone because they accidentally backed out into traffic when it was not clear to do so and it angered me. So you're annoyed...get over it ....life is full of annoyances.  I'm not going to instigate a fight where there did not need to be one to start with.....and THAT is what started this situation. When the other driver backed out, the OP could just easily have stopped and not instigated a confrontation. But because he apparently never considered that someone else MIGHT be willing to kill or injure him (or his wife) over an insult he found himself in a potentially dangerous situation, unarmed, AND with his wife in the car. What happens if the wife gets killed or injured due to our inability to keep our road rage in check? Better to consider that now than have to deal with it later as a consequence of our actions.    Actions have consequences. And instigating a confrontation where a simple wave and driving on would have been far more appropriate is not going to be looked upon kindly by the courts. The REASON that people can act like jackasses in the North is because the likelihood of anyone actually beating their ass or shooting them for yelling and flipping them off is so remote that they never even consider that as a possibility....but down here...nothing is guaranteed. There are people willing to kill you over their jacked up Impala......   I told my wife when we started dating that I'm almost always armed in public and that if she loses her $hit and goes full redneck on someone because they do something stupid or careless that she may put me in a position of having to kill someone because she couldn't keep it under control. It really made her reconsider what is TRULY important and under what circumstances it would be appropriate to confront someone. And those situations are VERY few. There is a reason that Heinlein said "an armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his actions with his life". If everyone knows everyone else is armed and willing to confront insults with lethal force then people tend to be far less insulting to their fellow man.      Having said that, once the Impala driver becomes a threat then plan A is to head for the local police station as we IMMEDIATELY dial 911.  This is a situation that could go down hill very fast. So getting on the phone with the police and giving a location and description (and getting you on record as being the victim) will help not only possibly end the situation by leading the guy chasing us to the cops but also help if anything happens that goes to court. You don't ever want to be a participant in mutually agreed upon combat that ends in someone being killed or seriously injured. It needs to be clear that YOU are the VICTIM, not a willing participant.     John Farnam has a saying about avoiding stupid people , stupid places and not doing stupid things. We need to make sure our actions don't paint US as the stupid person doing stupid things....
    6 points
  4. I would guess you brought this totally on yourself.   Did you honking your horn stop him from hitting you or was it you calling attention to it?  And you flipping someone off is just plain stupid.  You don't know who he is.  He might be the baddest ass in the world who takes crap from no one.      Reads to me that you started a pissing match.   Probably a good thing you were not carrying.
    5 points
  5. Got it, I promise Im not an immature person Hence, the full disclosure. I try not to even beep the horn at anyone around here
    4 points
  6. You want to have a conversation about whether or not you can kill someone because they scared you. That’s okay that conversation goes on here all the time. But the answer is always the same; it will be decided on the facts of YOUR case. Any little difference can make a big difference in whether or not you are arrested and then if you are convicted. But that’s okay we play “what if” here a lot also. Ask what you would like to know.
    3 points
  7. Life's too short to be stupid.
    3 points
  8. I am an ATGATT (All The Gear All The Time) rider and I believe that riding without a helmet is just the right amount of chlorine in the gene pool. However, I agree with you on freedom. If you're an adult, you should be able to make stupid decisions if you want to. I feel exactly the same about seat belts and seat belt laws. Or pretty much any law that dictates behavior of an adult.
