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It starts at the beginning. Don't give him the bird. I know this isn't what you are looking for, but I really try not to flip people off.10 points
I am an ATGATT (All The Gear All The Time) rider and I believe that riding without a helmet is just the right amount of chlorine in the gene pool. However, I agree with you on freedom. If you're an adult, you should be able to make stupid decisions if you want to. I feel exactly the same about seat belts and seat belt laws. Or pretty much any law that dictates behavior of an adult.6 points
I can't think of a good reason to ever put a P938 (or any SAO gun for that matter) in "half-cock". Ever. If you're not comfortable carrying it in Condition 1, then it isn't the gun for you... no big deal, plenty of others to choose from.3 points
One of the dumbest laws we still have is that you can't buy alcohol before noon on Sunday.3 points
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I've been busy the last few days. This shotgun is a H&R pardner pump I picked up back around Black Friday for $162 shipped from Buds. Solid shotgun, basically a 870 clone with a heavier steel receiver. I enjoy pistol grips on anything I shoot offhand so I went to work. Put in a mesa tactical AR stock adapter for an 870, cut the beavertail off of a B5 grip to use, and put on a MOE stock. Changed the handguard out for a CAA unit so I could run a afg and hand stop on the side rail for my thumb. I like it 10 times better now, and it handles a lot better. Second is a Saiga in 223 I bought from a member here, R1100R. I knew exactly what was in store for this gun before I even got it home. I spent last night painting and baking it as well as doing the conversion. Paint is Aervoe coyote. I think a little before and after is in order (credit to R1100R for the before photo) Before: After: Again, sorry for the crappy pictures. Sadly, one of my hobbies is not photography2 points
Short of Metalhead's suggestion, I don't think you could handle it better. Just because you're armed doesn't mean you should invite confrontation. While I am a firm believer in stand your ground and castle doctrine and all that stuff, no matter how big of a d-bag a guy might be, it's not worth taking his life because you had to use your brakes and move the steering wheel and everything turned out Ok. ***Language Warning*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8062QEFk5g2 points
been riding for many mango seasons. went down in 72. I am against the helmet laws, but I wear one and will no matter the law. I don not like someone telling me what I can wear and not wear. I feel the same way about seat belts. I wear one just don't like the government telling to do so.2 points
You have a phone right? Dial 911. Never drive anywhere close to where you live with someone on your tail. Leave the area. As much as it pains me to say it if you flipped the ass off then you can be seen as the aggressor, especially if you are packing heat.2 points
Proper thing to do? Probably not flip off someone over something so trivial.2 points
I'm about sick and tired of all you Middle TN people bragging on WalMart ammo deals. Stop it.2 points
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I have found that the easiest was to hunt with a large pistol is to use a walking stick with a v notch at the top. Really helps holding the pistol steady for a shot. Thats what I used when I used to hunt with a TC Contender.2 points
I see no point in ammo consolidation. In fact, I see it as a disadvantage. Let's be honest, are you going to shoot any more or any less if you are just buying three calibers? I have a gun in .380, but that does not mean that I have to shoot it. I generally buy one box of .380 per year when I stumble across a deal. What if there is a real run on ammo and all that you can find is a box of .45acp, 40, or 38spl. You can break it down to reload, trade it, or just shoot the gun you have dedicated for it.2 points
I have a thing for old Winchesters myself. Picked this one up last year as a beater and just finished it off a few weeks ago. . Barrel had been cut back but not even at all. So decided to Cerakote it and cut the barrel back a little to even it up. Color is Tungsten with small pieces in Black. Barrel has been cut back to 18 1/2ish Cleaned up the action a little and had a butt pad installed along with the barrel and chamber honed out. Nothing like firing it off as fast as you can pump it. [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/Winchester%201897/IMG_7973_zpsvkabrc2v.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/Winchester%201897/IMG_7980_zpseybc1oba.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/Winchester%201897/IMG_7983_zpswml9jmfj.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/Winchester%201897/IMG_7976_zpsuk5knmeu.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/Winchester%201897/IMG_7981_zpsii7vofhh.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/Winchester%201897/IMG_7979_zpszfxz28tf.jpg.html][/URL]2 points
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Not much to say but what a cool little pistol. I loved the ease of concealment and the familiar 1911esqe controls. It was reasonably accurate in spite of its small size. I can hit a man size silouhette at 25 yards consistently. 7 yards and closer was almost instinctively easy to blow the chest out of the silouhette. The thing that surprised me the most was the far gentler than expected recoil. Try one, you won't be disappointed.1 point
