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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2015 in all areas
So as my wife was driving me around the other day I noticed my iPhone was polling people's routers. It would tell me the router name and ask to connect. I never do even though most are not secured. That got me thinking that if I am getting their information what information are they getting from me. So when I got home I checked my router and my name was on my router so I assume my it will be on other people's routers. Also, there were several questionable devices in the connection list but they did not connect but showed up in the list. That got me to thinking that I had had better change my name on my phone so when it tries to connect to someone else's router it will not have my name. And while I was at it I changed my router name as well. But I decided to have some with it. So my new name for my phone is "DEA Surveilance Van #8" so as I drive by routers it will show up in their device list. After changing it I checked my router and that is what it says. Along with that I changed my router's name to "DEA Camera #5". I am going to turn the range up so it will show up on people's phones as they drive by. Should make things interesting for the druggies living a few houses away and making daily runs.13 points
A piece of the WTC set in memorial,at the TN fire training academy. located at Bell Buckle. I actually rested my hand on it. It was cold yet warm. Hard to describe. To me that steel represented heroes, good guys and bad guys. Anger and sadness, hellfire and peace. Pretty moving to hold that steel and think of all that has happened since it first came down. Very moving. To be able to touch it and hold it was unique all to its own. The pieces at the base are from the rubble and rebar that was left at ground zero.11 points
As I posted on the TGO Facebook page, I suspect this is the price he paid for failing Obama in the proposed M855 ammo ban.8 points
"Former" directors don't have to worry about being called up before Congress to testify in hearings about ridiculous ammo bans. They "no longer represent the agency", so they can't speak for them.7 points
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Earplugs. Two halves.... 1. I don't want to be half deaf like my Dad. 2. Half the point of riding is so I don't have to talk to anyone.5 points
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Start capacitors will fail over time. The bigger issue on fixing them is whether or not the user actually knows what they're doing. Big capacitors have the capacity to kill you.4 points
He's taken the bullet for the administration. http://thehill.com/regulation/administration/236423-atf-chief-to-step-down3 points
Beats the crap out of a can of carb cleaner and a Bic lighter!3 points
Only meh from moi -- reckon I'll just hang onto the 6+1 9mm Moonie in my pocket. ;) - OS3 points
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OK, I might be reading this wrong, and if I am I apologize, but I think what everyone is saying is GET OFF MY FAT BUTT AND BUY YOURSELF A GUN BELT STUPID. lol So after some research and my personal taste I ordered this http://www.thebeltman.net/horse4lg.htm3 points
I will never forget that day. I had a few friends in the towers that day that did not come home. My wall paper on my computer is a picture of the twin towers about 1 minute after the 2nd plane hit the tower so I am reminded of it every day when I turn on my computer. I had a friend of mine send me this picture and I thought I would post it here. O got it in the following winter. [url=http://s218.photobucket.com/user/softbaitmaker/media/Misc/ATT84597.gif.html][/URL]2 points
I absolutely love this spindrift knife, carried it for a few days and it is the perfect size. It has the sharpest edge of any Fixed blade knives I have ever owned, I am going on a Bike ride tomorrow and I think I will carry it with me2 points
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Certainly got more done under Kent Williams in his short term than under Harwell if she is there for eternity.2 points
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I have to tell a Prince's story. Back in the late 80's, I was working at the Nashville Palace. One of the guys there asked if I could pick him up some extra hot on the way in. So, I stopped and ordered it. The old black man cooking just started at me for a minute. Then he said (and you have to try to read this in black-speak), "Awright. I fix you de extra hot. But you gonna have to stay here and eat it, 'cause I ain't NEVER seen no honky eat THAT :poop: !" I laughed so hard...2 points
Your router should not be broadcasting it's ID, if you want someone to connect you will tell them your router ID and password. That setting is available to most routers, but its best to access the routers settings through a hard line not via Wi-Fi. As for your phone, only the phone name should show and I think it records the MAC address if you connect.2 points
Thats funny. This guy iuse to know had his named S&M room his the people next door would always give him dirty looks they were stuck up a holes2 points
"Heat" is extremely subjective. My wife ate ketchup on her tacos when I first met her, and now she's stepped up to mild sauce that I think is bland. She gets pissed when she accidentally gets a piece of my jalapeno in a pizza or cheese. Personally, I like sweet heat or tasteful heat. I do NOT like man-test heat where the only point is to see what you can take. It is food that you pay for, after all. Hot Stuff, (that I mentioned earlier), has a tasteful heat. I order their extra-hot wings every time because it's flavorful, IMO. But to your question I would tell them that you are a virgin to their restaurant and ask for a taste test to determine the heat level that you want. I would imagine most would be happy to oblige because they want you to come back. Two or three wings of varying heat is a very small investment to make on a new customer.2 points
Agreed. If the G43 is too big for pocket carry (which I believe it is because the G42 is pushing it), what's the point? That has been my issue with the G26/27 all along. People buy them and then, most of the time, end up carrying them on a belt. They may as well have bought a G19/23 if that was going to be the end result. If you're going to "belt carry," pretty much anywhere you can conceal a G26/27, you can conceal a G19/23.2 points
