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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2015 in all areas

  1. The one with the cigarette butt in it....
    7 points
  2. Well, though I agree with Rick's POV over the long run, he's really totally turned me off for the first time. Worse than just being crazy like back when he was seeing his dead wife and whatnot, now he's a crazy dick. Personal involvement with wife beating thing, threatening your town folks with a heater while screaming at them, the whole thing is just absurd if your goal is to really change things. Just acts of a stupid violent man.   Guess Michonne felt same way. :)   I suppose the writers will find a way to vindicate him, but he's officially on the outs with me. ;)   - OS
    4 points
  3. I got a dremel and a bench vice, you got a steady hand right? :D
    3 points
  4. I'm only 36 so I'm not ready to hit the showers just yet...
    3 points
  5. Listen to your instincts.  Go to the ER if you're concerned *AT ALL* about it being heart related.  Heart conditions are one of those things you just can't afford to play around with.
    3 points
  6. At one time mine was named John Galt. My Dad was at my house and was looking at the available networks on his phone and asked, "who is John Galt" not knowing the significance of the question. My wife and I busted out laughing.
    3 points
  7. O yeah, and then there's Bud Light.
    2 points
  8. Well when a man beats his wife all bets are off, there's not much lower than a wife beater IMHO!
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. I have a friend that does maintenance on one of the local indoor ranges and that gets his free range time and a little pocket change. He came for coffee one day and was complaining about a new class instructor that had been allow to begin holding Tactical Defense classes at the range and each day after the guy held a class my buddy would go in the next day and the guy had not done any cleanup up after the class and the range floor had trash everywhere and still had all the target dummies and two large plywood boards left in the middle of the range floor.   My Buddy went up and got the owner of the range which is connected to a gun shop and showed him how the guy left the range. The owner said he would talk to the guy. Well the Tact Teacher did clear his stuff and store it along one wall after the first couple classes but didn't sweep anything. You know what they say about pay backs.........lol.   The guy had showed up the other day with 5 new target dummies he used in his classes and was bragging to my buddy about how much they cost. He made the mistake of asking my buddy if he would like to take a few shots at them. My buddy declined. The guy would not take no for an answer and said go ahead and shoot a few rounds. Finally my buddy said ok and pulled out his Tokarov and shot the heads off three of the dummies at about 35 yards.   The guy got really pissed because he destroyed 3 new pieces of Tactical Training Class equipment. As my buddy was walking away he turned and told the guy to make sure he cleaned up his mess. The guy went up to the owner of the Gun shop and told the owner what happened. The owner took my buddy's side and said you offer him to shoot them so I don't see the issue. The tactical guy packed up and found another range to hold classes. My buddy is now a happy camper once again.......... :rofl: :up:
    2 points
  11.   Joe WITH Joe... even better.
    2 points
  12.   And you know when you are really hooked when you spend Monday and Tuesday arguing with people on the internet who obviously don't "watch" the show and get stuff wrong.
    2 points
  13. Yes.     Yes.       -  Nobody has been hammered for "constructive possession" in 23 years unless they were clearly in violation -  A pistol tube does not make you immune, same conditions apply regarding all your parts -  No intent is required whatsoever to be in violation - you have either "made" an NFA firearm or you have not, and you don't have to have actually constructed it to have "made" it.   All, that said, note that my "kit" you referenced in post 12 was back during the panic when AR stuff was hard to get and pricey when you could. Everything AR is cheaper now than it has ever been, so it's not much of an outlay to use a dedicated lower/tube, and I have to admit a "pistol" tube has a certain aesthetic appeal, sort of looks more "complete" or something. And even with the flurry of bizarre ATF opinions regarding various of them on various platforms, folks are still using braces (including me), and none of them will fit on a carbine tube.     - OS
    2 points
  14. These inexpensive knives have another good purpose.  After seeing the prices on them she doesn't realize how much I've spent on the ones in the safe.  She sees no difference in a Lightening and a Microtech. :rofl:
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. I never drink more than a sixer and always keep the ashtray on the opposite side of the bench from my powder.