In the great state of TN it is illegal to give or receive oral sex, shoot any game from a moving automobile except a WHALE, sell a hollow log, and carry a skunk into the state!!! LMBO I thought these were really funny.1 point
I moved onto street bikes from dirt bike racing as a kid. Seemed natural to wear it on the street too. I go one step further and wear a neck brace, even on the street. I do think it should be a choice, we have enough gov in our lives already.1 point
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I keep looking for Perfecta .45 but all I can find is 9mm so I buy several boxes of it at a time so as not to waste a trip (yes I do have 9mm pistols, I'm not buying it to sell or for trading fodder). I have a pretty nice stash of cheap 9mm built up now. I'm thinking about piling it all on the bed and rolling around in it. :rofl:1 point
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My bad. It got double posted. Google Chrome had a tendency to do that to me Granted, yah we should not have flipped him off regardless of how close he came to hitting us. Im still undoing my bad behavior I picked up in the Northeast. Take the same situation, but without us flipping him off...just call 911? I didnt think theyd respond to a "some dudes following me" Just its better to think simpler. As I was..1 point
^^^ +1, last time someone got aggressive with me I dialed 911 and headed to the closest police station.1 point
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It really matters for him. You know that the G26 will only be worth maybe 20 bucks after the 43 comes out. So even if he can't hit a bull in the ass with the 30S, at least he will keep his resale value. :)1 point
So over the weekend I tried shooting something I hadn't really ever tried before -- Theatre/Ballet. Some of them turned out, in my opinion, quite well. I was using my new 6D with 85mm 1.8 lens. I was just sitting in the front row left and right (went multiple nights). The lens was great for reaching in there for solo shots and the like, but when the stage was crowded it wasn't wide enough for any decent shots. The 1.8 f-stop helped me quite a bit. Shot TV priority at 1/500 with auto ISO. It was called "The Veil" and was held at Lee University in Cleveland. These are a few of the crops/edits that I have. I'm also attempting to learn Photoshop CS6.1 point
I also like the flexibility of the kydex sheaths (especially being left handed), but prefer the feel of leather. If they offered kydex in a dark brown instead of black, I'd jump. I don't recall exactly how I came across the deal. Someone posted a different Boker Magnum knife so I googled it and found this. I saw it listed on several other sites for $50- $60 (with good reviews) so I was pleasantly surprised to find the OEM offering it for much less. :)1 point
So as my wife was driving me around the other day I noticed my iPhone was polling people's routers. It would tell me the router name and ask to connect. I never do even though most are not secured. That got me thinking that if I am getting their information what information are they getting from me. So when I got home I checked my router and my name was on my router so I assume my it will be on other people's routers. Also, there were several questionable devices in the connection list but they did not connect but showed up in the list. That got me to thinking that I had had better change my name on my phone so when it tries to connect to someone else's router it will not have my name. And while I was at it I changed my router name as well. But I decided to have some with it. So my new name for my phone is "DEA Surveilance Van #8" so as I drive by routers it will show up in their device list. After changing it I checked my router and that is what it says. Along with that I changed my router's name to "DEA Camera #5". I am going to turn the range up so it will show up on people's phones as they drive by. Should make things interesting for the druggies living a few houses away and making daily runs.1 point
I'm this guy. One day, I will have a 41 Magnum! I love having choices. This is 'Murica, dadgummit! Do I have more 9s and 40s than other handgun calibers? Yea, but I'm not ditching any of my other babies. I've got more 223 rifles than any other rifle caliber, but they won't do the job of my 270 or 308. Everybody needs a Mosin. What kind of Tennessean doesn't have a few 12g pumps and autos scattered about? (The doublegun is next!) In general, I don't get in to hobbies to enjoy a specific, narrow portion of it. I go whole-hog. I've got Strats, Teles, Les Pauls, an SG, two Ibanez from the 70s, and a couple others in the mix. The only things keeping me from going deeper into each hobby are time and money... and skill, if I'm painfully honest. ;-)1 point