    3 points
  9. 7.62x40WT is nothing more than a slightly modified .300BLK. If you don't like blackout, the don't even look at the 7.62x40WT. There is no cartridge that will fit in an AR-15 magazine that will ethically take a hog at 400yds. Hogs are tough. If you want a 400yd hog gun, get a AR-10 in .308win. For an AR-15 good to 400yds on humans or whitetail deer, either the 6.8spc or the 6.5 Grendel are what you are looking at. I favor the 6.8spc as an alternative caliber, but nothing in the AR platform beats the 6.5grendel at extended ranges. 6.8spc was designed for a 14.5-16" barrel. Optimum SBR length is 12.5". 6.5 Grendel was designed for longer range and longer barrels 18"+ but it still performs out of a 16". Also, nothing will be as quiet as a .300BLK suppressed, except maybe a 9mm or a .22lr The only calibers from an AR-15 that I would be comfortable trying to make kills at 400yds would be either a 77gr 5.56, 6.5 Grendel, 6.8scp, or a supersonic .300BLK/7.62x40wt
    2 points
  10. I'm still intrigued by the 6.5 Grendel. I've been reading good things about it's performance from suppressed SBRs Found this on 65grendel.com:
    2 points
  11. I had a near collision over on Old Hickory Blvd headed to Charlotte a few years ago.  THe guy was pretty pissed but HEY, not one hit anyone and poop happens.  He honked and flipped me off and then followed me for a long ways trying to get me to pull over.   Back then, there was a large Police department on that end of Charlotte.  I pulled right in there to see what he wanted.  Funny he didn't feel the need to follow me anymore.           Never, ever put yourself into a position of conflict.  Look like a puss, so what?  ALWAYS actively seek the path of least resistance.  
    2 points
  12. I was cleaning my guns, had a can of Pepsi next to the hoppes. Yeah. I did that. Hoppes is the worst thing I have ever had the displeasure of tasting.
    2 points
  13.     The thing to remember is the "almost" part.  Nothing happened.  Call it a win.     Glad to read you did not take criticism personally.   I used to be a hothead behind the wheel,  age is the great mellower.  :)   Biggest lesson to learn here is never ever flip someone off.  Nothing good has ever come from that.  
    2 points
  14. been riding for many mango seasons.  went down in 72.  I am against the helmet laws, but I wear one and will no matter the law.  I don not like someone telling me what I can wear and not wear.  I feel the same way about seat belts.  I wear one just don't like the government telling to do so.
    2 points
  15. What would Hunter Thompson have done? :lol:
    2 points
  16. ^^^ +1, last time someone got aggressive with me I dialed 911 and headed to the closest police station.
    2 points
  17. Just have the NRA drop their score to F and watch how quick they're willing to pass the bills.  A republican with an F NRA rating is a deadman walking in the next election.  
    2 points
  18. I get atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat) from time to time. Sometimes caused by stress, chocolate, caffeine, booze...it can make you light headed, and if really bad I suppose you could pass out. What you described sort of feels like that could be it, but only a doctor can tell for sure. Worst thing is they will probably order a treadmill test -hate those. If that is your problem they may try diet, exercise or even meds for when it gets out of rhythm. Just said a prayer for you...let us know what the doc says. Best wishes, B
    2 points
  19. With all this fixed blade knife goodness going on here, I ran across what I think is quite a deal. I like the idea of having a modest sized fixed blade I can carry. I'm also somewhat traditional and like wood scales and leather sheaths. Plus I'm cheap. ;) Enter the Boker Magnum Survival.... http://www.boker.de/us/fixed-blade-knife/boker/tactical-knife/02SC310.html $26 to my door. Yep, really. I'm no knife expert, but I fiddled around with it over the weekend. I don't really consider it a true "survival knife", but its a perfectly serviceable camp/utility knife. It was reasonably sharp out of the box, just barely shaving sharp. I assume that'll be the norm since it's a 440 stainless blade as opposed to something like 1095. Probably a better choice for this purpose anyway... less concern for chipping it or corrosion. The notch is listed for cutting cord, rope, etc. I didn't have any rope laying around that I wanted to make shorter so I can't say how well it works for that. I did do a good job shaving little knots off the stick I was whittling on. It's got a little ridge on the spine to act as a thumb stop, but I think it could use a little jimping for a more tactile feel. I may have a go at that myself at some point. The wrong handed sheath is a bit of an expected bummer (I'm left handed), but carrying it on my left side seemed to work fine. For the price, I'm more than satisfied. :)
    1 point
  20. Took it to the range today, just to walk it in to 500yds & see how badly set up it was, for a cheap gun. I've got it in a take off Savage non-Accustock with Accurate Mag bottom metal. The action isn't bedded at all & the torque settings on the action screws are 'that'll hold it' tight. Cheap EGW alloy rail, really cheap UTG QD rings, Redfield Revenge 2-7x32 scope &$20 eBay brake. And after 46 clicks of elevation, this is how it performed at 500....
