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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2015 in all areas
6 points
Or maybe the idea is to hire immigrants from more authoritarian cultures who are less likely to question orders to violate constitutionally protected rights? :tinfoil:4 points
4 points
So as my wife was driving me around the other day I noticed my iPhone was polling people's routers. It would tell me the router name and ask to connect. I never do even though most are not secured. That got me thinking that if I am getting their information what information are they getting from me. So when I got home I checked my router and my name was on my router so I assume my it will be on other people's routers. Also, there were several questionable devices in the connection list but they did not connect but showed up in the list. That got me to thinking that I had had better change my name on my phone so when it tries to connect to someone else's router it will not have my name. And while I was at it I changed my router name as well. But I decided to have some with it. So my new name for my phone is "DEA Surveilance Van #8" so as I drive by routers it will show up in their device list. After changing it I checked my router and that is what it says. Along with that I changed my router's name to "DEA Camera #5". I am going to turn the range up so it will show up on people's phones as they drive by. Should make things interesting for the druggies living a few houses away and making daily runs.3 points
Its been months since Sig Sauer ran their monthly sweepstakes, are you in my friend. http://www.sigsauer.com/TeamSig/Sweepstakes.aspx [URL=http://s963.photobucket.com/user/runco0318/media/sig%20516%20carbon_zpsro6b4o7g.jpg.html][/URL]3 points
Before you know it you'll have a bunch of mooslims on the force trying to enforce sharia law and cry racism when someone complains.3 points
It's time for a house cleaning in Nashville. Actually, it's long over due! We have a year and a half to find and convince creditable 2A supporters to run against some of these intrenched Anti 2A Republicans in Nashville. Surely we can find some that would be welling to run!!!3 points
That was great! Ever hear Sungha Jung play? You should like this little fellar. He has hundreds of video on youtube. I have all his albums autographed, I ordered them from Korea. He even makes crappy songs good! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmplmxwE2WM3 points
You must watch from beginning to end to appreciate... http://youtu.be/w768vbvOjfc If you think that's good check out his electric skills ...2 points
2 points
One would think that if a foreigner served time in our military, he/she would want to attain natural citizenship before assuming law enforcement responsibility. A green card was originally granted as a means for temporary work; long-term careers, especially involving public safety, should be reserved for those desiring to assimilate and swear allegiance to this country and its Constitution.2 points
I quit going to gun shows about 4 years ago.Usually the same overpriced crap at every show.It used to be fun to go to them before all the gun and ammo prices went sky high.2 points
Perhaps it's just the fact that crooked departments make it easier for crooked officers to thrive. The Chief Law Enforcement Officer at whichever department you want to talk about sets the tempo for what happens beneath them. If that CLEO is an honest, ethical person intent on defending the Constitution then the department will generally follow suit. If they aren't, then it generally won't. Really this is fundamentally no different than any other business with a good or bad boss at the top of the ladder. The problem is that a bad boss in this particular role can really make it miserable on the citizenry.2 points
It's just them trying to deflect attention. He'll go work someplace else for Govt or some Crony-connected job just outside Govt while the next anti-Second-Amendment BATFE directer takes over. Trust me, they have got plenty of anti-2A'ers ready to replace the last one.2 points
When they make it to production, I just might get one. Why? America. That's why.2 points
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I'm a huge Joe fan. His version of Just Got Paid from the Royal Albert Hall was amazing.2 points
Start capacitors will fail over time. The bigger issue on fixing them is whether or not the user actually knows what they're doing. Big capacitors have the capacity to kill you.2 points
I don't post much in this thread but I will say this....you know you are really hooked on a show when you spend 45 minutes reading posts from people you don't know on a message board about the show AND genuinely interested in the comments.2 points
2 points
This thread is way more entertaining than the WD and gives excellent insight into the tribe's mindset here. I happen to like our tribe and that mindset. :squint:2 points
2 points
This sumbeech runs on the same 87-octane you can get from any gas station. For as little as $700, I'm pretty sure they are going to sell a few. http://xm42.com/ http://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/xm42-handheld-flame-thrower-indiegogo/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2iD9iNfh0U1 point
:up: https://youtu.be/0I4LU-Ncrfo <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0I4LU-Ncrfo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>1 point
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1 point
I took started a small hole with a drill bit then put a small grinding bit on my dremel and cut the hole out to size down low in the back1 point
1 point
I quit going to the Lebanon show a few years ago. Its only a 20 minute ride for me, but even with free parking its a bust. Last one I went to there was slammed full of folks, but like you said prices were insane. Seemed like most vendors were trying to pay for their tables the rest of the year off one sale...Got a deal on a Glock 34 last year at the Murfreesboro show, but it seems deals at gun shows are as rare as finding a pot of gold at the foot of your bed when you wake up.1 point
Hello little yellow jackets...... say hello to my leetle friend.1 point
