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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2015 in all areas

  1. Well, excuse me all over the place, I thought it was uber unique. I'll lower the reserve on it to $10K, good deal for one of youse guys.   - OS
    7 points
  2. The infamous Mozambique drill from Collateral as well as the one that predated it by two decades in Miami Vice...   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsKj6RGQ2VM  
    5 points
  3. Doc Holliday - "I know, let's have a spelling bee!"
    5 points
  4. 5 points
  5. $5,000 minimum bid. I hope this guy really likes that gun--he's gonna own it for a while.
    5 points
  6. My ex-wife had a mood ring, it would leave a red mark on my face whenever she was mad.
    4 points
  7. Haslam was grasping at the chance to gain National attention by forcing Medicaid Expansion in a Southern Conservative State.  He purchased the seat at the head of the Republican Governors Assn. and has achieved Obama's Most Favored Republican Governor Status. Haslam has the centrist bona fides he and the milquetoast squishy Moderate Republicans think necessary to win, if they can just import enough entitlement seeking newbies to gain power, whilst holding on to the Conservatives.  They know it is time to change ends of the court. He is headed to the Senate, having time there gives him international experience if he kisses enough rump to get the correct committee assignments, (and he will) he already has time in the saddle as an administrator of a State, (a large bureaucracy).  He will have enough money to run, and has ties to the chamber as their boy to garner their help.  He has the chips from running a huge company, so the business folks will fawn. Anybody that does not see the steps being taken does not want to.
    3 points
  8. nothing wrong with a Rock Island 1911,  just not going to pay 1250 for it.
    3 points
  9. Crisco from the can.  Life is too short as it is.  Once in a while I'll treat myself to some in Butter flavor  :yum:
    3 points
  10. Dinner is long past, buddy. My latest attempt has be Korean BBQ chicken. Some times called dak qui or dak gogi. I have tried for 10 years to get that one correct and I am about 90% there. However the gochujang that I got last Fall in Ohio is all gone. I need to find some locally. With that said I have mastered bulgogi (Korean BBQ beef) and we have a few times a year. You want a heads up next time I make it?
    3 points
  11. Sleeping with the fishes is the expression. But then again, it is Putin we're talking about. ;) - OS
    3 points
  12. Picked up my stamp and can today at the word famous finest guns and leather in greenbrier. 4 mos from submission to can in hand! Booyah and thanks to rob at g an l for getting it right the first time! Time to go hose down a golf ball w a zillion rounds of 20 cent green tip!!!!
    2 points
  13. I bought this when I got home, had several upgrades done to it and today i got to pick it up a week early!! i the bike sounds unbelievable I absolutely love it
    2 points
  14. Man, talk about a product that screams "safety", an injectable tanning product made in China. What could go wrong?
    2 points
  15. Good thing Comrade Stalin isn't around to see all these maxipads applied to proper Soviet weapons ...
    2 points
  16. Watch search engines such as www.ironsights.com for people who have the P30/VP9 mags in stock.  I picked up four more 15rd mags this past week at normal retail (non-gouging) prices.
    2 points
  17. In other news, Generalissimo Francisco Frano is still dead...
    2 points
  18. I am sure someone with the means to run serial numbers could tell you who it is :x:
    2 points
  19. It's cool, but it's nowhere near $35,000 of cool.
    2 points
  20. prying up on the clip made all the difference in the world.  It comes off my pocket a lot easier now but still grasps enough to not fall out on its own.   it is a keeper and will be my edc.
    2 points
  21. Any store that sells a pistol with a "clip" in the case is off my list. Idiots. And how nice of them, to package a $450 pistol in a $7 MTM handgun case for under $1,500! What a steal!
    2 points
  22. people believe all sorts of stuff.   If one of my battle rifles has killed someone I am assuming it was a Nazi or a Jap or a commie,  for me then it came loaded with good karma.
    2 points
  23.   For C'sake, at least pick one that isn't openly anti-gun.   - OS
    2 points
  24. I never drink more than a sixer and always keep the ashtray on the opposite side of the bench from my powder.
    2 points
  25. He's probably been on a grizzly-bear wrestling marathon or something.   Or maybe riding a girl's bike wearing Mom jeans. Oh wait, that's our president.
    2 points
  26. Sounds like someone who watches Ghost Hunter reality TV  while on the edge of the bean bag chair. Probably has a  mood ring and an ora orb somewhere on them at all times lol
    2 points
  27. Why don't you people buy ammo for calibers that you do need and leave the rest?  That would go a long way towards stabilizing things.