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moment_of_inertia :lol: Everyone study that link and we'll have a quiz this afternoon.2 points
Those helmets are nice. And you can even wear it with your riot gear lol2 points
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Ohhhkaaayyy. Is this another trick? Another teaser? Another temptation form the knife devil? LOL I must stop checking your posts.2 points
I saw this advertised for this weekend 3/21 &22 2015 at White County fair grounds on Hale Street. Pretty nice small show with alot of guys walking around with rifles/shotguns/handguns for sale or trade. I plan on going Saturday morning and take a Ruger SP101 357 mag and a Sig P220R in 45 acp, just in case I see something of interest.1 point
This sumbeech runs on the same 87-octane you can get from any gas station. For as little as $700, I'm pretty sure they are going to sell a few. http://xm42.com/ http://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/xm42-handheld-flame-thrower-indiegogo/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2iD9iNfh0U1 point
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I work for a car dealer and if we need an aftermarket radiator we use Keystone. The ones I've used have all been direct fit.1 point
Welcome Wicked1911!! I'm sure you'll love this forum and the people on here are great. Like you, I came from an anti-state (pretty sure IL may have Mass beat, lol) and so grateful to be in TN. Been here now 15 yrs and can't imagine being anywhere else! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Thanks to Terry Cheney for the help today. All Stages are set up. Only targets need mounted. :rock:1 point
Here's an idea. If you are using an email client that allows you to select and print multiple messages at a time you could simply print them in bulk to a .pdf file using a free pdf printer. I use Bullzip PDF at home. That way you end up with a single file that you can send and have a copy of exactly what you sent.1 point
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This is TNDOS red headed stepchild division, man. They just replaced their abaci a few years ago. - OS1 point
Anyone read Watership Down? The animated movie was good, but not as good as the book. For those of you who don't know, the story follows a group of rabbits who have to leave their home shortly before it is destroyed, and then they wander the countryside looking for a new home. Along the way, they encounter different rabbit groups that reflect different ways that humans have governed themselves. Their original group had a definite hierarchy, with a police force and a chief, but they were relatively free. The last group they meet is intensely controlled by a militaristic dictator rabbit, with very little freedom. In between, they meet a warren of fat, happy rabbits who have a man-made, spacious warren free from predators (called The Warren of the Snares). Except the rabbits don't talk about the ones who go missing; they just accept that anyone of them might die one day and they don't dwell on it. (A farmer was providing food for the rabbits and trapping them every now and then). If the Governor is analogous to General Woundwort, the dictator rabbit, then the Alexandria Safe-Zone may be the Warren of the Snares. They all are happy and their comforts are provided for, but when someone gets taken by Walkers, they seem like, "Oh, well. That's life." I'm not actually saying that The Walking Dead is using Watership Down as source material, but there are some similarities. That is the type of literature analysis that I would come up with for my high school and college English classes. It always sounded like BS to me, but I could string together stuff in a way that made really good BS, or at least the teachers believed it.1 point
I really think what drives them is justification of their existence. Make up and go after stupid crap to promote self worth to avoid any budget cuts from the programs. Who else can make this crap up?1 point
At this point, I am shocked that the "guns in cars" legislation passed last year or the knife rights legislation. It is sad I have to go back to the days of Jimmy Naifeh to remind myself that it could be worse in our legislature.1 point
Come on Man....It's more challenging than Sporting Clays! Plus the occasional "red wasp" comes along and "fights back" if you miss and tick him off!!! Adds an extra element to the game! Don't ask how I know this.... Dave1 point
Nah. Just keep bumping up the powder until you smell bee hair, and then back off a little.1 point
On the west side of Davidson county is Cheatham county. You might want to check out Pegram and the Kingston Springs. Those areas will be rural enough to have some land but they are starting to push it on a normal commute distance to downtown Nashville IMO. A little south of there is Fairview which is in the more rural and affordable area of Williamson county. I know some do it, but for me, Fairview is too far if you have to commute to downtown Nashville for work. On the east side of Davidson is Wilson county so you might want to take a look a Mt. Juliet and further out is Lebanon. That's not my area of town so I'll leave it to others to comment about Wilson county. Are you sending any kids to public school? If so, that will weigh in on your best county choice. Regarding traffic, commuting to downtown Nashville stinks no matter what area you live so you might like it better around Chattanooga.1 point
That one's been around for quite some time; and while I'm not 100 % sure anymore it seems that I recall reading that one of the issues reveled was that the holster was not intended to carry a BLOCK and thus dangerously exposed too much trigger.... Thus it wasn't the fault of the gun or holster it was the fault between the earlobes that caused the dude to get shot in the azz....1 point
Find some Krylon, not Rustoleum, chalkboard paint. That stuff is a lot more durable than regular Krylon. Been using it on guns for years and have always been impressed.1 point
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