As a general rule I supported LE for a long time after I quit LE. But over time I quit supporting them as much as I once did and started viewing them differently. Now I only help individual officers, never departments, and only those I have come to know. But even then I do not trust those I know because they will turn if it benefits them. I do not trust the average officer to do what is right any more. Spent enough time in LE to know that most, not all, officers are no longer about protecting their communities but controlling or imparting their will upon others. It seems like the younger they are the worse it is. If I met an officer I mind what I say and what I do often ignoring them if I can because they are always looking. There are some great officers out there that do what is right all the time but all it takes is a chance encounter with one of the bad ones to ruin your life. Even if the officer is 100% in the wrong, and you get cleared of everything, it will cost you 10's of thousands of dollars to do so while the officer is rarely held accountable. I hated to see people who were probably innocent plead guilty to a lesser charge or reduced sentence because they could not afford the cost of being exonerated. I will tell you a story about my last interaction with LE. I had someone do something to my wife and I that was against the law. What they did was put our name, our address, my phone number and pictures of my wife from Facebook. They posted it on Craigslist telling people to come to my house at a specified time and rape my wife. Figuring this was a plan by my brother, who tried to kill us before, I contacted local LE for help. I gave them all the information as well as asked for a patrol to be present at the time specified in the ad in case some crazy decided to show up. They made all kinds of excuses why they could not help. I begged for help and they said they would not until after it happened. I told the sheriff that if anyone came in my house and tried to harm my wife I would kill them. Then the sheriff acted like I was a criminal for making that statement. Well after it was obvious they were not going to help I contacted my attorney who then called the sheriff. The attorney told the sheriff this was a credible threat because my brother had tried to kill us in the past but the sheriff still refused to have a patrol in the area. My attorney then told the sheriff he would sue him if anything happened at the time specified. Well a few days after my attorney threatened to sue the department two officers showed up at my house out of the blue. They asked for me and my wife told them I was sleeping. The officers did not leave and had my wife wake me up from a nap and come to the door so they could talk to me. The reason? They were there because they wanted to know what kind of guns I had in the house. This was nothing more than a fishing trip by the officers, at the direction from the sheriff, to try to find a reason to throw me in jail after my attorney threatened to sue the department. This happened about 4 months ago and that is why I will not trust officers to do what is right, especially my local ones.1 point
A piece of the WTC set in memorial,at the TN fire training academy. located at Bell Buckle. I actually rested my hand on it. It was cold yet warm. Hard to describe. To me that steel represented heroes, good guys and bad guys. Anger and sadness, hellfire and peace. Pretty moving to hold that steel and think of all that has happened since it first came down. Very moving. To be able to touch it and hold it was unique all to its own. The pieces at the base are from the rubble and rebar that was left at ground zero.1 point
It's all fun and games until some jackass tries to open carry it and then some other jackass will pass a law.1 point
I want an industrial bathroom with a hose and a drain so I can spray it all down and let'r dry LOL1 point
Whistlepig Straight Rye 10yr http://whistlepigwhiskey.com/?ao_confirm1 point
Beats the crap out of a can of carb cleaner and a Bic lighter!1 point
Spiders are hard to kill, but that will do it. Personally, I like to beat the hell out of them with one of my Reeboks1 point
"Former" directors don't have to worry about being called up before Congress to testify in hearings about ridiculous ammo bans. They "no longer represent the agency", so they can't speak for them.1 point
every time I have purchased a firearm they FFL has told the TBI the serial number as well as all my information, including my SSN. Now whether they keep it and pass it along I do not know but if I were a betting person I would bet there is a massive excel file owned by the .gov with all that information.1 point
I have carried a M&P and also a XDM, but then I discovered the Glock 19 and I've never looked back. But out of the two choices, if I was forced to pick, I prefer the M&P lineup.1 point
Didn't watch the video but just looking at it makes me wonder if it could induce feeding issues.1 point
1 point
I can tell how much I miss deer season, every time I scroll past this thread on my phone I swear the title says "Bow Season is coming!" :rant: Doubt I'd have much success with a bow against carpenter bees though so just have to suck it up and wait till Fall! ha ha1 point
Yet, I've had several legislators tell me with a straight face that no substantive discussions occur outside of the public view (ie, committed meetings or floor sessions)...most recently, Jeremy Faison (last year). Even Stevie Wonder could see through that Kabuki Theater...1 point
1 point
Have plenty in the safe. But this one is a little special for a special little girl. Pretty sure that I'm going to throw an integrally suppressed barrel on it before she shoots it.1 point
Well, the whole thing was a farce anyway since I did not end up going due to a last minute business related emergency. That said, I guess I need to clear things up just a bit, so that the assumption isn't that I'm stupid here. I did not call them and ask if I could carry a gun into the symphony hall. I called and inquired as to whether or not they have a weapons policy. For all they know, I could have been an anti-gunner making sure that they were providing a "safe" environment for me to attend the symphony. Or maybe they thought I was asking if I could carry a gun into the building. Either way, I don't care one little bit. What bothers me more is that I report my findings here on this forum, and all I am met with is the assumption that I did something stupid or wrong by asking a question. I see fear and derision from people who are supposed to be supportive of the rights that I choose to exercise and defend. I understand that the majority of you are trying to be helpful, but for the rest of you, please refrain from offering useless, fear-based advice and comments. They should have no place here. And one last thing. If we are beaten into submission to the point that we can't even ask questions for fear of the reprisal, then what's the point of fighting the madness anyway?1 point
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