    2 points
  17. It sure does cum a lot... Had to..
    2 points
  18. Worse for me, by far, is a mistaken bottle of dip spit. Thank god it was my own.
    1 point
  19. How about Carl, eh? They're "afraid" of each other.
    1 point
  20.   When my daughter turned 21 some number of years ago we were invited to go with her and all of her friends... Needless to say I got stinking drunk on wise horsemen as there was no way Shay was drinking the hard straight whiskeys that were being bought for her so I drank her's as well as mine's...... 
    1 point
  21.   I guess one of the full circles is that Rick has pretty much turned into Shane, right down to killing for his piece of married tail.   - OS
    1 point
  22. Rick about got his ass whooped, I didn't expect that.
    1 point
  23. Very northern end of Williamson county here, have the tools and happy to help out if you don't find someone closer.
    1 point
  24. I'm in Sumner County...I have the tool and it's super easy to do. If I'm not too far, pm me and we'll set it up.
    1 point
  25. An update to this to close it out.  She came down this weekend, and we got hot on this.  Saturday was spent driving around the Murfreesoro area to find a gun, visiting a few guns and pawn shops.  After checking prices at a few places,  I asked her if she wanted to save money by getting it via PSA, but she wanted to get a gun that day, and throw in some range time, which we did today.    We ended up buying from Outpost Armory.  They were very cool, letting her work the action and dry fire any model in the store.  As to the individual models, she tried out at least a half dozen, and she hated the action on every brand, except Glock.  And yeah, I didn't know how smooth the action is by comparison, a big deal for a woman without manly hand strength.  The high cost of going to the indoor range here in Murfreesboro made her say just buy it now.  Since it's a Glock 19, and has a great reputation, I was comfortable enough that she would like it, and gave her my blessing to purchase.   I was very proud that she insisted that she also get a pack of snap caps with her new gun.  She spent an entire hour straight on Saturday night on loading, unloading, clearing, and dry fire with them.  She only stopped because her hands were getting sore, and she wanted to make sure that she didn't screw them up for the range today.  Her shooting needs work, but she is determined to get there.
    1 point
  26.   Regarding the removal of the clipless pedals, you might not be aware of this style which allows you to have the best of both worlds.    Regular pedals when you want them, and clipless SPD's on the other side.   I have them on my "dink around/greenway bike", a Giant Roam 2 and like them.         http://www.jensonusa.com/!aA09ZwheTaPEaXM5HxwobA!/Shimano-PD-A530-Pedals
    1 point
  27.     Interesting! Now me and Jimmy will have someone else to talk about TWD with at matches!
    1 point
  28. I have a thing for old Winchesters myself. Picked this one up last year as a beater and just finished it off a few weeks ago. . Barrel had been cut back but not even at all. So decided to Cerakote it and cut the barrel back a little to even it up. Color is Tungsten with small pieces in Black. Barrel has been cut back to 18 1/2ish Cleaned up the action a little and had a butt pad installed along with the barrel and chamber honed out. Nothing like firing it off as fast as you can pump it. [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/Winchester%201897/IMG_7973_zpsvkabrc2v.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/Winchester%201897/IMG_7980_zpseybc1oba.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/Winchester%201897/IMG_7983_zpswml9jmfj.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/Winchester%201897/IMG_7976_zpsuk5knmeu.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/Winchester%201897/IMG_7981_zpsii7vofhh.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/Winchester%201897/IMG_7979_zpszfxz28tf.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  29. Steve, I believe you told me but I forgot.  When do you expect delivery on these? And THANKS!! for including us!
    1 point
  30. It took me a while to realize that this was not a joke.     It still ended funny:)
    1 point
  31. I bartended at a couple bars on 2nd Ave. in Nashville for years and I can't describe the taste because I never got tricked into it but I'd have to say that a "bar mat" shot would be the worst. This is typically reserved for "that guy", you know the one that is rude and obnoxious to the bartenders or patrons or maybe it's the person that tries to cause trouble and start fights or the person that thinks that when it's closing time and everyone is told to leave that it applies to everyone but him,, that's who this special shot is reserved for. The ingredients differ every time so if you don't like it this time then try again tomorrow.. For those that haven't figured it out, here's how it's made, you know the rubber mats that the bartender places the drinks on while they complete the other drinks in your order? Well the little "nubs" on the surface of the mat serve a purpose in that they creat void area between them to catch all the over flow, spills, cigarette ashes, etc... You pick up the mats one at the time and empty them into the cup until its full and then generally hand it to the A$$HOLE and tell him that "this ones on me". I've seen reactions that range anywhere from a really sour look all the way to causing such a scene that the guy ended up getting arrested. That was enough to tell me that nothing good could possibly come from drinking one.