    1 point
  21. Wonder if she has worked loose of the duct tape and got out of the closet yet...
    1 point
  22. No offense, but it sounds like you need to move...
    1 point
  23. i sure like the 338 Spectre. Great subsonic capability. Fewer supersonic choices than the 300BLK. It suppresses well through a 9mm can. You're not going out to 400m with the subsonics, though. Not unless you have some type of mortar sight anyway. But, within 150m it's awfully respectable.
    1 point
  24.  How much extra velocity do you think you would gain with a barrel that is 1/2 to 1 inch longer than existing 380s?   I'm looking forward to the release of the new Browning 1911-380.   It has a 4 1/2 inch barrel which is longer than my Sig or Beretta.   http://www.browning.com/products/interactive/firearms/1911-380/
    1 point
  25. I'm late to the party, and I believe there has been very sound advice given. Avoid, evade, and so on. I just want to commend the OP for taking advice and criticism like a champ, even admitting wrong. Well done sir
    1 point
  26.    I believe that's correct when speaking to an individual but, "all y'all" is proper when speaking to a group.  :D        What do you have against the new guy?    :-\   BTW, welcome to the forum  :wave:  and I'm sure you will be welcome in any part of the state..
    1 point
  27. A build I have been contemplating for a couple of years is a .357 Sig.     Lone wolf makes a lower that takes Glock magazines so feeding will be a non issue.  The barrel will be the biggest issue.  Using a 6,8mmSPC bolt and a pistol length gas system will get you a locked breech and the 357 sig should make MORE than enough pressure to cycle reliably.   I think the cartridge would perform very well in a long barrel although NOT to the 400m you want.  It would whoop a hogs butt at a 100 yards though with a 147g XTP or equivalent.       Sourcing a barrel is not impossible.  Just a touch pricey.  THe only other thing is the buffer and spring might take a touch of tinkering....but I doubt it.  
    1 point
  28. Be sure to check out the greater memphis area. We have reached our Yankee quota in East, TN.   Welcome aboard!
    1 point
  29. Congrats on a fine rifle!  I've got to start visiting the CMP store more often.
    1 point
  30. Coley just announced that HB0173 (Moody) removing the word "use" from the parks bill has been taken off notice.  This committee's status continues to live down to its reputation.
    1 point
  31. With an original LMR barrel...., You Did OUTSTANDING!  :woohoo:   If that rifle was one of the leftovers, I wonder what the other IHCs looked like on Thursday morning when the doors opened at the South Store.   I got my "Tractor Gun" during the CMP's first release of IHCs last year.  My barrel condition matches yours and I will tell you that its one of the most accurate Garands that I have. 
    1 point
  32. With oil tanned you get more of a natural color Umm No Nope Nope There are some good Leather Mechanics around the room, gregintenn makes some very nice holsters. I'm sure he could answer any questions you might have. What brand are you looking at, that will get you some responses for pros vs cons
    1 point
  33. A mil-spec forged lower is a mil-spec forged lower. In order to be mil-spec they must meet the same criteria so with the exception of shelf height and whether or not the manufacturers stamp on the side matter to you, it makes ZERO functional difference. Chances are that you will never sell this gone so resale value isn't really a concern and the figment with the upper has just as much to do with the upper as it does the lower so even if you went out and bought an expensive lower there is no guarantee that it's going to fit perfectly tight with whatever upper receiver you choose. As far as opinions go, I'd save the money and sbr the PSA lower you have. My rifles all had a bit of play in the receivers so I went and bought the little rubber accu wedges for them but if left long enough to take the play out of the receivers it would in turn make the take down pins a pia so push out. I decided that I could live with a little wobble better than I could folding a finger nail backwards trying to get the pins out so I did away with all that jazz.