    2 points
  28. Here's the truth, anyone CAN carry a gun, and use a gun for violent crime, ANYWHERE in this country, and they do often..Thats why the good people of this state and country go thru the often times painstaking process of being able to LEGALLY carry a firearm for protection...Thats the truth the gun grabbers don't want to tell... I say too bad, you cant have our guns, because our constitution says you can't
    2 points
  29. I think Ivan did not complain because there was a Russian officer or a Nazi ready to shoot him if he balked
    2 points
  30. We who have spent much time at the TWRA John Sevier range here all have our fav anecdotes about management idiocy there, but here's yet a  new doozy. Bit long to paste and also from courtesy as didn't get permission to, so just the link.    (the "asinine" part really caps it off :)):   http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=8&f=38&t=578652   - OS
    1 point
  31. Just reported the video as : scam/misleading.  They remind me of ISIS with their bs social media ads.  
    1 point
  32. Found this......we're both right.. Hi-point magazine feed lip adjustments. Many of you have trouble with your hi-point magazines. Aside from leaving them loaded for a while to let the spring break in , adjusting the magazine feed lips can be done in order to better the function of the magazine. This can be done by bending either the forward or rear feed lips in or out as needed, you can do this easily with a set of needle nosed pliars. Hi-point tech support has also recomended that this be done if needed. these apply only to the C9 and 995. Here are a couple of commenly used diagrams that can help give you an idea on how your feed lips should look when adjusting.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. $10 well spent. Good job. :up:
    1 point
  35. Congrats on the new bike!
    1 point
  36.   Beretta makes 1911s?  RIA Frame...I am thinking its fishy and it says USA made 
    1 point
  37. Rofl. Sad part is, throw in some high fructose and imitation vanilla and you got a tub of "frosting"
    1 point
  38. 'Splains everything!  My guns are haunted!  Most of the time I put them center on-target but the bullets hit someplace else!  Good to know why... Anybody know how to do an exorcism on a gun??
    1 point
  39. We like Suntrust, they're one of the few that are national in case we move, and have a nearby bank that's open on Saturday.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. ....ohh and when casting, keep a napkin around your sammich.
    1 point
  42. Maybe he's getting a makeover, like Kim Jong-un did recently....
    1 point
  43. Reeses peanut butter cups. They must be eaten asap.
    1 point
  44. Very nice.  All these bike pics have me itching to get out riding.  Been out of the country for a bit and can't wait to get back Saturday and get mine cleaned up.  We did a TGO ride last year in Middle TN.  We will do another one ( I may go ahead and put out a feeler for dates).  If you ever want someone to ride with, let me know, it always nice to have someone to do a bit of running around with on the bikes.
    1 point
  45. No unkindness meant, but assuming that's you in your avatar pic, you seem to perhaps be like me, as in, um,  not exactly svelte. ;)   Which is to say that stability and comfort with IWB carry is partially dependent on just where your britches/belt ride in relation to "waist" vs "belly". Let me know if you find an easier solution than what I really should do. :)   - OS
    1 point
  46. Recently I was involved in a tragic boating accident in my 2 man dinghy while transporting all my firearms.  They have been lost in Norris Lake and thus the lost of those may have skewed the results of the whole survey.
    1 point
  47. heh.... I got one of these.... http://www.amazon.com/Caldwell-Super-Plus-Recoil-Shield/dp/B001C5XOJQ   Between the 91/30, M48, and K31... those metal butt pads are rough.  I typically do fine until that one shot where I don't have it pulled in quite tight enough.  Once it bites you the first time, every shot after that just freakin' hurts. 
    1 point
  48. While Haslam is a reprehensible turd, he is NOT the major problem.  Pay close attention to your representatives and Senators who march to his orders - you can (and should) affect THEIR fate, regardless of what King Billy says/does.
    1 point
  49. There's a whole list of guns I would like to have but I have had a hankering for a lever gun in .38/.357. I believe .38 is still inexpensive for target, plinking and small varments, I bet you get the maximum out of .357's out of it, I have heard that taking a deer at a close range is not out of the question with a .357 lever gun. Also if you have a good .357 revolver you have ammo for both. Just don't know how much the gun itself would cost.     Edit: DAAANG, I just looked on Gun Broker and Marlins and Winchesters in .38/.357 are pricey, I thought they might be no more than $400ish but most are asking $900 to $1500 for them. May have to wait for a while on one of those.
    1 point
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