    1 point
  32. I'm on the "I have a shield and I will look forward to getting another cheap used one" bandwagon
    1 point
  33. I have mine set up to not broadcast. I have hughes net and very limited use per day. If you are in my house and want to search the name is 0U812
    1 point
  34. Or maybe the idea is to hire immigrants from more authoritarian cultures who are less likely to question orders to violate constitutionally protected rights? :tinfoil:
    1 point
  35. Only meh from moi -- reckon I'll just hang onto the 6+1 9mm Moonie in my pocket. ;) - OS
    1 point
  36.     My Bike is so loud that dead people can hear it, but it sounds damn good to my ears and i noticed no drone on a 300 mile ride
    1 point
  37. Your router should not be broadcasting it's ID, if you want someone to connect you will tell them your router ID and password.  That setting is available to most routers, but its best to access the routers settings through a hard line not via Wi-Fi.   As for your phone, only the phone name should show and I think it records the MAC address if you connect.
    1 point
  38. Anyone read Watership Down?  The animated movie was good, but not as good as the book.  For those of you who don't know, the story follows a group of rabbits who have to leave their home shortly before it is destroyed, and then they wander the countryside looking for a new home.  Along the way, they encounter different rabbit groups that reflect different ways that humans have governed themselves.   Their original group had a definite hierarchy, with a police force and a chief, but they were relatively free.  The last group they meet is intensely controlled by a militaristic dictator rabbit, with very little freedom.  In between, they meet a warren of fat, happy rabbits who have a man-made, spacious warren free from predators (called The Warren of the Snares).  Except the rabbits don't talk about the ones who go missing; they just accept that anyone of them might die one day and they don't dwell on it.  (A farmer was providing food for the rabbits and trapping them every now and then).  If the Governor is analogous to General Woundwort, the dictator rabbit, then the Alexandria Safe-Zone may be the Warren of the Snares.  They all are happy and their comforts are provided for, but when someone gets taken by Walkers, they seem like, "Oh, well.  That's life."     I'm not actually saying that The Walking Dead is using Watership Down as source material, but there are some similarities.  That is the type of  literature analysis that I would come up with for my high school and college English classes.  It always sounded like BS to me, but I could string together stuff in a way that made really good BS, or at least the teachers believed it.
    1 point
  39. OK, I might be reading this wrong, and if I am I apologize, but I think what everyone is saying is GET OFF MY FAT BUTT AND BUY YOURSELF A GUN BELT STUPID. lol So after some research and my personal taste I ordered this  http://www.thebeltman.net/horse4lg.htm
    1 point
  40. Your best opportunity to sue is on election day.  That is when the elected officials are most vulnerable and we don't need lawyers.........jmho
    1 point
  41. I'm not as kind as you, HP. I'm just waiting for all the Glockaholics to lose their minds and sell their Shields stoopid cheap so I can pick up a few more. It seems Shields are just about selling for new money on the used market now. I'm looking forward to picking some up maybe around the $275 mark.
    1 point
  42. I aint telling, bad guy will just have to guess.
    1 point
  43. Why don't you people buy ammo for calibers that you do need and leave the rest?  That would go a long way towards stabilizing things.
    1 point
  44. If you want to shoot a lot of full pressure .357 rounds, buy a Ruger or Smith 686.  Save the 66 for carry.
    1 point
  45. I wont have Pictures until built, but trust me these will be very cool
    1 point
  46. I've heard the same argument from people about hunting. Something like this "I can't wear earmuffs out in the woods when I'm hunting. " No, maybe not (unless they're electronic), but can wear them in the backyard when you're shooting. "I want to get used to gunfire." There is a clinical term for gettin used to loud noises. It's called "deafness". I did plenty of shooting (and mowing, and sawing and tractor work, etc.) without ear protection when I was younger. Now I have hearing loss to show for it.
    1 point
  47. 1 point
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