If you will notice, the "Constitutional Carry" bill IS that Omnibus bill. Daring this legislature to vote against a bill that truly expands firearms rights when most who would support such issues sit on their hands and do nothing does not scare these folks one small little bit. They bold faced stole the "Right" to vote for Supreme and Appellate Court Justices with the electorate's eyes wide open. the have billions of dollars, and Fred Thompson and TV and Radio. It will in fact take a Herculean effort, ala the fight against the Income Tax to ever make a change, and that was 20,000 people at the LP, and a credible threat to legislative seats. We did not even get Steve (Naifeh Eight) McDaniel, he is Beth Harwell's right hand man. We are going to have to get a lot more folks engaged, walking the halls and making their legislators fear reprisal via primary opponents. I know how my elected reps are going to vote if they ever get a chance, and I see they are cosponsoring the right bills, if everybody could say the same we could get something done. As it is, Don Quixote is on the way to pick up Sancho Panza for another round of tilting at the windmill that is Bill, Beth and Ron, who will form up with me?1 point
Just a word of caution, if you were to accidentally put it In the half-cock position it will fire with the the safety engaged. I can't believe they let them leave the factory this way. Other than that, and the price, they are a fine piece.1 point
You know what's the only difference between a rectal thermometer and an oral thermometer? Taste.1 point
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Is it a trick question? The 30s is a gen 3. Guess that means I vote for a g26?1 point
No matter how bad you hate your job just remember somewhere somebody is working in a dildo factory1 point
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I have shot my Norinco in matches since 2008 without any kind of a hitch. NIB about $325 and I have shot literally thousands of shells through it. Having a real Winchester is nice and some people do shoot them. You couldn't shoot that Cerakote one in a match but if you could get it for about $400, why not get it and shoot it? Cherokee Slim1 point
I bartended at a couple bars on 2nd Ave. in Nashville for years and I can't describe the taste because I never got tricked into it but I'd have to say that a "bar mat" shot would be the worst. This is typically reserved for "that guy", you know the one that is rude and obnoxious to the bartenders or patrons or maybe it's the person that tries to cause trouble and start fights or the person that thinks that when it's closing time and everyone is told to leave that it applies to everyone but him,, that's who this special shot is reserved for. The ingredients differ every time so if you don't like it this time then try again tomorrow.. For those that haven't figured it out, here's how it's made, you know the rubber mats that the bartender places the drinks on while they complete the other drinks in your order? Well the little "nubs" on the surface of the mat serve a purpose in that they creat void area between them to catch all the over flow, spills, cigarette ashes, etc... You pick up the mats one at the time and empty them into the cup until its full and then generally hand it to the A$$HOLE and tell him that "this ones on me". I've seen reactions that range anywhere from a really sour look all the way to causing such a scene that the guy ended up getting arrested. That was enough to tell me that nothing good could possibly come from drinking one.1 point
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Chrome lining is not the best treatment any longer. Melonite treatment is far superior to chrome lining. I know chrome lined is milspec but milspec does not mean it is the best. Eventually the military will adopt melonite for its AR barrels too, they already use it for their machine gun barrels. I would take melonite over chrome lined any day. It is more durable, more corrosion resistant and more accurate than chrome lined.1 point
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Serial number is as said. The Garand community wants the barrel date within a year or so of the receiver. (Pull back op rod and look on barrel.) The rest of the parts have draw numbers. Those all can be replaced with year correct ones if they have been changed out. Barrel and receiver dates are what we look for when buying one. As said before the bayonet has been cut. The "blood groove" not ending gives it away. The groove is for manufacturing purposes not blood. The scabbard is a factory 10 inch. An earlier cut down scabbard plastic would come straight out of the metal and not have the little interruption on either sides. Garands are just plain cool, keep it forever.1 point
CM1021, First and foremost..., Congratulations on now having “The greatest battle implement ever devised.” - GEN Patton. TONs and I mean TONs and good information out there for the Garand. Here is a good place to start, the CMP's page where Garand nomenclature is covered. http://www.civilianmarksmanship.com/nomenclature.html For a Garand to be a correct grade every one of those parts would have to match the time period of the rifle's serial number. JMHO, but most folks who worry about everything matching forget that soldiers sitting around cleaning their weapons aren't too worried about some future collector. These rifles are meant to be shot. Get some good 30.06 from the CMP along with a few clip (and YES - they are clips) and send some FMJ down range! Enjoy! :up:1 point
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