    1 point
  34. agree that Deanna is done with Rick's group.     I still want to hear theory on how Rick gets voted off the island.  Who is enforcing that?  Who is laying down for it?  What about his kids?   C'mon dish!   Even though I believe Rick to be morally wrong in his moves towards the married woman,  it is a different time and place than "our" world today.  Life is short, take what you can is how he thinks.  Seems that way to me anyway.      I hope we do not lose Rick, Carol, Daryl, Glenn or Maggie next week.  I kind of like Eugene too.   Carl needs to be a walker.
    1 point
  35. I could see insurance companies refusing coverage for not wearing a helmet regardless of fault. I personally don't care if they do away with the helmet law but I've seen aftermath of not wearing the proper helmet resulting in open skulls and brains on the roadway.
    1 point
  36. If it's just between shots, just to clear fouling (I shoot 5, then swab) I use 1 patch, dampened with straight 91% alcohol, followed by 1 dry patch, wait a minute, load & continue. My accuracy will remain consistent up to 14 shots, but loading gets progressively tougher with every shot beyond 5 or 6.
    1 point
  37. My $.02 and worth every penny!!   1)  The first rule of gun fighting is "Have a gun."  Anything is better than nothing. 2)  None of the normal handgun calibers are as effective as nearly any long gun centerfire caliber. 3)  The purpose of a handgun is to let you fight your way to a long gun. 4)  Carry the largest caliber possible that is consistent with your ability to hit your target and other mission factors (concealment, weight, etc.)   That said, for several years I carried a Beretta 1934 in .380 when I needed concealment.  Until I found the Star PD in .45acp.  I carried Star PDs for MANY years.  Now I carry an XDs in .45.  Unless need serious concealment, when I carry the little Keltec P3AT.  If I can, I go with .45.  When I can't I go with .380.   Make your own choice based on your own abilities and situation.
    1 point
  38. Shot at them with a 44 mag. So without having one on you.....
    1 point
  39.   Yea, but we're talking about laws that DON'T make sense.
    1 point
  40. So over the weekend I tried shooting something I hadn't really ever tried before -- Theatre/Ballet. Some of them turned out, in my opinion, quite well. I was using my new 6D with 85mm 1.8 lens. I was just sitting in the front row left and right (went multiple nights). The lens was great for reaching in there for solo shots and the like, but when the stage was crowded it wasn't wide enough for any decent shots. The 1.8 f-stop helped me quite a bit. Shot TV priority at 1/500 with auto ISO. It was called "The Veil" and was held at Lee University in Cleveland. These are a few of the crops/edits that I have. I'm also attempting to learn Photoshop CS6.
    1 point
  41. My non alcoholic choice is coffee. That is greatest beverage disappointment on earth. The smell is incredible. I used to love going by the gourmet coffee shops in the mall. The smell was warm and inviting. The taste was hot bitter piss.
    1 point
  42. Dang, that looks nice! And it is calling out to me.
    1 point
  43. if i want to carry a single stack glock then i will carry my g36.  the g43 is not much smaller.  the g43 is about the same size as the g26.  so here goes glock again, late to the party.  when glock makes a single stack 9 mm the size of the kahr pm9 and/or the kel tec pf9 then i will pull my money out and buy one.  until then if i want to carry a single stack glock the g36 will fit the bill. 
    1 point
  44. I'm sending a live one. That way he can pluck and regrow. Renewable resource. :p
    1 point
  45. I'm only 36 so I'm not ready to hit the showers just yet...
    1 point
  46. C'mon, no way any of those prices can be for 50 rounds.   - OS   edit: well, hell, maybe it is?   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/83566-tula-perfecta-ammo/#entry1249858   .13/round for 9mm? .17/round for .223? And brass to boot? Even after tax + a dime that's amazing right now.   Mea culpa, still seems like Twilight Zone though. :)   - OS
    1 point
  47. No badge for me yet. They may be waiting till closer to the start so I won't forget where I put them.
    1 point
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